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Hi everyone. I'm working on the game as much as I can and whenever I can. Having trouble with electricity, internet service, flood inside the house and we're about to get hit by a storm again tomorrow. Just on a prepaid internet atm. Don't worry much, tho. The game is constantly backed up. I'll report back just as soon as things normalize.



I've been dealing with power and flooding problems myself so I completely understand. Haven't been home or on my computer in a week. Hurricane Matthew really screwed eastern NC.


Groudon383: I live in the PH. We got hit by a mere southwind a week ago and we got flooded. Tomorrow, Karen will strike, and from the southeast, another storm is brewing. <a href="http://i.imgur.com/hHWzJbz.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/hHWzJbz.jpg</a> - Hope you can get home soon and I'm glad you're safe. Thanks for understanding.

Scott Henderson

About to get hit by a storm here too. IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!


Hopefully it doesn't end before we get to play this game.. (.u___u).


Hey, we finally learn where exactly you are from! I had always known it was a GMT+8 country, but I wasn't sure which one precisely. Do you know about "pinoytoons" and have you ever thought about collaborating with him? Also, just like you said in your campaign page, I'm sure our support "will keep you in this house warm and safe when the storms hit" heh. Finally, have you been mainly working on the rapevine AI and sprites recently, or also on the other finalization stuff mentioned in the previous post (i.e. reworking the minigame, attaching scenes, etc.)?


gl hf, hope the storm doesn't affect your life too much


Best of luck and good to heard, hope the damages will be in the small scale


My town got shitcanned by flooding from Sandy a few years back, and I have neighbors that are still recovering from it to this day. Do take care not to get eaten by floodwaters.


Passed Georgia with basically no effect

Wesley Gunder

yep a lot of folks are without service and even power just stay safe if you can!


Glad to hear you're okay. Lots of people are having trouble with the storms.


Work resumes. We survived with just unstable power and internet, but its stable now. Second storm, which is a SUPER typhoon, luckily won't hit us directly and I hope the tailwhip won't affect the cable lines as bad as the first. Thanks for the concerns


eep. sure hope they recover sooner. last year we had a week of no electricity, water and internet. i can not imagine the struggle your neighbors had to endure.


Maybe in the future you can name some female character with an annoying personality in the Divine Arms universe "Karen" or "Haima" to act as reminder of the trouble these storms have been giving you and your country!


Was wondering When Would The next Playable Updates Would Be

Scott Henderson

Probably when he's done swimming to get to his computer. Asking him over and over isn't going to make them come faster. He's also working alone right now.