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Alright, every poll shouts YES so I'll wrap the demo up and release as soon as it is functioning. 

To be precise, here's what's needed to release the RAW update:

Minigame mechanic rework. This should be easy to code, but will take a day to tinker, since I have to clean sweep the previous mechanic. Don't want to have nasty memory leaks. Visuals and the animations will be simple placeholders. 

Attaching all animated scenes. (complete or raw. gameover, one indulge, couple of scenes etc.) This will take a while in the new sound effects department, since I mix them myself, but everything else (sounds) will be reused.

Biome 1 (Forest and Ruins) map and stage design for 5 areas.This is almost done, but right now they are but temporary mazes. Later I will put traps, puzzles and a lot of other stuff. So when you play it, i apologize in advance for its current state.

Tutorial Area. Since the minigame rework, it will be a bitch to fix the scene where Mahalai teaches you about the old minigame. I may completely remove the tutorial area temporarily for that purpose and throw a basic one til I can get back to it and improve it completely.

Progress Report

-Purification Mechanic is completed along with its own rules and spawn behavior!

-Halocopter rework complete! They now travel with you every map. They have their own bullets now and to balanerf things, they need to be resummoned because they will be decommissioned if they run out of ammo. You can replenish ammo by casting the Lv3 Red spell again.

-Heart drops added. Currently at 10% drop, Siggy can now replenish lost health. 

-Flame thrower drops added. Since Lv3 Red spells at max Halocopter replenish ammo now, the flamethrower bullets are also at 10% drop rate.

-Save file info added. The save file displays your gold, current health and tome upgrades.

Will upload a video of these as soon as I'm done with the Rapevine's AI and their Sexzattack animation sprite.

FAQ and Campaign rework

Yep, draft's done, will probably make it simpler this time. I'll finish this up as soon as I upload the new video update.


Well, ViperV is just ME now. I'm just glad I'm no longer sickly as before. ...just pardon the time of posting this lol. I had  a strong dose of caffeine as I wanted to finish the Halocopters for this weekend. (will sleep a lot and take a break today)

Anyway, I've interviewed a lot of animators locally (and some online) but most of them either don't want to do porn or can't go full time for me. Some just does not have the skill or portfolio to show. Anyway, I'm fine with it as I was super busy ironing out the codes. And its just a few more til we can get to RAW state. I just wanted everything to function. That was my top priority.

Once the raw update is out, I will be focusing on getting the new members. I've already scheduled an appointment on a local animators guild, so I hope I can hire someone there. I will also be posting a VERY DETAILED AD soon, so please share and spread the word when its out.

I've already allotted months of budget for talented full time ONLY animators that will STICK with the project, has no shitty dramas and is into doing PORN.

Next year, I'll have someone locally to handle the server side of things, so I can put up the website and so patrons can play early versions / weekly updates. I will also upgrade my internet service so I (and or the animator) can have a weekly stream. What upload speed is required for those, btw?


Thanks for one DDD patron! (He's the third one btw) I hope we're out of the 9k curse haha. Now approaching the 10k curse get. - Anyway, the enemies for the DDD will be special. (unless the request is ordinary) so they will probably be made after the forest and ruins biome. 

A little info on the first custom enemy, she's called Dark Siggy at the moment. Imagine... Evil Ryu. I won't spill much about her, but there will surely be Yuri.

Anyway, enjoy the weekend everyone, and thanks again in advance for the support.

-kReig out!




Nice, Lovely update. I don't mind waiting a week or 4 before its all done. a month if needed. Then we can bug hunt it ^^


Alright then, great to hear stuff is getting wrapped up and a budget has been allocated for future full-time animators! Also, I wonder if Dark Siggy will be a futa...I guess we'll see once she makes it into the game, heh. In any case, I'm sure those DDDs will cook up some awesome new enemies! Oh, and I can't imagine how much more time it would've taken in the current situation to polish the remaining scenes and graphics. Good thing "Yes" won in all 3 polls!


Great update! Glad to head about your progress and happy to see we will be getting an update sooner rather than later :)

Timothy Cowher

Very good update. Though I'd call this release more of a tech demo or proof of concept. I think it is to unfinished to be called a true demo


Are you serious? The first Newgrounds version was already more than a tech demo or proof of concept. This new one will almost feel like a new game, as the creator has mentioned before, with all the new stuff that he's been working on.

Timothy Cowher

Yes, I'm not saying it's bad and I'm looking forward to it. However there is so much new or place holder content as I read it that it sounds like it may initially feel more unfinished than the old demo.


Well, the whole unfinished/in-development/alpha thing was already discussed in the comments under the previous posts and I believe it shouldn't be something that is surprising or unexpected (especially with such a monumental project).


Awesome update!

Zachary Jacobson

Excellent work, Viper. Keep it up!


Sounding wonderful. With all this progress I'm looking forward to testing the fruits of your labor RAW or not. :D


Hey viper! Great work! Was wondering if that dash edition was available? My pledge of $20 went through today.


Sorry to hear that the animators didn't work out... but it's better to have a falloff early on instead of later, so all good. I'm liking the sound of that Dark Siggy!


I guess this will also be made clearer in the FAQ - the DASH edition will be an enhanced version of the base, vanilla game, which itself is still early in development. I guess you could look at it as a preorder.


Regarding weekly livestreams, it depends on what format you livestream and what quality/resolution. Livestreaming in 720p will need approx 5mbps upload speed, greater resolutions and fps will obviously require greater bandwidth. Also, i recommend that you check you up/donload speed so you know where you stand. A general formula can be used to calculate the ballpark mbps required for smooth streaming. (Bit rate per second of all combined video streams and the audio stream) x (Number of formats you are broadcasting in) x 2 = Required Upload Speed. Hopefully this helps.