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Here's a screenie of the crystal purification. (Effects, UI will be improved) Tomorrow I'll work on the script with enemy spawns when you start purifying stage crystals. As soon as that's done, I'll post a video of how the gameplay works. 

Demo Update:Once this is working as intended, I only need to finish the new indulge mechanic for everything to be raw-ready. Meaning the backbone of the game in theory should work but there will be a TON of unfinished scenes and visuals. For example, the ganker game over and the rapevine scenes are linkable to function but it's not completed n shading just yet. 

The bad news is Rey resigned a week ago, leaving a ton of animations unfinished. The good news is I already have a new animator for the task. Also, after the core engine is fully functioning (indulge mechanic, sexscene cameras and minor todo's) I'll focus on hiring and training two more animators to speed everything up.

That said, as soon as the raw-ready game is completed, I'm wondering if you guys would like to see it and released as it is OR wait til we visually improve on the animations.

To give an idea, RAWS and POLISHED versions look like this:


 Raw Version. Click to enlarge.

 Polished Version. Click to enlarge. 

Some of the unfinished animations may be boner kill or just feel incomplete, so I'm not sure if I should release it. But, you guys will have the final say, so I'll cast a voting thing for public, all patrons and high tier Patrons. 


Anyway, thanks for understanding. I'll upload the video as soon as I get things working.

-kReig out!




The demo will never be "ready." I've been waiting since January for this thing.


He does have a personal life you know.


The first and only demo took 4-5 months to complete. This is as good as a one-man-army development. It will be ready for release. I'm just focusing on the backbone of the game and once that's done, I'll have 3 (hopefully more) animators to focus on the porn by that time. It's just not very easy handling everything. But as long as I'm alive, this will continue to develop. (despite setbacks and staff quitting) Really sorry you feel that way ºTL


I didn't mean that you aren't doing what you need to be doing development wise. I like the progress so far. Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but it seems to me like waiting for those animations to be polished will introduce more things that will need to be done, which will push the release back further. Since this is an alpha, there will always be unfinished things. That's the nature of it.


I'm personally fine with holding off until the polishing is complete. It'll be better for not only being visually pleasing, but it'll give us a better idea on what to expect from future updates


The art direction is really good. Looks fresh, exciting and very much inspired! To me it is reminiscent of Saturday morning cartoons from the 90s, as opposed to the flood of just anime-inspired games. And this feels unique! And awesome. Crystal purification mechanic: is it meant to be a final boss fight without an actual super-monster? If so, I understand this move as a practical shortcut in game design: no need to design and animate the boss creature. Which is a reasonable approach for a studio with limited resources. On the other hand: does this imply that there will not be boss monsters in the final release? Not that there needs to be one. Just asking out of simple curiosity. Animation: generally looks very, very good, especially the original black spherical monsters! The monsters are fun and have character (as opposed to skeletons, zombies or insects we so often see), which is oh, so welcome! The human motion of sexed Siggy feels studied (from actual movie scenes?) and well-rounded. Feels complete. One exception: Bloodhunter's game over scene. For my own very subjective taste, the scene's mood is almost depressing. The absent-face expression of Siggy. The motion is restrained and jerky, while Siggy's boobs move in opposite directions in disregard to the rest of the body. The cracked skull is meant to be a whimsical touch, but it bouncing next to an actual human face of molested Siggy - feels ghoulish, as if a morbid suggestion of what is going to happen to her next. Maybe a change in animators is a welcome one.


just a quick reply, ALL stages will have a crystal and the need to be purified to finish. There will be BOSSES along the corrupted crystal and other enemy spawns. The corrupted crystals will heal / buff the enemies and debuff siggy, so yeah, there will be special mechanics that will play out.


Well, that is supposed to be a "game over" scene, so it is bound to feel dark/depressing. This is hardly a new thing in the realm of hentai games.


Fair point. Can at least the boobs move in unison? ))