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Demo Update:Once this is working as intended, I only need to finish the new indulge mechanic for everything to be raw-ready. Meaning the backbone of the game in theory should work but there will be a TON of unfinished scenes and visuals. For example, the ganker game over and the rapevine scenes are linkable to function but it's not completed n shading just yet.

The bad news is Rey resigned a week ago, leaving a ton of animations unfinished. The good news is I already have a new animator for the task. Also, after the core engine is fully functioning (indulge mechanic, sexscene cameras and minor todo's) I'll focus on hiring and training two more animators to speed everything up.

That said, as soon as the raw-ready game is completed, I'm wondering if you guys would like to see it and released as it is OR wait til we visually improve on the animations.

To give an idea, RAWS and POLISHED versions look like this:



I wouldn't mind seeing raw animations


Yes, there needs to be a pay you now function, your work is brilliant. I'm upping my pledge


Just making sure, but if you release the unfinished demo, will you update it when it becomes complete? I'd like to test out the new mechanics, but I also don't want to be stuck with less than optimal animations indefinitely.


yes, of course! They will be polished along the way. Next year, we'll have a demo site ready so patrons can play test builds as well. For now I just want to catch up on things that are more important like getting the game to actually work.


Better to release a polished demo. Your demo is a reflection of you as a developer, and if someone sees an unpolished demo, that may give you some negative attention.


Put that thing in the oven!Its still cold!


Last vote I remember, people wanted to delay the game. Not to be rude to other patrons, but shouldn't those of us who want to play, get a chance to? At this point, they might as well wait until the game is completely done if they want a polished game. Edit: I don't mean that the game is unpolished or horrendous right now.


Guys, this is supposed to be an IN-DEVELOPMENT game, so we should all expect to see some "unfinished" stuff in the next ALPHA versions. Having regular and smaller updates was supposed to be the original release plan after all - here, read the "GAME UPDATES SCHEDULE" section of this post from last December : <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/news-overhauls-3884153">https://www.patreon.com/posts/news-overhauls-3884153</a> And despite all the setbacks that have happened since then, we already have plenty of new scenes just waiting to be in the new demo (even if some are still raw) - Ganker gameover scene, Ganker indulge scene, Bloodhunter regular scene, Bloodhunter gameover scene, Rapevine regular scene! We'll even have new skills, levels and game mechanics in the "raw" version! I also want to mention that I and many other patrons have been waiting for an updated version ever since the first demo was released last November. Speaking of which, I believe the majority of those who have voted to delay the demo even further are fresh patrons who only found out about this project recently and weren't here when all the other delays happened... Come on everyone, let's finally get this demo out of its vicious cycle and get it released! It's been almost 10 months already.


Absolutely, Anikan. I was actually very opposed to that Indulge poll since it was about delaying the demo with yet another unplanned feature...And that was over 2 months ago (even though the addition of the indulge mechanic/scene was only supposed to take "another month". If some patrons don't want to play an "unfinished" version, then let them wait for years if they want to. But they shouldn't expect the rest of us to wait for that long (again, since we were promised regular updates from the very beginning).


Pledge upped


I'm with you, we should see progress with raw material in an updated demo. From my first play on newgrounds to present and knowing how long the project has been in development it would be nice to see


Really not sure how I can reply to a comment on my original comment, so here. I figured the indulge poll meant +1 month on top of whatever else needed to get done, so I wasn't really expecting it to drop in august. And there was that period of time when ViperV was sick, on top of animators resigning. Unavoidable delays are not a huge issue, being what they are. But when we have a chance to not push back demos?


I think it's a really good idea to put out an update now since it's been a long time since the last upload. Not only do I think this way is the best personally, but effectively. People care more about how many updates a game gets than one may think. By uploading more updates (say, once every month) there's a bigger chance, that your work gets more noticed and by such, you may get more patreons, which may then lead to updates with more content anyways. My point is that u should make more updates 2 get more monz.


More frequent updates will result in more exposure which will be good for the game.


I feel like once a month is way too fast for this game.


Just an example, could be more than that. But even then, having less content more often is more preferable than much content once a year.

Wesley Gunder

I would put minor updates or monthly ones behind a higher teir (10 a month or higher) personally and big updates i would leave off too quarterly cycle.


I think role of every Demo is to make patreons feel safe, that they are not wasting their money.