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Here you go, enjoy!

Me? Ima fuken get sum sleep.

Thanks everyone!

-kReig out!




That indulge loop is great. I'm looking forward to seeing more!


Is it just me, or is her right leg just missing? Other than that absolutely love it!


The indulge video is pure awesome! The game over one is a tad disturbing, but I guess that's kind of the point of a game over scene. I don't feel as bad for the poor monsters anymore...


nice! :D i remember when this was so early, it was barely COLORED, and the dick didn't disappear inside her, and her right eye, twitched or glitched or what it was! XD lol and now it's like THIS! :D


Heh, pretty sure you're talking about the regular Bloodhunter animation, not the game-over one above. Hope we see it too soon.


actually, it was this EXACT one. kreig showed the sketch, then a rough animation, and basically the may different steps, of process.


Still think you are talking about this one: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/boobs-for-5557087">https://www.patreon.com/posts/boobs-for-5557087</a> :P


i couldn't find any animations, and i might be wrong, but i remember her being locked a contraption like that, and not everything where colored in. but anyways.


So excited to see more, this was amazing :)

Crescent Sunrise

I've pledged but I seem to be inept at what I need to do to play the game (aside from the demo links already available). Help would be appreciated.


Try building a time machine and going to the future, since that's where the next demo version is. Not sure how far ahead you'll have to go though, hopefully before there're flying cars going around :P


Love the game over animation but her right leg is missing. There is no way it can be fully obscured by that thin post.


heya, we did not put the leg first because we have not yet decided on the background. (plain bg or with other bloodhunters)


they are honestly not drawn. though not in priority, it is very possible to add it. i will definitely consider this and in future scenes in the future.


this one? <a href="http://i.imgur.com/0sNHiIQ.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/0sNHiIQ.jpg</a> ack I'm trying to find it myself. I lost a lot of files after the damn lightning strike.


did not put the leg first because we have not yet decided on the background. (plain bg or with other bloodhunters)


Hey, so quick question if I unpledged now would I still get the perks when the game is released. Going through some financial problems and I need to cut down on money usage until I get it sorted out.


Yes you would! And no worries, take your time and sort out personal problems. Thanks for what you've done so far!


I'm new to Patreon, just pledged $20 and can't find much else available besides the demo. Is the Dash edition available somewhere? Also, are there any anal h-scenes? Thnks


The base game is still in early development, and the DASH edition will only be worked on once that's done, so that demo is still the only version available. I believe the creator is currently preparing a FAQ section in the main campaign page so this is more clear to new patrons. Oh, and one of the next enemies to be added will have an anal scene - <a href="http://m.imgur.com/D9dv8Tp?r" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://m.imgur.com/D9dv8Tp?r</a>


perhaps. i'm not sure anymore. maybe my mind is messing with the few remaining memories i have. &gt;.


looks fantastic, I love the facial expression, the bored resignation in the first one is great, and normally I dont enjoy the enthusaistic ones but this is perfect too!