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Ugh! It was a very hellish week for me re-coding and re-linking everything back to normal. I'm glad that's over and done now.

Just for everyone's information, I back the whole 2Gb project up to 3 separate external drives. The incident occurred at the middle of the work sesh. I can't possibly back something up while I'm still using it. After the system restore, every other external files were unharmed. The one I was working on when shit got fucked up was rolled back.

Anyway I'm glad that's done now and recovered everything up back on track. So yeah, here's the video of the latest working file with the new stuff I added. That's a lot of stuff to check out of the list for the next playable demo.


HentaiWriter introduced me to an animator. I'll give him stuff to do soon, and I hope the output is good so I can hire him and speed things up some more.

MartinX also just messaged me with another animator who I think would be an awesome part of the project. When he gets free I will also be sure to hire him.

My next task would be to polish the remaining visuals and animations Then afterwards work on the new Indulge mechanic.

I'm really sorry for the trouble and time wasted fixing everything up. I think I'll take a few days off and rest and take the family somewhere for a day or two. I was so busy patching everything up for the game, I did not get to spend time with them, so I'll do another patch up for my princesses.

The Bloodhunter Game over loop animation will be uploaded after this post! There's also the basic Indulge loop for the Ganker as well.

Thanks everyone!

-kReig out!


Video progress update



Thanks for the update!


By the indulge "mechanic" do you also mean the new minigame, since you said the player goes into the minigame by default before choosing whether to indulge or resist? Furthermore, considering the time it took for the Devourer indulge scene to be pretty much finished(I guess Siggy will also have a couple different facial expressions in it), will you release the next demo without the Bloodhunter one, since it probably only exists as a sketch so far?


The game looks like its coming out great.


Nice! Thanks for the update; that looks great. I got to say I feel a bit bad about the poor monsters: they are pretty insignificant in the face of Siggy's awesome power!


Great to hear that everything is back to where it should be. Thanks for the update! Keep up the good work!!


yeah it's a bit messed up right now since the game will still take you to the old system til i get the new mechanic and since we only have the ganker ready for indulge atm the option to indulge will be disabled / grey'd out to other enemies.