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We had a bad storm a few days ago and suffered from flooding and lack of house water for 3 days when one of our local dams overflowed with sediments. Amidst that, my pc crashed after a nearby lightning strike and would not boot to windows anymore. just keeps looping with bsod before startup. 

I brought it to the technician but told me to just reformat the hdd. fuck that. went home and spent the whole day trying to fix it. Well the good news is I did get to fix it. But after having to restore to a certain point in windows, I lost 3 days of work as it permanently rolled back the file. It was a lot of coding and 3 crystal area designs lost. 

Really sorry guys. such depressing days. I'll probably just get some 10 hour sleep and redo what was lost. 

For now I did the colors instead for the Bloodhunter animation sprites just to feel I accomplished something today somehow.

I'll get back at this in full spirit just after I get some rest.




Sorry dude, while I am glad you were able to save your PC I can relate to feeling immensely down over the loss of the work. I agree lots of sleep is good, don't want you getting sick again, and hopefully the coding won't be too monotonus. Sorry about your house getting damaged and thanks for sticking with the project.


Since all of this recent crazyness, have you looked into off-site/online back-up options such as Carbonite or an external backup drive?


As long as there is nothing more serious for you to tend to, in my opinion the game can wait.


In essence make sure you're alright first before you worry about us!


i think u need a portable HDD to backup your work XD learning experience....


Hey guys, I do back up EVERYDAY on 3 external hard drivess. The problem was the current file I was working on at the time of the lightning strike was the one that rolled back. It had a ton of new directory changes in it and on the other external files it has connection to. When I checked the main file after I recovered the PC, it no longer has the code to connect itself to the external unaffected files and the external files just throws hundreds of errors because it can't sync with it anymore. As for the water problems, we have hugh manganese levels in our waters, but we buy purified water for consumption. I have not bathed in 2 days tho and the sink is filled with dishes haha. I'm good. I just need sleep. Just an hour more of tweaks and backups and I'm sure I'll be back at it later with no motivation loss whatsoever. Just keeping you guys updated.


That's a huge bummer man :( Losing something you worked so hard on is the absolute worst.


Damn, man, I rarely post anything, but take care of yourself. Hope things are getting better where you are.


Best wishes to you and your family, I admire your passion and work ethic but so hope you put your health and safety first. Everyone here is in it for the long run and happy to support you through both good times and bad. A good game is nice, but a great developer means much more. Keep your chin up and take all the time you need, we are here for you.


Hey man, it happens. I wish you the best. If it makes you feel any better, No Man's Sky was nearly 100% destroyed by a similar even (flooding destroyed everything midway through the project and they had to start over from scratch with financial woes).

Timothy Cowher

Crap happens stay safe. Take your time fixing it. External backups might be a good idea though.


Shit happens man such is life, Don't go stressing yourself out or nothing you deserve a break :)


Well, that sucks...but at least the consequences for you and the game weren't irreparable or any more serious. Hopefully you've also found a way to properly back up this type of file (and any other files it might be associated with) in case anything similar happens in the future. Keep it up and stay motivated!


Damn there was a lot of patreons affected by these floods in usa. I hope that you don't have to redo whole flooring like some of them.

Jorge Ricardo Teixeira de Queiroz de Freitas

No problem, man. Just try your best! But you should consider a Backup solution so this doesn't happen in the future. Imagine what would've happened if you couldn't restore your HD?


Thats suck but keep up the good work man


Computers exist to drive us insane. Slowly. All according to plan.

Hank Rillek

I wish you all the best in these difficult times! I'm sure you'll get through this. :)


My computer AND phone died yesterday.. I feel your pain man. Got my old brick booted up in the meantime.. Hope to see you back in full swing soon :)


I am sorry for you, still I have a question: I live in austria, will my pledge be accepted?


Sheesh, Mother Nature may have it out for you, but our loyalty will not falter! Keep up your awesome work!

Wesley Gunder

Well partner I can relate been plenty of vid productions no matter if you backup with apc and extra drives it's always the potential for something to seriously go wrong! That being said just rest up and try at it when you can I haven't stopped supporting and neither have the others here!

Mark Herrig

so let me get this straight. you suffered a NEAR BY LIGHTNING STRIKE and ONLY lost 3 days worth of stuff and didnt have to reformat your hard drive? color me impressed. :D


I hate to hear that such bad things happened, but know that we have your back (financially as patrons) all the way!

Secular Reason

Hindsight is obviously 20/20, but this is why you always keep a backup of important stuff on an external.


I dunno if it'll help cheer you up, but I just tried the demo of Divine Arms and loved it even in its early stage !


I would suggest getting some kind of source control in place for the project. I work with a company where I provide support for a major game engine, and the amount of times where people have lost some, if not all, of their progress are countless. They all wish they had used source control later. Github is the most popular but that's primarily for code. Perforce and Subversion are nice too though.


Just wondering when the next update for anything will be