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So Bspike's done with A18 and has begun sketching Salatina Arin. She's a professional space explorer but frequents the Divine Desire facility in the town of Kyafu.

rough sketch:

Previously there was a voting and suggestion thread in the discord channel and discord user Red won the votes for a bootleg of Samus.

In other news, I am in the middle of linking all events for DA:O, but in the past weeks of doing nothing but coding, I got a little burnt out, so I'll be spending a month or two doing animations first so we have a big stockpile for the game.

I'll be aiming 2-3 animations a month and have been developing techniques to get animate things faster. Here's what I did in 3 days:

This peachy prinsesita blade-maiden is supposed to be a test run, but I think is a good candidate to be in the game as well.

The initial voting (where  Salatina Arin won) was a test-run, but there will be a PATRON EXCLUSIVE and DISCORD voting again next week for the character designs i'll be animating, so please stay-tuned for that.

As soon as I finish 3 animations, I'll be back to coding. I just needed break from all that math.  >_<;

Thanks everyone, and stay tuned for the voting announcement!

-kReig out!




Again that hanging out tongue...


Sounds awesome! By the way, what would be your thoughts on equippable gear in the future. Seeing the rough outline of Sigurd with a block-bag head kinda makes me hope for items like this. I know you previously incorporated some items in DA, so it would be nice (in the future) to see some gear change. Thanks for the update and have a great week.


are you a time traveler? see new post (regarding block-bag)