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Divine Arms: FO:
B-Spike will be done next week with bootleg babe "18"
Being his first official run, there are still some rework I had him do (red adjustments to anatomy) We're still also finalizing how her face should look, but it will be ready soon. 

Programming-side I'm almost done with the random map encounter events and also finalizing 3-5 generic layouts for them. Saving is also done, but currently with one profile. Will add the extra two soon. Lastly i am mostly crawling to finish the UI functions. Ughhh I hate doing UI.

Bootleg Brothel Voting:

The ingame brothel will allow players to get buffs from renting whores.
All of the girls there will be designed to (an extent) look like a familiar character.   
You may vote for them here by uploading or replying with a link but it would be way easier to do so over discord: https://discord.gg/6kFGQPR

Check out the channel: #bootleg-brothel-voting  

Once 12 characters are selected, there will be a final voting for the top 6 which will be finalized and held in a patreon post.



Some months ago (after Alya got fired), I looked back and dissected the very first Divine Arms source file. 

And at least one week per month, I have been rebuilding and fixing the engine as a backup plan and I have been successful at cracking the limitations of flash that was pestering development back then.

So yeah, it's officially back in development!!! 

To be clear, only the engine and mechanics+ are retained. The old game's vision just can not be done here anymore since the censorship took effect. That Divine Arms will have to be done in another platform and in another way not concerning Patreon.

But don't worry! You will still see, play and fuck Siggy in this reforge!  

I already made 2 boss fights with it and development is really going well.

It already has working customization and non linear character load outs!

I work on this once a week and I am also animating its lewds. I can not show any screenshots yet since its all squares and circle placeholders, but as soon as I get to work on a more decent place holder, you will be able to see and play its top-down magic casting goodness! 

There will be more updates and visual info about it soon!

(B-Spike won't be participating on this one as he's exclusive to DA:FO)

Thanks for the support this month!
-kReig out!




Hm...you seem to have it rough, kReig. Re-hiring and firing multiple talents within such short time doesn't look good on them or you. I do hope DA and any of your future projects continue to be successful. I'm looking forward to it, good or ill.


Wait, Ayla got fired? ... I thought she was just doing a break... lol


Sucks dick Alya was fired, I loved her art. She was the only consistent thing here for awhile.