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Initial alpha demo will be ready in a few weeks and will be exclusive to Patrons!

Here's what to expect:

  • 8-12 Maps / Rooms that are linear (Will be dynamic and random soon)
  • 3 Normal enemies (the weakest bunch for now) 
  • 1 Boss battle (Trej or someone else)
  • 5+ Spells (Upgrades to everything will not be available yet)
  • Fixed Equipment (item drops are not yet available, til loot table is added)
  • Arena WAVE mode to test your skills

B-Spike has stopped animating lewds for now to assist in ingame sprite animations while I get everything ready for the new alpha to be deployed. There are still endless bugs and things to fix and complete, but it's coming real soon. Those who won the bootleg babes, please hold on til we get them in game one by one.

Really sorry for the late update this month, there's nothing visual to show as it's all programming to merge everything up. Thanks for the patience.

in other good news: If the campaign goes well after the first public demo. Alya will be back next year to do Divine Arms Origin Manga.(DIGITAL) And If it goes well enough, we'll have it printed and shipped as a special new tier reward.

in another good news, B-Spike will also be doing mini-clips next year as well. Basically a 1-3 minute animated scene where Patrons will suggest the story and whoever story gets voted the highest will be the one to be animated. Make sure to suggest your lewdest LEGAL ideas!

Thanks everyone, as always for the support! I hope you're excited as I am!
Now to get some sleepzzzz

-kReig out!




Glad to hear the good news and updates, and glad to hear everyone's still working on stuff :D


8-12 maps?! Quite extensive sounding for an alpha and very promising. Looking forward to the release!

Saint Amici

Life happens, I'm okay with the delay, the dude's work has been S-Tier quality


Yea can we please get another update, that would be nice

Saint Amici

Agreed, at this point I'd like to know if the dude is still alive at least lol

David Vega

Should learn from Introspurt. He's a solo dev, does all the code and art for his games, and yet he's finishing up full games in 3-4 months with a shit ton of animated and still image sex scenes. This is his 3rd game in like a year now, yet you haven't been able to make a single game in years. Disappointing.