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Trying my best to keep a steady head and resolve the problems. It has been a depressing week but I've sorted the personal things out with some help.

I have already refunded $700+ and what's left in paypal credits. I will issue the rest of the requests as soon as I replenish the paypal credits part out.

 The development part, I now am back to working. I'll burst everything to 4-5 Hours a day just to finish what's left.

I got to talk to  Chris Armin and he will still continue to finish the rest of the animations in the list and one BOSS. This will be enough for me to finish Divine Arms as a prologue game.

Your support is forever accumulative. You will forever continue to get my future updates even if you donated just once and reached a certain amount before you can fully stop or downgrade to $1.

I will remove all reward tiers and just keep one high tier for advanced previews. I just want to make games.

DDD's will be able to transfer their requests on future games I will make.

I will do the animations and art from there-forth. I will not entrust future games to another person anymore. I have never been so depressed because of things like these, i felt my lifespan has shortened from the stress.

The future games will NOT focus on adult content, instead be a normal game with exclusive adult content for patrons.

Future games will be shorter, finished and are more straight forward. 

Thanks for those who fully held on. I learned a lot through this campaign and I am still very passionate about letting you play what I can make. I will compensate those who I have failed in the past and continue to move forward despite all the challenges I face.

I will reply to messages and comments asap



Do you have a list of DDDs?


Please continue making adult content. Not many people can make them up the level of quality you do and it would be a shame if it was sidelined :(


i'm on this for good. i love making games but i love making adult content as much!


I'm very excited to get a new version with the sex scenes, since i've been playing the one without it. Keep informing us about the future projects so we can support you. If you have any deadlines defined, please inform us.


I'm sorry about this whole situation. I wanted things to go better and work out. Best of luck.


What if I don't want to stop giving you money? I've been pledging 5$ a month for what feels like a year (I don't know how to check?) and I'd like to keep doing that if at all possible.


Damn 4 -5 hours? Dude, take a break, seriously you'll need all the rest and "refueling" before tackling the game especially since your family has some crisis. Just make sure everything's stable first, then tackle the game, we (and hopefully others) understand. And don't lose hope, maybe there'll be another artist or programmer who'll help you with your workload. Maybe it would be better if you made it more contract wise in a monthly basis? Black and white can really help even digitally


I really appreciate all the recent communication, that was where the majority of my frustration with this project was coming from. I am very sorry to hear that things have been so stressful lately. I will continue to support at least until the end of the year. If something playable gets posted then you will have my support indefinitely. Divine Arms is the best adult game I've ever played and I want it to succeed. Keep communicating, keep working on it, post something for your supporters, and take a well earned break.


Honestly, that is the wrong step in MY opinion. Instead of doing everything by yourself, make contracts, and pls keep doing BIG games, honestly the web is so full of short games... The only reason why I was so ... hyped about divine Arms .. because it was bigger ... way bigger than all of these "Pleb"games even if they ve some good animations or artstyle. As mentioned, stay in contact with Chris. most Artist go back to their roots after time. When you wrote things like "future games will NOT focus on adult" ... look, that are the same things in your mind, like in the head of an artist/animator who have problems about genre, future and so on. Otherwise, look around the web, and make contracts! You HAVE the money for it... or you had... dont know how many Patreons you ve lost. The problem about this whole "prologue" thing is: so the Prologue looks better than the "maingame"? (mean the animations)... it does not work like this. You got a great concept, and seriously, Sigis designe is just epic, you got money, just make contracts... Yes the chances are there to get a "black sheep", but the most of them are solid persons... and workers. And with a good contract (you can ask for help everywhere about such things) nobody can dmg you. I can fully agree with Zyphe Divine Arms had/has prob. one of the biggest potential about adult games in animestyle. And if an animator understand this, he will work with pleasure on it, even if there are some animations he finds self disgusting or whatever. Dont overreact and SEARCH for help, there are a lot of ppl around who like to make good contracts, help to run the machine etc. etc. PS.: great step forward on the point of communication.


ive seen worse disasters, like Simbro, breeding Season, etc. this is fine.


I feel like we've been very patient in regards to the adult content, and I think those of us who want to see the finished scenes before the game drops should be given the opportunity to do so. If you've got some finished stuff done, I'd like to see it.


Yes please I think you at least owe us that


So you will finish this game and have it focus on adult content? But newer ones won´t be? And there will be no Dash edition? Just curious!


Wait but isn't now the time, you'd need the money the most? I don't mind staying on at least till the game comes out. Does this mean you aren't doing the other two parts?

Kayami Kira

I personally will keep my donation going, even tho I must admit I am saddened by your future games not being adult oriented you were pretty much my favorite guy in that industry ! Good luck and thanks for keeping us in the loop


Huge respect to you for continuing this project with everything that has happened. Most would have abandoned it. I love what I've seen so far and will continue to support you no matter what. Just remember that your personal health comes first, don't overdo it. We all care about the person who makes these games just as much as the games themselves. Much love. Also, how do I download the latest version of the game?

Thongtham Chongmesuk

I am disappointed that the next game will not be focused on adult content. So I will unpledge.


Really hope he changes his mind about that. The way he described it, it sounded like the adult content would be slapped on as an afterthought instead of creating a suitable world and setting as well. Even if he wants to make some smaller games in the future, I don't see why they have to be "normal".

Nqoua Yang

I am disappointed as well about moving away from adult content, but best of luck to you and keep your head up. Looking forward to the prologue then.


I am very much looking forward to the finished prologue. I will continue my pledge for now, but i hope you reconsider switching to regular content. I believe most (if not all) of us are here for the quality adult oriented game.


That's sucks - to pledge just to know that you are quiting...


I really, really feel like I've been scammed and I want as much of the money I've sent you. I pledged for the promising adult content you promised, and saw ONE completed scene and a bunch of previews in various sketch state. I think all of the adult content should be made available to those of us who pledged what the game cost - especially considering that I really don't think there will ever be a completed game from you. All the trust is gone. I can only hope that you'll give us what's already done.


No one forced you to contribute to/help fund a WIP game. He even made it VERY CLEAR in the overview "WARNING! READ! THIS GAME IS A WORK IN PROGRESS! THE CAMPAIGN IS ALREADY GOOD AS IT IS, BUT IF YOU MUST, DONATE $1 FOR THE PREVIEWS." The fact that he is even refunding people's money when he has absolutely no obligation to (either by rules of patreon or moral/ethical) speaks volumes. Yet with all this you people still have the gall to call him a "scammer". I'm disappointed by the developments to but stuff like this happens all the time to major gaming studios, let alone to small/individual developers.


Uh, so will the prologue game with sex scenes be ready soon? Or like is there a designated time frame or anything? :3

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

Even here on Patreon, I've been salty about Breeding Season's shutdown ever since it happened and I'll keep referencing it for as long as people doubt honest workers like ViperV.

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

Consider yourself fucking lucky that ViperV is even offering refunds. Breading Season's lead coder didn't give two shits about anything else but the money he was racking in for an adult game he clearly didn't have any intention of completing at all. TWO YEARS of development staleness will leave a much more vivid burn than having someone like Viper over promise and under deliver on content. Sure it sucks to have that kind of thing happen but the very fact you call ViperV a scammer shows how little faith you had for him in the first place.

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

It's not so much about the now as the forward thinking of what is accepted on patreon and what isn't. The adult content that Viper wants to do apparently doesn't fit in what patreon deems worth having on their platform, which is a legitimate thing to do I think. I'm gonna take a "wait and see" approach to all of this because I am unsure myself of what will become of patreon.

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

I don't see this as a disaster myself. Unlike Breeding Season which flat out disappeared over night, there is actually worth while content to be enjoyed here and Viper is intent on keeping things going. It's a (BIG) bump on the road for sure, but not a deadend.

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

More power to you then! That's an awesome thing of you to do. I feel the very same way as well. As for checking how long you've been supporting Viper, you can either check your payment method or on the "Your Pledges" section of your profile under "Past Pledges" to see the full history of your patron support.

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

This is actually a bunch of good news, despite the amount of crap you have to deal with(refunds and project development) but I'm not upset in the least though. I just want to see you do what you like and be successful doing it. Take whatever measure you feel is necessary to not lose your mind, I'd hate seeing you vanish from patreon because of stressful things getting out of hand. Your mental and physical well-being is of the utmost importance and I wouldn't forgive myself if things went to the shitter because I asked for one too many thing from you.


To be honest.. I preferred your animation style kRieg.. So.. Hope things work out.


Updated the pledge to $1 a month, partly as I want to be around when the game IS released in whatever fashion...

Scott Henderson

3 more weeks without an update. Pledge dropped to 1 buck. I was here since the beginning but if im not seeing anything happening, i cant justify spending what little i have on it. Sorry.


dropping pledge to $1. i would have been fine with what i pledge now if updates were regular, some patreons do weekly updates or even update more than once a week. i dont see why it is so hard to do for this but for now im reducing my pledge,


The pitfalls of game development. I don't quite understand why people feel the need to be so indignant about the lack of updates, considering you've been very upfront about how much shit came down on your head recently. I, for one, wish you the best of luck, and will continue my support for as long as I have the spare cash to do so. Take your time, and I hope things get much better, very soon.


Meh. Ill leave my 10$ drop where its at. Like Dawn said, pitfalls of game dev. I'm already bout 200$ in, why change it now.


Hope things have been smoother


Is the prologue build finished?


Is it to much to ask for an update at least once everyother week. Months on end without consistent updates just feels bad. I really want to see the finished product of this game and have waited many many months for it


Its a scam ppl he says he will reply asap and no word again for another month...I mean how can we believe him after all this?


I'll be amazed if he actually releases anything remotely on time.