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I wanted to release it now, but Adobe is being a bitch, so I'll get some sleep first and recover. been working for 15 hours straight now.

No, I am not dead, I have not been slacking off either. On the contrary, I did nothing but fix and camp on the demo like a fucking samurai jedi monk or something like that.

Demo is on v1.9 as there are still some things on placeholder mode and incomplete stuff like sfx that I still need to find, edit and remix but there are already a lot of juicy scenes in here. 1.9 is very much playable with the animation manager reworked to fucking work for real this time.

2.0 release is December! Count on it!

Apologies for the month long absence, but I will explain everything tomorrow.

There will be campaign changes tomorrow as well. For now, thanks for the patience. I'll back up, sleep and be back at this tomorrow.

For those who are no longer a patron but still have the previous link to the stage demo, I am glad you still have it because I will upload the demo in the same directory tomorrow.

~kReig out




Good to see you back


Yay keep working hard so we can ummm play hard 😄


Oh, that's good news, I'm still a patreon, and I look forward to play this new version :)


I'm hyped. Good to hear from you!

Well well well

Soo kind of awkward but I just stopped being a patreon like 2 days ago, will I still get it? As you are posting again I will probably re-sub.


Hoping to see some more public posts, as I decided to drop my patronage. Please post the link publicly if you can. Hoping to see some awesome stuff in the demo <3


Noice. Lovely news.


thanks for all the hard work despite the issues you've been plagued with.


Good to see your back hope all is well


Demo? ... no Prologue? c: Still dreaming Chris will continue the work with you xd


Great news


Hooray! (and what a lovely picture you've done for it as well)


Welcome back! Here's to all the MAGICAL FUCKING yet to come


Awesome! Our support is finally paying off! Super excited.


noice! it's good to hear from you again!


Good news! take care


Sorry for the delay. The game right now is at a whopping 90Mb and my internet hickups to upload it. I'll go to a friend's house first thing to upload it there.


Good to see you back in action, I would never request for any refund as I already funded your works even tho you gladly hand them back like a real man. All the artist always need someone to believe in them don't you think ;)


I think I'll take the opportunity to put moans and sfx on sketch scenes before uploading. Should take just an hour or so. Gonna get some sleep again for now. Hold your cocks for a bit.




Will you post on here when the game is uploaded?


I think he meant here. But its not in there yet. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/be5t7jp4f6cgsya/AACPLwEAUTD0lrl-Pk6ZWJVNa?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/be5t7jp4f6cgsya/AACPLwEAUTD0lrl-Pk6ZWJVNa?dl=0</a>


ViperV man keep up on your promises. This is why people loose faith and you loose patrons. Do what you say your going to do. Been here along time supporting you and you let me down time and time again. Another sub lost.


While I am not to the point where I am unsubbing to you yet, you are trailing a very fine line.


woah woah woah the day aint over yet -.^


It seems your always finding a way to disappoint me... its tomorrow and, nothing.


I feel like hes still got 45 minutes of wiggleroom here


Lies again XD


This is how many times the sex-included demo has been dangled in front before whipped away? Obviously we do still have some time and should give it a couple days leway but, well, it's a shame that it's not become surprising that it hasn't arrived.


Its just false promises with this guy. Over and over again


Broken promises one more time. 1 year supporting with nothing to show. This guy is milking us for the money. This is just going to be "Breeding Seasons" all over again. All talk nothing to show. Using patron money to profit and not to produce. It doesn't take a year to come up with a demo. Open you eyes people. Scams are a real thing.

Scott Henderson

He had decently paced updates and shit for us up until the storms showed up. I don't think he's scamming anyone...shit's just gone south.


1 year and nothing to really show. It doesn't take a year to come out with a playable demo. He had a playable demo 1 year ago. And added nothing to it. Not legit


You have three more days, after that, I walk.


You paid this month's pledge already? If you did, he don't care


realize how he disappears and then gives us a dumb excuse on the last day of the month? its been a couple months now hes just milking his patreons for cash. he even tells us on the 30th , TOMOROW the demo will be released, all to make sure he gets one more month of our money. and guess what still no demo


"allllllmost had it"

i love gyros

i'll believe it when its out.

Clayton K.C Behrens

look like his copying the simbro team great just great


someone ask Chris about the working habits of this guy, just like with breeding season, he could give a different point of view of what we believe its happening, maybe the truth.


Say it with me now, pathological liar?


yup yup, but what do you say to the people after he puts something out. to go back or to stay way?


Uploading. Version 1.9!


Oh really, well let's hope nothing comes up this time....


Public has always been this toxic? lol


so, is about to be up?


fml I didn't save the link when I used to be patron


This one does include new scenes right? Just have to connect my damn paypal now somehow


Will look forward on trying the demo.


damn... its so sexy, teasing but concealing what you wanted to see, that feeling of curiosity is in there yet its enough to actually get excited. hope the demo's would be made public permanently even right after the game has been completed, you should do this instead of making it for patrons only, people would love to donate money if they are seeing enough to satisfy their cravings, like StudioFow which actually mades most of their SFM animated movies in public, patrons would get access early, public release would be later that week


Yum! I’m not big fun of foot cum fetish, but this one Looking so sexy!! Excellent ! ;)