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Hi Guys, internet, power and basically everything has been back to normal for days now. And I did nothing but work on Divine Arms. 

I'm almost done with the sex scene version, but real life caught up on me as well. I did the calculations on how many days I have left for September, but it won't make the game playable even if I upload it. The image above also states it has no sounds but sounds are actually almost done. I just haven't edited the intro screen yet since last month.

Please allow me to work on this til first week of October. That will give me enough time and rest between work. 

The Fungus Brute animations are already in, but I have not added the in game sprite and AI to trigger the scene yet and many other stuff I need to seal before this becomes playable again. 

There will also be scenes that are sketches (like the ones below) and will just be replaced as Chris finishes them. But these are in the game even some of the unfinished ones the previous animator did.

Thanks again for the donations this month and your continuous understanding. They were of great help to us storm survivors.

-kReig out!




Glad to hear you're doing okay after all the hurricanes and crap making things hard for everyone recently. I can't wait for the demo, and you still have my continued support.


Glad you and your family are safe. Just keep working at a steady pace and don't overwork yourself dude


Thank you for the update I’m glad you are ok I’m super excited about the game I’m sure we can wait one week extra 😆ha ha


Thanks for the update!


The update we've been waiting for, can't wait to check it out, hope the bugs stay at bay


So excited


*Has Sex Scenes You might want to fix that typo


I for one feel like you are going at a good development pace (considering the number of people involved), the updates are always delight, and in the end you are tackling a technically challenging project. Please know that you have my continuous support and understanding.


Roughly how many scenes are in the demo? Can't wait!


A great deal of EXCITE persists.


Not long left till the demo comes out 😝


Been supporting this for a long time, and I'm excited for another demo but at the same time I've felt burned quite a few times by delays. Not saying he's lying or milking us because I think the guy really does care about his project, but I've stopped holding my breath about 2 delays ago. This project is great and I appreciate what he's trying to accomplish, I just don't put much stock into deadlines with this one anymore. Wish him the best though because the work is top notch when it is shown off!


I would love to see any updates :) even if it means finding a lot of bugs.


and I'm waiting and I'm waiting ... *insert spongebob scene*


Raise your hand if you're surprised we're past the first week of October with no update.


The main problem I have is I'm seeing lots of scenes, and they are fantastic scenes. However, I'm seeing almost zero actual gameplay. Which both perplexes me, as this is a game dev, and it also worries me, as I do want to eventually own a finished product. lol


Honestly feel like he might need to hire another coder at the rate things are going. As you say the pace of art seems to be far outstripping the pace of game development. Hell, I might be willing to help. Depending on the tools and for the right price.


What actually happened to the previous animator? And who was it if I may ask? I mean, chris art looks way better but the previous one was still not that bad :P


Can we at least get an update or an animation or something at least once a week what is going on ?


to quote Blazing Saddles, "hey, where're all the white women at?"


How soon is soon?


just a quick "hey i'm alive" will suffice.


I might sound a little mad but thats cause I am. When your promise a release date for the demo and don't finish in time, saying you need more time is fine. But when you set a second release date and miss it by 5 days and say nothing it kinda makes me wanna stop supporting.


Here we are, coming up on the end of the 2nd week of October and nothing...


just tell us why are you late. I don't want to see 'soon' anymore ;(


After years of playing animated smut for free, I decided to make a Patreon account to support what is the best of the best. Animation, gameplay and story are all superb, so I thought that kind of quality should be rewarded. As much as we appreciate all your hard work, time and dedication you should not take your fans for granted. People are willing to wait for a quality game if you deadlines are consistent, but if you are unable to make them communicate that to us. The more false promises you make, the less credibility you will have. I am really looking forward to the next update and I hope to see the fruit of all your hard work soon.




Still no new update, eh? Figures

Scott Henderson

I might have to pull my support at the end of this month for fear that he got taken out by a storm and can't inform us.

No Way

ffs just post an update on why you're late and how much longer this will take, getting really tired of your shit. I don't think I'm going to waste money on this project much longer.


@No way, I concur. We only need an information. And a demo would be nice ;)


I've actually lowered my pledge significantly considering he has made 0 progress since the last test demo. This is absurd.


Are you feeling alright Viper? Atleast give a headsup if its a bit delayed.


I can't gl ppl.


Remember when he said the full scenes were 'ready to be added next month' back in May? I remember. I mean, this is obviously a scam at this point isn't it?


Cancelling my pledge. I'm patient with updates, but if he isn't even taking a minute every few weeks to let us know he's still working, it must be a scam.


I desperately want to believe but at this rate I might switch to funding other projects. The game looks beautiful and the demo on newgrounds shows potential but I've been funding more or less consistently since April 2016 and my hope is slowly fading. :(


This is starting to look like Simbros... dont be like Simbros.


Not Soon Enough >_


I don’t care about the game, just gimme those god damn sexy animations.


He won't update lmao, it's been how long now? It's been abandoned, and we're getting trolled.

billy bob

Been saying it for months now. This guy is scamming us all. Pulling support.


So is there a way to sue this guy for just taking the money and running? cuz thats what it looks like.


you know that we could buy any game we want, hentai or not, with all the support we have given so far


If there is no update until end of next week (and it doesn't look like it), I will stop supporting. Pity. Could have been an awesome game.

Ryan Higgs

As excited as I am for this game I have to agree with everyone else here. A progress update once a week would go miles especially when you don't make any of your deadlines. I've pledged way over 100$ to this and have seen 0 in return. It feels like I might be better off burning the money, at least that way I'd be warm...


watch us find out that the dude died or some horrible shit and we've been shitting on him this entire time. wouldnt that be something?


Yeah I am actually concerned I know he sometimes does not make deadlines but this is kinda weird like I think he either lost power randomly or he got hurt or even worse. What kinda of scammer would but in so much effort into a project knowing that if he leaves it alone for a couple of weeks all his support will be gone. I am still planning on pulling my support at the end of this month though.


There does seem to be a typhoon (PAOLO) in the area, so that might explain his silence.


Another one ? What a crappy place to live huh.


He's still alive - <a href="https://twitter.com/vipervgames/status/921881155032326144" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/vipervgames/status/921881155032326144</a>


I like him really, but...thats weak. He, and also you! Should srsly work on your communication with YOUR community. Once per week, even once in 2 weeks should be normal. I mean I coach people for the game LoL, if I dont give updates every week I would lose 20-30% of my clients...instantly after 1 month I would ve maybe 10-20% of my clients left. And such a update takes maybe 5 to 10min (max). Its ok to be delayed, its ok that things happen, but a messages takes not a long time.


Good to see that he's ok.

billy bob

LOL. I love how he always tries to play the victim when he's been taking thousands of dollars a month from us for like 2 and a half years with nothing to show for it. "Can't help but feel depressed about this" YOU AND ME BOTH MOTHERFUCKER


Hang on a bit more? Nah, I don't think I will. Regardless of personal problems, weather, whatever, you need to have plans in place to keep your patrons informed about what's going on. Have Chris make updates in your place, have things the two of you don't mind showing so that there's some evidence of progress. Do something. No updates and ANOTHER missed deadline is completely unacceptable. And fuck, even when he shows up to address his patrons in that tweet, he explains nothing, - just says wait longer (to the next pay period, most likely) which really just makes me think he's got next to nothing and is shamelessly milking the poor fuckers who haven't already cancelled for every dollar he can. Even if that's not what you're doing, you have to understand it sure fucking looks like it.


And for Christ's sake make whatever update you post visible to non-patrons. The people no longer supporting you deserve to see what you have to say about missing another deadline with 0 communication.


You need to get your shit together mate. I've had to deal with loads of depressing things throughout my life but I get up and keep on going. Buckle up and give us something to show for all this work of yours.


I just pleged how do i play the latest version?

Scott Henderson

I already paid for october obviously but i cant afford to spend even thw tiny amount i am if im not seeing any goodies. Being poor sucks.


I feel like, at the rate things are going, this game will take easily a few more years to even be considered close to complete. At that point most of us will probably have moved on. Really doesn't feel like it's worth it when you think about that...


He lives. He just posted on Twitter 2 days ago. <a href="https://twitter.com/vipervgames/status/921881155032326144" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/vipervgames/status/921881155032326144</a>


he should post that here. not twitter. it's losing trust in busniess himself


A lot of people here seem to not realize how difficult and time consuming it is to actually make a game. No excuse for not regularly keeping touch here though. I've seen this happen dozens of times before where tiny dev teams bite off more than they can chew, pressure themselves with unrealistic deadlines (as they feel like they have been failing the donators and want to make it up to them), then miss the deadlines and get even more stressed/depressed to the point they stop posting updates entirely (wanting to wait til they can give good news instead of "still working on it sorry its been delayed again")


Yeah and everyone else, but apparently patreons working on H-games have 10x the amount going on that everyone else has. Go figure. I'm tired of hearing endless random RL excuses from these developers. Just say you were lazy that month ffs.


A lot of people here DO realize that, and tons of Devs/Others do keep their promises, ViperV just takes......a metric ton longer then everyone else.


I too will give him one more day, starting a few hours ago. Not like that'll change anything, just hoped "Soon" actually meant "Soon" and not "never"


It isn't, it appears he doesn't care. If he DID, he'd post here. IF you can't do it, pull the plug man, and find something you can. We're all getting robbed.


No I dont have a problem with his speed, I know worse... my only problem is, that his communication with his community is almost zero. I mean, it looks like that we are just moneyspending randoms... but that isnt the case, if he/you 've problems in real life, maybe mental problems... your community can also help ypu in some cases... but no communication is fking sh1t...