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Ok so do check out the fixes and adjustments for the stage demo. I did not have enough time to play test it, so I retained the first version on a separate folder. Save files should still work with version 2.

Before the changelog, if anyone wondered why I set the earnings private, I've been harassed by salty people or just angry individuals a while back. I've had some traumatizing experiences with harassment way back, so I don't tolerate those things. Specially when they were doing it while I was stressed finishing the stage demo. 

For me, only the true supporters who are you, my patrons matter. (well fans who can't support also matter, so they will still get to play a few weeks after) and there's no way to set the visibility of the campaign to patrons only, so for everyone who wishes to know, that's the current campaign amount.

Ok, Stage Demo changelog:
If you have the cheat version link, should also work fine.

-Enemies will now trigger traps.
Traps are useful now to your advantage. To anyone wondering, the damage calculation is: 8% Enemy Max HP + 1-8%  Enemy Max HP. Please report if this is too OP. As I said I never get to test it to an extent, so your opinions are most welcome.

-Siggy can now detect traps in front of her.
I scrapped the spell detection as that can slow things down when exploring, but a few meters away and Siggy will be able to detect traps and traps triggered by enemies. This detection is reset when Siggy moves farther away from the detected trap.

-Spike sfx.
Added sfx to the spikes. Depth sorting on individual spike should also work now. 

-Fix death transition.
If you die and get sent to the next area, weird shit happens.

-Manual Save Button.
There's a new save button in the options menu. Useful when you just bought upgrades but decided to stop playing after.

-Crystal Purification Tutorial.
Seriously, why did I miss adding this? I hope everyone figured it out in the first version? Added a crystal to purge and purify in the tutorial stage.

-Heart Pickup Fail.
Hearts do not automatically get added to your life pool. You need to be super close to obtain it. When you don't, I added a simple animation.

-Glory Beam Redesigned to Glory Pyre.
Depth sorting is an ass, so this is the work around. Same spell stats and function, just visual modification.

-Halocopters temporary UI.
They now display their bullet count and will carry over to the next area. It is very basic but I will improve it as a separate UI someother day. copter bullets also save on changing areas, but  flamethrower bullets must be used up on the area it was picked up. Will soon add a flamethrower bullet pickup fail.

By the time you finish reading this, the folder for version 2 should be accessible through DropBox. If you find any weird new bugs I end up creating, tell me. For now, I hope you guys enjoyed the Stage Demo and soon, I hope to deliver the sex scenes.

-kReig out!




Wow. Some people are bitter AF. : | Don't mind them. (Although that's easier said than done, I think.)


Such a simple fix for the traps and yet it has such a noticeable effect in-game! Though yeah, these traps can one-hit-kill enemies by causing hundreds of points of damage so maybe something is amiss with that damage formula (supposedly 16% max health damage at most), heh.

Hank Rillek

Awesome! Cool that you were able to fix so many things so fast!


YAAAAAAY! *Clapclapclap*


The spikes instakill enemies lol. But overall I am very glad the trap warning was put in. It was really frustrating to not be able to detect a trap and just run into random traps. Very nice demos so far! Very good work!


Not sure if this is meant to be or not, but the lvl 5 blue spell (sanctuary), when fully upgraded, *increases* in duration when enemies hit it. At least according to the tooltip.


the sanctuary has duration, if enemies are repelled by it, it reduces the duration. upgrading increases the duration. like hitpoints. is something wrong with it or did i misunderstood you?


strange indeed. they should not be ohko'd lol i'll check the code soon.


so we cannot purify the crystal yet?


We can. It's shown in the very first level, now. Click below the crystal and find out what happens ;-).


Well what i've seen is that the sanctuary has a 30 second duration that doesn't change when upgraded, no problems here. However upgrading it does lower the amount that the duration gets reduced by when the sanctuary repels an enemy, down to -0.2 seconds at max rank.


Pure-fucken-fied! Love the new revamped world map, Love the trap system, and Love the funny text. The new spell animation runs smoothly, but idk if it's the tighter spaces in levels. I feel like the one eyed monsters moved faster than the 1st demo you released.


I really don't understand why there are 0 sex scenes in this version when there is at least 1 in the version on newgrounds.

Your Best Friend

10/10, a masterpiece, Picasso is celebrating in his grave. The angels will write stories, epics, poems, limericks, and symphonies in the name of your work. Like majestic eagle sitting upon the tallest tree in the lowest valley, you will soar into the sky and show us a new dawn.


interesting... Thanks for this report! I will definitely check it out!


True story: It took a stressful week to make the crystal purification work, so when it did, I had to vent it on the win text hahaha.


the sex scene functions and variables are no longer compatible with the new engine and will disturb the new mechanic i soon plan to add in.


ok this was a bug. the spell should spawn hearts (in far future patches) if you recast the spell while one is already active (trading the existing one on the ground). it surely recasts the spell but instead of summoning hearts, it only cancels the spell. thanks for this. already fixing...


Also, I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but I noticed that in both stage demos you can often see black lines on the edges of the tiles. However, this only seems to happen when the flash player window is expanded (when the player is windowed, or the game is in true full-screen, these black lines disappear). I think you mentioned something about pixels breaking on twitter recently, so I was wondering if you knew about this. <a href="http://imgur.com/a/MviDD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/MviDD</a>


yeah, flash issue with pixels. unless the scaling is exact, it displays it fine. But if the player is stretched to uneven aspect ratios, we sadly get those.


Hey, no problem man. Glad i could help you find a bug i knew nothing about XD


Oh, so you managed to find an actual bug when testing the sanctuary. So in the end, is the spell supposed to increase in duration like Blackthifer mentioned with that -0.2s "reduction" per enemy collision (reduction by a negative value)? I managed to get the sanctuary to last about 37 seconds one time. <a href="http://imgur.com/a/d0R5r" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/d0R5r</a>


Yeah fixed that one. (not a huge bug, so I won't upload a new version for it) At Lv5, the sanctuary spell should give you full 30seconds duration despite number of enemies repelled. I apparently mistype this with the Lv2 Blue spell and they end up sharing the same hit cost. Also Blackthifer reported a bigger issue as I mentioned above.


I´ve just destroyed my droid, he doesn´t follow me or shoot anymore. Reloading the game or even a restart of the computer couldn´t fix the problem, the save seems to be corrupted. A new save was the solution. Everything other is just really good. The gameplay is very thrilling and the thought of future sex scenes just gives a pleasant anticipation. Go on, but pls take the time you need, also for yourself relaxing.


You must have pressed [R] by accident. There are 3 target type for the halocopter, which was 1) Target Nearest enemy to Siggy. (2 Attack via Mouse cursor. and the 3rd is for them to stop attacking. (Incase you want to test out new skills or just want pets lol) - Thanks for the praise. Very glad to hear it. And yeah, copter toggle option fix and UI should be on the list of todos. sorry you had to delete the savefile.


it is easier to not mind them when they don't get the chance to. :P but yeah, hard to focus when flies carrying shit hovers at your every move. :/


Sorry for my English. I am a $ 5 patron, how can I play a game?


did you see the link already? if not, ill pm you in a bit


Could I have the link as well I cannot find it anywhere.