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So here's the plan. 

The items in this list  not make it in the Stage Demo:

-Enemies can trigger traps
-Siggy detecting traps
-Fill the map with x100 more spike traps.

-Glory beam design rework
-Halocopter bullets counter and UI (the bullets reset to max when you change rooms)
-Rapevine despawn (She's designed to be slow, so she was designed to burrow and reappear)
-Enemy roaming AI (right now it's still the same surprise enemy spawning, in the new map system they now free to roam and detect Siggy and even call for reinforcements and give up the chase)
-Fungus Brute Enemy Sprite ingame
-GUI GPS (not sure if it bugs you sometimes when Siggy goes behind bigger objects, but there should be an indicator of where she is when this happens)

Now I plan to finish that list this month. That's the goal.

 (I just need a few days rest because the next time I see Adobe Animate, I'd go like SIggy in the image post.)

And everyone is asking when is the next update,  and like I said in previous posts, I listen to your suggestions. So instead of lumping all the scenes for a longtime big release, only to realize that's not the best thing to do on crowd funding campaigns, I decided to update the game frequently as I get an already finished scene ingame.

We already have scenes waiting, so adding those will be the next task after the list above. This time with a system to easily incorporate the future minigame. I'm skipping the minigame for now and focus on the lewd stuff getting ingame. I'll do my best to do it in a month and if I find it easy to implement, maybe we can get more scenes done as soon as I finish one.

Anyway I was so tired yesterday that I forgot to give instructions on how to purge the crystal on area 1. I hope everyone figured it out?


So for those who donated months ago and is still or no longer a Patron of this campaign and want to try the Stage Demo out, MESSAGE ME! If your total support is exactly or above $20, I'll send the game with cheats.

DO MESSAGE ME WITH THE EMAIL YOU USE FOR PATREON. Commenting did not work as I planned as it does not show message history this way. I may or may have not given you the link because of this. So if you already commented on my previous posts and I still have not given you the link, MESSAGE ME INSTEAD.

For now, thank you for the support and the feedback. I'm just really glad people like it still despite all the setbacks last year. We'll full speed ahead from here on.

-kReig out




A thought for the future, unless I missed it, a return to overworld, and a save function that you can do yourself. (Like in the options menu.) keep up with the good work and can't wait to see what else you and your team provides. :)


Return to the main map? when you pause the game [P] there's an option for it. As for saving, it was designed to auto save whenever you finish a stage. I am afraid to tinker with it right now haha.


"100x more spike traps." There is no salvation in these lands. Concerning frequent releases, some others that I follow do routine monthly updates, but with how much work DA requires, how about a bimonthly release? Much better than a year long wait, but more than one month so that you have enough time to add enough content.


I don't know how it will go right now but i think it should be of moderate difficulty, so yeah bi monthly sounds reasonable, but I can only tell once I get the first one in.


A bit late on this, but count me among the people that just got a blank white Flash Player 23 window when opening the file. I'd like to say what I thought of the game so far, but all I can really say is "it was white". The cheat version instead gave me an error message about a missing path or something. I'm a good hour from my computer right now so I can't specify.


Hi Doot, you're not alone on this. I think this is a Windows10 issue? I'll upload a swf and browser version as soon as I get home. And hopefully that works.


So from now on, will early access to new demos be given according to the amount pledged in-between separate releases? If so, keep in mind that $X exclusive posts are only available to patrons who are pledging that amount at the time that the post is made, i.e. if it takes you more than 1 month to upload a new demo (quite likely I'd say with a game like DA, heh) and multiple pledges go through, some patrons would probably have to message you again to get early access. Also, with this post you've now broken the record for the maximum number of campaign updates in a month! gg, well played!


Sweet Jesus, that is beautiful. Can't wait to see the context of that scene.


Very good plan indeed!


Sounds like a lot of awesome stuff is coming up can't wait for it!

Jason Bill

So i believe you said trap detection would be linked to a spell? Is that correct? I found them rather annoying in the stage demo. I'm not sure a spell to detect them would help that honestly. Having to stop repeatedly to check for traps in your path seems like something that would really slow the game down. I would probably end up just doing what i did in the stage demo and using the shield ability to mitigate them, instead of checking for them over and over again. I feel like a much better solution would be to make them activate slower, but have a visual cue while they're initiating. So when you step on one you would see the ground shift for a second or two before the spikes pop up. Little triangular mounds rising sorta thing with dirt getting flung up. This would make them a bit more reaction based and in my opinion, fit in nicely with the fast paced flow to the game. Have you thought about sexual traps instead of damage ones? I would have probably found the traps a lot less annoying if they were a bit less frequent and had a scene instead. Maybe make the spike traps into tentacles that function the same way? And i know there are no scenes in there currently, but it could just be a placeholder for now, same way that the current enemy sex attacks are still in there but just result in damage. Just a thought.


The monster filled her ass up with so much cum that she puked it out of her mouth. Hot!


Hmm, now that you mention it, a visual clue of some kind may be preferable to Siggy becoming a Divine Minesweeper of sorts. I guess we'll first see how it works out with the spell detection when the stage demo is updated.

Peter Vargas

So..... the next thing is..... that she gets fuck in the ass so much that seamen comes out of her mouth?....... I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!


I can't recall what game it was I played but it had spike traps and right before they triggered the spikes popped up a little, like they were priming, it usually gave you about one second to move, it was just enough time usually to get the heck out of the way but not so long that you cold stand there like a moron either. Like Jason said stopping frequently to use a spell to find these traps you plan to increase 100x seems tedious at best... Other then that liking everything else so far myself. Maybe I'm an oddball but I enjoyed setting up half a dozen ice walls at once and just dodging between them like I made some sort of maze for the enemies to navigate... which they do very poorly :P


I love the demo by the way :) I had a little bug, when i lost my last heart i was throw to a other window in the same stage at the same time i did not die. But the problem was i take no domage and eather the monster after that... it was in the second satge.


I managed to replicate the same bug after your comment - if the hit that is supposed to kill you throws you to another room, you become immortal and enemy attacks go through you. Also, the combat music didn't start anymore when enemies spawned and I couldn't pause the game and exit to the menu either. Weird stuff!

Secular Reason

Are there going to be lots of scenes with overly large amounts of semen spouting everywhere? Please let me know asap...


Heya, thanks for the suggestion! the reason why the traps are suddenly introduced ingame is in preparation for sexual traps. I needed to had those in to get the exact feedback i'm getting. there will also be sexual switches to open doors etc. - as for the spike traps, it is not the final design. it originally does not damage and by the feedback, it will be tweaked. Is patreon acting up? because this comment says it has 2 more replies but i can't load and read them :|


Thanks for reporting! Was not a problem before since we just have one whole map to play with. Now we have transitions, this bug is very obvious to fix haha. Thanks for the find!


This was a bonus from Chris as he insisted the scene, these scenes are also optional and will be a voting thing in the future.

Wesley Gunder

For those griping bout the traps and how annoying they did you happen to notice they where also affecting enemies as well?

Jason Bill

ViperV: "Is patreon acting up? because this comment says it has 2 more replies but i can't load and read them :|" Seems to be for me as well. Can't open reply chains on any comment across the whole site. Had to read the extra replies through email notifications. Posting responses in a new comment for now to avoid any issues. Might be a double post here too. Think the site ate this comment originally, so i had to type it out again. Wesley Gunder: "For those griping bout the traps and how annoying they did you happen to notice they where also affecting enemies as well?" I did notice, and used them purposefully at some points to damage enemies. The benefit from that did not outweigh the annoyances caused by them though, not by a long shot.


@Jason Bill Yeah, I think my reply to your comment went something like: "Hmm, now that you mention it, it may be better to have some visual clues for the traps as opposed to Siggy becoming a Divine Minesweeper of sorts. I guess we'll first see how trap detection with the blue spell will work out after the stage demo is updated." Sheesh, I've often had problems with Patreon's comment system as well, you'd think that after years of running this site they would have nailed something as fundamental as the freaking comments. I just hope those hidden replies are still on their servers somewhere and haven't gotten deleted.


Same issue here. I can load more comments, but I can't load any replies. Not even on older posts where I used to be able to load them. I'm glad it's not just on my end though. Means Patreon's gonna fix it. Eventually. Maybe. I'm still waiting for the Enter key to start a new paragraph and not post the damn comment. Seriously, whose idea was that? Can't you just put a bloody ''post'' button in the bottom right corner or something? Getting tired of having to write my comments in Notepad and then pasting them here. Ugh. Sorry for the rant. Not the place or the time.

Jason Bill

If you hold shift when you press enter it will jump down to a new line.


Has the demo been updated on newgrounds yet


Really? Wow. It works. Wish I knew that sooner. Where's the user manual for the comment section? How's a man supposed to know these things? XD Thank you very much. I appreciate it.


When I asked him this before, the creator said he wanted to wait until some sex scenes were in before uploading to Newgrounds.

Jason Bill

No prob. And looks like comments are fixed now. They're loading for me.

Leveler All

I have only play the demo so far, and i have to ask if is ok how different is the full game? because my eye cordination sucks i was unable to beat the full demo, wich is quiet frustrating since is so good.


Like the post above mentions, Divine Arms is still in development, so there is no full game yet. Still, the core gameplay and mechanics are already in place, so I don't see how "different" the game can get. Hope you can get used to the style of Divine Arms, as I'd say it really is the best H-game under development.

Leveler All

I didn't mean to sound rude, i was just curios about it, since the demo levels after the first one is just take a key and beat all the enemeyes and i have bad cordination i didn't pass from the tirth cristal, tough i guess it was made like that just to practice, i have no issue with the actual first level is nice and simple of an itroduction.


Oh, not rude at all, don't know why you got that impression :P But yeah, the stages after the tutorial and the first real stage are just arenas at the moment and still need to be properly designed. Make sure you upgrade your skills as the monsters in those arenas can be pretty tough.


Well done