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As I said I never got to try the build as much but thanks for your sharp feedbacks. I'll update the Stage Demo soon and rebalance the edges. For now, I need to be with my family for a day or two, since I spent 3 weekends for the stage demo.

For old patrons, comment here and message me and I'll send the link when I get home. If your pledge before totalled $20+ I will send the version with cheats. There's some Patrons messaging me they have been donating sometime ago but Patreon show no record. If you really did, however, message me your email and one of the months you donated and I'll search them manually.

-kReig out!




Hello Thérèse, i wont Say i'm an Old patron, but well I think i donated more than 20$ Can i get thé version with cheats ?


Hope you'll have a great time with your family since you deserve it. And I'm a olde patron. I don't understand why do I need a level of pledge i was a 20 one and got some problem but stil as some others fan of you got spend a good amount to deserve the game ^.^/'


Hey Kreig, I've been your patron since January and donated $20 a month since then. In total I have donated $80 so far.


I actually don't know why anyone is upset... I enjoyed the difficulty and the changes made look great, cant wait for the next update. Ballpark guess of when that's going to be?


The difficulty made it fun; the spikes... not so much.


Huh, I've been a patron for a year, now. Doesn't even feel like it has been that long since I played the original demo. Anyways, I also managed to surpass the $20 threshold. Also, that fucking picture. Oh the spikes...


Hope you are gonna have a nice time with the family after all the work you have been putting in. I donated 20$ back in July 2016

Jeffrey Ward

According to my profile page I've been a $3 patron for about a year now, which should mean something around $24 total or so. But I'm planning on waiting until there's a version with the sex scenes anyway.


Enjoy your family time. You've more than earned it, that's for sure.


well, I always pledged 15, so I am a bit over 20 in total ;P


So i old patron 21$ for sure(7*3$) so i reply it here as i understand or not?


I was an old patron a while back.


I've been patron-ing for a while now and would love the cheat version


Anyone knows when the next NSFW demo will be out? I'd love to try it out hehe


Hey! I'm patron from dec 2016 for 5usd, u can send me the cheat version please. Have a nice days with ur family!


I was a patron for 7 months at the $5 tier


Hi been a patron since June 2016 @$5 every month.


Hey, i pledged more than 20$ since now :P


Heya, 9months at the $5 tier


Since December: 3 months - 10$ .....2 months - 5$=)


i believe i totaled about 45 dollars this far so, please send me the cheats :)


Pledged at the 3 dollar tier for about 4 months in 2016, this year I've given at the $5 tier in February, March, April and May. Wouldn't mind this cheat demo of which you speak, considering how sudden those traps are... :P


Hey, pledged over $20 total :)


I've def pledged over $20 total, been an active patron for a while now. Just shoot me the cheats version when u get the chance, thanks :)


Hey Ho^^ i'm a old Patron i pledged over 20$. :-D


I am 99.9999% sure I can't believe it's not butter!...and pledged over $20 total.


Can I get my hands on the demo? Old patron here


Well not really an Old patron, but been pledging for 2 months, tried out the demo you recently released and have really high hopes for it man :D


I have been here for a while, Id like the demo too


please message me your email and atleast a month when you pledged so i can send the link thanks!


I've pledged 10 dollars since February, so that's $30 from me. I can haz cheats?


Been pledged for a year now. Last spring.


I've pledged $20 in June 01, 2016, and a few other times since then.


In playing the new build, I find it to be very laggy, especially when there are multiple enemies but even when the screen is basically clear. I'm not sure why or how, but bear in mind that I can run VR games at full settings on my pc, so a flash game should not be overloading at all. I also hate the spike traps, while the concept is interesting, I wish that there was SOME indication that they were in a certain spot like the land has darkened spots or something. The fact that you can just randomly take damage while avoiding enemies or just moving around is SO frustrating that I just stopped playing after the third time I died for no reason. On the plus side, I like that the saw attack slows down and stops upon hitting mobs, giving a better chance to stun and deal more damage, so that's nice.


Pledged over $20 in the past.


Since September 1, 2016, a total pledged of $ 41 has been committed. I can haz cheats?


I've pledged in the past. But hiding income numbers from the very people who make what you do possible is wrong.


It is also wrong to threaten and harass creators. I've had several, almost enough to make me close the campaign. I did it for peace of mind and to continue developing. I'm sure my supporters will understand and I will cater only to them. Maybe I'll plan to unhide the numbers in the future, who knows? Matters not as in a few days I will be updating the current stage demo build and I shall declare (monthly), to those who truly support the development (current patrons) what I currently earn. For now, I thank you for your understanding and if you wish to be refunded, just say so. If you also wish a link to the current stage demo build, again, say so.


(Repost since I managed to break the comment system again with a lenny face somehow) I have sometimes wondered whether working with game publishers like you used to and being given deadlines was actually less stressful for you compared to running things yourself on Patreon. Because damn, you have even thought about closing the campaign? Must have been real nasty threats since I don't remember seeing any comments which would make you even consider doing that. Well, now that the stage demo has been finally released, hopefully you've reached some peace of mind and are willing to develop many more projects through Patreon in the future (projects which may not be possible with a regular publisher, especially when hentai is involved)! Maybe even find a way to relatively quickly hentai-lize Witch Hunt some day once the contract for it expires, eh?


we've had some scary experience with threats and harassment before (2006 not career related) which extended to the present, so everything else like it afterwards just does not keep me still. (Heck I have seven dogs because of that and the reason why i do freelance) the threats are privately sent (and reported) - I may have exaggerated when I said the campaign was almost closed, but I was ready to put it on hold or per release basis. And yes, setbacks aside, it feels great to be in pace to the actual track of the campaign. - As for the game quickies, yeah i think I'll do those more next time.


I dont recall ever threatening anyone. To say "it is also wrong to..." is a bit non sequitur, and that two wrongs dont make a right. Transparency is a wonderful tool that shows your patrons that you have nothing to hide. And I dont want a refund. You do good work and you deserved the money I gave you.


Oh no, I get your point and I also mean other people's threats. And believe me, they are on a personal level. Apologies if I sounded as if your post was the threat, but by "it is also wrong" is when non-patrons judge and tell me shit when they're not even patrons or will leak and pirate the game anyway. I'm sure you're aware of those people on the internet, and they do no kind of help to creators. We are very sensitive people and it's very easy to rattle us and will badly affect the campaign, so I had no choice but to stop giving them chances. In the last post and in every new coming months I declare the campaign amount. Again, apologies for the misunderstanding.