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So, this is an edited post and you'll see lots of censored placeholder images.

This is to comply with the ToS. This is dealt with after some readings, findings and research, but since this whole post is informative with development progress, I decided not to delete it. So anyway...


Hey everyone! Currently constructing and finalizing spicy mechanics for v2.4.

There are still many things to include in the core but we're slowly puling them towards FC version (Feature Complete) meaning all necessary mechanics are working as intended and will be expanding from.

At the moment here are all the completed since battle tech alpha:


  • Battle System

  • Dialogue System

  • Main UI System


  • Enemy Spicy Encounter Scenes

  • Minigame System


  • Upgrades System

  • Inventory System

  • Stage Design and Puzzles


Currently doing the UI, mechanics and minigame for the spicy encounters.


Ignore the Mayumi Sprites, they're placeholders.
(However, be known that Forbidden Arms is not abandoned. I still work on it once a week in my spare time)

For those not familiar with the mechanic, it's a simple reaction minigame where you'll press the right button against the enemy in front of you.

Hit the right reaction and the small Mayumi placeholder at the top left will proceed to the right side of the progress bar by 1 step. Hit the wrong button and she moves 5 steps back.

If she reaches the ESCAPE distance requirement, you, the player will not lose HP/Hearts and the spicy scene exits back to battle scene.

Or you can proceed beyond the ESCAPE minimum requirement to try to UNLOCK extra spicy scenes like:

Each enemy will have these extra scenes or more to unlock. Example: Internal scene, switch positions like:

which will also have a version to unlock like:

Each enemy has unique skills/spells that SIggy can also learn and level up if you go beyond the ESCAPE minimum win condition.

Another example would be, she escapes with her armor fully restored, and many more possible bonuses to enter Spicy Scenes with monsters. And of course, the minigame will get harder and the time limit will lessen.


The upgrades system is something you spend with coins. This will be UI based so I expect to get my head hurtin a lot here and will probably do this last.

Inventory and loot system will be simplified compared to the Origins prototype. Again, more UI, so will do this on better and colder days. We're currently 'enjoying' a 48º ~ 52º heatwave summer.

Stage and World will require countless assets drawn and I'm really excited to forge and design all these by hand. BUT i'll wait to do this til Godot 4.3+ as their sprite tilemap system will be redesigned and I wish to utilize that version, so i'll wait. If I do that now, refactoring will be a nightmare.

Once all these are completed, we'll enter an FC version (Feature Complete) where I will start adding in Enemy Sprites and include their unique A.I.'s - However as we already have 4-6 Enemies ready, I'll start working on their Spicy Scenes sooner than them getting ingame as enemy objects.

For now, my goal is to do 1-2 scene per enemy. Once I get them all done, we'll add the extra scenes, positions, alts etc. For now I am done animating the Mabros (mushroom enemy official name that will inevitable have a Lubros and Wabros variant in the future.)

Anyway, that's all the report for now. Let me sew all the mechanics, so we can have these ingame soon! Thank you, once again for the support!

-kReig out!




Joined up about 2 months ago, I have been interested in your amazing work for years but was unable to find you and give my support. I realized that a lot of things have changed in that time regarding your projects and how much help you have, but I still want to be along for the ride. Doing things solo can’t be easy, but I think your stuff is cool and I’m hoping that both this game’s development and your personal life are smooth going into the future. I’m really excited! (p.s. don’t worry about the lewds art style, I love the siggy scenes you’ve done yourself)


that's reassuring to hear! thank you! and yeah, solo is hard and slow, but handling difficult co-workers can be much harder.

Risk Star

i cant remember how long ago it was i stumbled across 1.96b but i have been following since and have enjoyed and appreciated all the hard work youre putting in. GREAT JOB!!


I can just see siggy with a red stop sign


🤔Mmm, it seems patreon has really been giving creators like you a hard time in recent months. I find it worrisome, mainly because it creates another limitation (or at least an annoyance) for you in addition to all the dev work you already do. It’s okay if you need some time to figure out how to tackle things. But if you’re able, could you maybe give a general estimate on when the next post will be out (in regards to how you’ll tackle news and links going forward). I really want this project to be a success for you and waiting for news about how this new problem (patreon’s policies) will affect your work, has me greatly worried. All the best, sigma


thanks! it took some effort to be sure how i can proceed through this. it's almost all lava nowadays lol