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First, here's the v2.35 LINK!

Yes, this is still a tech demo. But it's the final tech demo.

Next updates will have the spicy things. When will it come out? Not anytime soon as again, I do 95% of everything here from design, sprites, backgrounds, animation, code to mixing sound effects. The only thing I did not do would probably the Music, so for the new folks here, I hope you understand.

I've also been asked frequently why I don't hire help. And the answer is, as much as I want to, I have no control over the person doing the outsourced material. Managing people will eat dev time and hiring people was what got the project in trouble in the first place.

Speaking of which, to the new supporters who got here because of Chris Armin, apologies for not replying to your messages, but I have not been in contact with him for years now. Though he did give a proposal to do animations again for 50% less than what I hired him before, I was reluctant as I was tempted. I was also under a loan back then and I am glad I did not take the offer, because as most of you know, Chris quit doing spicy stuff and left the internet forever. He wanted to end the spicy chapter of his life and probably become a priest or something.

Had I took his offer, then by now I'd be left in the gutter again like last time.

So if you're here expecting Chris Armin animations, I suggest you cancel your pledge.

But if you're here to stay, still, then you will always have my thanks! I may not be as good as Chris, but I've much a higher chance getting shit done, albeit slow, rather than getting in to more trouble and delays because of succumbing to the convenience of external help.


I've done a couple of tests and will finalize the style this month. Aside from other sprite animations like Siggy getting armor recovery, I'm pretty much done with the tech demo and will focus the next months doing the spicy animations. Again, no Chris Armin quality. In fact, to be honest I'm leaning towards good enough and quick because, again, I still have to do the code, add them in etc etc.

I'll once again finish a loop this week and I'll let you decide if it's good or more than enough. I need to get to a certain style and flow that matches the development in general.

If I do it too much, I notice I get burned out easily and when I come back to coding, I sometimes forget my game logic, so again, a balance to overall game development and visuals.

Game State

Right now, v2.35 you will notice a lot of changes and new stuff. But basically, SIGGY IS OP with the new update. But know that not all of the things are available at the start. Most of the skills and spells in the current build need to be unlocked and upgraded.

But yeah, pretty much the same enemy object (Mushroom Monster) basics like ai will host the upcoming enemies and some of the sprites are already in the works as well. I'm telling you. Never go one man army unless you're mad and old like me.


Ooof! You're probably sick of the current area. That's also another thing I still need to do. Luckily, we've already got the code there ready from v1.9 (The Silver hair MC) And yeah, it will be easily designed and populated with trees, traps and secrets soon! I'm just holding off a bit because the new tilemap system will be updated in Godot 4.3 so I'm not focusing much on the stages because I know Godot will break my tiles and I want to fix those after they bring it to my plate.

Anyways, feedback and suggestions appreciated! I respond faster in Discord, if you're there.

Thank you for the support as always and stay tuned for the spicy animation update this week/month.

-kReig out!




The quality time is coming fellas!

Matthias Zimmermann

game has changed quite a bit since i last pledged