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Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

As of January 2023, I simplified the subscription flavors to three tiers ($1, $3, and $5), with the two top ones eligible to receive an Illustration pack. You can choose the tier that will bring you the most joy.

What's inside an illustration pack, and how can I get it?

Except for the standard-resolution images in this gallery's posts (accessible from the $1 tier), all additional benefits will be delivered through illustration packs.

First, there's the content-related pack, or Carmine Pack ($3 tier), which includes all the final illustrations and their variations in their higher-quality formats. Then, there's the process-related, behind-the-scenes pack, or Cyan Pack ($5 tier). It contains all the final illustrations and variations in higher-quality formats, sketches, process illustrations, time-lapse video(s), and original KRA file(s). It also includes any other file related to the creation process (when/if applicable), such as BLEND files, reference images, custom Krita brushes, etc.

You'll receive a Patreon DM with a link to the illustration pack you chose after you complete each billing cycle. For instance, if you join this month, your first illustration pack will be delivered by the beginning of the following month, after the next billing cycle. Each link will be active for one month, so make your backup copy!

What if I want one illustration pack that's been long posted?

In this case, I've set up a small store at Gumroad for that intent (I'll add the illustration packs gradually as they're completed).

* * *

These changes add more value to the tiers, simplify things, and hopefully make everyone happier. I'm creating a FAQ-like text (of which this is a considerable part), and soon it'll be our gallery's welcome message. Thank you all so much for the love and support! =^____^=





I feel like these are more typical tiers and therefore easier for most potential supporters to understand. Good choice.


Thanks, aabsurdity! After a while, it becomes hard to tell whether others quickly grasp the tier system or the benefits. Achieving any level of minimalism is anything but trivial in any case. =^___^=