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Shola was long gone when Leto took the subway and headed home. She still felt her legs trembling from Kathleen's party.

"I didn't even get the chance to be with her," Leto whispered to herself. Kathleen was different now, with all the tattoos and the tomboy look she never had in her school years. Leto smiled. Her tail was in her backpack, but she wore her wolf ears under the hoodie.

On the other side of the station, she saw Epona standing in a dark area, typing on her phone. She was alone at first, but then someone approached her. Who were those? As they came out of the dark passageway, Leto could see them. It was Iris, followed by a blond woman she didn't know. No, wait! Was that Sofia? 

They were laughing. Sofia would look at both sides of the station regularly. No one else was around except for newspapers dancing in the wind. Leto covered her head and face with her hood and leaned to one side, pretending to be asleep. Epona was sitting on one of the chairs when Iris mounted her. She wore a black skirt, but after the girl pressed against Epona's hip, Leto could see her mare pussy winking. Fascinated, Sofia sat on the floor by Epona's feet, kissing and licking Iris's equine lips and the stallion shaft that quickly fled from Epona's underwear.

It was Epona's turn to check the station regularly. Now it was she who was pressing against the wetness of Iris. She could feel her winking pussy on her shaft. Her breath was paced, and she moaned as her friend slid up and down.

Two empty trains arrived and left the station, which should not happen that early in the night. Twice the trio stopped what they were doing, clumsily trying to act normal, but they were awful at that. That's when Leto heard footsteps coming from her left side. And a distant whistle, accompanied by the sound of keys. And what was that smell? An intriguing male perfume and the evident aftertaste of liquor.

"They're in trouble. Think fast, Leto..." she whispered as she ran to the corridor to her left after the third empty train left the station. Soon she'd feel her body bump against a firm, broad chest. It was a man in uniform. "Oh, hey there, officer! Uh..." Think fast, think fast, think fast! "Can you help me find a handbag that I lost? I think I left it on the train!"

"Excuse me, miss. There was a call about some disturbance in this area. I need to..."

"Oh, it must have been me. I felt so frustrated I yelled in front of everyone. I'm a disaster today." All Leto could think at the moment was along the lines of damn it, Epona, the things I still do for you! Up to that moment, she hadn't realized she had done that for love.

Speaking of feelings, it must be declared that the officer in front of her was gorgeous. His messy hair and the punishable scent of cheap tequila on duty made him look alluring. Leto's only disaster that day, flirting with a stranger right after attending a jungle-themed orgy, was being a disaster bi. The man stepped forward, but she gently intercepted him. The tips of her fingers rested on his chest, where his name was written. Martins. Her other hand was below his abdomen. He could feel her nails gently scratching his pants. "I'm doing this for you, Epona, not for me. Definitely not for me," she whispered to herself, but he heard that last utterance.

"Not for... Is this really happening?" He asked, but her index finger touched his lips. Her bright, yellow eyes hypnotized him. They kissed.

"It's late. We won't tell anyone about this. You won't tell. I won't tell." Her hand now held his hard dick inside his pants. They kissed again. He lifted her, and his leg hit one of the station's garbage cans.

There were restrooms on that corridor. Dazed, officer Martins pointed at them and asked, "which one? Mine or yours?"

Leto grinned. "What a silly question, officer. What a silly question."

* * *

Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

It's December! The year is almost over, guys, and the universe keeps getting more chaotic as entropy does its thing! We're completing five years together this month! I don't know about you, but I was insecure and uncertain about this project when it started. Nowadays, it's one of my main constants in life. This ongoing process spans from learning new skills to keeping everything tidy and organized. What can you say in your own defense, universe? Huh? Huh? =)

I'm so grateful for everything that we've accomplished together. This project, alongside the commission work, allowed me to stay close to my family and loved ones in moments of joy and sorrow, learning and working while doing one of my favorite things: drawing and painting. It's impossible to put a price tag on that. I've also come to talk to many of you regularly, and life only gets better like this. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Today I'd like to bring you guys another mix of 3D and 2D elements. After the initial sketch, I modeled the station with Blender, and the rest followed its course in Krita. Since I'm not painting hyperrealistic figures, the station needs to follow the characters somehow, so I went for a simplified version of the 3D elements. Then I added the kind of noise and imperfection that comes from using digital brushes on top of that. I think it brings life and cohesiveness to the image.

Happy holidays, take care, and enjoy! =^____^=






Damn, you know you have a long cock when you're able to fuck someone who's standing up while you're sitting down


I had that same thought halfway through the painting. =^_____^=


I should hang out in subways more often 😉


I've never considered this illustration an invitation to the magic of public transportation... Up until now =^____^= LOL