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Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

For this year's holidays, I revisited last year's illustration and decided to give it a spin. What if Leto fell inside Santa's magic bag of gifts? What if there's a parallel reality inside it, just waiting for her to dive inside? The rest was composition, lines, and contrast (an upper, more compact, dark world versus a lower, brighter, dream realm), oblique shapes writing a story (her body, lollipop, gifts, clothes, and jizz creating a neat diagonal wave descending from left to right), and so on. This image also tells us a bit about what we can expect from 2023: new ideas, fantastic creatures, parallel realities, and so on.

This bonus holiday painting is our first attempt at delivering an illustration pack. Yep! The first illustration pack is here, and all of you (yeah, all of you! All tiers, everyone!) will receive the Cyan Pack version. It's a swell Xmas gift! I call it ip000 (e.g., Illustration Pack 000) because the first regular, official one, ip001, will be delivered in January 2023!

Wait, Q, what's going on? I missed your previous mentions about the changes in our gallery beginning next month. Fear not, friend. I created a short FAQ to introduce the changes we'll see in 2023. It's the "About" tab of our gallery now. It's as concise and clear as I could write it, but, more importantly, it'll bring you more value and joy. =ˆ___ˆ=

Shortly after I post this image, I'll send the illustration pack link to each of you through a Patreon DM. Please tell me if you spot any weird behavior. The link will be available for one month, and then it wonˋt work anymore (there's only so much storage space!), so be sure to make your copies, OK?

I'd like to wish you all a happy end of 2022. May your daily lives live peacefully alongside those of your dreams, desires, and deepest aspirations.



p.s.: this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I'll post it on my social media in the future.



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