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In space, no one can hear you scream. Being a Power Ranger is no exception as there are tons of incomprehensible evils out there in the galaxy that could make the United Alliance of Evil look like a bunch of nagging children. These types of evil lurked in the dark and would literally pluck your human essence.

Unfortunately for the Redeemed Galaxy Power Rangers, their flight path crossed one of these blank spots.

Sorry for the hiatus, but I hope that this beautiful lengthy story can make up for it!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal friends:

LaSean Cartwright

Robert Terwillger




Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


Some things are meant to be left alone!

Mirinoi was a hazy green expanse that dominated the lower view of the panorama. Above it and in contrast with the lush planet’s glory, the void of outer space was as black as Lord Zedd’s heart. Not that the supervillain would do any damage now. His days were long gone, but the galaxy still needed protection from the forces of evil.

The United Alliance of Evil remnants were out there, somewhere. It only needed one bad day to undo the peace that had lasted for years. No need to worry, the lost galaxy has been rediscovered and the Redeemed Galaxy Power Rangers were here to prevent that fateful day from coming.

The Astro-Zwei Megaship’s command center was spacious and the Red Ranger sat in his captain’s chair like that in Star Trek. The main difference was that this massive engineering marvel didn’t need thousands of crew to function. It only required seven of the Redeemed Galaxy Ranger team to guard the Mirinoi solar system and the surrounding sector.

The Redeemed Galaxy Red Ranger tapped the side of his helmet. He unslotted the head protector to put it on his lap. His secret identity as a male Filipino youngster with brunette hair was revealed. He licked his dry lips. All of this was too early for his schedule. “Who approved this mission anyway?” grumbled the toned team captain as he rested his broad shoulders on the seat.

His friends were either standing or sitting behind their own computer desks. “You know who it was, Aldrix. It was the Ranger Command of the Mirinoi branch,” answered the female Black Ranger as she opened her own helmet to reveal a Caucasian girl with round glasses. “Before you complain even more, the entire council voted unanimously to send us since they deemed the situation required additional investigation.”

Galaxy Red scoffed. “What situation? A blip in their cheap deep space system couldn’t count for a monster attack.”

That comment received feedback in the form of a friendly slap to the back of Aldrix’s head. “Mind you that their ‘cheap’ system detected a United Alliance of Evil fleet that sneakily came to our solar system a year ago and prevented a full-scale invasion. Have faith in our tech once in a while.”

But the Red Ranger wasn’t ready to give his day yet. “Yeah, my faith only runs on weekdays, Crisanto. I have a training schedule and a marathon event this weekend.” He corrected himself. “Had.”

“Cheer up, there’s another competition next week. You’d be going against me there,” added Crisanto Chen, son of Kai and Maya Chen, as he showed his little fighting stance steps. He also teased his team captain by kicking the air a few centimeters off Aldrix’s face.

“Don’t forget about my part too,” said the coming girl with a pale complexion and purple hair who launched the same martial arts action as the female Redeemed Galaxy Green Ranger. That one was even closer to Aldrix’s nose that the team captain flinched.

“How can we forget about you, dear Reigne?” snickered Crisanto, the Yellow Ranger who prepared a friendly sparring right in front of their team captain.

“That’s enough kicking for the day, Rangers,” complained the Red Ranger while shaking his head. “Let’s just focus on our mission so I can have more prep time to beat both of you in the arena!”

“Seems like our hapless leader is being impatient,” taunted the Blue Ranger. He was as nerdy as the Pink Ranger next to him. “Let’s not disappoint him.”

The Black Ranger girl nodded. “All Rangers, prepare for the hyperjump!”

The Yellow and Green Rangers had a casual arm-wrestling handshake before going to their stations. They put their respective Galactabeast-themed helmets on their computer panels and then held on. Mary-Joy and Max then launched the superluminal propulsion system.

Outer space was no longer a black void. The collective glow of millions of stars turned it into a sea of a hazy glow instead. From Aldrix’s perspective, the entire front side of the command chamber was stretched toward their destination. No matter how often he did the jump, the experience always got the best of him. The Red Ranger pushed himself to his seat.

With a boom, the hyperspace jump was completed. The Astro-Zwei starship arrived at the outermost planet of the Mirinoi solar system. Its bulky shape cast a sharp shadow in the twilight. Before it, the crimson celestial object eerily came into view. “This feels familiar,” commented the Blue Ranger with a shudder.

“This was where we were held captive in Captain Mutiny’s slave camp, Max,” answered the female Black Ranger as she adjusted her glasses.

“Never like to remember that, Mary-Joy,” replied the nerdy youngster as he combed his hair to make the uneasiness disappear.

“Right, here we are. Let’s scan the empty sector so that we can go back to civilization,” ordered the Red Ranger as he stood up from his captain chair. His toned physique was fully revealed now. His pecs, his perfect abs, and even his considerable bulge that hinted at his civilian identity as an Olympic swimming gold medalist were something to behold. His gesture of putting his hands on the waist added to Aldrix’s persona as the gallant Redeemed Galaxy Red Ranger.

“On it!” replied Max as he configured the ship’s computer. The forward sensor beamed out a glimmering jade-colored ray that slowly expanded from a single point to a vertical slit to an entire enormous box of light. Some of the light particles bounced off distant asteroids.

“Are you sure we’re in the correct spot?” asked Reigne as she observed the process. The daughter of Leo Corbett and Ginger was still nothing unusual after a few minutes.

“Positive, it was a perfect hyperjump,” replied Mary-Joy. Her glasses reflected the glow of her advanced computer panels. She then chuckled a bit. “Don’t you dare look down on me, sister.”

The Green Ranger scoffed. “I didn’t say anything.”

Reigne glanced outside at the strange far-away planet. The world had left its original orbit. Whoever still lived there wouldn’t be tormented by the sun’s heat, unlike little Max. His mind drifted into the early days of his life. Half-naked, the former swimming student-athlete of Terra Venture was forced by horrendous Captain Mutiny to work day and night in inhumane mining conditions to fight for precious gems just like the rest of his young team.

Max wasn’t alone since a girl with broken glasses was with him. Their sector of the continent-wide mineral extraction operation was dedicated to child labor. Throughout his torture, the future Blue Ranger never saw fellow servants who were not teenagers and youngsters. Their life potential was wasted in those pits. Instead of playing and pursuing their dreams, they were made to dig and dig and dig.

Max gasped. He could remember how close he was to surrendering his soul to Captain Mutiny. Many before him already did and they were all taken to the villain’s pirate ship to do who knew what.

Max knew. He caught a glimpse of the horrors inside the hovering alien starship of evil. Its armored belly opened to reveal cages. Youngsters in chains danced to entertain the captain’s crew. His seniors and fellow athletes, worming their hunky bodies while their minds drowned in agony. They were part of his establishment now.

The Redeemed Galaxy Blue Ranger gulped. He whispered the place. “Brothel…”

“There!” an excited announcement from Reigne snapped the Blue Ranger back to reality. He closed his eyes behind his glasses for the longest time. It took him a while to return. Max moved his hands away from his swelling crotch.

The advanced forward window of the Astro-Zwei identified a strange shape inside an asteroid belt. Between the floating space rocks, there was something that wasn’t supposed to be there.

“What the hell is that?” commented Crisanto as he stepped forward. The computer system helped him by zooming in on the object and clearing all distracting shadows. It didn’t do much to the Ranger’s mind since it was still something unidentified.

Even Mary-Joy was perplexed by her discovery. The best way she could describe the “thing” was that it was reminiscent of a Mirinoian vampire squid with its weird and massive tentacle-like appendage. Its surface was as crimson as the analogous creature, yet clearly made of durable material akin to stone. Alien carvings glowed dimly on its surface.

“Time to go back?” asked the doubtful Max as he hovered his hand above the emergency retro propulsion trigger button.

“What, no!” rejected Reigne. She didn’t elaborate on her words. The Green Ranger looked back at the huge alien starship. Long spikes protruded from the inner side of the vessel’s arms. She fantasized about them grabbing the Astro-Zwei all of a sudden.

Something else caught the Rangers’ ship. The command chamber shook hard as something yanked the Astro-Zwei out of its flight trajectory toward the alien derelict vessel. “Get us outta here, Mary-Joy!” ordered the Red Ranger as he held onto the handles of his captain seat.

“Hang on!” shouted the Black Ranger. “Max, help me!”

The situation with the Blue Ranger was as dire as hers. “What do you think I am doing?!”

“Divert power to the forward thrusters. Even a small deviation can send us away!”

“On it!”

“Fuck!” groaned Crisanto as he held on to the back of his computer desk. He pulled himself back into the operator's seat. “It’s pulling us in!”

“No shit, Sherlock!” complained the tomboyish Green Ranger. She also scanned her digital screen for a solution. “Can we just fire a cannon at this thing?!”

The Black and Blue Rangers looked at each other for a moment, then, “That can work!”

The situation was getting worse. There was a loud boom as if a giant had struck the Astro-Zwei from the back. The nerdy Rangers were thrown to hit their computers. The screens were cracked. The Green Ranger was almost hurled toward the front window. The Red Ranger did. “Fuck this, guys!” yelled Aldrix as he jumped to his seat. “If you have an idea, this would be a great time to do it!”

There was another sign that the moment was right. It was their last chance to escape. The gloomy distant stars beyond the Mirinoi solar system were slowly being obscured by the gigantic stony tentacle arm of the alien starship. Its rows of jagged teeth shone brighter for a moment.

Still groggy from their latest impact, Mary-Joy and Max worked together to put their new command. There were familiar mechanical noises from behind the walls. “Stratos Laser Cannon ready!”

“Just fire it!”

Max slammed his broken computer screen. It turned red. The void outside of the command chamber was also red as a long, unbroken beam of high-energy particles struck the alien starship’s side. There was a silent explosion.

The other explosion was deafening as it happened inside the bridge. The Black and Blue Rangers’ computers erupted and smashed the spandex-clad young heroes onto the nearby wall. The momentum left a clear dent in the thick metal.

Normal lights turned to the eerie glow of the emergency system. Gas ruptures burst from open pipes before the advanced computer system automatically handled the situation. The loud siren made the dizzying whole experience even more unbearable.

The world felt muffled for a moment. Aldrix needed time to get his sight to normalcy. He blinked quickly in confusion. “Status report! Everyone, sound up!”

Crisanto was in a jumbled position with Reigne in the corner. He voiced a bellow to respond. Max on the other hand lifted his arm weakly with a peace sign to let his team captain know he was okay.

“Mary-Joy’s safe with me,” replied the Blue Ranger as he forced himself to get back up, albeit wobbly. He also supported the Black Ranger in his arms.

“Got it,” replied Aldrix absent-mindedly. The team captain was too focused on the vista outside of Astro-Zwei’s front window. The twilight gleam of the outer solar system was now replaced by a haunting crimson glow from the weird illuminations on the alien starship’s tentacles. As he got a better view, the full situation was visible. Many of the massive spikes stabbed various parts of the Rangers’ spaceship and caused damage. Intermittent electrical sparks burst from random open wounds on the superstructure. “Fuck…,” cursed the Red Ranger.

The Green Ranger acted fast, but her attempt was futile. She slammed her broken computer screen. “Even if I can fix the system, we can’t broadcast a distress signal. We are in the middle of an electromagnetic cage,” reported the tomboyish girl with a groan.

“Can we pull ourselves out?” asked the shivering Yellow Ranger. He didn’t like the odds.

“Those spikes will tear Astro-Zwei when we move. We need a plan first,” answered the Red Ranger. “We need to get into the alien starship and find a way to make it open its arms.”

The Yellow Ranger held up his gloved hands. “Woah, woaah, into that? No, thank you!”

“What’s wrong, Crisanto? Your Galactabeast is a phoenix, not a chicken,“ mocked the team captain with a smug smile.

“Well, listen to what I got first before insulting the size of my dick.” Crisanto slammed a button on the side of his broken computer desk. The whole bridge was suddenly filled with a loud cacophony of weird noises. Inside her helmet, Mary-Joy gasped as she could identify them as people moaning and whimpering. There were even sporadic screams.

“What’s that?” asked Max.

“I’m the com guy, remember? I did a radio scan on the ship. This broadcast comes from that!” The Yellow Ranger pointed at the mouth-like central part of the alien starship where the giant tentacles sprouted out.

Mary-Joy was half-listening then. Her mind was drenched by the lamentations. While everyone was arguing, the spandex-clad girl gulped as she could see herself in a sea of pathetic human beings. There were youngsters all around her, wearing similar tight Power Rangers costumes as she did. Their toned bodies with bulging muscles and vital organs were meaningless in the new life. They were once heroes. They were now servants of evil inside the inescapable suffocating cocoon. The Black Ranger opened her mouth.

She wasn’t the only one who was seeing things when listening to the recording. Even Crisanto himself gritted his teeth as his mind wandered to a desolate world of grey fog. He was alone and his Redeemed Galaxy Ranger costume was the only color in that hell. The hero looked down. It turned out that he stood on a shifting fabric of latex-like material. From beneath the membrane, numerous people tried to break free. Their hands and Sentai warrior helmets thrust up in vain before the unbroken elasticity prevented them from escaping.

Crisanto would soon join them. The condor-themed athletic champion’s boots were grabbed by the tortured souls within the fibrous prison. He tried to pull away, but his body went deeper. He tried to reach out by tilting himself forward, but that only caused his arms to be seized by other enslaved Rangers too. “Let me go! Let me-HURGH!” screamed the once-mighty Yellow Ranger as he was slowly plunged and drowned by fellow former superheroes.

For Aldrix, his reality was warped into a horrifying festival of debauchery where all Rangers were trapped inside ultra-tight condoms where they writhed and flailed about forever to the beat of an alien rhythm that destroyed their minds.

“That’s enough,” said the Blue Ranger to Yellow. He looked distressed. The order snapped Crisanto from his nightmare. His reflex turned off the recording. “That doesn’t solve our problems, Yellow. We’re in a tight spot here.”

“Our computers are fucked anyway,” said Mary-Joy as her mind slowly went back to reality.

Aldrix nodded. “Besides, what else can we do? We can’t contact the Ranger Command at Mirinoi and we can’t rely on others to get us.”

“He’s right,” supported the female Green Ranger as she jumped across her computer desk. She playfully punched the side of Yellow’s arm. “We’re Rangers, Crisanto. We are the search party.”

“Sounds like a fun party,” voiced the Redeemed Galaxy Yellow Ranger cynically. “Fine. What’s the play then?”

“I have scanned the starship’s interior prior to our capture. The map is rudimentary, but at least we know where to go,” reported the Black Ranger as she showed her helmet with a glowing visor glass. On the shiny surface, there was an outline of the alien starship. “If my prediction is correct, this is the main bridge of the vessel. It’s our best shot at releasing Astro-Zwei. I doubt that we can just access the ship’s system as we don’t even know what this thing is, but it’s better than just staying here.”

“Right,” said Aldrix while contemplating their options for a while. He then continued, “Anyone up for a spacewalk?”

The outer hatch hissed as air leaked out. The heavy door slowly swung open to reveal the five Redeemed Galaxy Power Rangers team members. The young heroes had their helmets on and the galactic animal theme had their eyes shining bright as spotlights to illuminate the dark. The heroes would need those lights.

Max looked around in horror and awe. The alien starship was twice Astro-Zwei’s size. Its robust stone-like tentacles were four times longer. No wonder it almost completely cloaked the outer space panorama with its sinister glow.

The Red Ranger led his team as the first one to step outside. “You guys ready?”

His friends nodded with half-heartedness. No matter how they tried to convince themselves that this was the best plan to get back home, launching themselves into an eldritch vessel was never a good idea. “Let’s get this over with so I can safely eat my takoyaki at home,” commented the Green Ranger as she adjusted the spandex around her busty bosoms.

“You know the basic idea: we’re gonna use our boosters to push us to the central opening that Mary-Joy identified as the best entry point. From there, we explored the main spine of the ship toward whatever energy convergence it has, assuming it is the command center. The team’s main purpose now is to support the Blue and Black Rangers as they access the system. Any questions?”

“Yeah, where’s the bathroom?” complained the Yellow Ranger.

Aldrix chuckled. “You can just pee in your suit, Crisanto. It’ll recycle your urine for a fresh drink later.”

“I still hate the smell.”

The Red Ranger half-glanced his phoenix teammate. “Likewise, bro. Let’s go, Galaxy Explosion!”

With that, the Power Rangers’ boots lit up with special booster systems that help the team hurl themselves across the void from the Astro-Zwei spaceship to the alien starship. From a distance, the five heroes were reminiscent of five multicolored meteors that dashed silently across space.

Redeemed Galaxy Red Ranger expected a landing in an airless spot. Instead, he and his teammates crossed a transparent boundary of a giant bubble. The Sentai warrior’s arrival was awkward as they tumbled to the metallic platform. “What the hell was that?” grunted Reigne as she removed Max who had his helmet kissing her plumpy rear.

“Air pocket,” replied the removed Blue Ranger as he observed the glittering surface of the balloon made of breathable air. “At least we know whoever built this ship was closely related to humans.”

The Rangers helped each other and took a moment to admire their surroundings. The welcoming platform was huge. Its ceiling was airy and there was a stained glass-like decoration on top. Its colors shifted even though there wasn’t much sunlight.

Crisanto frowned as he looked at the glass patterns. It resembled a giant love muscle complete with two accompanying balls. The sight made the Yellow Ranger gulp.

Now that he noticed one, the muscular hero saw more. It turned out that the giant pillars that supported the roof were in the shape of male organs. Mary-Joy panted as she could identify the intricate veins on the shafts. Her breath became short and sharp.

She wasn’t the only one. Even Reigne wasn’t immune. Her left hand reached for her groin just to ease the tension building there. A simple view of the enormous pillars was too much for the Black Ranger. “Can we… Can we move along?”

Aldrix swallowed. He turned around so that his friends couldn’t see the uncontrollable bulge on his own crotch. He tried to calm himself, but the spandex tent was still tall. “Yeah, let’s… Let’s go deeper.” The Red Ranger corrected himself. “I mean, let’s go to our objective.”

“That sounds wonderful…” replied Mary-Joy with a daze as she followed her team captain and the others. The five Rangers went forward toward the long bridge that ended on a tighter corridor opening.

It was a bottleneck situation. Two Rangers could go at a time. Red led them all. Their helmet spotlights illuminated the carvings on the circular walls. It told them a hideous history. “That’s not possible…”

“What?” asked Max to Mary-Joy. The girl with glasses pointed at one carving with familiar figures on it. These figures were being impaled by thick sticks up their butts while their arms were forced to stretch in a dreadful spread eagle pose.

“Are those the Blitz Rangers?” asked the Blue Ranger with doubt. He wasn’t sure that he wanted to get answers for it.

Especially when he could hear voices coming from the sculpture. It was similar to what Crisanto captured before, but this time was even more prominent. Max couldn’t be sure whether it was just in his head or the whole experience was real. The echo seemed to indicate the latter.

The Blue Ranger’s heart beat faster. He could hear the five Rangers screaming for help and begging for mercy. Each figure let out unique voices that made Max have cold boots. The hero in shiny tights was sweating inside his costume.

There was an ominous shape behind the tormented heroes. It was a huge sphere with multiple dragon-like heads protruding from it. Through each, something was drained from the Rangers.

“There’s one here too,” called out Crisanto to the right.

It was another scene of gruesomeness. The Prism Rangers were frozen in an agonized pose as a similar sphere sucked their wispy energy. Their wailing cut through Aldrix’s heart and made the team captain shed tears. “What is going on here?”

“How could this be?”

The questions were answered in the most twisted manner. The Redeemed Galaxy Power Rangers heard a noise from behind them. Then, they saw figures standing in the direction where they came in. “Hello?” called out Reigne.

“Are those… Rangers like us?” questioned the Yellow Ranger as he recognized the common tight costume that the strange people wore. They were black, yellow, and pink.

“We’re here to help,” voiced the Red Ranger, but he immediately regretted it.

The figures had their hands all over their crotches. The Pink and Yellow Lightning Power Rangers were fingering their openings while the Black Ranger was stroking his erect spandex-hugged baton. The trio let out echoing whimpers and loud moans before rushing toward the Galaxy Rangers.

A battle ensued in the tight space. The Galaxy Rangers were shocked but prepared for the assault. Reigne and Mary-Joy deflected the Pink and Yellow Rangers and launched their own counterattack. They tried to hit the coming evil Sentai warriors but the defenses were too solid. The Lightning Pink Ranger even managed to smear her fluid across Mary-Joy’s helmet visor, making the girl squeal in disgust.

The Lightning Black Ranger came after Red. The warrior launched a barrage of high-speed sweeping kicks and swooping techniques, but Aldrix held on. His muscular arms blocked and returned the attacking energy. He gave his assailant a gift of his own salvo.

The Rangers fought the Rangers, and they did so at superhuman speed. For normal humans, there were only blurry multicolored shapes that went against each other again and again and let out sparks as they clashed.

Clashed, they did. Aldrix made use of his Magna Talon sabers just like his friends did with their weapons. Quasar Swords would be a liability in the enclosed space. That didn’t stop their enemies from using their swords.

Max as the Redeemed Galaxy Blue Ranger summoned his own saber and got ready. Too bad for the nerdy hero, his enemy came from behind. Two slashes exploded on his back, sending the warrior to the floor. Before he could understand what happened, his boots were pulled by additional figures toward the corridor’s end. “Guys, help!” cried out the Blue Ranger as he failed to grab his weapons.

“Blue!” cried out the female Black Ranger. The distraction cost her the fight. The Pink Ranger’s sword hacked her chest and sent her hurling against the solid wall. The nerdy girl screamed as the wailings from the carvings penetrated her mind again. She could see herself joining the Lightning Rangers in their agony. “No, no, please…!”

She couldn’t move. The girl with glasses was dragged across a desolate room by unknown people. No matter how hard she resisted, she couldn’t free herself. Then, the beings put her in place.

The Black Ranger could feel the spandex shifting as her legs were forced to open wide. Below her was a protruding phallic structure. She didn’t have time to analyze it as the cursed item ran through her crotch. The sensation was nothing she ever felt before. Her mind exploded into numbness as it dug deeper and deeper. It should be impossible to reach further, yet it did. The Sentai warrior could feel it snaking inside her. The spandex layer didn’t tear and it made the whole experience a hundred times worse. All while her opening made a leaking puddle that drooled to the ground.

The shock petrified Mary-Joy in her torture. She squirmed and wormed around in her restriction as her body was pushed further up until her boots couldn’t touch the ground. She was being impaled while kept alive. She screamed and screamed.

The same thing happened to the Red Ranger. His opponent successfully slashed his shoulder, making Aldrix drop his saber. He held on longer against the corrupting noises. “Get Max!” screamed the team captain.

Crisanto didn’t need his order to go, but his attempt was thwarted when the Lightning Yellow Ranger grabbed Aldrix’s neck and threw him on his comrade. The two Sentai warriors unceremoniously tumbled on the metallic floor.

“Guys!” Reigne was still busy with her own battle. Two sabers were enough against by clunky sword, but the Lightning Yellow Ranger used it with extreme agility. There were multiple occasions where Green’s martial arts prowess failed to shield her from the sharp blade and there were cut marks on her costume already.

As a last-ditch effort to cut the fight short, Reigne swung herself back and used her thicc legs to choke Yellow’s neck. Before her enemy could grab the plumpy thighs, the Redeemed Galaxy Green Ranger twisted herself and slammed the opponent on the floor.

The evil Ranger was still resisting, so Reigne used a powerful jiu-jitsu lock technique to suffocate her. The Sentai heroine basically sat on her adversary and squeezed her with the weight. It didn’t take long before the Lightning Yellow Ranger’s pounding turned into useless twitching.

Reigne moved just in time before Lightning Black Ranger’s sword could decapitate her. That being said, the evil Ranger managed to grab Green’s helmet and thrust it against his wet baton that was pressing against his drenched spandex.

Reigne squealed, uttering a variety of f-words at her captor. The enraged Green Ranger pulled herself away and gave him a high-octane dropkick that ended Black’s fighting urge for now.

The Green Ranger saw an opportunity and dashed for the corridor’s end. She needed to get to Max right away. Speed was the essence and her trained legs moved like the wind.

Yet, she was forced to stop in the next chamber. Reigne arrived at a huge alien hall in the shape of a giant sphere. The floor sloped down toward a central altar where she could see a familiar figure. “Max!” shouted Reigne as she slid toward him.

The Blue Ranger was wobbly and would have fallen if she didn’t catch him. “Uuh, we don’t have much time…We gotta move fast to make this work.”

Inside her helmet, the purple-haired girl frowned. “I don’t understand. To make what work?”

“The machine. This sphere can free us, but I can’t do this alone.”

Reigne wanted this ordeal to end as much as anyone did. “Tell me what to do!”

“Place your hand on the sphere with me. We have to combine our powers.”

“Got it!” The Redeemed Galaxy Green Ranger looked up at the hovering sphere. It was huge, white in color, and had multiple dragon head decorations that protruded from its sides. On the slowly-rotating object, distortions could be seen and heard. Reigne hovered her hand just above the surface that was filled with crisscrossing diamond patterns and waited for the call. “On you, Max!”

The Blue Ranger nodded and did the same. “On my mark. Three, two, one, go!”

The Blue and Green Rangers put their gloved hands on the sphere.


Reigne opened her eyes and all she felt was asphyxiation. One moment she was with Max, the next she was in this smothering hell. The world around her was nothing but undulating and pressing shiny fabric. She tried to breathe but couldn’t. In her desperation, she pushed forward against the stretchy material.

It didn’t give her freedom. However, it did give her a glance at other figures that were with her. They were the Prism Rangers. They were the Blitz Rangers. They were the Lightning Rangers. They were all trapped and hopelessly trying to find a way out. There was no way out. It was as if the Green Ranger was inside an endless vacuum cocoon.

In her last moments, Reigne pushed forward even more. She reached the end of her prison. She could see outside. There, she saw herself. “Please, no, no, no…!”

The Redeemed Galaxy Green Ranger stood silently with Blue. Her movements were monotonous. The heroine looked at herself. “Thank you for being an idiot, dear Green Ranger.”

“What have you done to me?!” cried out the suffocated tomboyish girl in her pressing cocoon.

“You have surrendered your body to me and now I will use it to reach more Rangers into the literal fold. As you squirm inside your beautiful wrap, your Morphing Grid energy would be harnessed just like your equally-miserable friends.”

Just then, the other Rangers came in. “Reigne, what happened?!”

The real Reigne understood the horror. She fought the agony and called out to her teammates. Surely, they would hear her!

They couldn’t. Reigne’s voice was muffled beyond the sphere. All Aldrix and Crisanto could hear was the explanation given by her possessed Ranger body. It wasn’t good. “We tried to recharge the main energy system of the starship, but our powers were too depleted to wake it up. We need you guys to join us. Hurry, please put your hands on the sphere. We have to do this together!”

“No, guys! Don’t listen to her!” screamed the imprisoned girl with purple hair. Her helmet dissipated and the smothering fabric crushed her ethereal form more and more.

Reigne’s last moments were filled with terror as the Redeemed Galaxy Yellow and Red Rangers fell into the same trap as she did. New disturbance in the endless latex swirls indicated new victims coming in. But perhaps there was a glimmer of hope.

Even in her dying spirit, Reigne fought the torment as she pressed herself against the glass barrier. There, the Green Ranger’s essence could see her two teammates standing silently with their helmets tilting up. Their arms extended out and twitched as their essence was sucked into the twin dragon head decorations of the sphere. The boys’ whimpers were harrowing, to say the least.

But Aldrix and Crisanto didn’t want to give up yet. They weren’t ready to let the rest of their lives be spent inside the cursed item like some imprisoned genies. The warriors fought back.

Their ethereal forms seeped out cartoonishly from the small openings. Their arms tried to reach their bodies and return to the land of the living. “Go Galact-”

Then, their empty bodies moved on their own. The arms of the Redeemed Galaxy Yellow and Red Rangers grabbed their own crotches and started stroking. Even such a simple gesture was enough to hamper the heroic spirits’ resistance. Aldrix and Crisanto howled again in anguish as renewable vortices pulled them back to the dragon head carvings.

As their Power Rangers bodies had their batons growing more erect and prominent inside the spandex costume, the ethereal forms of the heroes became weaker. The possession took control of the warriors with even more ravenous handling from the shaft to the tip. When the Red Ranger fondled the throbbing end of his own meat, Aldrix screamed with all of his remaining strength as the sensation became tenfold for the captured essence.

Then the two possessed Rangers unloaded themselves. From their mature love sausages, burst out their pure-white jizz. That signified their downfall. Crisanto and Aldrix were defeated and their ethereal forms were completely swallowed by the evil sphere just like Reigne.

Crisanto and Aldrix’s frenzied screams joined hers as the enslaved Redeemed Galaxy Power Rangers team gathered with each other outside the glass barrier, their hands already busy to stroke or finger their crotches as servants of this eldritch power. They were joined by other enslaved Rangers teams who emerged from the shadows. Battalion, Blitz, Prism, Lightning, Squadron, and even the Rafkonian Dino Fury Rangers were amongst the evil alien starship’s new horde.

Then, Reigne’s ethereal form was grabbed by two familiar figures. In their insanity, the former Yellow and Red Rangers seized their own friend and pulled her deeper into the bottomless pit of latex fabric. “There is no Power in this Abyss, only eternal suffering…”



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