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We’re not done with New Seoul yet!

As Korea fell under the boots of the wrestling ogre, another team was up to the challenge!

Could they defeat the green-skinned menace or would they worship him in the prisons under his throne of domination?

Special thanks to my beautiful patrons:


Geoffrey Mccaw

Robert Terwillger



Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


Get in the fighting cage, Rangers!

They dashed across the New Han River like five streams of multicolored energy. Behind them, the distant N Seoul Tower on top of the green Namsan Mountain Park was blurred just like other buildings and skyscrapers of the advanced city. In front of them, a cloud of thick smoke rose from behind some apartment complexes. Its source was a glimmering cinder.

They stopped at the intersection. There, they were met with chaos. People ran in every direction with panic on their faces. “Help, help us!” screamed a mother who held her infant daughter tight, her stroller abandoned far behind.

“What’s going on here?” asked one of the newcomers. She was a hero just like the rest. She wore the signature skintight uniform with markings akin to that of a martial artist. On her thick green belt, there was a symbol of her team’s glory.

The male warrior with the blue belt next to her was as confused as his teammate. His glossy helmet reflected the mayhem on the streets. He also saw something else in the distance. At first, he thought he was seeing things. But then, a car was hurled toward them.

Another hero stepped in unfazed. The red belter launched a punch at the coming car and it decimated the vehicle midair into a useless wreck. “This is how you handle the competition!” boasted the warrior like thugging his belt ends.

Their team captain’s visor glowed as he scanned the avenue’s end. There was a hulking silhouette that quickly moved out of sight. “Whatever it is, it isn’t friendly. That’s where we come in!” said the black belter while cracking his gloved knuckles.

“So, it’s not the Peninsula Beast team’s time now?” asked the yellow-belted heroine with a tilted head. “They messed up good, didn’t they?”

The blue belter got the answer. “We lost contact with the Peninsula team a while back. That’s why we’re here. They are a veteran team and haven't used the beacon in years. Whatever they got themselves into, it was dangerous.”

“Sounds like a good sparring session,” replied the green-belted martial art heroine with excited little jumps.

“Eyes open, but prepare for a rumble, Dynamic-Kido team,” commanded the team captain as he gripped his black belt.

“Hoo-hah!” shouted everyone in response with their kihap war cries.

Suddenly, all of the electronic screens around them came to life. The television sets in the stores, the giant monitors in the city intersection, and even the dashboard displays in the wrecked cars were all lit up. On them, there was the ugliest face the heroes had seen ever.

“What the hell is that?” asked the disgusted Green Dynamic-Kido Ranger.

“Is that an ogre?” asked the blue belter in doubt. If he had glasses, he would fix them to make his sight better.

“What a prick!” groaned the red belter as he slammed his fists together.

The team leader didn’t voice his opinion. He was being cautious. He needed to see first.

The ogre laughed maniacally with his monstrous voice. “Welcome, welcome, welcome, to my altar of power, Rangers! You’re here to join your tragic friends, aren’t you?” The view zoomed out to show the peculiar ogre, dressed like a comical version of a wrestler, who sat on a throne made of various car junks, including some armored personnel carriers. He sat like a king. He sat like a god. He sat with his legs wide open so that the dangling oversized baton that was covered by his jockstrap was completely apparent.

“Our friends? He doesn’t mean-”

The female heroes gasped as they could see the exact meaning of Beat-Down Ogre’s words. His erect baton wasn’t left unattended. Some figures acknowledged and submitted themselves to its magnificence. These crawling individuals wore similar skintight spandex uniforms albeit with obvious battle damage. “Are you gonna brag about your indomitable strength before licking my balls just like little Pureun and Narae? Hahaha!”

The defeated heroes did exactly that. With their helmets gone as another useless part of the junk throne, the secret identities of Narae and Pureun were completely exposed. Not that they cared about it anymore. What they cared about was only how to caress the massive scrotum and shaft of their master with their saliva-filled tongues. The former Peninsula Beast Red and Blue Rangers’ mouths moved as if talking, but there were no comprehensible words. There were only gagging and moaning noises of slavery.

“No, Narae!” half-shouted Dynamic-Kido Black Belter. He didn’t want to let the ogre know he also recognized her civilian alter ego.

It didn’t matter anymore. The Red Imugi Dragon Ranger spilled everything. “Save me, Dae-hyeon! Save me from the Ranger lies!”

That surprised the captain. “Huh?!”

“Isn’t that all they told us in our recruitment and training? We are heroes who can deal with anything. We can fight space pirates and Rita’s abominations! We can go around in costumes so tight that I feel naked all the time! I’m sure those school boys are getting roused up by my bosomy build!”

The subjugated Red Ranger slammed her jiggly rear. She made sure the new team got a glimpse of her monster seed-drenched tight suit, even exposing her hole.

“That’s true, that’s true! How about when they said we are stronger together? Our power of friendship can defeat anything” added the delirious Blue Bulgae Fire Dog Ranger as he swayed his own upright throbbing spandex-clad meat. He raised his bottom higher so that the Dynamic-Kido could get a glimpse of that.

“Truthfully, we are nothing. The Peninsula Beast team is nothing. We tried to gangbang the ogre, but we instead got banged by him forever! We now live as part of his arena!”

The red and blue gems on Beat-Down Ogre’s wrestling belt glowed. Dae-hyeon swore he could hear Narae’s screams from inside. He clenched his fists. “What have you done to them?”

Surprisingly, his words were heard by the ogre. He leaned forward. “Seems like your little Ranger brain can’t process the words coming out of your friends’ mouths. Meh, I can’t blame ya. They have swallowed so much of my seed, it surely messed up with their voices! Hahaha!” The ogre then slammed his right fist on the handle of his junk throne. “The more important question is what’re you gonna do about it? Are you gonna give up and join these little Ranger-whores to lick my parts for eternity, or would you stand up and fight me in a match?!”

“A match!”

“Matched up!” echoed the mindless Red Ranger. She added a crucial detail. “The match where I got crushed by your muscles!”

Hearing that, Ogre flexed his bulky arms. It sent the enslaved warriors into a lewd frenzy. Blue even started to stroke his meat in a blowout.

That alarmed the black belt hero. How could Narae lose her fight? She was bigger than him!

Whatever this ogre had under his short loincloth, it was not something Dae-hyeon could take lightly.

But he tried to follow the monster’s game. “What match are you talking about, beast?”

“Well, a death match of course!” replied his excited enemy as the real ogre presented himself. His throne of junk hovered ominously above the far end of the avenue. The avenue itself and the surrounding buildings were destroyed as the heavy bulk of metal came crashing down. A thick cloud of dust slammed the Dynamic-kido team.

“What a dick!” blurted the angry red-belter hero as he shielded his helmet from the rushing air.

The monster licked his wet oversized lips while his hungry eyes observed the Korean martial arts Ranger from the top of his helmet to the bottom of his boots as he stomped his way down the rough steps of his throne to the streets. “One round, that’s all it takes. I’m gonna take you and your entire team to cram my trophy collection!”

Inside his helmet, the black belt hero squinted. “Or what?”

The ogre groaned. “No need to think about that, Ranger. It’s all or nothing! HAHAHA!”

That was true. If the ogre lost, they could go back to the weekly routine of monsters exploding and the heroes posing gallantly. Dae-Hyeon’s bicep muscles twitched a bit when he remembered the other alternative to this supposed fight.

“Whaddaya say, prick? Or have your Korean balls shrunk so small you can’t find them?!” His burst of horrid laughter was followed by the pathetic guffaw of the enslaved Narae and Pureun behind the ogre. They mocked their own friends in their imbecilic state. It broke Dae-hyeon’s heart to see his girlfriend being transformed into such a degenerate serf like that. Her tight costume should have protected her and should have given her powers beyond any human being to fight evil. Now, she served the very manifestation of lechery itself. The demon didn’t even need to put on a leash on the duo as their Ranger spirits had been utterly crushed.

The Red and Blue Ranger squealed in ecstasy as the Beat-Down Ogre flexed his massive arms again. Ghostly wisps of crimson and navy Morphing Grid enveloped his muscles, a testament to his seizing of their powers. They were connected to him more than just in a master-slave manner. Anything he did heightened their libido.

Further back, the underside of the Ogre’s saucer-shaped junk throne platform revealed their outer shell. Inside, the heroes could see youngsters in gym attires trapped and calling for help. Their arms were tied behind their back and there were choke collars uncannily resembling the monster’s wrestling belt on their necks. Using his visor tech, Blue Belter hero could see the burned marks on their leggings, shoulders, and backs. OBEY, SUCK MY DIRK, and LICK THE MASTERSACS were only some examples of the gruesome phrases lit up by the strange neon signs. Each throbbing pulse of the neon made more burns. Even the toned-bodied boys squealed like girls at the torment.

“Do you want me to give you the receipt for these gym babies?” asked the monster with a condescending tone.

The Dynamic-kido team was fueled by anger now. How dare he imprison innocent athletes who were looking for physical perfection? The Dynamic-Kido Black Belt Ranger himself didn’t flinch. Instead, he grabbed his Power Buckle and pulled a Power Jingum Sword. Its hilt was decorated by ornamentation in its matching colors. Its lustrous blade showed carvings depicting the dragon spirit contained in the weapon and its wielder. Fresh Morphing Grid vitality protected the black belter.

“It’s on then!” The Beat-Down Ogre stomped his right leg and the city rumbled. The asphalt and concrete of the devastated avenue shook along with the car wrecks. Then, something giant burst out from the earth.

Multiple enormous tusk-like stone pillars protruded out from New Seoul. Some of them erupted from a skyscraper’s side, others overturned an entire bridge. They form a massive circle in which the Beat-Down Ogre and the Dynamic-Kido team was contained.

The green and blue rangers were stunned to see the decorative statues on top of each fang of stone. These figures were that of the Peninsula Beast team, albeit in agonized poses. Their helmet visor carvings glowed with respective colors. Inside, the heroes could see the tortured ethereal forms of the former heroes along with their muffled screams.

“Talking big won’t save you, Rangers! Just like your friends! They now amplified my powers as part of this grand arena.” Ogre grabbed Narae by the neck with one hand and dug deep into her rear with the other. The heroine squirmed in throes as the monster pulled something from within.

The green-belted heroine almost puked at the horrible act. She couldn’t believe that a massive sword could be stuck inside the Red Imugi Dragon Ranger’s rectum like that. With a loud fart, the weapon was released and the former warrior was discarded like the trash she was. “Say hello to your daddy dildo!”

The containment was complete. The giant tusks spread out an impenetrable wall of a colosseum. The Rangers were trapped inside with the monster. “So, it’s us against him? Is he stupid?” mocked the red-belter hero.

“Monsters aren’t famous for their intelligence,” commented the blue-belter. He immediately summoned his twin sai trident sabers. “Huh?”

“What gives?!” voiced the confused green-belted girl. She couldn’t summon her arsenal either.

“Ranger morons can’t think straight! Today’s match will only be between your captain and me. All other Rangers are just spectators who got too close!”

“Uh-oh, I don’t like the sound of that,” groaned the red-belter. He turned to the team captain. “Yo, bro, get this guy quick, will ya?”

“You got it,” replied the black belter as he readied his sword. Its long blade reflected the shimmering multicolored energy of the trapped Peninsula Rangers that formed the prison cage. There was only one way to end this today. Dae-hyeon took a good fighting stance.

They charged against each other, leaving a gust of wind behind. Dynamic-kido left his comrades while the Ogre left his slaves. Both fighters clashed their weapon right on with the impact energy thrown back right away. The two were electrocuted by the cage’s walls and were pushed back into the main arena. “That was something!” commented the black belt hero as he scrubbed the dust off his shoulder. He pointed the tip of his sword at the monster who was struggling to get back up. “You look idiotic, you know?”

Hearing that, the Ogre was mad. He stabbed his sword and propelled himself away from the ground. Like a heavy missile, he hurled himself back. Everything happened so fast that Dynamic-kido Black Belt could avoid the assault in mere seconds. He luckily shielded himself from a second attack just a moment after the ugly monster landed.

“Not bad, not bad!” Then the Ogre swung his weapon to find an opening in Dae-hyeon’s defenses. The warrior was quick and agile in countering each devilish attempt. Their swords awoke sparks at each encounter. The flashes were so bright that it was like morning had arrived. The two fighters moved so fast like two battling violent meteors. The pinnacle of their barrage pushed them back away from each other again.

“Black Belt!” shouted the red-belter hero to boost his team captain’s spirit. That was a grave mistake. It made him a target for the Ogre.

It was beyond Dae-hyeon's expectations. He should never expect a fair fight from a demon like him. He failed and it cost him his teammate.

The Dynamic-kido Red Belt didn’t see what was coming. There was a green flash and the hero jerked in pain as multiple small explosions burst from his skintight costume. The ogre reappeared behind him with a smirk.

The red belter shrieked in pain after. His muscles stiffened, locking him in a wobbly standing position like a deformed statue. The agony wouldn’t let him fall. “What is this…” groaned and moaned the youngster in panic.

“No, Red!” called out Dynamic-kido Black Belt Ranger, but the monster wasn’t finished. Dae-hyeon did the quick-thinking and dashed to match the monster’s speed to intercept him. “Stop this now!”

“Wrong heroes at the wrong place, Ranger!” roared the hungry ogre as he pushed his sword against Dae-hyeon’s. The warrior was not in a good position to fight the attack back, but at least he saved Green Belt from harm.

Or so he thought. Behind the hero, the female warrior’s costume showed random cuts. Just like Red before, she squealed in tormenting pain.

“What are you doing to them?!”

“My sword can inflict beautiful damage on anyone it touches. Not even your puny Ranger powers can stand in my way. Your friends will twitch and jerk around while we dance, Black Belter!”

“You sick fuck!”

“I like to fuck. Perhaps I’ll do it with you after this!” The monster hit the Black Belt Ranger’s helmet with his knees and slapped him away. His target was the fearful Blue Belt who trembled in fear.

But he was a hero and this was the moment he could prove himself as one. Blue clenched his fists and controlled his breath. Then, he was ambushed.

Out of nowhere, the subjugated Red Imugi Dragon Ranger suddenly appeared in front of Blue Belter and pulled his helmet onto her seed-drenched ballooning bosoms. With his arms and legs locked, the surprised hero couldn’t fight the humiliation. Worse, the stench of the dry ogre jizz started to overwhelm his helmet’s filtering system. He struggled left and right, but his mind was completely exposed to Master Ogre’s domineering musk.

“Blue, no!” cried out the Black Belter as he reached for his sword. His attempt was thwarted by the corrupted Blue Bulgae Fire Dog Ranger who kicked the weapon away before kicking the team captain right in the helmet. “Gragh!”

Pureun then sat on Dae-hyeon’s helmet. His arse was dirty from multiple stabbings by the ogre’s massive baton. The jizz poured onto the Black Belt Ranger’s helmet visors and blurred his vision. “My master has a gift for your face, Hero!” giggled the perverted Korean superhero. His toned body was nothing more than an instrument for the ogre’s thralldom game.

Dae-hyeon punched the arena floor with an energetic hit in a desperate attempt to free himself. It worked and the two spandex-clad youngsters were propelled high. At least Black Belter wasn’t electrocuted by the cage walls as Blue did.

Dae-hyeon wiped the repulsive muck off his visor. He saw a horrible sight of Blue Belter kneeling before the busty Red Imugi Ranger. The warrior was still spasmodic from the shock. “Stop right there, Red! This isn’t you!”

Hearing that, Narae giggled like a slut. “This has ALWAYS been me, Dae-hyeon! I like to dish up my body to whatever Daddy Ogre wants me to do! I have sold my soul to him!” The Red Ranger pulled the dazed Blue Belt Ranger onto her wet crotch. She basically used him as a towel to wipe the ever-puddling ogee seed of her own shiny spandex.

“There’s… There’s no point… fighting… No fighting…” mumbled the Blue Belt Ranger in his suffering.

“Not today you-” But Dae-hyeon’s heroic urge to save his teammate was abruptly stopped by the Ogre. The spandex-clad hero somersaulted himself to safety just before the monster could slash him with the cursed sword.

That was close. Another centimeter and he would have joined his comrades as helpless victims of the Ogre. Now, Black Belt hero was focused on fighting back!

“Fight as long as you can, Black Belter! I am in the mood for a brawl!” roared the monster as he swung his sword in preparation. He then charged at the hero.

There were heavy clashes between the two superpowered titans. Sparks and shockwaves burst out more violently than before as they exchange fighting techniques. The ground shook with each impact. The ogre could move his arm freely despite the cumbersome weapon and the Sentai warrior was moved nimbly to avoid, thwart, and counter any attacks. Left, right, up, down, then up and up again as emotions heightened.

But Dae-hyeon didn’t forget to use some of his martial arts prowess too. He launched elbow strikes and hammer fists to soften the ogre’s body. It worked so far as he did it with caution between the swinging strikes. It even made the monster back away. “Curses!” clamored Beat-Down Ogre as he felt the pain from Dae-hyeon’s precision strikes.

The hero on the other hand put up another fighting pose while brandishing his sword. “Don’t be a coward, fight me!”

“You’re gonna regret this!” The demon unexpectedly jumped and slammed the ground with his powerful legs. Earthquake happened as the entire arena was shaken by his power. Even the Black Belt Ranger couldn’t maintain his position.

That was the ogre’s plan. With a booming scream, he bullcharged the Ranger head-on. Dae-hyeon’s grip on his jingum sword was lost due to the paramount momentum. Ogre slammed him on the cage wall and the two yelled in electrocution.

While the ogre was thrown back to the arena’s center, Black Belt didn’t go too far. The back of his spandex suit was smoldering from the cruciation. The hero was down for the count.

Even with that predicament, Dae-hyeon still had a fighting spirit. He lifted his helmet awkwardly and saw the ogre was already back on his feet. The monster was imbalanced, but it was clear he got the high ground. Beat-Down Ogre then approached his cursed sword with stiffened legs.

Dae-hyeon knew the assignment. He knew the worst possible ending to all of this. One swoop from the sword and he would join his friends and they would join the doomed Peninsula Beast Rangers team as the ogre’s playthings. The thought of himself gulping monster juice was too much to bear. He couldn’t unsee the filthy face of Narae and Pureun as they stupidly enjoyed being violated over and over again. Their mouths slobbered with the excess goop that had already filled their stomachs. They couldn’t understand the taste of normal food anymore. For them, their master’s seed was the only nutrition they would only ever need.

But Dae-hyeon knew better. The Blue Bulgae Fire Dog and Red Imugi Dragon Rangers’ eyes betrayed their perceived bliss. Deep inside, they felt the horror about the abuse they experienced. Their eyes showed fear for their lives. It was the new lives they would have to live.

Dae-hyeon rejected such a concept, but he needed to act fast. The ogre already got his sword. The monster’s claws gripped the instrument with thirst. He was impatient to end this battle. Beat-Down Ogre dragged the sword as he moved on Black Belt Ranger. The hero couldn’t do anything but to pathetically lift his arm to shield himself from the impending onslaught. “After today, you can kiss your heroic dick goodbye, Ranger. The only dick you will need to know is mine!”

No, it was too late. Dae-hyeon had failed. He would never survive this fight!

“HYAAH!” The thundering voice was as bright as the first ray of sunshine. It was hope itself.

Another wild Sentai hero appeared! The heroine jump-kicked the ogre before landing a triple punch attack on his bloated belly. That was effective as Beat-Down Ogre was pushed back.

The fox-themed spandex heroine didn’t waste time helping the Black Belt Ranger. She gave him a casual salute. “Violet Gumiho Fox Ranger, nice to meet ya!”

“You’re from the Peninsula team?” asked Dae-hyeon as he accepted the help.

“Correct, and I will exact my revenge on this ugly motherfucker who dared to desecrate my friends!” She added something cryptic. “But I will leave most of it for you.”


The violet heroine suddenly moved in front of Dae-hyeon and extended her arms. The warrior realized what just happened and felt horrified by it. The ogre’s sword pierced her abs!

“No!” The rage created a firestorm on his Power Jingaum Sword. With a battle cry, the Dynamic-kido Black Belt Ranger struck his fiery penultimate maneuver!

The hero stabbed the ogre’s wrestling belt. There was a jolt of powerful blast wave as the demonic trinket resisted his penetration. Ghostly arms erupted from the gems at the center of the tornado to grab and choke the young warrior. Despite that, Dae-hyeon pressed on until there was a cracking noise. It was all or nothing and the Ranger gathered all of the strength he could find, even from his own belt power. Slowly but surely, the waistband of honor’s obsidian color faded into pure white.

There was a roar, then there was a groan. The Black/White Belt Ranger stabbed his enemy’s wrestling belt to destroy it before going for the head. The ogre lost his head in a flash. It fell on the arena floor and tumbled away. The rest of his body fell into a kneeling position before tumbling altogether. Black blood burst out of his severed neck.

The entire world exploded as his corruption ended. The massive tusk towers erupted to free the ethereal forms of the subjugated Rangers. The Morphin Grid energy bolted back to their respective owners. The throne of junk collapsed and the prison boxes beneath it opened up to free both the prisoners and the inundating jizz pool. The youngsters themselves were released from the bondage although the burn marks would need more time to heal.

The afflicted Dynamic-kido Rangers could finally collapse in fatigue. In the middle, the Black Belt Ranger kneeled with one leg as his sword supported his tired body. He gulped at the nightmare that had come to pass.

Red Belt basically dragged himself to get close to his team captain. They did an epic arm wrestling handshake. “Good job, Champ,” congratulate the hero to his friend.

Dae-hyeon nodded. It was true. He felt satisfied.

As his friends rested, the command center teleported them out of harm’s way. Dae-hyeon stayed for a little longer. He still had unfinished business.

Between the rubbles, he searched. Between the rubbles, he found it. It was a crude instrument that shimmered in the coming morning’s sunlight.

It was Beat-Down Ogre’s cursed sword. He picked it up. Inside his helmet, he smiled. It was a perfect trophy for his victory.

Dae-hyeon then turned around with the sword in his hand. On his waist, his Dynamic-kido power belt was replaced by Beat-Down Ogre’s wrestling one. On it, the red gem gleamed with a pulsating shine. The spandex-clad hero then teleported to his command center to follow his friends.



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