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Step into the darkness, where once mighty heroes were cursed to repeat their routines forever. In the abandoned gymnasium known only as the 'Dark Gym,' the legendary Vaulting Vanguard Rangers have fallen from grace. Their spirits shattered, their hopes extinguished, they are now mere shells of their former selves, doomed to confront a malevolent force that feeds on their strength. With no escape and no respite, they must battle against an eldritch power that threatens to consume them entirely. Will they find a way to break the curse, or will they succumb to the darkness that lurks within?

PS: Sorry for the short hiatus for real-world activities. Not gonna lie, I am using AI technology for future stories as I think it would be effective to create creative stories and would excite all of us with its delicious narratives!

Furthermore, I would mostly be using original Sentai or Rangers teams to make things more spicy. That, and also my illustrator is still clogged up with his personal activities.

No worries, the stories would be longer to savor!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal friends:


Robert Terwillger



Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


Behind closed doors, the routine can forever begin!

The Vaulting Vanguards, a team of skilled and charismatic gymnastics superheroes, were on the trail of a mystery. Reports of people vanishing without a trace in the vicinity of an abandoned gym had piqued their curiosity, and they set out to investigate. Led by their fearless leader, Scarlet Stalwart, the team consisting of Cobalt Contortionist, Ruby Racer, Topaz Tumbler, and Emerald Enchanter, arrived at the gym one fateful night.

The gym was nestled deep within a dense forest, its crumbling walls and broken windows giving off an eerie vibe. As they entered, the Rangers were immediately struck by the musty smell and the oppressive atmosphere that seemed to hang in the air. The once-grand vaulting gym now lay in disarray, with decaying equipment scattered around like relics of a bygone era.

Scarlet Stalwart, a disciplined and stoic leader, surveyed the surroundings with a keen eye. Cobalt Contortionist, the flexible and agile member of the team, couldn't contain her curiosity as she twisted and turned her way through the gym, her keen eyes scanning for any clues. Ruby Racer, the speed-focused gymnast, was already darting around the room, searching for any signs of danger. Topaz Tumbler, the powerful and dynamic member, was using her strength to investigate every nook and cranny of the gym. And Emerald Enchanter, the mysterious and mystical gymnast, seemed to be deeply connected with the gym's dark energy, his emerald-green helmet visor glowing with an otherworldly light.

As they explored deeper into the gym, the Rangers began to feel a palpable sense of foreboding. The equipment seemed to come alive with malevolent energy, and the air grew thick with an oppressive aura. Scarlet Stalwart called for caution, but the team's curiosity got the better of them as they pressed on, determined to uncover the truth.

Suddenly, the gym's doors slammed shut behind them, trapping them inside. Panic briefly gripped the team, but Scarlet Stalwart quickly regained his composure and rallied his troops. They realized that they had fallen into a trap and that the gym had a sinister agenda of its own.

Scarlet Stalwart furrowed his brow as he surveyed the locked doors. "This was no accident," he said, his voice laced with suspicion. "Someone or something set this trap for us."

Ruby Racer, always the impulsive one, clenched her fists and glared at the doors. "Well, they picked the wrong team to mess with!" she declared, her voice dripping with determination.

Topaz Tumbler nodded, her muscles tensed and ready for action. "We need to find a way out of here and figure out what's going on," she said, her voice steady with resolve.

Emerald Enchanter, usually calm and composed, seemed to be affected by the gym's dark energy. He looked around, his emerald visor glowing with an inner light as if communing with the gym itself. "There's a malevolent presence here," he murmured, his voice filled with a sense of foreboding. "We must be cautious."

Cobalt Contortionist, known for her flexibility and agility, moved gracefully through the room, her eyes scanning for any hidden clues or passages. "I'll see if I can find a way to unlock the doors or find an alternate exit," she said, her voice focused and determined.

As the team split up to investigate, they couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. The gym seemed to be alive with eerie energy as if it had a mind of its own. The Rangers exchanged wary glances, their senses on high alert.

"I don't like this," Ruby Racer said, her voice tinged with unease. "There's something off about this place."

Scarlet Stalwart nodded, his eyes sharp with suspicion. "Agreed. We need to stay vigilant and work together."

Topaz Tumbler, always the voice of reason, chimed in. "Let's not jump to conclusions. We need to gather more information before we can make any assumptions."

Emerald Enchanter, who had been quietly observing the gym's dark energy, spoke up. "This gym seems to be infused with dark magic," he said, his voice grave. "We need to be careful not to fall prey to its influence."

Cobalt Contortionist, who had been searching for a way out, suddenly called out to the team. "I've found a hidden passage!" she exclaimed, her voice excited. "It looks like it leads to the basement."

With renewed determination, the team followed Cobalt Contortionist down the narrow passage, their steps echoing through the darkness. As they descended into the basement, they were greeted by a sight that sent chills down their spines.

Scarlet Stalwart, stepping forward, his voice firm, "Stay focused, team. We knew this wouldn't be easy. Let's stick to the plan and search for clues. Cobalt, any luck finding anything?"

Cobalt Contortionist, (twisting her body into a series of contorted poses to get a better look. "Not yet, Scarlet. The place is a mess, but I'll keep searching." She moves gracefully around the gym, her flexibility allowing her to reach even the most hidden corners.

Topaz Tumbler, using her strength to move a heavy piece of equipment aside, "I found something!" She holds up a piece of torn fabric. "Looks like someone was here recently."

Ruby Racer, zooming back to the group with a blur of speed, "I found footprints near the entrance. They lead deeper into the gym."

Emerald Enchanter, his eyes glowing with an eerie green light, "The energy in this place is dark and malevolent. I can sense powerful magic at work."

Scarlet Stalwart: "Good work, team. Let's follow the clues and stay on guard."

The Rangers moved deeper into the gym, their senses heightened as they searched for answers. The oppressive aura seemed to grow stronger, and the gym seemed to shift and change around them as if it had a mind of its own.

Cobalt Contortionist, her voice echoing through the gym, "I found something!" She holds up a book with a worn cover, covered in dust. "It's an old journal. It looks like it belonged to the gym's owner."

Ruby Racer: "What does it say?"

Cobalt Contortionist, reading from the journal, "It seems like the gym was once a place of great power. The owner, a master gymnast, was experimenting with dark magic to enhance their abilities, but it went horribly wrong. The gym became cursed, and anyone who enters is trapped within its walls forever."

Emerald Enchanter: "This explains the dark energy we're sensing. The gym has been corrupted by dark magic."

Topaz Tumbler: "But what happened to the people who vanished? Are they still here?"

Scarlet Stalwart: "We need to find out. Keep searching for clues."

As the Rangers continued their search, they encountered strange occurrences. Equipment moved on its own, shadows seemed to dance in the corners, and whispers echoed through the gym. The team remained vigilant, using their unique abilities to navigate the treacherous environment.

Emerald Enchanter, suddenly stopping and staring at a mural on the wall, "This mural depicts the gym's owner performing a forbidden ritual. It looks like the source of the dark magic that's haunting this place."

Cobalt Contortionist: "But why would someone willingly bring such darkness upon themselves?"

Emerald Enchanter: "Power can be a seductive force. It seems the gym's owner was consumed by their desire for greater abilities and lost control of the magic."

Ruby Racer, pointing to a hidden passage behind the mural, "Look, there's a secret passage behind the mural. It must lead to the heart of the gym."

Scarlet Stalwart: "Let's go. We need to put an end to this curse."

The Rangers made their way through the secret passage, descending deeper into the gym. The air grew colder, and the darkness became more suffocating. Finally, they reached a chamber at the heart of the gym, where they found a figure cloaked in shadows, emanating a palpable aura of darkness.

Muscular Monarch, with a sinister chuckle, "So, you've finally made it to the heart of my gym." The figure's voice echoes through the chamber, filled with malice. "It's too late to turn back now."

Scarlet Stalwart, stepping forward, her determination unwavering, "We've come to end this curse and free those who have been trapped here. Release your hold on this gym!"

Muscular Monarch, laughs mockingly, "Foolish Rangers. This gym is mine now, and no one can challenge my power."

Emerald Enchanter, steps forward, his green eyes blazing with magic. "Your dark magic has corrupted this place. It's time to put an end to it."

Muscular Monarch, snarls and raises their arms, summoning dark energy, "You dare challenge me? I'll show you the true power of the gym!"

A fierce battle ensues, with the Rangers using their unique abilities and teamwork to combat the Muscular Monarch's dark magic. Scarlet Stalwart leads the charge, using her agility and combat skills to deflect dark energy blasts. Cobalt Contortionist twists and contorts her body to avoid attacks and deliver powerful strikes. Ruby Racer zips around the chamber with incredible speed, landing quick and precise attacks. Topaz Tumbler uses her strength to create barriers and protect her teammates. And Emerald Enchanter unleashes his potent magical abilities, countering the dark magic with his own spells.

The Muscular Monarch's muscles bulged and flexed with each powerful attack, his raw physical strength a force to be reckoned with. He charged at Scarlet Stalwart with a ferocious roar, his fists flying toward her with devastating force.

Muscular Monarch: "Is that all you've got, Rangers? Your feeble attempts at magic and acrobatics won't save you from my raw power!"

Scarlet Stalwart gritted her teeth, her lance-like pole weapon whirling in defense as she parried the Muscular Monarch's relentless assault.

Scarlet Stalwart: "We won't back down, no matter how strong you think you are! Rangers, regroup and find a way to counter his brute force!"

But the Muscular Monarch's attacks were relentless, and one by one, the Rangers fell under the onslaught. Cobalt Contortionist's flexible maneuvers were no match for the Muscular Monarch's overwhelming strength, as he grabbed and tossed her aside with ease.

Cobalt Contortionist: "Argh! I can't keep up! He's too powerful!"

Ruby Racer's speed was no match for the Muscular Monarch's sheer physicality, as he blocked her every move with his bulging muscles.

Ruby Racer: "I can't get through! His muscles are like an impenetrable wall!"

Topaz Tumbler tried to use her strength to create barriers, but the Muscular Monarch smashed through them with brute force, sending her crashing to the ground.

Topaz Tumbler: "No! I can't hold him back!"

Even Emerald Enchanter's magical attacks seemed to have little effect against the Muscular Monarch's overwhelming physical prowess.

Emerald Enchanter: "My magic isn't strong enough! We need a new plan!"

The Rangers regrouped, their bodies battered and bruised, their spirits waning. They exchanged worried glances as they tried to come up with a strategy to defeat the seemingly unbeatable Muscular Monarch.

Scarlet Stalwart: "We can't keep going head-to-head with his strength. We need to find a way to weaken him, to level the playing field."

Cobalt Contortionist: "But how? His muscles are like steel!"

Ruby Racer: "We need to outsmart him. Find a weakness, exploit it."

Topaz Tumbler: "We can't let his power intimidate us. We've faced tougher challenges before."

Emerald Enchanter: "Let's combine our powers, use our teamwork to our advantage."

"This ends now, Rangers! From now on, you'll be under my tutelage!"

Just then, the rooms around the Vaulting Vanguards heroes shifted and moved as if they were alive. The team was separate from each other with each Ranger was forced to participate in gruesome challenges. Even Scarlet Stalwart looked at the twisted gymnastic equipment with dread. The Muscular Monarch has debased the sanctity of the sport to his own villainous ends.


As the Rangers continued their grueling journey through the dark gym, the challenges grew increasingly sinister and terrifying. The gym seemed to come alive, its dark energy sapping the strength and resolve of the Rangers with each passing obstacle.

Cobalt Contortionist found herself contorting her body in impossible ways, her flexibility pushed to its limits. The beams twisted and turned, closing in on her, trapping her in a nightmarish labyrinth of metal. She tried to break free, but the beams seemed to taunt her, shifting and contorting with malevolent glee. Her body ached, and her muscles screamed in agony, but she couldn't escape the relentless assault on her physical and mental strength.

Cobalt Contortionist's determination wavered, and her once precise attacks with her beam-inspired weapon faltered as she struggled to maintain her balance. The dark energy that permeated the gym seemed to seep into her very soul, draining her of her vitality and resolve. Desperation crept in as she realized she was trapped, unable to break free from the twisted beams that ensnared her.

Cobalt Contortionist, her body twisted into an unnatural pose, gasped, "It hurts...so...much..."

Topaz Tumbler, usually known for her incredible strength, found herself weakened by the shifting bars that closed in around her. She tried to use her acrobatic skills to break through, but the bars seemed to have a malevolent mind of their own, relentlessly pressing in on her, sapping her strength with each passing moment. Her powerful strikes lost their usual impact, and her frustration turned to fear as she realized she was losing the battle against the Muscular Monarch's cruel machinations.

Topaz Tumbler, her voice barely a whisper, muttered, "I...can't...break...free..."

Ruby Racer, known for her lightning-fast speed, was put to the ultimate test as she dodged obstacles that seemed to come to life. The dark energy seemed to affect her speed, slowing her down and making her movements sluggish. She could feel her energy draining with each step, and her usually confident demeanor turned into panic as she struggled to keep up with the relentless pace of the obstacles.

Ruby Racer, her movements sluggish and labored, stuttered, "I...can't...run...anymore..."

Emerald Enchanter, the team's mystical powerhouse, found his magical abilities stretched thin as he tried to decipher the dark energy that surrounded them. The gym seemed to be imbued with a malevolent force that resisted his attempts to control or dispel it. His once potent spells weakened, and he could feel his connection to his powers slipping away. His frustration turned to despair as he realized that his magic was no match for the Muscular Monarch's sinister plans.

Emerald Enchanter, his once vibrant robes now dull and tattered, mumbled, "My...magic...fails...me..."

Scarlet Stalwart, the leader of the team, fought valiantly with his lance-like vaulting pole weapon, striking true with each swing. But even his resolve faltered as doubts gnawed at him. He could see his teammates struggling, their once formidable skills diminished by the dark gym's relentless onslaught. He tried to rally them, but his own strength was waning, and he found it harder and harder to hold on to hope.

Scarlet Stalwart, his lance-like vaulting pole drooping with defeat, murmured, "I...failed...you all..."

Their voices carried the weight of despair as they realized they were trapped forever in the dark gym, their once bright futures extinguished by the malevolent force that had ensnared them.

The Muscular Monarch, emerging from the shadows, gloated over his victory. "You fools thought you could challenge me," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "But now you are nothing but puppets in my dark game."

Scarlet Stalwart, the last vestiges of his once indomitable spirit flickering, glared at the Muscular Monarch. "What...have you...become?" he managed to choke out.

The Muscular Monarch's laughter echoed through the gym, sending chills down the Rangers' spines. "I am the master of this gym," he proclaimed, his eyes glowing with a twisted delight. "And you are my eternal playthings."

The Muscular Monarch's muscles bulged with raw power as he faced off against Scarlet Stalwart, the leader of the Rangers. He swung his massive fists with devastating force, delivering bone-crushing blows that pushed Scarlet Stalwart to his limits. The darkness seemed to surge around the Muscular Monarch, fueling his strength and driving him to new heights of brutality.

Scarlet Stalwart fought back with all his might, wielding his vaulting pole weapon with skill and precision. But the darkness had taken its toll on him, sapping his strength and clouding his mind with doubts. He struggled to inspire his team, to rally them to keep fighting, but the Muscular Monarch's relentless onslaught made it nearly impossible.

Muscular Monarch: "Is this the best you can do, Rangers? Your leader is nothing but a weakling now, crushed under my superior strength!"

The Muscular Monarch's mocking taunts fueled Scarlet Stalwart's rage, but his body betrayed him. He stumbled, his vision blurred, and his once steady strikes faltered. The Muscular Monarch seized the opportunity, delivering a crushing blow that sent Scarlet Stalwart crashing to the ground, his weapon falling from his grip.

Muscular Monarch: "Pathetic. You were supposed to be the one to lead these weaklings? Looks like I was mistaken."

Scarlet Stalwart tried to rise, but the Muscular Monarch delivered another punishing blow, sending him back down with a sickening thud. Scarlet Stalwart's body screamed in pain, his muscles aching, and his spirit broken.

Muscular Monarch: "Give up, Rangers. Your leader is defeated. Surrender to me, and I might spare you the humiliation of defeat."

Scarlet Stalwart struggled to find the strength to reply, but his voice came out weak and strained.

Scarlet Stalwart: "Never... We... will... never... surrender..."

Muscular Monarch: "Very well, then. If you won't yield, I'll crush you all."

With that, the Muscular Monarch unleashed another barrage of devastating attacks on the rest of the Rangers, who were already battered and exhausted from their previous battles. The team fought valiantly, but without their leader's guidance, they were overwhelmed by the Muscular Monarch's superior strength and fell one by one.

As the darkness closed in around them, the Rangers realized their defeat. Scarlet Stalwart, once a beacon of unwavering resolve, lay defeated and broken. The Muscular Monarch's victory was complete, and the Rangers' spirits were shattered beyond repair. The Muscular Monarch stood triumphant, reveling in his newfound mastery over the Rangers.

Muscular Monarch: "Now, you are mine. Your powers and spirits shall serve me for all eternity!"

As the Rangers pushed on, their exhaustion grew, and their morale plummeted. Their bodies and souls were drained by the never-ending challenges of the gym. Their once powerful and agile forms became robotic and lifeless, as the dark energy sucked the life out of them. They moved mechanically, unable to break free from the gym's grasp.

As their mechanical routines continued, the spandex-clad heroes’ voices faded into whispers, their eyes vacant and hollow. They moved with robotic precision, their bodies no longer their own, as the dark energy drained their souls and stripped them of their humanity.

Ruby Racer, her once vibrant personality extinguished, muttered, "I used to love running...now I can't stop..."

Emerald Enchanter, his mystical powers reduced to mere flickers, whispered, "I was supposed to protect...now I serve..."

Cobalt Contortionist, her body twisted and bent beyond recognition, moaned, "I...can't...remember...who...I...was..."

Topaz Tumbler, her strength and agility stripped away, whimpered, "I...just...wanted...to...be...free..."

Scarlet Stalwart, his lance now a lifeless extension of his body, whispered, "I...failed...them...all..."

Their voices blended into a mournful chorus, echoing through the dark gym, a haunting reminder of the horror that had befallen them.

The Muscular Monarch, reveling in his twisted triumph, watched with a sinister smile. "Yes, my puppets," he hissed, relishing their despair. "Dance for me, forever trapped in this cursed place."

The Rangers' eyes, once filled with determination, now held a vacant emptiness as they continued their endless routines. They were nothing but shells of their former selves, their spirits shattered, and their hopes buried forever.


As the years passed, the dark gym became a twisted monument to the Rangers' tragic fate. Its once polished floors now creaked with neglect, covered in a thick layer of dust and grime. The walls, once adorned with motivational posters and accolades, were now stained with the echoes of the Rangers' futile struggles. The gym equipment, once gleaming with potential, now groaned and rattled with a malevolent energy, fueled by the drained souls of the Vanguard Rangers.

The Muscular Monarch, a sinister figure lurking in the shadows, reveled in his wicked triumph. He had harnessed the Rangers' powers, siphoning their once-mighty abilities to fuel his own dark purposes. His laughter echoed through the gym, a chilling reminder of the evil that had befallen the once-heroic Rangers.

The Rangers themselves, once the epitome of strength and heroism, were now mere husks of their former selves. Their eyes held a vacant emptiness, their movements were mechanical and devoid of life. They were trapped in an endless loop of repetitive routines, their minds clouded with darkness and their spirits shattered. Their once unbreakable bond had been severed, and they were now isolated, lost to the relentless grip of the dark energy.

As the dark gym fell deeper into disrepair, the Rangers' existence became a tragic tale of heroes turned into tortured souls. Their fate was sealed, their bodies and souls forever bound to the cursed gym, their once bright futures now reduced to an endless cycle of torment and suffering.

In the end, the Muscular Monarch's wickedness prevailed, and the Rangers were lost to the darkness, forgotten by the world outside. The gym became a haunting monument to their downfall, a place where their powers were drained and their spirits broken. Their tale was a cautionary one, a reminder of the insidiousness of evil and the bleakness of a fate worse than defeat.

And as the dark gym echoed with the cries and whispers of the Rangers, their once-heroic legacy faded into obscurity, buried deep within the cursed walls and equipment, a tragic ending to a story that was meant to be a triumph.



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