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I figured that I hadn’t included parasites in my stories lately. That’s about to change, especially after I enjoyed Dead Space. What better team to handle these nasty cosmic threats than the Cosmic Fury team? Just not get too attached to them, metaphorically and literally!

To ease my illustrator’s burden, I am using AI art for this story’s illustration. Let me know if you want more intricate art in the same manner!

Special thanks to my beautiful patrons:


Geoffrey Mccaw

Robert Terwillger


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


Don’t wish upon a shooting star!

“Aiyon, come in!” called out Zaito the Zenith Ranger as he rushed with the rest of the Cosmic Fury Rangers. The superheroes in colorful tights bolted like blurry streaks of rainbow across the deserted city park, then the warehouse district, then the sewers. There was no trace of their golden teammate whatsoever.

The team stopped to take a breath. The sun was coming down on the horizon and golden hour was up. They had run around the city and the surrounding areas for clues but came up empty now. “Any ideas?” asked the depleted Ollie as the Cosmic Fury Blue as he put his toned arms on the waist to support his tired body.

Javi shook his head. “We looked everywhere. This is weird. It’s like Aiyon just disappeared!”

“There must be a way to contact him.” Izzy the Green Ranger thought of the worst scenario. “We have defeated our enemies, right? Could it be another threat?”

Among them was the first female Red Ranger. Amelia cupped her helmet chin while pondering. “Could it be something to do with the meteor that crashed last night?”

“What meteor?” asked the concerned champagne-colored Ranger as he put his hands on both Amelia’s shoulders.

The Red Ranger extended her beautiful spandex-clad arm and a holographic projection was broadcasted by her wrist morpher. It showed some online article headlines and a government warning of a meteor strike. “Everyone kinda missed it due to the city's celebration fireworks. The meteorological and space warning agencies also lost track of it, so it was assumed that the space rock simply exploded in midair.”

“Any projections on its possible impact location?”

Amelia showed the general map of the area. An arrow was visible on a geographic protrusion. “Yeah, it’s either near or on the extinct volcano’s location.”

“We have an extinct volcano?” asked the confused Black Ranger.

His comment was responded to by a shoulder nudge from his adopted sister. “You gotta pay attention when pops talks about his work, Javi.”

“Haha, can I add background music so I can concentrate?” replied Javi sarcastically.

Just then, they heard and felt rumblings. The earth itself shook. The trees swayed but stood their ground. Flocks of terrified birds fled the scene. On the rocky hillside, boulders rolled down with a thickening cloud of dust.

The whole experience ended as abruptly as it started. “That’s not good,” commented Izzy the Green Ranger.

The Zenith Ranger clenched his gloved fists. He then pointed at the strange mountain’s peak. “We have to get to the volcano now. Whatever is happening here must have something to do with what happened there. There’s where we can find Aiyon!”

Cosmic Fury Blue saw a problem with that. “Yeah, but it’s miles away. We can-”

“We can teleport,” cut Zayto.

“That’s going to exhaust our power, Zayto,” objected the Black Ranger. “What if there’s a heavy Sporix in there?”

Zayto pounded his right fist on his chest. “In that case, I believe in our powers! We are a team and our strength comes from our unity. Our depleted energy will be replenished when we find Aiyon. There will be no one who can beat us by then!”

The Rangers mumbled in doubt, but they kept their opinions to themselves. Cosmic Fury Blue shook his helmet slowly, pondering on the pros and cons of their plan.

Just then, the hero they needed stepped in. More precisely, the heroine that they needed. Amelia the Cosmic Fury Red Ranger spoke. “I believe in us too. We are the chosen heroes. We have gone through many difficult battles against some of the most dangerous monsters out there. We didn’t just survive. We triumphed!” She looked at the Zenith Ranger. “Today’s fight is no exception. I believe in the human and Rafkonian spirit. Aiyon believes it too. We are the living manifestation of the dream that two species can cooperate to achieve unforeseen greatness!”

That made Ollie nod. That also made Izzie pound her fists against each other. “You got me into this, Amelia. When do we start?”

“We’re going now.” The Red Ranger looked up to the sky and focused her mind. The other heroes in their color-coded skin-tight costumes also did the same. Their imagination took them to the shimmering form of an extinct volcano. “Cosmic Fury, ha!”

Like departing gods and goddesses, the Cosmic Fury Rangers team left the forest opening as beams of a rainbow. They dashed across the blue heavens and disappeared on the horizon. Incidentally, it was the golden hour with the sun glorifying its presence.


They arrived above the treeline. The entire place looked like a mesa out in the desert with huge rocks that surely weighed tons. Rubbles were there too, piled up like a frozen river across the steep terrain.

The Power Rangers adjusted their bearings when they arrived. They felt the effects of their flash travel. Ollie needed to take a step back. Javi gulped inside his helmet and blinked promptly to clear out the haziness. “That was something…,” he commented.

Zayto on the other hand flexed his perfect arm and tapped his biceps to clear his mind. He quickly checked his wrist-mounted morpher again. He accessed the tracker system. There were some glitches appearing.

“This place feels wrong,” blurted the shuddering Izzy as she glanced up toward the majestic peak. Like the Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, the volcano’s outer structure had collapsed and left the inner petrified lava column with its distinct flat top standing. One thing that the Green Ranger noticed there was the lack of animals or plants.

There were no birds in the sky. There were no small rodents or mountain goats. There weren’t even bushes. The place was as barren as the surface of the Moon. “Hopefully, there are aliens around here,” said Ollie. That gave him a weird look from Zayto and Amelia. “I mean non-Rafkonian beastly aliens.”

The team continued their journey up the narrow natural pathway on the mountainside. The Red Ranger pointed out something in the distance. “I think that’s a good spot to start our search,” said the team captain.

All heroes modified their helmet visor sights. Their vision zoomed in on a small opening just behind a rock tower. It was small from their location but the suit system suggested the cavern entrance was as tall as 35 feet. The Rangers climbed the rough trail to reach it.

The sight wasn’t Izzie’s favorite. “It’s so dark in there. I can’t see more than a few feet in,” commented the tomboyish heroine as she put her arms on the waist.

“Well, well, well, is the mighty Izzie afraid?” teased the Black Ranger. He received a good elbow hit on his side. “Ouch!”

“That’s for being a lousy brother, Javi!”

Amelia tapped her morpher to activate the helmet spotlight system. The eyes of her dino ornament lit up to show the way. She also summoned her sledgehammer power weapon. “Okay, here goes!”

The team went in. The path was not easy as the cave slope went down a bit. Every Ranger’s step was echoed by the rock formation’s acoustics. With the lights and the noises, how could the hero expect it to be a stealth mission?

They were still being careful of their surroundings. Their backs went against each other as the Rangers scanned for any possible threats. Their spotlights illuminated the glossy, even slimy stalactites that hung from the tall ceilings. There were distant sounds of dripping water, but its origin was obscured by resonance.

They saw a strange glow in the distance, to the right side of the cave’s intersection. “There must be something there. Let’s go!”

The Zenith Ranger led everyone across the challenging path. Their spotlights became erratic as the heroes needed to check where they were stepping their boots on. In the end, they arrived.

Amelia was flabbergasted, and so were the other Cosmic Fury Rangers in their helmets. “What’s that thing?”

In front of the Power Rangers, there was a huge scorching rock. Its surface glowed with pulsating crimson amber. Thick smoke still rose from the object to congregate at the broken ceiling.

“Is that a meteorite?” asked the confused Blue Ranger.

“I’m not a science person, but shouldn’t meteorites, you know, decimate the whole place when they crash?” asked the equally-confused Green Ranger.

“They should,” replied Ollie with a mumble. He was too awestruck by the smoldering massive rock. It was weird in all possible ways.

Just then, the spandex-clad heroes heard a noise to their right. To Zayto and his teammates’ surprise, it was the Cosmic Fury Gold Ranger who stood on top of a rocky ledge. “Aiyon!” called the Zenith Ranger with no reply.

Instead, the Gold Ranger lifted his blaster and pressed the trigger.

The quick-thinking Amelia pushed Javi and Izzie out of harm’s way. It cost them their other friends who were engulfed in a massive explosion. “No!”

What was left was a gaping hole in the ground. The battered Red Ranger saw her sledgehammer and reached it just in time to block another energy attack from the Gold Ranger. “Gold, stop this!” called out the female team captain as two explosions erupted on her sides.

The Red Ranger was pummeled forward and the two other Rangers weren’t in a better shape. “Snap out of this, Aiyon…” cried out Javi weakly. He was protecting his sister who was moaning in pain.

This had to stop now. Amelia summoned her ax and clenched it with her shivering hands. The Red Ranger focused his strength and stood back up. “Or else, I will make you! Hyaah!”

“Red, wait!” But Izzie’s words fell on deaf ears. The Cosmic Fury Red Ranger leaped toward the Gold Ranger.

“No one messes with my team!” shouted the furious Red Ranger as she swung her ax. She didn’t realize that alien tendrils were after her in the background.

Amelia’s poorly-planned attack failed. She didn’t even get the chance to touch the Gold Ranger. The tentacles got her. First, they coiled around her neck and quickly suffocated the heroine. Mid-air, she tried to break the bondage. Instead, more alien strands came to restrict her defiance.

“Amelia!” cried out the Green Ranger in horror. Her team captain was being held by numerous alien tentacles coming from the space rock. It was clear that the Red Ranger was fighting to keep her weapon, but it was futile. With a clanking noise, Amelia’s ax fell on the rocky ground. The Power Ranger was then delivered closer to the Gold Ranger while still fighting to free herself.

The Gold Ranger took a few steps forward. Aiyon was strangely silent. What Amelia could hear from the Rafkonian was a series of strange gagging and moaning noises from inside his helmet. The corrupted Ranger reached in and cupped the Red Ranger’s crotch.

That startled Amelia and the young heroine squirmed in her bondage in a desperate attempt to escape the fondling. She could feel the sensation penetrating her tight spandex. She whimpered when Aiyon’s fingers caressed the sensitive parts. She squealed when her teammate played with her edge.

The muscles were getting hard. Amelia could also feel the rush of blood to her wet crotch. Despite the situation, the Red Ranger was aroused. “No… No, stop this…” muttered the youngster between her gasps.

The Gold Ranger then used both of his hands to embrace Amelia’s beautiful ass cheeks. She was athletic and her glutes were her testament to fitness. Aiyon squeezed the firm rear and made the Red Ranger worm even more. The corrupted hero’s gloved fingers even explored her hole.

A little penetration and the Cosmic Fury Ranger arched forward in ecstasy. “No, no, please!” shouted the subjugated female spandex hero.

Aiyon’s fingers couldn’t penetrate the costume, but it didn’t matter. Amelia was overwhelmed by every stroke across her nether region. Her peach was completely drenched to her embarrassment. The Red Ranger couldn’t glance at her friends. Izzie on the other hand covered her mouthguard with her hands in fear. She couldn’t help her team captain no matter how hard she tried to move. Her muscles ache after the double whammy before. But the Gold Ranger had his plans.

Javi and Izzie were shocked when Aiyon put the barrel of his blaster in their direction. Two energy attacks were released to burst the giant boulder above the Ranger siblings. They all screamed as the big rock slammed on them and broke the ground into another gaping hole. Their resounding screeches soon faded. “Izzie, Javi…” mumbled the depleted Amelia. Her cunny had unloaded.

Just then, the Gold Ranger stood in front of her and took off his helmet. What was inside stupefied the Red Ranger into shaking her helmet in denial. “No, no, that’s not possible… Aiyon, come back to us!”

What she saw was a stuff of nightmares. Aiyon’s ebony skin tone had turned blood-red as if something had shed his skin off. His eyes were jet black with the eerie liquid that ran down his cheeks like tears. His agape mouth jittered as alien tentacles snaked out of it. In the middle of the swarm was a protrusion that looked like a twisted version of a dildo.

Amelia squeaked as Aiyon’s diabolical alien adult toy became erect and released a gush of white goop all over her spandex costume. The female team captain gasped at the powerful odor, especially from the slop over her helmet visor. She gulped anxiously as the encounter triggered something inside, making her feel warm throughout.

Amelia’s words were meaningless by now. Her presence there became irrelevant. Before she could protest, the tentacles yanked the Cosmic Fury Red Ranger onto the meteorite’s shimmering surface. At first, Amelia had a burning feeling on her back but the regolith cracked open on its own to reveal a human-shaped crevice. The spandex heroine was pulled inside in a spread-eagle pose while screaming although there was no one to respond to her pleas anymore.

She came splatting on the undulating rock. She was like shoving through a broken egg with brittles forming all around his toned form. Amelia’s fingers dispiritedly wriggled against the hold. There was no freedom, no victory. Instead, her armored arms sank deeper and deeper into the rock. Once they were submerged inside the turbulent black goop, they couldn’t push through. The building fatigue slowly overwhelmed the girl in skintight spandex. Inside her helmet, the exhausted Amelia let out short and sharp breaths. Sweat built and ran on her cheeks and temples. Some drops even passed into his eyes and stung them.

She had 220 lbs of Rafkonian weightlifting exercise this morning, yet her muscles now ached with impotence. They tensed up with perspiration. Amelia could even smell the mounting musky odor from her armpit, but they were of no use other than to distract the heroine’s mind from the torment.

In fact, the Cosmic Fury Red Ranger’s mind was slowly dominated by the stink. It was her escape from this cruel treatment. She was soon violated and devoured by aliens, but at least Amelia would meet his doom all beefed up. Little the young female hero knew it was the alien’s doing all along.

One of the phallic tentacles had pushed into the Red Ranger’s helmet and covered it entirely and sloppily. The head protector’s details and ornaments were outlined on the alien membrane by its tight embrace. The tendril’s end pressed on Amelia’s neck to constrict the air she got from her lungs. All in all, she was being put into a haze as the prison tentacle released a strange poisonous gas.

In the illusion, Amelia knew something was wrong. But all she could see was only darkness and the eerie mist coming from all sides. The fog made him gasp as the smell was something he was familiar with even from this morning. After all, the gym was where he did kinky stuff with her crush the Blue Ranger before going to battle. The Red Ranger could remember the Asian features. It was stimulating to recall his impeccable form just like it was stimulating to acknowledge her own. Slowly but surely, the mist condensed into a human shape that approached the confused Amelia. “Give up to the monolith, Amelia…”

“Who are you? What do you want from me?” barked the Red Ranger heroically despite her failing mental condition.

“The same thing you want, Red Ranger. We want peace and order. That is why you fight monsters and go further than anyone else to save innocent lives. You and I are not so different.”

“Lady, I don’t even know you…” Amelia’s mental self coughed.

That made the female stranger smirk. “Then let me introduce myself…”

She forced a kiss with the Red Ranger. It was not passionate. It was instead domineering. Amelia retracted but her hand kept her in. She was trapped as the air ran out. But the act was more malicious than suffocation.

The cyan lady presented Amelia with a gift. Something slithered its way off her mouth and into the heroine. It somehow completely bypassed the helmet. The terrified Red Ranger punched her head and pounded her stomach with the armored knee, but she wouldn’t budge. Amelia’s eyes soon went watery as she could feel numerous movements inside his throat. It filled the cavity until the poor hero’s neck bulged out. Then, it disappeared as it went into the stomach.

The satisfied woman violently released Amelia. The Red Ranger immediately felt pain in his abs. “How… How could this happen… The helmet!” screamed the broken warrior as she tried to rip the suit out. “ARGH!”

The lady licked her own black lips. Her equally-black eyes observed the squirming Cosmic Fury Ranger. “Another one to fill our hunger. You can savor the last days of your uniqueness, Ranger. Once we are done, you will be a part of our collective limbo in body, mind, and soul!”

Something flailed its way back up Amelia’s neck. She desperately tried to prevent it out of panic, but the alien arms would soon escape and spread out all over her face like a deluge. The Red Ranger was being ambushed and trapped inside her own suit.

It wasn’t long before something pushed out of the mouthguard. The metallic protection was easily destroyed. Its useless fragments were scattered over the alien landscape. From the gaping hole, out a demonic dildo similar to the one gagging Aiyon before.

It was true. In the real world, the depleted Cosmic Fury Red Ranger was no more. Amelia’s muscle mommy body and the glossy spandex costume that once protected it were no more. The assimilated youngster was nothing more than a human-shaped bulge on a bulk of alien mass. Tentacles stabbed her in random places and drained her blood and other biological products like leeches. Her helmet was still there, forever trapped inside the giant and smothering condom-like tentacle that continued to pour mind-breaking gas to poison her mind until there was nothing left.

In the nightmare world, the evil lady casually walked toward a strange growth in the middle of nowhere. It resembled a dead tree with a black trunk and various black protrusions. Then, it started to move.

It was a demon. The branches spread out to reveal hardened arms with elongated talons. It was skinny and crooked. Its movements were jittery. The terrifying face had holes in the place of eyes. The fang-filled maw let out an extremely long sticky tongue akin to that of a chameleon.

The Horde Mistress looked down on her newest creation’s chest. On it was Amelia’s trapped face inside a thin membrane. Her terrified face wriggled left and right with a mindless urge to escape eternal punishment. The woman pushed her index finger into the poor soul’s mouth.

It made the real Cosmic Fury Red Ranger jerk from her prison. She pulled her arms out and let out a loud roar of power. The alien bulk finally gave up and released the young spandex heroine.

Unfortunately, she was no longer a hero. Her helmet dissolved, revealing Amelia’s secret identity to her parasitic master. The glowing eyes shimmered behind the thin skin. The tentacles stayed for good. She squatted hard to let her bloated belly touch the spongy floor of the alien interior. There were tentacles bursting out of the space between her legs, violently reaching out for potential prey in the distance.

“Red Ranger, please don’t!” cried a girl who was trapped inside the sticky web in front of the corrupted Amelia. The former Cosmic Fury team captain didn’t recognize her as innocent. She was food after all.

The girl screamed in horror, then gurgled incomprehensible words as her throat was invaded. The Red Ranger’s burst of laughter was that of a murderous maniac. Amelia truly enjoyed the carnage and even became lustful as she fondled her breasts and fingered her own rear.

The world could now welcome another demon of the Horde.



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