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Geniefied is a gender-bend Dino Thunder story I did back in 2020. I thought that a female Red Ranger wasn’t gonna cut it at the time, but it turned out that she did!

Here you go, the continuation and closure as you have requested!
I highly recommend that you read the Amulet of Power story first so that you can be ready for what’s coming!
Here’s the link if you’re interested: https://www.patreon.com/posts/amulet-of-power-44571012

Anyway, Dino Thunder, ha!

Special thanks to my beautiful patrons:


Geoffrey Mccaw

Robert Terwillger


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


Get your wish here!

Etta was running out of breath. She was out of her mind too. All it took was a simple wet kiss on her corrupted teammate and mentor’s abs.

The Dino Thunder Black Ranger stood proudly before her. Her helmet visor showed the young woman’s lust-filled expression. Her face was blushing red. Her mouth went agape with gasps. Her index finger reached in to be licked by the thirsty tongue.

Before today, Etta had admired Dr. Tammie Oliver’s persona. She was after all one of her idols, mainly when she found out that she was once the Mighty Morphin’ Green Dragon Ranger. Her athletic features concealed her age. The spandex tightness perfectly encapsulated the experienced heroine’s muscles, including the six-pack abs that Etta continuously fondled in adoration. Her sweaty hands explored the form-fitting attire of power. The sensation was touching wet latex all over. Such a simple gesture brought uncontrolled euphoria.

Etta squealed loudly like a pig as she jutted her tongue to caress the glowing Mark of Apophis. The room’s soundproof door was intentionally closed. The girl genius’ world was increasingly narrow and the accursed tattoo was in the center of it all.

“You understand it too, don’t you, Etta?” asked the moaning Tammie as she cupped the girl with glasses’ chin to make her look up. “The futileness of our missions? The immature drive to resist evil? The naive sense of justice? All of that was just playthings for the true being we should worship.”

The female Black Ranger roughly took hold of Etta’s head, grabbing its sides and messing up the curly African-American hair. Tammie forced the unmorphed Blue Ranger to lick lower. The touch of the girl’s tongue was enough to make her shriek in pure ardor, but she wanted more. Lower and lower until her protege reached the nether region.

Her leotard-like Dino Thunder Black Ranger was figure-hugging and glossy. Tammie looked like a goddess of prehistoric desire even before her downfall. Now, her cameltoe was more apparent than ever. She steered Etta into exploring it.

The Blue Ranger’s muffled noises were heard between the Black Ranger’s cries of libido. Tammie let out a war cry of Amazons as her body arched. All while Etta’s hand abused the mentor Ranger’s own beautiful body. The dark rhythm was back as both heroines ground each other in their unique, perverted ways.

“We have lied to ourselves for too long, Etta. This… This is our true destiny as Power Rangers: to be hookers of power. Why else do our dino gems look like sextoys?”

Etta never thought of it like that. Now, she thought it like that. More precisely, she couldn’t think of anything anymore. Her genius-level intellect was betrayed by her own overstimulated body system. Her hormones went overloaded. Her mind overthought bad things that would happen if she just said no to this debasement and took back control of her body. Her pits were overcome with the reek. Her tongue penetrated the peach lips like an oversized tentacle.

Tammie’s spandex-clad body shuddered as her Ranger dug deeper. She now screamed baffling words. Between those, she also declared worship of her ancient master. She was the Dino Thunder Black Ranger, a hooker of power.

In her blotted mind, Tammie could see him. He was a figure of untold horrors. He was the space wizard who long ago brainwashed her into a deadly green warrior to fight her own friends. He was Ramses Repulsa.

He was big, extremely big. He was a god. Tammie’s chin was cupped by Ramses’ divinely muscular arm. She could see the forest of hairs on that glowing sweaty limb. Her tongue jerked just from the coming thought of licking it.

Tammie tried to speak. She was still in control of her deeper subconscious. She knew that Ramses was evil and it was logical to fight against his mental oppression.

But no words of defiance could escape her beautiful lips. Her muscles tweaked and moved, but they couldn’t create meaningful expression. What she showed was instead the facial expression of terror and awe. Her eyes opened wide and her watery mouth hung. Etta could smell her saliva odor and that made her dig even deeper.

Tammie screamed. She was screaming in despair. Her body was his now. Her mind was trapped and slowly getting deformed and molded to fit his diabolical desires. She felt the temptation to simply give up and worship Lord Ramses. But she couldn’t!

She couldn’t, right? That would spell doom to the Power Rangers. Not just the Dino Thunder team, but perhaps ALL the Ranger team. No other warriors connected to the Morphing Grid as Tammie Oliver. She had been the Green Dragon Ranger, the White Tiger Ranger, the Red Zeo Ranger, the Red Turbo Ranger, and now the Dino Thunder Black Ranger.

Her perception was extended when Ramses forced her to suck his big index finger. Her eyes rolled back. She could see the future and alternate futures.

She would continue the legacy of being an active Ranger. Conversely, there were presents in parallel worlds where she turned evil and ruled the world. On one, she was the great Lady Drakkon.

All of them worshipped the same deity as her. The omnipotent dominator of all Rangers. Her master.

But Tammie Oliver still had a seed of defiance deep beneath her mind. She would fight corruption even if it was the last thing she ever did. Ramses was entertained by it.

The monstrous wizard pulled his finger out. It caused disheartenment for Tammie. She wanted to taste the vision again. But he had another plan in store.

Out of thin air, Ramses Repulsa summoned a mask. It was reminiscent of Tutankhamun’s golden mask albeit with feminine features. On its surface, there were reflections of screaming Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Even Jessie the Red Ranger wasn’t beyond the reach of the inescapable horror.

Ramses slotted the mask onto Tammie’s face. He put together the heavy clamps around her shoulders to lock the poor girl inside. The heroine was already screaming in agony.

She pounded the gleaming surface to no avail. Her muffled shrieks were a delight for him. She was being suffocated inside. But that wasn’t the worst of it.

Out of the mask, a spreading substance unfurled all over the Black Ranger’s spandex-clad body. It was a menacing shimmering deluge similar to the material that constructed the mask. Tammie was being turned into a living golden statue.

“Do not fret, darling. With this, your beauty will finally be eternal as part of my trophy assembly!”

As her arms got overrun by the gold, they stiffened. Against their own owner’s will, the limbs moved into their final spread-eagle position. There were only gurgles inside the mask prison as Tammie Oliver’s struggle became completely decimated. Gone was the Dino Thunder Black Ranger. There was only another piece of Ramses Repulsa’s precious slave statue.

Lord Ramses summoned another piece of the puzzle. It was a knob-like item with an upside-down scarab symbol. He didn’t waste time to thrust it into Tammie’s cameltoe.

In the real world, the Dino Thunder Black Ranger squealed with the loudest sound. Before her, Etta the unmorphed Blue Ranger gagged as her mentor’s crotch grew into a hermaphroditic protrusion. The enraptured girl swallowed the lengthy and brawny shaft covered by similarly-enticing spandex. “This is us!” screamed her while being choked.

The two were in rhythm. Tammie’s grinding movements were followed by the subordinate Etta. The Blue Ranger fingered her own groin to add another layer of debased stimulation. Her eyes were white by now, tears running down her cheeks. This wasn’t heroic but it was what she wanted.

Then, Tammie pulled her protege’s head. Her delirious mind was joyful to see Etta’s brainwashed face with a drooling mouth. “You know what to do now,” ordered the Black Ranger.

The absent-minded Etta nodded in compliance. She accessed her morpher communicator. Her voice suddenly sounded nerve-wracked. “Guys, help! Help us!”

There were the Red and White Rangers in the static. “Etta, what’s wrong?!”

“They took us! These messed-up beasts overridden my and Dr. O’s teleportation signals and transported us into their prison cells. Quick, the two of you still have time to rescue us before the EM trace is gone. Lock in on my energy signature and jump ASAP! Please, they are coming!”

Her unsuspecting teammates’ voices were stern and vigilant. “Don’t you worry, Etta. We’re coming to get ya. Together, we’re gonna beat this ugly guy! Ready, White Ranger?”

“Ready, Red Ranger!”

“Teleport! ARGH!”

Tammie and Etta giggled at their own friends’ demise. They have teleported themselves into a place with no escape. Now, there were only the two of them.

“Dino Thunder, ha!” Etta screamed out her roll call even with Tammie’s faux cock in her mouth. Her summoned Dino Thunder Blue Ranger’s helmet had a gaping hole on its mouthguard.

Actually, there were three of them. Ramses Repulsa appeared in his ethereal form. He was there to steer the coming events with the two Rangers. His ghostly fingers penetrated the two subjugated heroine’s helmets. He scrambled their minds for good, making them moan while unloading themselves on each other. Their heroic days were over.

To celebrate the downfall, their spandex costumes mutated. The black and blue tight shiny material merged with one another as Tammie hugged Etta hungrily. Their broken mouthguards met each other and their tongues intertwined. The Black Ranger’s arms were assimilated by Blue Ranger’s ass cheeks. Conversely, Blue’s arms became one with her mentor’s thighs. The two heroines became one latex abomination.

Ramses clicked his fingers and another golden chastity belt appeared before slamming itself onto Tammie’s butt. Dr. Oliver’s body shuddered as it plugged her arsehole and spread metallic straps to lock her and her partner’s groin together. The Dino Thunder Rangers complemented each other as Black’s fake baton was now stuck inside Blue’s hole.

“After a long time, I finally have this masterpiece,” snickered Ramses Repulsa at his creation. By then, the Dino Thunder Rangers’ helmet visor disappeared. The two girls were now blinded in their lust with no escape. “You’re going home with me, Tammie Oliver!”

The three figures disappeared in a teleportation glow.


When they arrived in Ramses Repulsa’s new throne room, there was chaos. The Dino Thunder Red and White Rangers were already there and fought evil incarnations in a form far worse than mere monsters. They were fighting magic lamps.

“It’s pulling me in!” screamed the Red Ranger as she desperately tried to claw her way out of the sucking force of the lamp. Her legs up to the knees were already gone into a crimson twister of energy that was pulled deeper into the cursed item’s small mouth. There was a powerful gust of wind that brought difficulties for the heroines to find stable ground.

“I’m not gonna spend the rest of my life inside a genie lamp!” groaned the White Ranger as she stabbed the concrete floor with her saber weapon.

“Isn’t this delightful?” mocked Ramses as he sat on the throne. Behind him, the assimilated Ranger statue hovered on its own until they landed on a decorative platform behind the seat of power. Now, Tammie and Etta would forever entertain the dark lord in his private room

“Dr. O?! Etta!?!” The Red Ranger couldn’t believe her tired eyes. Those were the most resourceful heroines she knew. The villain had turned them into a fixture of this place!

“Weep at your friends’ heroic expiration, Rangers. They are a testament of my arriving pharaohdom. Long has Zordon and his puny army of super-powered children ruined my plans. Now, all of your powers will carve my names on the temple of glory!”

That didn’t work to discourage Chloe as the Red Ranger. Instead, it fueled her rage. She slammed the throne room’s floor and made cracks all over with her might. “Enjoy this moment as you humiliate our friends, Ogre. That’s the only good memory you’re gonna have once we ruin your work! Trisha, it’s time!”

The exhausted White Ranger nodded. “It can’t be sooner. I’m ready!”

The Dino Thunder Red Ranger reached out her hand toward the air. From it, she summoned an artifact of power. “Triassic power, engage!”

The air swirled and twisted into revealing a formidable shape out of a hyperdimensional repository. It was a shield in the more glorious version of the Rangers’ chest symbol with protruding ornamentation spikes. The item slowly approached its summoner.

That made Ramses cross his legs and smirked. Everything went as he planned it to be. He extended the fingers of his right hand and another magical trinket appeared. It was another magical genie lamp. This one was already filled with a soul.

The space warlock savored the moment. He knew he was winning anyway. He glanced at the moving reflections on the devilish object. On it, images of the Dino Thunder Yellow Ranger forever fighting tentacles of glass made Ramses’s groin grow erect. It was the first of his prized possessions and this one would help him the other ones.

Ramses lewdly rubbed the genie lamp. As if responding to his debasement, Kieran’s moaning and gasping noises escaped from the long snout. The squeals even distracted Chloe a bit.

Then the relic released its content. Out with a gush of mist and thick fog was a golden figure. At first, his identity wasn’t clear. The Red and White Dino Rangers’ eyes opened wide when they finally saw who that was.

“Dino Thunder Yellow Ranger at your service, my liege,” spoke the enslaved Kieran Ford. He had been geniefied with his lower parts becoming one with the smoke from the lamp. His voice boomed and his movements were slow, filled with power. His arms were disproportionately huge like a bodybuilder on steroids.

“Kieran!” called out Chloe, but her teammate didn’t recognize her. Kieran didn’t wear his helmet so his cold expression when he glanced at her was shocking at best. “Don’t listen to him!”

“Interestingly, listening to me is the only thing he will ever understand in his new life, Red Ranger.” Ramses corrected himself. “Oh, that and making all of my wishes come true.”

“Huh, what’re you talking about?” Trisha was half-intrigued and half trying to distract the space warlock with the chit-chat. Next to her, the Red Ranger stealthy kept on pulling the Triassic Shield to access its power.

“Yeah, are you going to ask him to be your favorite dimwit? We already did that,” mocked Chloe.

“No, I will make ALL of you my dimwits!” Ramses’s finger gesture pointed at the Yellow Ranger genie. “I wish that all of your friends are powerless to be geniefied.”

“No, Kieran!”

The heeds of his friends were meaningless. The Kieran genie nodded in obedience as he crossed his arms in front of his bulking pecs. “Your wish is my command, my liege.”

The Dino Thunder symbol in his chest glowed and a strange bolt of lightning split to strike both Ranger heroines. Chloe and Trisha screamed in unimaginable agony.

“My power… It’s depleting my power!” shouted Trisha in the suffering. She could every muscle of her body throbbing with torment.

The same went for the mighty Dino Thunder Red Ranger. Her powers were not to be. She was nothing against the genie’s potency. On her belt, the awe-inspiring golden Dino Thunder buckle was consumed by a blob of greyish goo. Once it covered the whole piece, it transformed into a mocking dildo-shaped ornament.

Finally, the incomplete Triassic Shield exploded into a shower of shattered pieces. The worn-out Chloe and Trisha couldn’t believe what just happened. All of their strategies were for nothing.

Then, the pulling was back. The Red and White Dino Rangers tried their best to fight the lamps’ sucking power. By now, their effort was laughable.

More and more of their boots, then their legs were consumed by the swirls of energy. Their thicc thighs were contorted into spirals that fit the incredibly-small opening. “Please, Kieran! Help, help us!” cried out Trisha. She no longer believed in her Drago Power, no longer believed in her identity as a Power Ranger. She was just another freak-in-a-colorful-costume victim of Ramses.

“This… This can’t be… Kieran, you should break free from the spell. I… I can no longer feel my lower body!”

“Chloe… Chloe, help! KYAAH!”

The Dino Thunder White Ranger was the first to go. Her helmet stuck on the lamp’s mouth for a moment before that too got cartoonishly sucked into the genie lamp. Inside was hell for Trisha.

The Dino Thunder Red Ranger followed suit. Her arms were bound on the sides, completely hopeless to prevent the coming vore. Chloe could feel the suffocating squeeze the tight genie lamp's neck did to her body. It was visually impossible for the heroine to be slurped by the damned decoration, but it happened anyway.

Just like Trisha, Chloe’s Dino Ranger helmet got stuck for a moment just for her new master’s entertainment. Ramses Repulsa laughed in satisfaction as his Yellow Ranger genie gulped on his erect baton devotedly. Gone was Kieran’s past as a hero, a fighter, and a champion of justice. All in his mind now was the desire to please his pharaoh. For now, a simple fellatio routine would suffice.

“Please, please!” begged Chloe as her helmet disappeared into the hyperdimensional prison of the genie lamp. There would be no escape for the team captain.

The Dino Thunder Red Ranger was released with a guzzle into a strange crystal world.

She floated in it as if diving in an ocean, yet she could breathe freely. The air was strange though. Its weird smell made Chloe’s nose twitch. The space was expansive and bordered by a wall of a jagged translucent surface. “Hello?” called out the Red Ranger with an echoing voice.

The whole place then shuddered as if responding to her presence. The walls began to grow big chunks of shards and shrink the space. Of course, that made Chloe panic. In her confusion, she turned around to see the small hole from which she emerged. She tried to launch herself toward there. “Come on, come on!”

The interior became smaller and smaller like deflated hard candy. Chloe’s movement was simply too slow. When she realized there wasn’t any escape, she screamed.

She screamed as the crystal wall engulfed her legs, giving her the agony of her life. But there was no blood that came out. The effects were worse than that. The crystals merged the Red Ranger’s spandex-clad legs into it. As the interior became more pressing. Everything lower than her belt was trapped inside the translucent mass just like a prehistoric animal in amber.

There was a sliver of hope as Chloe reached the hole. It was a pinhole that not even her finger could slip through. She was utterly trapped inside this nightmare. Then, she was devoured whole.

The Dino Thunder Red Ranger was trapped frozen inside the inescapable gemstone. At first, the solid substance was smooth without flaws. Then, lines and cracks began to spread. Chloe’s muffled scream became multiple pleas for help as each shattered piece of her jail split her personality.

There were two Chloes now, both captive of the genie lamp. Each suffered in agony and each had half of the original Red Ranger’s power. The two were split again and again and again.

Eight Red Rangers had one-eighth of their original power. Sixteen had one-sixteenth. So on until Lord Ramses could play a hundred impotent Chloe that all cried in misery and drudgery with eternally open mouths. Little by little, her shattered mind forgot its past too.

But that was just the beginning. The former Dino Thunder Red Ranger could feel inside her. The lamp wanted more of her than just breaking her body and mind. It wanted Chloe to surrender her soul to serve a better purpose.

The Red Ranger would make dreams come true no matter how vile those dreams were.
