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The Rangers had enough! Now they wanted to be Rita’s plaything!

No, that can’t be! That’s not why heroes fought, right? Jason and the others found it difficult to think back to his dauntless past with his rubber brain!

This took place in the first issue of the Go Go Power Rangers comic book. So sad to see our young warriors in color-coded tights lost to the space witch so early in their career. But, oh well!

Special thanks to my patrons:


Robert Terwillger


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K


See your reflection in Rita’s playroom!

“Ten thousand years. That’s how long I’ve dreamed of crushing Zordon who dared to imprison me. But I won’t make the mistake of attacking blindly again,” said Rita Repulsa as her eyes reflected the blue marble of Earth in the sky above her Moon Palace. Kneeling behind the space witch were her henchmen. There was Goldar, the deadly beast knight with golden armor. There was also Finster, the master sculptor with a soft side for creating the most ferocious monsters. “Thanks to our two guests.”

Beyond them, there were two unfortunate astronauts who were bound by an elastic yet unbreakable muddy substance on the wall. These were military officers, yet their strengths were nothing against Rita’s special prison. Colonel Aoki Toshikazu gave her the standard anti-interrogation technique with repetitions of his name, rank, and serial number. Rita thought it was cute.

“Don’t worry, little space man. I’m not here to harm you. After all, you have freed me. It is my turn to return the favor by freeing you from the shackles of oppression and giving you peace and order.” She gave a poisonous sly smile. “I am here to free you from yourselves.”

Her eyes captivated the young Japanese astronauts. Her pupils now reflected their awe-stricken faces as her magic staff slowly oozed ethereal energy to take over the men. Their mouths followed her words.

Her voice was soft, yet piercing. “To do that, you must tell me everything about your little blue planet.”

“Tell you… Everything…” mumbled Colonel Toshikazu and his wingman. They were already hers.

But the space witch wanted more. The glimmering orb sphere at the heart of her magic staff brightened up. She was ready to cast a spell on the astronauts. Her throne room was bathed with a blood-colored shine for a moment.

The five chosen youngsters of Angel Grove arrived at the Power Rangers Command Center as multicolored streaks of teleportation energy. These were young heroes with spirits. Zack with his attitude as the Black Mastodon Ranger. Trini with her resourcefulness as the Yellow Sabretooth Ranger. Billy with his genius-level intellect as the Blue Triceratops Ranger. Kimberly with her agility as the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger. Last but not least, there was Jason with his fortitude as the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger. The quintet made up the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers team.

Now, they were in their civilian clothes. Their mentor, the massive blue head of Zordon of Eltar, greeted them with a piece of grim news. “Rangers, I fear that Rita is plotting another attack on Earth.”

“What’s she up to now, Zordon?” asked the Black Ranger.

“She has held the two astronauts who freed her captive in her Moon Palace. Through them, she has acquired important intel on our nation’s vulnerable points and systems. It is imperative for you Rangers to make preparations for her eventual arrival.”

Trini frowned. “Wait, we’re just going to wait? I don’t think that’s a good strategy, Zordon.”

Kimberly nodded while crossing her arms on the busty chest. “I agree. The best defense is an offense. I say we come after her first.”

Zordon’s head slightly shook to deny her idea. “It is impossible to penetrate Rita’s Moon Palace, Kimberly. The site is heavily defended both with her Putty Patroller foot soldiers and her magic. She would be able to identify your teleportation signal coming in even before you can approach the front door itself. By then, the fight would have been lost.”

“Then teleport us far away from the Moon Palace. We’ll take the hard road in. It’s okay. After all, we have our Moon expert over here!” Zack hugged Billy’s neck with his burly black arm. The prodigy could smell his friend’s armpit odor.

“I’m not that good,” mumbled Billy with a gulp while looking away.

Zordon was still in doubt. “It is not advisable for the five of you to go up there,” said the space wizard from his hyperdimensional warp cylinder.

“The point is that you gave us these powers to do what’s right, Zordon. It’s not to just sit down and wait for Rita to pick the fight. We’ll take the fight to her and rescue those astronauts along the way.” The Red Ranger took a step forward to convince their mentor. “Look, I know we’re young and still learning, but this is the perfect time to prove our worthiness, Zordon. I know we can do this.”

The rest of the team watched Jason’s oration. Some like Zack and Kimberly were excited. “Oh yeah, I’m in!” blurted the Mastodon Ranger.

Trini wasn’t so enthusiastic about it. “Yeah, I think we’re all in,” said the Asian girl with short hair half-heartedly.

Billy just gave a sigh.

But Jason presented himself as the leader. He nodded toward his teammates and all of them were charmed by his handsomeness. After all, he was six feet tall of handsomeness and was so polite he's almost Canadian. “Alright, guys… It’s morphin’ time!”

“Mastodon!” declared Zack with his Black Ranger buckle.

“Sabretooth Tiger!”



Jason roared with his dino spirit. “Tyrannosaurus!”

His entire toned body was wrapped in a crimson glow of power. His details of perfect six-pack abs, robust biceps, and juicy thighs were wrapped in a spandex-like tight bodysuit. Jason Lee Scott was replaced by his superhero alter ego: the Tyrannoranger!

The student-athlete put up a fighting pose that would send fear to all monsters and villains alike. He wasn’t alone as his entire team followed suit. Each of them were clothed in similar figure-hugging costumes that showcased their enticing physiques. Kimberly’s ballooning breasts were made conspicuous by her pink suit, as with her broad shoulders and fairly hardy back. She was flawless, but even the pink warrior was distracted by someone more divine. The Tyrannoranger indeed had something to look at.

The heroes then looked up at Zordon.

“Alpha and I will create a diversion for Rita so that she will not suspect anything. You will be sent approximately 2 miles west of her palace. Be cautious since the location is filled with ancient lava tubes.”

“Lava tubes?” asked the confused Mastodon Ranger as he stopped his flexing.

“Remnants of billion year-old magma tunnels deep beneath the lunar surface. Some of them can reach hundreds if not thousands of feet high,” explained Billy as the Blue Ranger while fingering his helmet visor as if fixing the position of glasses.

The Yellow Ranger put her hands on her waist. They were slim but the muscles were still apparent. “The molten rocks are now gone, but the empty space can bring surprises. We don’t want to fall in one of those, that’s for sure.”

“Got it, tunnels bad. Can we just go on the surface then?”

“Actually, tunnels are good,” denied the Blue Ranger. “We can sneak past Rita’s defenses or early warning system - or magic - and go underground instead. Even better, perhaps there are parts of her castle that are directly above one of the tubes.”

“I hate the dark,” commented Zack. Everyone looked at him. “What?”

“Alright, Guys. we’re going in. Let’s do this quick so that Rita won’t know what hit her.” The Tyrannoranger was at the center of his team’s formation. “Go Go!”

“Power Rangers!” The superheroes zipped out into the sky as colorful comets.

“Good luck, Rangers. May the power protect you,” said Zordon.

The Moon was of course barren. Worse, it barely had any atmosphere. “I’m just happy these helmets allow us to breathe in vacuum,” commented the Blue Ranger as they ducked on the lunar dust hill. Their sight of the distant Bandora’s Palace owned by Rita Repulsa was unobstructed.

Kimberly didn’t like what she heard. “Um… Was there any chance they wouldn’t?”

Billy shrugged. “Theoretically, but it looks like we’re fine.”

“Guys, so which hideous secret hiding place would it be?” asked Trini sarcastically. All the spandex-clad heroes could see the strange neon sign above the giant entrance door of the castle.

“Is that a neon sign-WOAHH!”

The Black Ranger lost his footing. He forgot the important details of the area. His boots sank into a crevice revealed by fragile rocks. Zack was gone in an instant.

“Zack!” blurted out the Tyrannoranger, but his friend had already been consumed by the gaping hole. “I can’t see anything!”

“Hang on,” said Billy. If his theory is right… It is! “Quick, click the small button on the right side of your helmets, it should be below your right ear!”

The Blue Ranger demonstrated the secret first. The Triceratops ornament’s eyes above his helmet visor lit up as a spotlight. The void beneath their feet revealed itself. “Black Ranger, are you there?!” called out Billy.

“Yeah!” repeated the familiar voice. “You guys gotta come down here. There’s weird goo-thing all over the place.”

“That doesn’t sound good. We have to catch up with Zack right away!”

The Rangers followed Blue’s instruction and turned on their helmet spotlights. They then readied their Power Blaster handguns before leaping into the hole. “We’re coming!” announced the Red Ranger.

“Mastodon, where are you?” shouted the Pink Ranger.

“Here,” replied the weak voice on the right. There, the team found Zack leaning on the rigged lunar tunnel wall. He looked fairly fine for someone who just fell five hundred feet. “This place’s weird, man.”

“Are you okay?”

“Seems so.” The Black Ranger rushed to leave his own team. “Here, you gotta check this out!”


The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers followed their friend into a smaller tunnel that twisted and turned for a while. Then, they saw it. It even made Billy take a step back in reflex.

“What is that?” asked the horrified Trini. The view almost made her puke.

Zack came closer to scoop the greyish goop that filled a large crater-like pond. It looked like jelly, not solid yet not liquid either. When it fell back into the pool, it did it like slime flowing down.

“Is that putty?” The Blue Ranger wasn’t sure about his theory. “Perhaps this is where Rita creates her Putty Patroller army. It’s a factory to create those golems.”

“Industry of terror,” remarked the shivering Pink Ranger. She even aimed her Power Blaster at the constantly-moving pond surface. “I don’t like this.”

Her fear was not unfounded. The goop rippled and then exploded. Multiple Putty Patrollers leaped out of it and landed to encircle the Rangers. The heroes were in a tight spot all of the sudden. “What the-”

Kimberly was at loss for words. The monster surrounded them. The Putties were armed with modifications of their limbs. Some formed a spiky mace from their arms, others giant blades. But they were still ferocious with their sharp teeth that looked like cavern stalactites and stalagmites.

The Pink Ranger narrowly missed death by swiftly blocking the arriving Putty attack with her Power Bow. The foot soldier unexpectedly wrapped its thighs around Kimberly’s neck. “Can’t breathe…” muttered the despairing Pterodactyl warrior as she tried to free herself from the kinky grip.

“Pink!” But the Blue Ranger’s attempt was prevented by two Putties. The golems jumped and Billy successfully stabbed one of their heads with his Power Lance. The back of its head exploded with crawling goo. He forgot about the second enemy.

The knee came knocking at the Triceratops Ranger’s abs. Billy used all of his strength to keep his lunch in, but the pain went through. Worse, the Putty was able to jab his helmet and sent him tumbling back. His discarded Power Lance clanked on the cavern floor.

One of the Putties reached in to take the warrior’s weapon. Luckily, it was decapitated right away by the Mastodon Ranger’s Power Axe. The dangerous instrument hacked its way between three more opponents, each with deadly results. Severed limbs were hurled against the rocks. “Nobody messes with the Black Ranger!” shouted Zack in his muscular glory as he gracefully maneuvered with Hip-Hop Kido moves.

In the end, even his bravery wasn’t enough as more and more Putties emerged from the pool. The Black Ranger didn’t expect a greyish puddle would come alive and strangled him on the spot. The materializing foot soldier hands also disarmed him from his Power Axe through enough force. Now, the Mastodon warrior was fighting an enclosing cocoon of goop around him. “No, guys!” called out Zack in distress.

“They’re too many!” said the Yellow Ranger as she exhaustively slashed the numerous Putty Patrollers. One of them got to her and gashed her breasts with the sharp arm, making Trini scream as she fell. “Rita’s going to know where we are!”

“Don’t mind Rita. We need a new strategy to survive this!” The Pink Ranger was being choked. The Blue Ranger was on his knees. The Black Ranger was being suffocated by a sarcophagus of gooey doom. The Yellow Ranger groaned in pain. It seemed that the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers team had bitten more than they could chew.

Perhaps the extra jaw strength of the Tyrannosaurus can help! With one swoop, the Red Ranger was able to destroy various Putty Patrollers that blocked his way toward his friends. The pool-side cave was mostly empty now, but the goop still sent more fresh minions out.

Jason wasn’t going to let that happen. He slammed his Power Sword to create a shockwave toward the slime pond and everything around it. There was a small moonquake as the energy failed to dissipate. Instead, the cave ceiling collapsed with a boulder of the same size as the crater lake below. There were incomprehensible and muffled screams from dozens if not hundreds of Putties inside.

The jaw-dropping action had created a window of opportunity for the rest of the Rangers. Kimberly was able to somersault her way to crush the head of the Putty who strangled her. Billy was able to reach his Power Lance and hack the cocoon trap to save Zack. Trini was able to throw her Power Daggers like boomerangs that spun while killing multiple Putties on the beat.

Red offered his hand to help the Yellow Ranger back up. She was covered by marks of greyish slime all over, just like her teammates. There were bruises and cuts, but the panicking Pink Ranger was able to ensure herself that she could breathe.

“Is this thing still a stealth mission?” asked the grumpy Trini.

“Just hope it still is. We can’t afford for Rita to know our location now. She would fortify this place so hard we’d not be able to breathe!” The complaint somehow made Zack blush. He had met Rita Repulsa before and his memory of it was still fresh. He remembered her ferocity in battle, but he also remembered her thick thighs and her juggling cone-armored breasts. The Black Ranger was drooling. He tried so hard not to be audible with his fantasy moaning.

The Red Ranger’s stern command woke the Mastodon warrior up. “Our objective is to rescue the astronauts before they reveal more of our planet’s secrets. We’re already too deep in this. The only way out is to go in. Thankfully, we have found the perfect spot to stab her ass!”

Jason lifted his Power Sword to point out at the small hole directly above the Rangers. The collapsing lava tube tunnel ceiling mass had broken one of Rita’s castle hallway floors. Billy could even see the intricate and alien ornaments that decorated the support pillars there.

“Finally!” exclaimed the Pink Ranger with relief. “What are we waiting for, let’s go-”

Just then, the cave shook again. The boulder trembled as the goop beneath it became restless. Tentacles were formed with at least one of them becoming a Putty arm that shot out to wrap around Jason’s Power Sword. “Oh no, you won't!”

“Jason, let me-” But Trini was immediately stopped by the team captain. “Huh?”

“I’ll handle this. The four of you press on to rescue the astronauts. Hurry up!”


“No buts, just go.” Jason saw the doubt in his crush. “Don’t worry, I have dealt with worse things than these clay figures.”

The Yellow Ranger nodded. “Got it. We won’t be long. We’ll wait for you to catch up!”

Jason yanked his Power Sword in, then down. His boot launched a side-kick with enough momentum to cleave the Putty’s arm. He then stepped on the monster’s jerky end to splat it. “Come at me, Bro!” declared the Tyrannoranger as more arms formed. These arms became fully-grown Putty Patrollers that sneaked their way out of the boulder.

Jason lived up to his reputation. He wasn’t someone who liked to wait. In this case, he didn’t like to wait for a battle. He just slashed and struck at the Putties even before they could get up. Behind him, the four spandex-clad Power Rangers jumped their way into the castle corridor.

The golems’ heads rolled after Jason’s decapitation signature technique, but then they melted and combined with each other. This became a problem as enough mass resulted in another Putty forming. The Red Ranger narrowly missed a fatal hit from his enemy’s mace-formed arm. Instead, the cavern wall was destroyed.

The same thing happened with the various Putty Patrollers ganging up on Jason. His long-range energy attack was able to cut them right on the waist, but the goop that was dispersed coalesced again into forming a new army. It didn’t take long before the Red Ranger was surrounded by a living puddle of greyish mud that was eager to consume him. Then, it did.

When Jason tried another charge, his arm was ensnared by Putty tentacles. They weren’t strong but sure were sticky. First, it was his right brawny arm. Then, it was his left. Like before, the encroaching grey slime tried to detach the T-Rex warrior from his prized weapon.

The team captain tried his best, but it was clear that he was fighting a losing battle. His muscles ached, his shoulders dropped, and even his neck got smothered by one of the tentacles. Jason couldn’t breathe and his mental focus was declining. He needed something fast or else, he would be devoured by the cocoon. Zack escaped the previous one, but Jason would probably be its victim.

Then, the Red Ranger concentrated. He let go of his physical struggle and focused on his spirit. Jason believed he was strong. It just needed the right trigger to unleash his full capacity.

He got it. In his mind, Jason could see a shimmering flame. It got brighter and bigger until it suddenly became a full-fledged forest fire.

In the real world, the Red Ranger’s spandex-smothered toned body burst into a crimson fire deluge. The flame spread out to the tangling slime tentacles all the way to the puddle. Further, the blaze reached into the crater like under the boulder.

The Red Ranger was tossed onto the cavern wall by the resulting explosion. The fireball consumed all the goop and even cracked the ton-heavy rock bulk. Inside, the interior was burning with amber. The dying screams of the Putty Patrollers slowly dissipated.

Jason’s breaths were sharp and shallow. He survived the impact relatively unscathed, but the pain was there. He forced himself back up to witness the full glory of the aftermath. This battle was over.

But the war wasn’t over yet. The Tyrannoranger dashed toward the ceiling hole.

The jock-turned-superhero dashed across the empty eerie hallways of the alien fortress. The place was dark save for rows of magic flames from torches. The steps of his boots echoed as Jason was turned into a silhouette under the pale blue Earth’s light on the lunar horizon, visible through the tall windows. In his grip, the Power Sword was even glossier than his tight spandex suit that exhibited the youngster’s muscular body.

The Red Ranger skidded to a halt as he reached a huge chamber at the end. There, he saw a familiar figure that he didn’t actually want to personally meet. It was Rita Repulsa herself who stood among dark statues.

The space witch wore her signature attire. Her alluring body was covered by an obsidian bodysuit with moving patterns akin to the stars in the night sky. Her breasts were cupped by the golden cone-like decorations that matched her crown and glorious cape. The crimson additions matched the crystal ball at the heart of her staff of power. “So, the fearless Red Ranger has abandoned the others to face me. You should have brought your friends,” taunted Rita with a voice resembling a serpentine hiss.

“Your reign of terror ends here, Rita. You will not be going to hurt anybody else.” The Red Ranger tightened his grip on the sword. “You started this fight but I’m going to end it!”

Just then, Rita’s staff shot out a bolt of magic lightning at its target. Luckily, the toned superhero was able to dart away out of harm’s way. If not, he would be obliterated just like the support pillar behind him.

“You’re too slow, Ranger!” Rita giggled. “Now, my turn!”

She tapped the staff on the castle floor and everything shook. Jason’s superhuman reflex saved him from ramming into a stone column that suddenly burst out of the intricately-designed tiles. It also saved him from being crushed onto the ceiling as the ground underneath pushed him up. His somersaults and air-born tumbling techniques were as agile as a gymnast. When one pillar appeared dangerously close, Jason had enough and slashed the lunar earth with his Power Sword.

The column fell on Rita, but she was protected by an invisible energy shield. Jason had an idea. He put on a running starting pose and disappeared. The Ranger moved at an incredible speed only leaving fuzzy energy streaks behind as he bolted across the chamber. With his Power Sword extended out, he cut down all the stone pillars to pummel the space witch.

Five impacts were enough, but they did enough damage on Rita’s energy shield. All it needed was a finishing blow. The Red Ranger leaped out and slammed his Power Sword on her defense.

There was a powerful shockwave that wiped out the dust and rubbles away. It was a clash of titans as the Red Ranger’s energy of justice came face to face with Rita Repulsa’s evil magic. “You’re going down today, Rita! Your crimes are unforgivable!” shouted the furious Jason.

“I like your delicious spirit, Ranger! I think I’m going to keep you just like I keep your friends!”

The words made Jason’s eyes widened. What was she talking about? His teammates were away to rescue the astronauts. “Your lies will not work on me, Witch!”

“Lies? Are you so blind that you missed your surroundings, Ranger? Take a look around and find your friends!”

Jason’s concentration was split between focusing on ramming Rita’s magic shield and scanning the area. His enemy was surely lying. There’s no way-

Jason gasped inside his helmet. The dark statues! The figures he thought were simply another part of Rita’s palace decoration were instead a part of his kinky collection. But these weren’t his teammates.


It couldn’t be!

The Red Ranger saw the first statue. It wasn’t actually a statue of glory. Instead, it was more like a mannequin or a dummy resembling the Pink Ranger. The details were the same as Kimberly that he remembered, but it was glossy and motionless. On second thought, the statue reminded Jason of a love dolly he used to use to release his sexual tension before meeting Trini. “Pink…” mumbled the hero.

Rita saw the doubt. She used the opportunity to divert the incoming attack and slam her staff onto the Red Ranger’s helmet. The impact was enough to shatter half of Jason’s helmet visor. When he got up, his angry eyes were visible. “There, there, Red Ranger. Let’s not fight anymore. I don’t want to damage your beautiful body since I want a mint collection of dollies.”

The Red Ranger didn’t reply. He was still distracted by the four life-sized dolls that decorated Rita’s room. Each one resembled his Ranger comrades. They WERE his Ranger comrades! He could even hear the muffled struggling noises from Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly inside their petrified form. What have you done to them?!”

“A little dollification magic, my dear future slave. Do you really think you can sneak into my castle without my knowledge? I know everything about your reckless urge to save the world and I have prepared for it.” Rita approached the Black Ranger doll and tilted it to look at the team captain. His form was made excessive by the rubber-like material. Every curve of Zack’s beef was traced by the overly-tight substance. His back was broad and contained valleys of power, his raisins were erect like tiny volcanoes, and his abs were impeccable. But there was more to the Black Ranger’s new dollified identity. Rita made sure that his organ stood gorgeous as if aiming for Jason’s mouth. “Your friends thought they were channeling their Ranger energy to revive the unconscious astronauts. In truth, they were giving away their precious power to me through my putties in disguise.”

Rita discarded the Mastodon Ranger’s helmet and observed the black youngster’s face. The face was blank and there was something clogging his mouth. The witch pulled the item that turned out to be a massive nimrod that had been covered by Zack’s saliva out. She then gave him a sensual kiss before the hero could voice a distress, complete with plugging Zack’s throat with her slithering tongue.

The Red Ranger saw this and knew it was his chance to fight back while Rita was distracted. But he couldn’t move. Jason groaned as every muscle in his body ached. The previous barrage had him good.

“Let’s see what little Black Ranger has to say, shall we?” Rita touched the skin of Zack’s cheek and the young hero came back to life.

“Huh? Huh! Jason, help! Help us! She tricked us with the astronauts! She took… She took our powers and turned us into these things… We are defeated… We are enslaved… I am a dolly…”

“Zack, hang on!” grunted the broken Red Ranger. He could see the mental debilitation of his teammate. Zack was turned into the dolly Rita wanted him to be.

“How about the rest of your team, Ranger?” Rita flicked her fingers and the helmets of the Triceratops, Sabretooth Tiger, and Pterodactyl Rangers left their owners’ heads. Inside, were the faces of the youngsters in distress. Their heroic spirit had left them to be replaced by panic as they couldn’t move their bodies at all. Their mouths were as blocked with the nimrods as Zack before. “Please help us, Jason!” cried Trini without caring about codenames anymore, her voice was almost incomprehensible.

“I can feel every part of my body! They are too sensitive!” gurgled Kimberly in despair.

“Rita’s dark magic has overpowered our physical prowess!” choked Billy.

“Don’t worry, little Rangers. I have the loveliest plan for you.” The Space witch clapped her hands once. There were more figures approaching from the darkness. These were putties. “You will be the silent witness of Zordon’s decimation. I will put an extra dash of irony in it too.”

Rita cupped Zack’s chin and plucked the black youngster’s face like a mask. What was left was a blank skin slate. It was a scene right from a horror movie. It was made worse by Zack’s screaming while this happened. He was fully aware of it. “No, no, what are you doing? I can’t feel my body! No!”

While devilishly snickering, Rita Repulsa placed Zack’s face on one of the Putty Patrollers. In an instant, the golem soldiers’ posture went from hunched ape-like to a straight athletic one. Jason understood that it matched Zack’s own physique. Rita was creating abominations.

With Zack’s face on the Putty, his Mastodon Ranger powers were cloned too. The evil foot soldier had been transformed into a second Black Ranger. The last thing to complete the process was to put on the heroic helmet. Zack, now a puppet, begged for mercy. “Please, please don’t do this. I can’t end up like this. I don’t wanna be a Ranger. I don’t wanna be a Ranger anymore-”

His cries became muffled inside the helmet.

Just like that and Rita had her first personal Power Rangers. The others sobbed as the inevitable fate came for them. One by one, the Mighty Morphin team was turned into living love dolls.

“I was going to slowly decimate your minds until there is nothing left, but I thought again. Where’s the fun in that anyway? Instead, I will make all of you feel the unbreakable prison and the degenerating violations for all time!”

“Trini…” wept Jason. His love became a victim of Rita’s perversion. Her beautiful body became a doll to excite the space witch’s lust. Rita spent quite a moment twirling the Yellow Ranger’s prune. With that, the detached Asian girl's face moaned and whimpered due to ethereal connections. While doing that, Rita slapped Kimberlys’ rear cheek to give the same satisfaction.

The devastated Billy, Trini, and Kimberly had their faces placed on the minions that became new evil Rangers. The four even threw out the usual fighting pose to mock the one remaining member: the Red Ranger.

The humiliation didn’t end there. Rita’s staff shot out a strange energy that reanimated the captured Rangers. It didn’t free them. It instead put them in undignified pose loops. The Mastodon Ranger who stood in a fake heroic pose rubbed his big nuts and smelled them over and over again, putting the odor in the part where the nose should be on his blank front side. The similar Triceratops Ranger was forced to rub his rear crack and smell it over and over again. The kneeling Sabretooth Tiger Ranger was forced to rub his armpits and smell them over and over again. Finally, the Pterodactyl Ranger spread her legs and elastically bent down putting her empty face on her smelly crotch over and over again. While their bodies did that, the faces felt the whole thing. It was their curse, repeated over and over again.

The space witch was amazed at how delicious these youngsters were. She already fingered her own sweet spot and gained a puddle. She then looked behind.

Knowing how subjugated the team captain was, Rita Repulsa thirstily approached the miserable Tyrannoranger who tried to move away by dragging his impotent spandex-clad body. His journey of fetish had only just begun as she smeared her fluid on the superhero’s mouthguard. “I have just the right stuff for you, beautiful slut!”



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