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I have covered the Gaorangers/Wild Force team before and I am proud of one of the stories with Freezer Org. But bondage can go further than a simple Ranger universe. Sometimes, its corruption can break the fabric of reality itself and spread across the universe once a demon has the powers of heroes.

There are so many ways the spandex-clad warriors could fall. One of them was through their own delightful mentor!

Before you read this, come check the spiritual predecessor here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-force-vs-62319386

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons:

Shian Hi

Geoffrey Mccaw



Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson





Beauty and a beast!

Tetomu had a bad dream. She mumbled and murmured incomprehensibly on the princess bed next to the sacred spring pool. Her face was sweating and her fingers twitched.

Her mind was propelled into darkness. She was confused and dazed. Sudden movements pierced the void as low mist gathered beneath her feet.

“Wild Access, ha!” called out a gallant voice in the dark. A male figure let out a cell phone in a pose. A blinding crimson light immediately consumed his entire body. The brightness forced Tetomu to cover her eyes.

The princess was shocked when she saw the transformation. Before her, the youngster had morphed into GaoRed, the lion warrior of justice. But he didn’t call himself GaoRed. “Blazing Lion! Red Lion Wild Force Ranger!” declared the young hero in a fighting pose with his toned muscles peeking out of his spandex costume.

“Wild Force… Red?” asked Tetomu to herself as she tried to imitate the English phrase the hero said. Her bewilderment was interrupted by another striking light. This time, it was yellow in color.

“Soaring Eagle! Yellow Eagle Wild Force Ranger!” said the energetic heroine as she mimicked the gracefulness of her spirit animal.

“Yellow is a girl?” gibbered the princess. “EEH?!”

Multicolored lights bathed her eyes. The dark world became illuminated. Tetomu was so shocked that she tripped and fell backward. Her squeal was heard as she hit the cold ground.

Itai!” complained Tetomu.

“You okay?” asked a voice as she saw one of the alternate Gaoranger, the Wild Force Red Ranger, offered help to get back up.

The Gao’s Rock priestess looked at him for a moment. His suit details were eerily similar to Kakeru. The gloves, the belt, the lion-themed helmet, everything! Behind him was his team of Wild Force Yellow, Blue, Black, and White Rangers. All reminded her of her own Gaoranger team.

Wild Force Red nodded. It was a basic gesture of trustworthiness. He was not Tetomu’s enemy. She accepted her assistance.

But before she could be helped, an echoing thunder of monstrous laughter was heard. That alarmed Wild Force Rangers team into looking up at the black sky. The voice was nowhere and everywhere. It was disembodied until it wasn’t.

A cold wind blew. It struck two Rangers and almost got Tetomu if Wild Force White Ranger didn’t get her out of the way. She heard screams and looked back at a horror scene. The heroes were doomed.

Wild Force Black and Blue’s costumes were desecrated with white frost. The heroes tried to move, but their movements got increasingly stiff. First, they moved like crippled warriors, then the freeze crept up their muscled bodies. All of their powers, all of their skills, all of their Ranger spirits were no use against the crawling ice. It didn’t take long before their howls dissipated and the two spandex heroes were turned into living ice sculptures.

“No!” cried out Tetomu. Just then, she saw another figure walking up the frozen Rangers. It was not another champion of wildlife. It was a monster.

It was the strangest-looking Org she ever saw, not that other Orgs were ridiculous. To put it simply, he was a refrigerator-themed humanoid with horns. His eyes were on the double top doors while his fang-filled mouth was between those and the bigger lower doors. Translucent ice spikes hung from his horns and other parts of his beefed body. “Well, well, I smell warm blood,” said the demon in a language foreign yet understandable by Tetomu.

“Your reign of icy terror ends here, Freezer Org!” asserted Wild Force Red as he led his teammates to present themselves in a fighting pose. “Falconator!”

Just like that, the Red Ranger summoned a falcon-themed crossbow that immediately shot out energy blasts at the monster. The attack was blocked by Freezer Org’s armored arm, but it successfully made him mad.

“Armadillo Puck!”

“Sword of Pardolis!”

“Rhino Shooter!”

“Deer Clutcher!”

All of the Wild Force Rangers summoned their secondary weapons and charged into battle with them. Tetomu was left behind to witness the ensuing conflict. She saw deadly arsenals abutting each other as the monster countered every attack with his armor.

Wild Force White let out a war cry as she managed to hit Freezer Org in the back. But her excitement turned into dread as she realized her Deer Clutcher couldn’t damage the monster’s thick hide. Her adversary simply swept her away into tumbling backward. When she tried to get back up, the monster was already there to slap her helmet hard. Alyssa in essence was sent somersaulting into oblivion.

“White!” cried out the enraged Wild Force Red. The lion hero moved closer as he continued to release a barrage of energy arrows at the monster. The salvo worked as Freezer Org was pushed back into a defensive posture. Once he’s in range, Cole would switch to the melee mode.

“Enough of this!” roared Freezer Org as the doors of his face opened. A sudden burst of frosty wind exploded against the Rangers. Worse, it contained a blizzard of countless ice spikes that  were agonizing hard when hitting the heroes’ spandex costumes.

Even Wild Force Red Ranger was powerless to shield himself from the sharp blow of the gale. His tight suit erupted with miniature explosions that hurt like hell from each stabbing ice spike. The three heroes were thrown back into lying face-first on the misty ground. “Dammit!” cursed Cole as he pounded the cold Earth.

“You talk big but your body temperature is going down,” mocked Freezer Org as he casually approached the fallen Rangers. “Now is the time to chill!”

Just then, his threatening arm and face were hit by another assault. Blue and Black Rangers had arrived with their weapons. Max and Danny slashed Freezer Org with their powerful armament and made sparks of damage on the monster’s body. His groans were now those of pain.

The Wild Force Blue Ranger finished the fight with his Sword of Pardolis that pierced Freezer Org’s stomach. The moment the hero retreated his weapon, the demon staggered backward. “You… dare…!”

“Yeah!” exclaimed the Red Ranger with renewed spirit. His teammates came to help him and the rest to get back up. They didn’t say anything, just nodding. It didn’t need verbal communication to get rid of this cold nuisance. “It’s time to release the savagery! Jungle Blaster!”

Against the background of the crippled Freezer Org, the five Wild Force Rangers gestured their acknowledgment of their team captain and gave him their individual weapons. Yellow’s Armadillo Puck, Black’s Rhino Shooter, White’s Deer Clutcher, and Blue’s Sword of Pardolis were combined with Red’s Falconator into a formidable Jungle Blaster artillery. “Let’s end this party with a shower of fireworks!” declared the Red Lion Ranger who use the sights to aim at Freezer Org.

That would be the battle’s end. But Tetomu suddenly remembered an important detail from earlier. Weren’t the Blue and Black Wild Force Rangers made petrified by Frozen Org before? How could they rejoin the battle to form the team cannon?

Tetomu could feel Cole Evans smirked inside his helmet, but something happened that he didn’t expect. As if confirming her doubt, the princess was shocked to hear a scream. It wasn’t some distant ghostly voice anymore, it was closer. It was MUCH closer.

It was the Wild Force White Ranger who screeched in terror. The female warrior looked down at her arms who gripped the mighty weapon. They were all being invaded by the whiteness of frost. Alyssa tried to free herself, but her hands became solid and immobile. “Red, help!”

“No!” screamed also Taylor the Yellow Wild Force Ranger as she did the same futile attempt to break free. Her muscles became stiffened as the freezing spread across the weapon and into the Rangers’ spandex. “I can’t remove this thing!”

Red Ranger realized the trap they had been lured to. Unlike the panicking Yellow and White Rangers, Blue and Black stood silently. Their spandex costume were made almost entire white with blight. Their heroic form was turned close to solid ice statues.

But then, their helmets turned with uncanny crackling noises. In their frigidity, the Black Ranger spoke monotonously, “We have trapped our souls inside his inescapable crystal ball. Our existences will only be for his amusement.

Blue added with the same robotic voice, “We are nothing more than his eternal winter sacrifice. You will soon see it too.”

“No, Red, please!” whimpered the despairing White Ranger as the frost had spread across her body. Only her neck and helmet were still free, but even that would soon change for the worse.

“Cole, please do something!” begged Taylor the Yellow Ranger as the same predicament happened to her.

The Red Ranger was free from the corruption. In a split-second decision, he chose to click the team cannon’s trigger button. With it, his and his entire team’s Ranger powers were powered to produce a potent energy blast. “Savage Blast!” announced the Wild Force Red Ranger with his might.

The frozen cannon’s muzzle lit up and fired its load. A fireball of power shot out to destroy the enemy. Freezer Org would be instantly vaporized.

But instead, it was doom for the Wild Force team. The meteor solidified midway into a heavy spiky ball of ice. Its interior was gleaming and flickering with the combined Power Rangers powers, but none of them were useful in battle anymore. The ice became a prison.

The Red Ranger moaned and gasped as the bulk of his Red Lion power was released when the weapon fired. Now, he and his team were nothing more than impotent youngsters in brightly-colored tight costumes. Even more unfavorable for them, the freezing effect had invaded their entire body. Cole, Alyssa, and Taylor all struggled to move inside their motionless suits to no avail. Their costumes of power became their prisons.

The Rangers’ hearts sunk as they heard Freezer Org’s victorious laughter. The monster recovered from his crippling damage. It was all an act to create a fake sense of safety for the Rangers and let them regroup with their already-corrupted teammates. Now, the entire Wild Force team was in his chilly grasp.

“Let’s drag you into the cold, Rangers!” With those words, Freezer Org let out a bolt of lightning that struck the five frozen Rangers. Cole, Alyssa, and Taylor screamed in agonizing pain until their frozen fingers let go of the Jungle Blaster cannon. The heavy weapon dropped on the misty ground, no longer usable by the heroes to fight evil. “There, that’s better! You can see yourselves now, five beautiful statues fit for my crystal ball world.”

In an instant, Freezer Org teleported behind the Red Ranger. His claws fondled the helpless hero’s perfect rear. His cheeks were now the monster’s plaything. “Perhaps I’ll defrost you a bit to get the chewable stuff!”

The aroused monster came to Taylor and cupped her breasts. “Cold milk is the best. Be sure you’ll make gallons of it for my home, Yellow Ranger!”

He caressed her somehow erect raisins, making the once-fierce Air Force lieutenant squirm inside her suit prison. She couldn’t escape no matter how hard she tried to writhe away from the demon’s fingers. Perhaps Taylor already releasing some dairy products from the encounter.

The last victim would be the White Ranger. For that, Freezer Org immediately grabbed her crotch. Alyssa Enrile squealed hard as the mere touch overwhelmed her weakened Ranger mind. Her short breaths and gasps continued to be audible for her new master’s pleasure. Like Taylor, she tried to move out of the way. Like the Yellow Ranger too, she was fully exposed.

At every Freezer Org’s touch, the Rangers’ suits became smaller and smaller albeit slightly and gradually. But the change was enough to show the lewd details of the heroes’ bare bodies inside their heroic costumes.

Cole’s baton became apparent between his legs. Taylor’s bosoms ballooned out despite their owner’s protests. And Alyssa? Her cameltoe was very distinct and deep for Freezer Org’s enjoyment. His index claw even forced itself to dig it. The White Ranger screamed even louder at the desecration. “Your womb is empty. Why don’t put it to use to hold my children?”

“Ne… Never, you monster!” cried out Alyssa defiantly despite her situation. The deepening invasion of Freezer Org made her resistance laughable.

“Is that so?” Freezer Org’s crystalline demonic eyes reflected the defeated female Ranger’s tiger-themed helmet. “I have my ways to cool down this conversation.”

With that, long fangs grew in his mouth. Right away, he used to puncture the side of Wild Force White Ranger’s spandex-clad neck. Alyssa screamed at the top of her lungs. Somehow, Tetomu who was frozen in fear all this time was able to feel the disseminating cold sensation throughout the poor White Ranger’s sexy body. As if the humiliation of being frozen on the outside wasn’t enough to torment the heroine, she got frozen on the inside too.

Tetomu’s senses were heightened as she could see Alyssa’s bare form inside. Her skin became paler and paler as time went by. Her breaths turned into visible condensation. Her lips blackened, just like her darkened eyes. Slowly but surely, the White Ranger’s suffering twisted her into something not human.

“Alyssa, don’t give up! You’re a Ranger! You’re stronger-” Taylor’s neck was suddenly got bitten by Freezer Org too. Whatever corruption he gave to the White Ranger, the Yellow Ranger had it also.

The Air Force pilot screamed hard with a howl that broke the Red Ranger’s spirit. He had led his friends to their downfall and now he was forced to witness their master’s vile plan come to fruition. Wild Force Red’s helmet interior was made wet by his vanquished tears. All of that while Freezer Org humping Yellow from behind.

The White Ranger moved. With the same cracking noises as her corrupted teammates before, Alyssa was able to shift her arms and legs from her petrified pose. At a first glance, she was still the Wild Force White Ranger, but there were some details that felt off about her.

Her costume became shinier than ever, almost as gleaming as a Silver Ranger. Her boobs had swollen immensely with their delicious raisins. Her gloves gradually ended with long, black vampiric claws. As the fallen White Ranger removed her helmet, it was clear that her transformation matched her new identity.

Revealed was not the gentle Latino girl that everyone fell in love with. Replacing that was vicious femme fatale with pale skin and gothic lips. Her eyes were not of humans. Her eyes were black with silvery irises. Her cold gaze showed no trace of her once-benign Ranger soul. She was now one of Freezer Org’s icy vampires.

Taylor screeched to Cole’s despair. She too had been corrupted into a female vampire. Her features were made ridiculously-alluring compared to her previous self. The two debased former heroines approached their former team captain. “Look at you two already getting hungry for the lion’s meat!” laughed Freezer Org while he wiped Taylor’s fresh blood of his mouth.

“No… No, Taylor, Alyssa! Please fight it!”

“Fight and fall, that’s all we are, Red!” rejected the former Yellow Ranger as she pushed her bosoms on Wild Force Red Ranger’s helmet while White squatted to lick Cole’s frozen groin.

“This is much better for us. Much worse actually, but we never had any chance to defend ourselves against the freeze, let alone to defeat it!” added Alyssa with seductive tone as her black tongue jut out to get a taste of her team captain’s baton. That made Cole whimpered. There was nothing the Red Ranger could do.

“There’s only one thing you could do now, Red Ranger.” Freezer Org showed the doom hero his favorite crystal ball. “In you go!”

From the wretched item, a raging tornado emerged before splitting to consume the frozen Blue and Black Rangers. Despite their ossified forms, Danny and Max still could scream and beg for their team leaders to save them. Unfortunately for them, they were on their one-way trip to a wintry hell.

With a flash, the two Rangers became tiny figures inside the dark crystal ball. Their screams continued albeit muffled by the thick barrier. Wisps of silvery and blue energy seeped out into Freezer Org’s arm and across his body. Like a drug addict, he shivered as the bountiful Power Rangers energy excited his monster form. “The longer you stay in my crystal ball, the more power you will give to me! And you will stay there forever!”

Cole Evans the Wild Force Red Lion Ranger screamed for the last time as another blizzard burst out of the crystal ball to attack him. He tried to avoid the hellish fate, but he was nothing with his frozen body. Another living ice sculpture joined his teammates in perpetual cold darkness. His lion energy bled out into the misty ground and out to his new master.

“I guess I can close the freezer door now!” declared Freezer Org as his two new vampire sluts licked his mature icy baton.

Tetomu had witnessed the downfall of a Sentai team. No matter how strange and foreign they seemed, it was still hurtful to see their subjugation in the claws of an Org monster. Tetomu didn’t know what to do, but she knew that staying there would be disastrous.

Just as the princess tried to flee, Freezer Org’s head turned. A simple gaze was enough to freeze Tetomu in place. The young lady was still aware of her surroundings, but she was facing certain annihilation. “How’s the show, Priestess? Do you like what I did to those pesky Rangers?” asked the disembodied voice of Freezer Org.

“Let me go, You monster!” cried out Tetomu in panic. But it was the grip of vampirized Wild Force Yellow and White Rangers that snatched her.

“You know who I am. What I am capable of with your Gaoranger team. What you just witnessed is the death of an alternate version of your team. Now, I will show you another example of subjugation across the dark multiverse. After that, another and another and another. All that until you can accept the futility of your struggle!”

“No, No!”

There was a flash and Tetomu crashed back into the misty world. Just as she tried to get back up, she saw darting shadows. A young figure put out a henshin pose before the entire body was covered by a blinding red light. Once it dimmed, the individual had transformed into GaoRed.

But this GaoRed was female. She didn’t wear a skirt, but her small waistline and puffed-out breasts were good signs of her gender identity. “Power Rangers Jungle Force!” announced the red heroine in Korean.

Behind her, all the other alternate Gaorangers team struck their pose to complete their introduction. Sadly for them, the same dire straits will be provided for them as with the countless Gaorangers before and after them.

Tetomu screamed as the same torment happened to the alternate Gaoranger team. She still hadn’t realized the small double puncture wounds on the side of her neck. The bite mark pulsated as the iciness spread into her bloodstream.


Tetomu woke up sweating from her dream. She gasped at the Gao’s Rock fresh air. She grabbed the side of her charmful bed. She was now safe in the real world.

The princess sat down to calm herself. She still tried to control her breathing due to all of the mental stress before. Her tired eyes glanced at her surroundings.

Her Gaoranger heroes were there. Kakeru, Gaku, Kai, Sotaro, and Sae were all asleep peacefully in their places around the main fountain pool. The lady let out a motherly smile. Even warriors of righteousness needed rest.

Tetomu removed herself from the bed. She walked silently toward the pool. She sat on the side while her fingers gently touched the surface. Its reflection showed her fair face. Her hair decoration glimmered under the soft moonlight.

Then, she brought out an ice spike and simply dropped it into the pool. The effect was immediate with the spreading freezing slowly turning the water to solid. The beautiful priestess glanced back at her Sentai warriors.

She smiled when she saw Kakeru’s breath turn into cold condensation. One by one, the Gaorangers’ sleep became unpleasant as they moaned and gasped at the nightmare they were trapped in. Tetomu whispered, “All for nothing.”



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