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It’s creative time and I took the liberty to bring tokusatsu superhero teams that aren’t well-known per se. The Giant Saver series from China has gone for a while now and Rescue Engine is one of the newest incarnations. While they seemed to be inspired by Tomica Rescue Heroes, I think these warriors have flavors of their own.

Just don’t tell evil about that!

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons:


Shian Hi

Geoffrey Mccaw



Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson




Get ready for Black Friday!

The service tunnel’s darkness was broken by a sudden appearance of daylight. There was a clanking noise when the metallic ventilation shaft cover dropped to the floor. Dust pilled up, but that didn’t stop the figures from jumping in.

Five people in color-coded combat suits entered the concrete hallway. Bright spotlights lit up from the top of their armored helmets. Their visors also glowed in the dark and almost gave off each hero’s secret identity behind them. “What a great team bonding time, Captain! Let’s investigate some obscure missing college kids cases in the middle of nowhere. Exploring dimly-lit tunnels of an abandoned bunker system is always my favorite. So fun!” blurted Rescue Blue, the former Air Force Pilot, Yunzhi sarcastically.

Rescue Red as the team captain wasn’t perplexed by his teammate’s negativity. “Who knows, Blue? Those children can be your new fans after we save them,” said Dajiong casually.

“Let’s just hope there won’t be any booms in this place,” commented Gang, Rescue Black, worryingly as he scanned the pipe-filled tunnel’s ceiling.

“I deduce that the main skeletal structure will hold. I just worry about the accessories that will fall on us if things get rough!” replied Yong, Rescue Yellow, as he also observed his surroundings.

The two boys’ shoulders were patted by a girl from behind. “Don’t be cowards. We’ll be out before the first crack opens!” said Rescue White excitedly as she did an agile front flip with her friends as support.

“Show off,” mumbled the engineer Yellow while shaking his helmet.

“Alright, Team. You know the drill. There are body heat traces running down to this place so it’s our best shot at finding that freshman team. We’ll cover more ground if we split up. Who’s with me?”

Rescue Red pumped his armored fist high. His teammates’ response was mediocre. “Uh…”

“I’m not splitting up from the team, Captain,” said Blue. “This place’s giving me the creeps.”

His words were acknowledged by the nodding Rescue Black. Yellow cupped his helmet chin while contemplating. Rescue White was whistling.

Rescue Red tried to break the reluctance. “Yellow, come on. Back me up here.”

“Well, splitting up has its own advantages, especially in a tight environment like where we are right now. The tunnels here may be wide, but we don’t how the size of them deeper down. Being together will actually harmful to our performance in a bottleneck situation.”

Rescue Red’s arms opened up toward Rescue Yellow as if presenting the idea. “There! That’s the logic!”

Rescue Black crossed his arms. “I’m still not going alone,” groaned the big man.

Rescue Red tried to give another argument, but what was he against the bomb-disposal expert anyway? They were a team after all. “Let’s go with small groups, how about that?”

“I’ll go with you and Blue,” shot Rescue Black, not expecting any complaints.

“Okay…” Dajiong turned toward his remaining teammates. “I guess you two will go together.”

“Right on!” exclaimed Rescue Yellow and White in unison as they did a high-five.

“Okay, our early scan of the complex indicated that this is the only feasible entrance to the complex. So let’s split up into the two teams we have agreed about and get our targets. If you find other, more accessible exits, that would be a great thing to report. Got it? Let’s be Savers today!”

“Got it!” replied the team together before they broke into teams that went opposite directions. The sound of their boot steps slowly got drowned in renewed silence. Then, something strange happened. The previous ventilation cover suddenly jittered before getting thrown back up at the entrance hole. Its structure changed from a lattice to a solid plate. On that slab, the place’s title was written in Mandarin: “Bimbo Factory”.

“Hey, check this out!” said the thrilled Ai Rui as Rescue White as she saw the literal writing on the wall. The signs showed a nearby control room. It’s just down the hall and to the left.

“Yeah, perhaps I can access the system from there,” replied Yellow.

Jiang Yong turned the knob, but the door wouldn’t budge. White tapped him on the shoulder to make him finally notice the heavy blocking bar that prevented the door from moving. “Ah, right! Time to bring in the big guns then!”

With a gesture, Yong summoned his heavy engineering rotary saw weapon that was attached to his wrist. With it, the metallic bar was cut into two areas. A heavy thud was heard as the hindrance fell to the floor.

“Nice!” blurted White as she easily opened the door. Inside, the two heroes found a dark room filled with old monitoring televisions and control panels. They got rid of the chair and Yong got straight into accessing the main computer. “Never knew that you’re a computer genius too,” commented Ai Rui as she observed how fast her partner opened the encrypted computer system.

“Haha, I’m not,” replied the youngster with glasses. “I’m just good at opening building systems. They are basically the same and engineers are required to understand these things in case an emergency comes up. Good thing I still remember my basic training!”

While chatting, Rescue White noticed something on the screen. “Hey, what’s that?”

“Damn, I guess this thing is not as simple as I thought it would be.”

“What do you mean?” asked the confused Rui.

“It has a second layer of security that I can’t access unless I have a powerful computer.”

Rescue White flicked her armored fingers. “I say, let’s look into ourselves.”

Inside his helmet, Yong frowned in puzzlement. But then it hit him. “That’s it! We’ll combine the power of both of our suits to crack this baby open!”

Rescue Yellow reached from a special latch on his costume’s hard wrist. He pulled out an access cable compatible with the available computer slot. White did the same as she nodded at him. The two Rescue Engine heroes connected themselves to the computer at the same time.

This time, Yong didn’t even need to use the keyboard. His mighty suit easily broke down firewall after the firewall. “It’s kind of weird,” remarked the young engineer.

“What’s weird?”

“I saw a record of this place being a toy factory. Why would a toy factory have so many layers of firewall?” Another realization dawned on Yong. “Unless…”

In a split-second decision, he tried to unplug himself from the system. Even that was too late. The computer shocked the two Rescue Engine heroes as a sinister Barbie Doll-like face with black, hollow eyes appeared on the monitor. “Would like to play with me?”

“What the-”

The two heroes couldn’t give witty comments as they were yanked by an invisible force to the back of the room. The concrete wall around them began to melt with them in it. “This is not good, we need to alarm our friends!” shouted the staggered Rescue Yellow as he fought hard to break the unseen bondage that kept him in a spread-eagle position.

Ai Rui as Rescue White fought for her life too. While shouting a war cry, she gathered strength just enough to reach her wrist communicator and clicked the emergency beacon before the zapping brought her back to her imprisonment. “Guys, hurry! We’re-”

Her words were cut short when the wall devoured her and Rescue Yellow. The barrier reformed itself and left no trace of the two heroes were trapped inside. But what would happen to them was worse.

Rescue White and Yellow screamed as they were thrown into two form-fitting enclosure. Ai Rui and Jiang Yong were too slow to realize their predicament. They were trapped in giant toy case with them as the toys. Their wrists and ankles were immediately wrapped by white straps to prevent their escape. “What is this thing? Let us go!” groaned Yellow, but he was as helpless as his partner.

They were even more helpless as the outer plastic casing came into place. The heroes in spandex tights and armors were sandwiched between two tight transparent sarcophaguses. They couldn’t even move their helmets save for the feeble squirming. “I can’t move!” cried out Ai Rui.

“So can’t I! It’s too tight! What will happen to us?!”

But there was a ray of hope. More precisely, noises of hope. “Hey, it’s them! It’s the others!” exclaimed Rescue White as the two heard approaching sound of boots. They also heard their team’s incomprehensible rambling outside of the dark chamber. “Hey, hey! We’re here!”

“Hey, Gang, Yunzhi, Dajiong!” shouted Jiang Yong to support the effort. While doing that, he kept on trying to break himself free from the plastic bondage. The presence of his Rescue Engine team gave him a renewed fighting spirit.

Their attempt was for nothing. As if mocking their struggle, the concrete wall before the two Rescue Engine heroes became transparent so that they could see the others. It was clear that Rescue Black, Blue, and Red were there. They already had their individual weapons readied for a fight. But they couldn’t find anyone. Yunzhi tried to access the computer while the others tried the communicators.

Rescue White and Yellow’s communicator rang, but there was no way they could answer it. Dajiong cursed as he tried again. In the background, Rescue Blue found a footage of the two heroes’ last moments. He realized that they were trapped in the wall!

“Yes, that’s it! We’re here!” jabbered Yong the Rescue Yellow as he observed his friends readied their equipment to break through the wall.

“We’ll be free!”

No, they weren’t. The lights in the control room suddenly changed. It shifted into a spooky crimson glow. It wasn’t a normal glimmer as any Rescue Engine heroes who saw the illuminations became petrified. “Wait, what just happened? Hey!” Rescue White tried to help his friends to snap out whatever trap they were in, but her voice was trapped inside the toy case.

Rescue Yellow’s heart sunk when he saw the word FORGET on his teammates’ helmet visor. The word disappeared as soon as the lights got turned back on, but what happened next was a stuff of his nightmare. “Where’s Rescue White and Yellow?” asked the dazed Rescue Red.

Rescue Blue shook his head. He didn’t remember what just happened before. “I got nothing on the computer. Perhaps they went deeper into the facility.”

Dajiong nodded in acknowledgment. He too found no traces of his friends there. The broken blocking bar was obviously done by someone else. The two ran out to further explore the place.

Gang the Rescue Black followed them, but not before touching the imposing concrete wall at the end of the control room. He tapped it, assuming it was always as solid as he saw it. He then dashed out too.

“No! No, no, no!” screamed out Rescue White in disappointment. Ai Rui suddenly lost all strength. Her breaths were still shallow and sharp from the previous hopefulness. All they could do now was to wait.

Actually, the twisted building had other plans for them. The two trapped Rescue Engine heroes felt their prison shifting. The concrete walls’ transparency around them also followed the three remaining warriors. “No, it can’t be. It wants us to see what will happen to them,” deduced the concerned Jing Yong.

“Exactly!” squeaked the bulging projection of the previous evil Barbie Doll head from before. Her face was on the concrete wall and her color was as grey as the structures around the heroes. “It’s not that often we have friend materials, especially as great as you guys!” added her cheerfully.

“What’re you planning with us? Whatever it is, it won’t work!” said Rescue Yellow defiantly.

“As I said, you are friend materials, just like the kids. We are a factory of friends after all! You’ll soon find out….” The doll’s voice changed into a deep, monstrous one. “Once you witness what I’m going to do with your friends!”

“We’re Rescue Engine heroes. We’re not here to harm anyone. You don’t have to do this!” called out Rescue White with a more diplomatic tone.

“Of course, we don’t. We don’t need toys in our lives too, you know.” The doll’s voice changed again into a sinister one. “But we can, so we will!”

Mechanical arms grabbed the top ends of the giant toy case that trapped the two Rescue Engine heroes. They were brought closer to the transparent walls of a massive chamber. It was

Dark for Blue, Black, and Red, but the Barbie Doll was so nice to show Rui and Yong about the surrounding assembly lines.

The heroes were ready for anything that awaited them in this factory. Dajiong recently knew that this place IS a factory based on the obscure signs and building layout. He also assumed that this big room is the factory’s main floor. The fact that it was completely dark didn’t help his theory.

Rescue Blue, Black, and Red used their helmet headlights to help their exploration. Dajiong had his sword while Gang had the armored gauntlet and Yunzhi the saber. The three moved with their backs almost against each other to prevent any ambush from behind. That didn’t help at all as the mechanical arms struck them from above.

Rescue Blue’s hand was slapped off his saber before the thick contraption forced itself to bind his hands. The confused hero was a sitting duck for the assaulting machines as he desperately tried to break one of his arms free. He was yanked away from his friends into the darkness. Rescue Black and Red tried to chase him, but the heavy pieces of equipment around them changed positions to block their attempt. “Guys, help!”

Yunzhi felt a powerful force pulling his other hand away. His reflexes were too slow despite him being an Air Force pilot. Now both of his hands were locked and he was left hanging in a Y-shaped position. “What the fuck is happening? Let me go!”

“No, Yunzhi!” yelled the equally-trapped Rescue White in dread. Her friends are being ambushed by evil factory machines and there was nothing she or Rescue Yellow could do to help them!

Then, the various bulks of factory apparatus came to life. The lifts went up and the sheer scale of the evil place was now for everyone to see. All Rescue Engine heroes were shocked to see a collection of rubber dolls lining up the other perimeter.

These weren’t normal dolls. These were human-sized fawn-shaped purple latex dolls with real humans inside. “It’s the youth team!”

Exactly, the entire college swim and dive team were there. Both the boys and girls were trapped in their shiny, rubbery prisons that forced them to stand on four “legs”. The only part of them that were still visible were their faces which showed absolutely no hint of their exhilarating persona as athletes. These were blank faces that even drooled for some. They blinked and munched like robots.

“Hey, snap out of it! Hey!” called out Dajiong as he tried to approach the fawns. The moment he touched one of them, the trapped athletes headbutted the heroes. In an instant, Rescue Black and Red were up against a strange mob of rubber deer. “Hey, stop!”

They were against rubber, but it still hurt. They couldn’t fight back as neither Gang nor Dajiong couldn’t fathom what would happen if they used their weapons. The two spandex heroes were pushed back toward the shifting factory machines.

The horde made the final push and Rescue Black and Red were thrown into another lower level when the floor suddenly opened wide. Their screams quickly dissipated, leaving the group of rubber deer to gather around the helpless Rescue Blue. “You’ll be a friend toy too!” said one of the corrupted female divers.

“What’re you talking about?! We can help you guys get out of this place!”

“We don’t want to. Here, we are all friends. You will be a friend too!”

With the same phrase repeated, the machines churned. The mechanical arms placed Yunzhi on an assembly line conveyor belt that moved slowly. More robotic limbs came to process him with their own contraptions. He tried all he could to escape until he couldn’t anymore.

Two arms came for Yunzhi’s helmet, but they weren’t there to take it. Instead, they brought a thick weird-looking shackle that immediately locked itself around Rescue Blue’s head. As hard as he struggled against it, there was really nothing he could do.

Nor there was anything he could do to prevent what came after. The shackle’s interior lit up with psychedelic display of super-vibrant colors. Yunzhi’s eyes suddenly were wide open as the show hit his brain. Like being exposed to dangerous levels of radiation, the corruption showered the young hero’s mind with subliminal messages. “No, no! Urgh… Ungh…!”

Yunzhi’s ability to speak was slowly being degraded by the light contamination. His head writhed to the left and right, but his position was solid. As if understanding that Rescue Blue was on his mental last legs, the colors solidified into big fonts of a word. It was simple yet effective: OBEY.

Yunzhi’s body jolted from the cerebral shock. His heroic spirit couldn’t handle the overwhelming psyche bombardment. He tried to find refuge in his memories of previous battles and victories with his teammates, but even those were corrupted into a twisted parody of a superhero show.

In his new recollection, Yunzhi saw the other Rescue Engine heroes as rubber fawn dolls just like the captured college athletes before. Only their faces were visible. Some like Rescue Black and Yellow still had their helmet visors on, but Rescue White and Red showed their idiotic expression to the world. Their eyes were white with stupefying ecstasy and libidinousness. Their tongues jut out and jiggled wildly just like their bloated latex private parts. The weirdest thing was Dajiong the Rescue Red had massive boobs while Ai Rui the Rescue White had a massive baton between her legs. Their body fluid spurted out into the distorted battlefield.

A disembodied voice echoed in the sky above the debased heroes, “It’s the Rescue Bimbo Doll Show! Gather everyone to watch our favorite floozy rubber friends in their latest lewd acts! Dajiong, you can start now!”

To Yunzhi’s surprise, he saw a strange Barbie Doll-like creature hovering above them. He didn’t get a good look of that sinister figure as his friends were already crowding on him. In panic, he tried to use his saber to fend of the corrupted Rescue Engine heroes in their rubber deer doll suits. That only lasted for a few seconds as Yong already headbutted his arm away.

“No, please, guys! This is not what you are! We’re heroes who save people from disasters and evil! This is… This is… This is wrong!”

Dajiong’s unhinged face showed up too close to Yunzhi. “But it feels good, doesn’t it?!”

Rescue Blue didn’t have time to react as the corrupted Rescue Red abruptly kissed him in the mouth guard. Then, Yunzhi’s helmet exploded into nothingness, leaving his own mouth completely unprotected from his friend’s lust. His mind exploded the moment their lips touched, moreover when Dajiong’s unnaturally-long tongue slithered its way into his interior. Yunzhi should’ve fought the choking, but deep down–maybe not so deep down anymore–he loved this abuse.

He should just give up.

He should just surrender his heroic facade to be the real thing he always was.

Yunzhi the former Rescue Blue was Bimbo Factory’s latest Floozy Friend! “I’m a Floozy Friend!”

In the real world, more arms came with hoses that immediately covered Yunzhi’s spandex and armored-clad-toned body in a thick purple goop. It solidified easily and expanded his form into a whimsical deer rubber doll. His skin was now rubbery smooth and plumped up with massive rear and thighs. The former hero was forced to bend forward as his arms were also covered. At their ends, his hands were trapped inside thick animal hooves.

Yunzhi liked it. Yunzhi LOVED it. This is his real identity. All this time, he was hiding it using his mask of coolness and macho personality. No more, no more! He was a Floozy Friend!

The former Rescue Blue was trapped inside the ballooning purple deer rubber suit. His helmet visor exploded and his now-frenzied face was visible. He shook his head like the mad boy he was, slobbering his saliva all over. He also barked like a dog more than he was a deer now. All in all, his heroic self had been demolished.

The shackles removed themselves from Yunzhi. There was no more use for those. Rescue Blue had been completely and utterly subjugated.

In return, the arms exhibited buttplugs and cups that the corrupted hero welcomed so gleefully. The machines proceeded to insert the heinous items into his rear. The sensation made him howl like an animal. Other limbs went for his oversized baton and the dangling rubber bosoms. With the cups, they started to milk him. Behind the whimpering defeated Rescue Blue, the entire college swim team joined the fun as their rubbery new bodies also got siphoned too. Their moans echoed by the factory floor’s acoustic, amplifying their own mindless arousal.

“Your friend has been so good in pioneering the production of our new product: Floozy Friend Squeezed Delight!” announced the evil Barbie as the back walls opened to show the drink production assembly line coming to life. The slave’s body juice was extracted and then pumped o the waiting bottles in the number of hundreds even thousands. “Your friend and his own friends will continue to contribute with our incentive!”

Yunzhi’s mouth was stuffed by another gagging hose. While the other tubes robbed him, this one gave him the vile bulk of who-knows-what into his digestive system. Rescue Blue shuddered inside his unflinching rubber deer prison just like all of the athletes behind him. “This is our lives now! We are owned by Bimbo Factory!”

“That’s right and always right, Rescue Blue! Or should I call you ‘Rump Blue’? Hahaha!”

“Rump, rump, rump! I’m only as good as my glossy rump! Floozy Friend Rump!” yelled Yunzhi as a stupid, horny doe.

Inside their suffocating plastic prisons, Rescue Yellow and White cried. The downfall of their friend was too much for them. But the factory needed more.

Rui and Yong were electrocuted by a strange wave of energy. Inside their tight sarcophaguses, they squirmed in agony. Their suits glowed along with their helmets. Then, the strangest and most nefarious happened.

As Rescue Yellow and White screamed helplessly, their helmets were removed. The plastic around them pulled the headgear into it to be deposited into another small indentation on the top left. Another shock and the heroes’ main weapon were taken to other cavities. “From now on, you will live a life as an action figure. Our collector friends love their action figures to be neatly arranged.”

“No, stop, ARGH!” The two heroes screamed at the top of their lungs, but they were impotent. The excruciating process robbed them more and more of their heroic identity. Their helmets, their weapons, and their outer armor plates, all were taken away. Rui and Yong were left with their spandex undersuits. With each pillage, they could feel their vigor being sucked away from their bodies. As the process concluded, the two warriors even found it hard to lift their heads. “We’re being stripped from our powers…” mumbled Yong.

“Right on! Dolls don’t need illegal items in them. All accessories should be licensed by our factory! But no worries, your items have met our standards. All we need to do is just changing the labels!” The hovering evil Barbie leaned forward. She kissed the plastic cover that trapped Rescue Yellow. Somehow, the hero could feel her presence penetrating. Yong felt dispritedness as if she just swallowed a part of his heroic soul. He gasped hard when she finished. “With all that is done, we can continue the process of turning you two into a part our limited collection!”

“No way we’re going to join you!” But Ai Rui’s defiance was pathetic. Long pathway formed in the plastic case. One of its end was right above the heroes’ heads while the other all the way at the top where hoses were plugged in. Further up, there were two ominous metal canister that hummed.

“What’s that? What’re you going to do to us?!” demanded the panicking Rescue White.

“As I said before, we are here to make friends. That is, producing new products for our Floozy Friends compilation. Like your little blue friend who has been turned into our lewd rubber doll, you will complete the group with your plastic fierceness! All courtesy of the Bimbo Factory!”

They were rats in a trap. The warm goop poured to fill their prison cavity. They could feel its heat building up. It smelled weird and caused their brains to get even more muddled than before. Reality and sick fantasy slowly became one as the trapped Rescue Engine heroes could imagine themselves as nothing more than two provocative latex performers who seduced their obscure fat clients on the big seats. Yong and Rui both moaned hard as they could see themselves sitting on the obese men who fondled their everlastingly-shiny bodies. Every touch of fingers and rubbing by the growing parts overwhelmed the captured warriors’ minds. They were being flooded by ecstasy and obscenity as more suspicious gas penetrated their nostrils and mouths. The fume forced its way in like demons hungry to possess heroes. Perhaps it was demons and the Rescue Engine heroes were the next victims.

The pool of goop moved up the spandex-clad bodies of Yong and Rui, coating them in a thin layer of latex. They were being smothered all over, up until their crotches, then even higher to their abs, then even higher to their chests.

“This is… This is the end!” cried Rui, losing her hope in victory. “I have failed and will be turned into a doll by evil! I don’t want to end like this, please!”

“There’s no escape! We’ve always been a failure-HURGH!”

Yong’s grief was abruptly cut when the bulk of goop drowned him inside his plastic coffin. Rui could no longer see her teammate’s face as the entire indentation was covered by the milk-colored thickness. “Yong!” cried out Rescue White in utter despair. Tears already flowed down her beautiful cheeks.

Then, the most diabolical thing happened. The goop seemingly compressed into Rescue Yellow. The hero’s form was now completely white as a lifesized plastic action figure. His terrified expression was permanently etched as a unique contour on his shiny face. His open mouth led only to a small depression and no way into his throat. His glasses were as white as his entire lustrous new identity.

Rui was lost for words. That was her fate after Yong. Rescue Yellow was no longer an honorable warrior. He was just another part of the Bimbo Factory’s sick collection. The mechanical arms slapped labels and other details on Yong’s plastic prison to turn the whole thing into a real toy case.

“What’s better than transformable heroes? Of course, transformable heroes who believe their given backstories!”

As if insulting Rui, the arms showed a piece of sticky description paper. “Before getting recruited by the Giant Saver Rescue Engine team, Jiang Yong was more than an engineer. He was a slave to his peers, eagerly pleasing his peers as a sign of servility as he realized his place in the social hierarchy. His daily routines involved taking turns in licking other students’ stinky feet with his thirsty tongue. His friends had tattooed it to make him always remember his role as the class’ property. He also took joy in being suffocated inside latex bondage suits and kept inside a cage while the body smell of his friend overcame his soft mind. It is not surprising that Yong was recruited to the Rescue Engine team as all heroes there lie about themselves. Their true motivation is not to save people and defend the Earth. It was simply the uncontrollable kinky urge to be in skintight costumes all day long!” read the broken Rescue White as she sobbed hard.

The description was placed at the back of Yong’s prison. It emitted a wicked energy that immersed the whole plastic prison. Inside his place, the former Rescue Yellow twitched and jerked. His covered mouth let out incomprehensible weeps and cries as the final part of his transformation was complete. The energy culminated between his legs to grow his manhood to a disproportionate size.

His suit color was yellow with orange, silver, and even white and red accessories. Now, he was simply yellow. That included his helmet, armor, weapon, and transformation visor like a cheap toy.

“It’s time to introduce our newest member of the Floozy Collection: The Disappointing Yellow Love Dolly!” The evil Barbie flicked her fingers. “Don’t forget about his friend: The Useless White Love Dolly!”

“No, no, please, don’t-HURGH!”

Ai Rui got her time too. The corrupting goop slowly and agonizingly transformed her into another living doll. Inside her new busty form, she was aware of her surrounding. But what could a white dolly do without her owner?

The Barbie’s screeching laughter echoed inside the toy production chamber. Two products had been made. Their plastic cases informed everyone, including themselves, about the story of these two carnal action figures. Rui slowly remembered herself as a slut on the team. Her only purpose was to be abused by everyone.



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