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I feel that I’ve been too heavy on the boys. That’s why I’m going after the MILFs! Have you seen Hero Mama League? Houka the MagiPink, Nanami the HurricaneBlue, and Jasmine the DekaYellow had settled down and had kids of their own, but their duty as Sentai heroines wouldn’t them go.

It’s literally this time!

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons:

Shian Hi

Geoffrey Mccaw



Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson





Ooh, mamas!


The metallic sound startled Magipink. Her graceful leap was cut short by the impact and the spandex-clad young woman dropped roughly onto the concrete ground. Her squeak was accompanied by another noise signifying her losing the powerful magic wand. “Magistick!” cried out the Sentai heroine in despair.

The arsenal rolled between the coming footsoldiers. They weren’t Zobils that Houka Ozu usually went against on the battlefield. These were disgusting-looking goblins with long, pointed ears and claws at the end of their slender fingers. They were armed with crude spears that they used to hit the helpless Magipink.

Perhaps she wasn’t as helpless as her enemies thought as her kicks were still effective against the coming ghouls even from her position. The pink heroine quickly got back up and put up a fighting position. Her short cape swung with elegance behind her. The battle had just begun.

The goblins groaned and dashed for her. Their violent attacks were dodged by MagiPink with precision before she gave them decisive counterattacks. Her fists were enough to send them flying back in pain while her sliding techniques brought down more of them. Her knowledge of martial arts was basic but it was enough to spice things up until the last of the seven goblins was knocked out by a mighty hook kick.

Houka returned to her fighting position with the defeated goblins exploding around her. Her muscles felt robust. She was no longer the young hero she once was. She was a part of the Hero Mama League now, but she was still one of the most vibrant Super Sentai warriors out there. She wouldn’t let evil rise today!

Houka gasped as she noticed the dropped Magistick lying on the ground. The Sentai MILF was about to get it when an armored boot stepped on the weapon. That alerted the heroine right away.

Her fear was not unfounded. The figure before her was truly a vile creature. He was like the father of the diabolical goblins that attacked her before. His stomach was much rounder and more massive than his henchmen. His barbaric loincloth is almost completely hidden under the bulging fat. Instead of carrying spears, he held a heavy mace with a stubby head. He effortlessly swung the dangerous piece to intimidate his adversary as the mere weight of his leg was enough to break the Magistick in half. The small electrical explosion sunk Houka’s heart.

But MagiPink kept her resolve. She was a senior warrior, much more experienced to fight ugly things like this “goblin father” than the newest teams no matter how powerful they were. She could do this. That being said, she wished her fellow Hero Mama League heroines would also be there.

“MagiPink,” spoke the fat goblin father sloppily as his drooling tongue licked his whole face with appetite. “You’re as delicious as I remember you!”

“Who are you, Infershia? Your time is already over, Demon! Let’s not humiliate your empire again as we Magirangers have done before!”

The reply made the massive goblin laugh hard. “Infershia?! I like your insult, but I think you can do better than that! We don’t need to be methodical and worship lousy prophecies. We take what we want, who we want, and that’s the only thing in this green-skinned life that matters!”

“Whatever you are, Nasty Monster. You’re going down!”

Again, a thunderous, murderous rampage of laughter. “That’s what I’ll say when you kneel to swallow my load once I’m done with your prickly side, MagiPink! How about I give you a sneak peek?”

The goblin father removed his feeble loincloth fabric and exposed his already plumbed green baton. MagiPink unwittingly gasped audibly before covering her mouth guard in shock. How could a gentle heroine of justice like her be amazed by the sturdy, beefy, vein-filled meat of a loathsome ogre like him? The notion was just preposterous!

As absurd as it was, MagiPink really felt heat building up inside her. Her breaths became short and sharp as her eyes couldn’t take their glance at the massive throbbing shaft. She swallowed saliva to prevent herself from slobbering.

Houka shook her helmet. There must be something wrong with her. The demon… The demon must have given her something to become like this!

MagiPink slapped her helmet from the left and right, desperately trying to keep her heroic mind in focus. But the mere sight of the goblin father’s part was enough to send jolts through her brain. Her eyes widened and she somehow could get a glimpse of the details. Her fingers twitched and moved on their own as she imagined herself going through the thick bush of hair at the base. Their curly nature entangled the spandex-clad horny young woman which made her pant even harder. “What is… What is happening?” asked the stuttering heroine as the fat goblin’s guffaw echoed in the background.

“You can’t handle the truth of what you are, do you, Magipink?” asked the reverberating monstrous voice that struck deep into Houka’s mind. Her mouth went agape and couldn’t contain the drivel anymore. Her eyes couldn’t blink as they were too fixated on the domineering green baton. It sent a resonating shockwave that stiffened her muscles and weakened her mental defense.

Perhaps there wasn’t any mental defense left. Houka Ozu was becoming another victim of the abominable creature of evil. Her fantasy sent her closer and closer to the thick pork sword. She could imagine her unprotected face rubbing against the leathery skin of the baton. She could even feel the drip of musky sweat of the monster pouring down on her.

Between her puffs, Houka still struggled to stay gallant. More importantly, she still tried to remember her fellow divas. “Mamas… Jasmine, Nanami, I hope the two of you can hear me… I will never give up. I still remember our adventures together. I remember our team-ups and fights as Sentai heroines. I will never give up…”

But her mouth told a different story. It opened up as her fantasy brought her to the goblin’s tip. She gulped the whole thickness.

The pink heroine was gagged. She let out choking sounds and other noises of oral labor. In the real world, MagiPink swayed her head forward and backward as the sensation overtook her. Even in such a lewd position, she kept on voicing her empty promises. “I will never give up… I am a Sentai heroine… A Hero Mama…”

But her words became more and more incomprehensible as the sick imagination dominated her broken mind. The world around her collapsed into a blurry panorama. All that important was the oversized baton of her new master.

Houka’s hands move to hold the illusory shaft. Her gloves tried to get a touch of the impressive length. It was her new life purpose.

Goblin Father burst out laughing at the scene. He hadn’t even touched MagiPink and the spandex-clad heroine had turned herself into a hungry slut! The magic of his shaft was enough to break her heroic will and mold her into his preferred image.

Goblin inhaled and ghostly wisps of Sentai energy was drained from the jolted MagiPink. The heroine held her young MILF breasts that ballooned out of her shiny costume. She moaned hard, more like screaming in ecstasy as her spirit was sucked out by the monster’s baton. “Squeal, MagiPink! Squeal as you sign yourself into my bordello collection! This is only the beginning of your lewd adventure!”

MagiPink’s legs finally get up after wobbling for a while now. The former champion of Ozu magic kneeled before the towering bulk of Goblin Father. Her height was just right for his touchy meat. The monster teased her first before plunging his Stone Age mace onto her helmet.

Houka’s brain was zapped. The strange and irregular shiny stones on the weapon took away her best memories of being a Magiranger. Agonizingly, she was made to forget her own identity as a Super Sentai heroine. The longer the weapon stabbed her helmet, the more of her was gone.

Inside her helmet, Mama Houka’s eyes went wide and white. She could no longer form comprehensible sentences to utter her suffering. She just babbled and gurgled as her brain took damage from the violation.

Then, Goblin Father removed MagiPink’s helmet with ease by simply pulling his mace back. The head protector just gave up on protecting its owner. The monster didn’t waste time thrusting his baton into the young woman’s drooling mouth.

The impact caused an explosion of sensation in Houka. The young woman unloaded herself just like that. Her muscles stiffened spreading her arms to the sides. Her body arched up to welcome the goblin father who came too close.

MagiPink’s throat was gagged. Her neck bulged out with the goblin’s encroaching baton. There was nothing left she could fight. Her hands frantically tried to resist but were only able to caress the bushy pubic area. She was at her end.

“You are my jade now, MagiBitch!”

With that, he unloaded himself inside Houka Ozu’s digestive system. Some of the goop burst out of the young woman’s full mouth and nostrils. The monster let out the victorious merriment in a degenerate joy as the spandex heroine was utterly subjugated.

The color of MagiPink’s spandex costume dimmed and dissipated until it was halfway between pink and grey. It was an abhorrent change. The female hero looked like being slowly turned into a pirated version of herself.

Still with the monster’s meat in her mouth, Houka could feel all of her muscles throbbing. She pounded Goblin Father in vain as what energy she had left was nothing compared to the energized demon. “Spicy thing you are,” snickered the barbaric conqueror. That gave him another obnoxious idea. He grabbed the kneeling MagiPink’s rear. “Your ass looks delicious!”

Houka’s eyes cried as she knew what would come after. She already could feel the monster’s finger teasing her hole. The worst part of it was that she couldn’t scream.

Through all that, MagiPink couldn’t realize the main reason for her defeat. Trapping her crotch was a metallic jock. Its big lock on the side jiggled with the slightest movement she made. Its shiny texture pulsated as the cursed item consumed and twisted her once-pure Magiranger powers. In short, Houka’s own energy was the one that pushed her over the edge into the abyss of darkness and trap her there.

On the chastity belt’s front, there was the Goblin Father’s face as the symbol. It was animated with a horrendous look opening its mouth ravenously as most of MagiPink’s spirit bled into it. There were also metallic noises as the torture device contorted and wrenched to stimulate the poor hero into deeper serfdom.

“As long as you wear my belt, you will never taste freedom, Slut!” roared Goblin Father as he grabbed the helpless Houka Ozu’s long hair. His saliva sprayed her face to add excessive humiliation.

It was unnecessary. MagiPink had been totally defeated. Her mind was now nothing but a jumbled piece that had no meaning. Houka might still remember her past as a Magiranger but she could no longer see the reason to fight as her master was omnipotent. Goblin Father was her god and her fear made her obedient as she jiggled her much-ballooning bosoms.

“Now, scream, my Glittering Bimbo!!”

“MagiPink!” cried out Jasmine as DekaYellow.

“Houka!” called out Nanami as HurricaneBlue.

The two MILF heroines rushed across the cargo harbor to find their friend. As of now, the effort had been fruitless. They moved with superhuman speed and agility, but they couldn’t find MagiPink anywhere.

“Is it possible that Houka’s been captured?” asked the anxious Nanami.

“If so, there should be any signs of her last battle. MagiPink’s not someone who would go down without a fight,” replied Jasmine as she scanned the warehouse buildings around her. Nothing, not even seagulls there. The whole place was deserted.

They heard something. Jasmine and Nanami frowned as they couldn’t identify what the noise was. It was like a thump or a distant explosion but there was something audibly wrong about it. Then, the noise repeated itself.

“What’s that?” asked the confused DekaYellow. Inside her helmet, her sharp eyes scanned the skies for some clues. But all she could see were the light clouds of the morning.

Nanami’s ninja-trained senses were alarmed too. It sounded far away, yet so close. “We have to find it.”

“Is it more important than finding Houka?” asked the slightly-annoyed DekaYellow. She had an idea. “Wait, I’ll try something.”

Jasmine tried to grasp the air in front of her. She tried to use her esper powers to find her teammate. Her ability may be diminished due to some years as a household mom, but it should still be sufficient to find MagiPink if she was near.

DekaYellow focused her mind. Concentration was needed especially when Jasmine was also concerned with her son’s safety if their mission didn’t succeed. She shut her eyes.

The world became a vague tumultuous cloud of various colors. It was like the whole of Japan was devoured by a blizzard of rainbow gas. Jasmine found it hard to push through the storm.

“Houka!” called out Jasmine mentally. Her voice echoed into multiple clones as if hitting unseen cliffs. The Sentai heroine threaded carefully on the misty sidewalk as the fuzzy world around her emerged and collapsed.

She called again and was welcomed by the same reverberating echo. There was no one there but DekaYellow. But there was an odd feeling of her being watched. The agitated Jasmine gulped as she continued her psychic search.

She heard a scream. In the real world, Jasmine gasped in surprise. “What is it?” asked Nanami as she grabbed her arm to assist her mind.

DekaYellow groaned and grunted. In her esper dream, she turned around to hear the supposed source of the scream. But then, she also heard the echoes from many sides. The place was soon filled with noises of torture.

“Help me!” another yelling of despair was heard. DekaYellow didn’t waste time chasing that one. Her beautiful mama legs helped ran across the deserted cargo warehouse area. The sky there was as psychedelic as the ground and buildings. Jasmine must keep her attention so that she wouldn’t lose herself in this madness.

In the real world, DekaYellow walked instead of running. Like a blind person trying to make sense of the world around her, she awkwardly moved. HurricaneBlue followed her while still scanning her surroundings for possible ambushes.

“Houka!” called DekaYellow one more time. This time, the persona she was looking for was right in front of her. She gasped and covered her mouth guard as MagiPink’s condition was not what she was expecting.

The hot soccer mom of magic Houka Ozu was bending forward. Her arms stretched far and wide as if holding against a wall. Whatever pounded her from behind, her cheeks were spread wide enough to accommodate that. Coincidentally, the spandex-clad heroine made continuous thrusting movements as her face was showing lewd exaltation.

Jasmine’s face turned red as she noticed the details of Houka’s face. The Magiranger’s face was red too. It was the brightest red color ever! Her tongue jut out and snaked around while saliva dripped from the serpentine organ. Her eyes looked all the way up until they were almost white. Her tears left clear marks.

MagiPink tried to scream or voice her distress, but all she could let out were just incomprehensible grouses, wails, and uproars. It was as if she was being possessed by a wild animal.

“Houka, what happened to you?!” blurted DekaYellow in frustration. She didn’t get it. She was in a mental projection world. If MagiPink has been captured, she would still be able to call for help despite her conditions. But this… This abomination of Houka’s image… What’s the meaning of this?

“Houka!” called Jasmine again in the real world. She stopped in her tracks in front of another abandoned warehouse. There was nothing unusual about that place.

Unknown to the two hot mama heroines, there was an unseen magical barrier in front of them. Inside, the real MagiPink was being violated by Goblin Father in the position matching Jasmine’s vision. “You will become a good mother to my goblin children, MagiPink!” mocked the monster as he continued his thrust on her rear.

“I will have your children, Lord Goblin!” screamed the corrupted MagiPink dementedly. The violation was his blessing for her. It was her only purpose of living now. “Why did I fight you before? It would’ve been easier to be like this!”

Goblin grabbed her hair again. He was like riding a mare. “Because I like my bitches spirited, you dumb shit! What’s the fun if I can break you so easily?”

“That’s right, that’s right!” MagiPink’s bliss-filled eyes could see the obscure figures outside the dimensional barrier. “Will you violate the other Hero Mamas too?”

“What kind of idiot question is that? What makes you think you are good enough for my appetite, you slut?!” Goblin Father squeezed Houka’s rear until she screeched. Her desecrated mouth gagged out the leftover goop from the previous abuse. It was the only taste she would ever need.

“Yes, My Lord! Loot me, loot me!”

Goblin Father grabbed her chastity belt and ripped it apart. What was inside was overwhelmingly moist. “I never understand why you would surrender your virginity to a weak human while you can be my servant for eternity!”

“I was wrong, My Lord! I was stupid! I should have known that Sentai heroes are only meant to be spoiled by you and you alone! Punish me, Goblin Daddy!”

Goblin Father’s laughter echoed in the small magical dome. “Satisfy your Daddy forever, MagiSlob! Hahaha!”

As the violation continued, Houka’s hand pounded on the barrier and caused the strange noise before.

But that wasn’t the end. In the mental projection world, DekaYellow worriedly approached the bending MagiPink. Her boots stepped on the concrete sidewalk toward her. Her shadow moved in a strange way.

Jasmine didn’t notice the towering dark figure creeping on her. His belly was as bloated as it was churning with the captive inside. Once he was close enough, the hands of Magipink’s swallowed soul reached out and grabbed DekaYellow on the sides.

“Hey, what-”

Jasmine’s esper essence couldn’t fight her assimilation into the green fat-filled stomach. Her mouth was silenced first, then her limbs were slowly buried inside the spreading skin with the help of Houka. No matter how hard she resisted, more and more of her was being devoured by the grinning goblin monster.

Hushed, DekaYellow soon joined her fellow Sentai heroine’s captured mind inside the inescapable belly of a beast.

In the real world, she just collapsed. That shocked the unprepared HurricaneBlue who abruptly tried to wake her up. She didn’t know the hideous fate that had befallen her friend.

Inside her helmet, Jasmine’s face showed the same ecstasy as Houka before as she became the second hot Sentai mama who was conquered by the Goblin Daddy!

“Appetizer, main course…” The diabolical mental projection of the goblin monster looked out to the real world. There, Nanami Nono still desperately trying to revive her friend. “How about a dessert delicacy?”



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