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It’s to play the game! With the Halloween vibe still here, I want to return to the Dairanger-MMPR Season 2 team!

While Rocky, Adam, and Aisha may look good in their original suits, I think their Star Squadron Rangers would do better especially when they serve their new owner as a part of a collection!

BTW, I change Adam’s proper Green Ranger into the Black one. It suits him more.

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons:

Shian Hi

Geoffrey Mccaw



Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson


Daniel K




Shuffle away!

Adam Park knew he was late for the Halloween party, but it was better late than never. He scoured Angel Grove for late-night shops that were still open with costume attires. From the beachfront to the commercial district that lined the city border with the national park, it seemed that he would end his little hunting empty-handed.

Just as Adam almost had a breakdown on his bike, the leather-jacketed youngster saw rays of hope. It was literal as one of the shops in the corner had a flashy neon sign of excitement. It said “Costume Dungeon!!!” with triple exclamation marks.

Wasting no time, Adam rammed up his bike and bolted to the shop. He didn’t even care to park the vehicle properly as he basically jumped out and ran to the door. The place’s lights had been turned off and things didn’t look good.

“Wait, wait, wait!” yelled out Adam as he raised his hands. The store’s owner had already placed his hand on the OPEN sign on the door. He had already half-turned it to CLOSE.

“The store’s closed, Boy. Come back again tomorrow,” replied the unconcerned man. His Mad Hatter costume brought out the vibe, but the same could be said about his expression.

“No, please! You don’t understand, I need a costume now! I have a Halloween party and still haven’t got a suit to show my friends. Please, I’ll just be here for a few minutes. I’ll pick the first thing I got my eyes on and leave. Please!” Adam even bobbed his head along with his hands to beg.

The man stared at him for a moment. He even scanned his fit form from the top of his head to the soles of his shoes. He then chuckled. “Five minutes, no more,” said him coldly.

“I’ll finish in three!” replied.

The owner unlocked the door and opened it. Adam ran in and took a view of his surroundings. The place was small but packed with costumes in circular racks. The youngster quickly looked at every piece to find the perfect fit. He cursed as the first collection only gave him small attires. He ran to the second one.

While Adam raced against time, the shop owner had been busy too. He went to the store supply room in the back of the cashier counter. There were shuffling sounds before he came back. He got something in his hands. “How ‘bout this, Boy?” asked the owner.

Adam stopped in his track. His mouth went agape and his eyes glimmered with hope as he saw the ace-of-spades costume. The size, the shape, and even the tightness of its leggings were perfect!

“That’s it!” called out Adam while pointing at it. “I’ll take that!”

“Good, good,” said the uninterested shop owner as he went back to the supply room. He got a box filled with similar costumes out and placed it on the counter. “While you at it, get these too.”

Adam was doubtful. He didn’t need to buy all of those suits. He only needed one. He tried to argue, but the owner said something else.

“No charge, Boy. These things have been piling up in my storage for too long. Now that you like the ace costume, I want you to take all of the others to help me clean my store. Who knows, you’d probably have a group cosplay or something. Deal?”

Adam thought about it, but only for a second. He had something better to do than to negotiate something that was clearly in his favor. His eyes caught a glimpse of the clock. He was definitely late! “Yeah, sure! I’ll take the whole box!”

“Good!” replied the shop owner as he slapped the side of the rundown box. He shoved it into Adam’s hands who awkwardly brought it out. “Now, get out of my store.”

“Thanks… Thank you so much!”

The owner harshly shut the door behind the youngster. He locked it and switched the OPEN sign. But he didn’t leave. He observed Adam as he hopped on the bike and dashed off with the box.

The man smirked. His eyes glowed. “No, Black Ranger. Thank you.”

Adam stopped his bike at the parking lot close to the mansion where the Halloween party took place. Even from such a distance, the rave sounds were heard clear as day. There were also sounds of people cheering and laughing.

The youngster was excited to get in, but he would need the costume to do so. He hopped out and took the costume. He also took good luck at it. Along with the fabric’s smooth texture that he could feel in his fingers, the latex appearance also allured Adam. He gulped at its glossiness under the moonlight. It was perfect.

It was too perfect. In the back of his mind, Adam knew something was off. But his consciousness was too focused on putting the costume on to get into the party.

Adam didn’t care to go to a more secluded part of the parking lot. He simply discarded his clothes on the spot. First, his leather jacket, then his T-shirt until his muscular pecs and flawless abs were visible. He felt the cold air hitting his unusually sweaty skin. Despite that, he continued.

His jeans were removed and thrown away as if he would never use them anymore. The same thing went for his underwear. Adam didn’t take a long time to be completely bare.

The youngster took another look at the card-man costume. He flipped it so that the back zipper could be reached. He slowly unzipped the suit from top to bottom.

Adam gasped. The familiar sound of the fastener somehow aroused him. His dangling baton slowly became filled with a rush of blood. “What is this feeling?” asked Adam to himself. “I can’t fight it…”

Adam moaned as the zipper completed its track as if relieved by the end of such a stimulating journey. But the next step would be even more exciting. The new owner slammed his erect meat into the stretchy black fabric while squealing. Even the simplest touch was able to provoke his tainted mind. “I have to… I have to call the others… Call Zordon… This is not normal…” gasped the trapped youngster.

But the next thing he did was to place his right muscular leg into the latex leggings tightness. He could feel the material hugging him from the end of his toe to his firm thighs and even the crotch. Next, his left leg was in, and the Black Ranger was halfway in.

The desperate Adam was fighting against his own urge. Thus, he was fighting his own body. He glanced at the Changers in his wrists. If only he could morph….

Alas, his luck ran out. Instead of putting on a transformation pose, his arms slid themselves into the costume’s sleeves. Adam felt dread as he could feel overwhelming helplessness. With most of his body parts already inside the corrupting thing, he would have no chance to escape.

“No!” Adam screamed his defiance. His Changers were still there, strapped to his wrists. No alien fabric could contain their combined power. He let out a war cry and struck the pose. “Aura Change!”

Inside the latex costume, there was a silvery glow. It was clear that there were some changes. Adam was no longer naked inside the tight confine but acquired another layer in the form of his Squadron Black Ranger suit. The last part that came was his dragon-themed helmet.

Adam squeaked at the end of his heroic transformation. Changing into his superhuman form did him no good. He was still trapped inside the cursed ace-of-spade costume. It instead gave the alien costume more power to consume. The young hero arched back as the arousal became uncontrollable. His spandex and latex-coated meat were straight as it was thick with prominent veins. The Black Ranger couldn’t contain the sensation.

His mind was being violated in every way. Adam took a trip down memory lane as he relived his past battles. He was back to his fight against Mirror Master. The monster summoned Z-Putties from his reflective face and the minions immediately went against the Rangers.

The footsoldiers were strong, but not this strong. Adam was fighting desperately against a gang of undefeatable Putties. Aisha’s barrage of punches as the Yellow Ranger was ineffectual. Rocky’s Dragon Sword attack and Tommy’s slicing attack with his saber against the Z symbol on the golem’s chest gave no response. Instead, the White Ranger was given a direct hit to his own chest and the Red Ranger was kicked away. He was thrown to Kimberly, making the Pink Ranger accidentally shoot her energy arrows at Billy the Blue Ranger.

Adam was all that was left. He braved himself and charged while screaming. He swung his Power Ax, but the Putties dodged all of his attacks. Then, he leaped with a spinning kick.

That was a futile attempt also since his target easily grabbed his ankle. The Black Ranger was slammed hard to the ground. He lost his weapon at the first hit, but that wasn’t the last. Adam screamed like a girl as the monster swept him again like a baseball bat.

This time, he was wielded as a living melee weapon against his own teammates. “No, guys!” shrieked the captured Adam as his body hit Kim and Aisha right in their helmets.

He was then used to tackle Billy’s and Tommy’s feet off the ground. The Rangers also lost their weapons with the White Ranger’s saber stabbing the ground. All over the exhausted Black Ranger, the Putties’ monstrous laughter was heard. Adam was then tossed to a nearby tree.

All over the park, the Mighty Squadron Power Rangers were defeated. The heroes crawled with the little strength they still had left. It was hopeless to fight against Mirror Master.

Tommy the White Ranger was the first to go. The monster maniacally laughed in his feeble attempt to free himself from the neck choke. The young hero pounded the arm fruitlessly as he cried inside his tiger-themed helmet. Mirror Master’s face then swirled and Tommy screamed.

“Tommy!” cried all the other Rangers, including the immobilized Adam. They were unable to stop the doom that came for their friends.

The sound of Tommy’s holler was twisted as he was transformed into a white swirling tornado that got sucked by Mirror Master’s face. From his helmet, his chest, waist, then his legs, were slowly gone. The monster taunted the rest of the team by showing the trapped White Ranger’s fate inside.

The White Ranger desperately pummeled the reflective surface of the hellish mirror world inside. His voice was deadened by the impenetrable barrier. Behind him, an obscure figure approached.

“This can’t be real,” whispered the shocked Black Ranger. “This is not how I remember it!”

“If you haven’t remembered this one, you should,” mocked Mirror Master as he showed the living Jack card costume moving in on the White Ranger. Tommy struggled with the sneaking attack. He elbowed his enemy and tried to get it in front of him for combat advantage.

The White Ranger managed to do it. He also double-punched the suit. To his surprise, his hit didn’t work. In essence, he was striking a piece of fabric.

When Tommy let his guard down, the living costume struck back. The Jack card on its belly sprung into life and choked the hero. Now, he was fighting to enemies at once. The strange monster’s arms thickened and solidified. While the spandex warrior couldn’t inflict any damage before, the opposite happened when the living costume attacked.

Tommy Oliver groaned as his abs were hit by a salvo of strikes. He even bowed down to hold the pain. The costume simply uppercuts the hero to remove his tiger helmet.

The head protector was propelled into the mirror world’s air and hit the reflective sides. The noises made were equally muffled as the hero’s battle. Tommy’s face was now fully exposed.

What the living costume did was strange as it was decisive. The protruding Jack grabbed Tommy’s head and forced him in. It kissed the White Ranger.

The effects were immediate. Streams of Morphing Grid energy were drained into the living costume. Jack’s details got glossier and glossier with the growing power inside. The team even heard roaring laughter from the seemingly-innocent monster. When it released its captive, the White Ranger could only stand wobbling.

Then, it went in for the kill. It unzipped its back and ensnared Tommy’s legs. Then it went for the arms. The hero squealed as he frantically tried to get away from his prison. Just like Adam in the real world before, the White Ranger now served as a slave to the Jack card costume.

The others followed. The Z-Putties grabbed Rocky and threw him in. His counterpart was the ace of diamonds. It suffocated the Red Ranger into submission before putting him into tightness. The symbol on his new costume occasionally showed the trapped Squadron Red Ranger's heroic spirit inside.

Mirror Master let out har-har as the battle was clearly won by him. Accompanying the diabolical expression were the pleas of the trapped Squadron Rangers. The White Ranger was there, and so were the Red, Yellow, Blue, and Pink. All of them fondled and fingered their own smothered bodies while moaning hard. Their private parts grew in size and sexiness for their new master.

All that was left was the Black Ranger. “Now it’s your turn to play, Black Ranger!” insulted the monster as he playfully approached the crawling Adam Park.

“Why can’t we beat this guy? We’ve given everything we got! Zordon, come in!” groaned the Black Ranger in denial.

“Zordon will not help you. He’s a dealer too!” Mirror Master’s claws seized the Black Ranger’s helmet. Just like his teammates, he would end up in the inescapable mirror world of horror as part of the card collection.

Adam’s memory flaunted him to another moment in his life. It was the moment of power transfer. In the Ranger Command Center, two teams of youngsters faced each other. They were there not to fight, but to give and accept the honor of being a Power Ranger. On the left, there were Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Tommy. On the right, there were Rocky, Aisha, and Adam himself.

While the old team wore their Power Rangers suits, the new one didn’t. In his hyperdimensional giant tube, the great wizard Zordon’s head commanded the White Ranger. “Tommy, hold the Sword of Light high above your head. We will now start the ceremony to transfer the power from Jason, Zack, and Trini to Rocky, Adam, and Aisha.”

The metallic giant sword was almost as long as Tommy’s muscular body height, but the hero easily held it up. Zordon’s magic energy invigorated the legendary weapon through bolts of lightning that branched out to strike Rocky, Adam, and Aisha. Its greyish surface slowly turned into a golden one.

“Wait, put back the sword, Tommy!” called out Zordon, but it was too late. The Rangers got a glimpse of the wrong transformation too. The symbols on the sword’s hilt were that of the four playing cards ones. Each glowed with a sickening simmer as the wizard’s energy released something hideous.

The Rangers were trapped. Both the old and new teams were shocked by the jolts of corrupting energy emanating from the weapon. Their muscles stiffened and turned into living statues throughout the process. “What is this, Zordon?” cried out the White Ranger in distress.

“That is not the Sword of Light! It’s-”

“It is your master,” replied an ominous voice from the Ranger Command Center’s peripheries. A monstrous figure hovered in like the Devil himself. He was something more sinister.

His body was alternating colors of black and white. His head was a collection of giant playing cards. On one, his demonic face smiled. “Say welcome to the Duke of Trump, Rangers! I’ll make things more fun, starting with you, Zordon!”

Out of his black staff, the monster unleashed an unnatural burst of energy that clashed with Zordon’s tube. The wizard screamed in pain as his facial features became contorted. One of his eyes became swollen and his mouth became elongated with a massive tongue sticking out.

“No, Zordon!” called out Kimberly in agony. It was beyond bearable to see her mentor being twisted like that.

But she was still paralyzed by the depraving bolts of evil energy from the sword. She cried between her moans and gasped as her spandex costume gave in to her equally-disturbing transformation. Her breasts grew into double balloons that were disproportionate with her own body.

The same thing went for Trini and Aisha. Their rear also grew into a slutty size. The girls shrilled in mental pain as more and more of their memories were warped. “The Duke dominates… The Duke owns us…!” bawled the Yellow Rangers in anguish.

As their helmets exploded, their faces were now visible. Like clowns, their faces were pale white with different symbols of the detestable playing card collection. Trini had three diamonds, and Aisha got eight of them. Kimberly got ten of red hearts.

The other Rangers succumbed too. Their head protectors erupted in sparks and their new forms were revealed. As slaves of the Duke of Trump, they had symbols of their respective part. Billy got seven black cloves while Jason and Rocky had ten of black hearts.

Adam as the main witness of the horrible event could feel the five of black spades digging into his face. He felt a burning sensation that spread throughout his toned body. With that feeling, his skin became pale just like a circus performer. Then, the next step of Power Rangers’ demise commenced.

All of them wailed for each other and their mentor, but there was no one to help them. Dark energy came together around the corrupted Rangers. When the White Ranger finally dropped the Sword of Subjugation to the cold floor, his costume had been transformed into the same Jack's card before. The other young heroes suffered the same end with their unique new identities.

It was painful for Adam and his friends. Their muscles buckled and writhed to give them suffering. The heroes didn’t have control of their own actions now.

As with his teammates, Adam cried. His destiny to be a superhero was dashed even before it began. Now, he was a lifelong servant of the Duke of Trump. The defeated Black Ranger looked up at Zordon’s hyperdimensional tube.

The blue wizard’s face was no longer there. In his place, a sickening new figure akin to that of the King card of the collection was present. Completing his conquest over the Power Rangers and their mentor, the Duke of Trump laughed with his voice echoing in the Ranger Command Center. The walls now glowed with the symbols of their new idol.

It was clear to Adam now. He was never worthy enough to be a protector of Angel Grove. He was never strong enough to defend justice from evil. As his mind yielded to the message, his defilement was total in the real world. With a scream, he unloaded himself inside his playing card suit.

Adam nutted himself and his body became debilitated. In his arching position, he was made immobile with the throbbing muscles. Worse, his helmet suddenly erupted into a shower of useless energy to expose his face. Night had been presented with Adam’s reddened face that showed ecstasy. His sloppy tongue protruded out to taste the cold air and all he could do was let out incomprehensible gagging noises. His eyes went almost completely white with tears flowing down his cheeks.

His ace costume pulsated. It already sucked most of if not all of the poor Black Ranger’s power. Reflected inside its glossy details were memories of Adam’s previous battles and victories. All were now gone from his head, just pathetic long-gone dreams of a slave.

An unseen force forced Adam back to his feet. The subjugated hero stood with his head down. His mouth was still drooling and his lips twitched. Then, he looked up.

Inside his eyes, there was no hero. Instead, a spade-shaped glow appeared for a moment before the empty eyes blinked. The same thing happened to his entire face with a ghostly ace logo tattoo that immediately disappeared. “I am the Squadron Black Ace playing card. I obey my dealers and forever be a part of my casino’s collection. I am a playing card.”

Adam’s eyes blinked quickly and it as seemed his consciousness was back. Confused, the half-transformed Black Ranger looked around at the empty parking lot. He also looked down at his wet groin. Strangely, he wasn’t bothered by it nor by the still-erect baton.

The youngster simply went back to his bike and took the box filled with the corrupting latex card costumes inside. “The costumes will surely hit my teammates. They will split and resplit themselves into an early surrender,” said Adam the Ace of Spade slave without the monotonousness, but still with the permanent corruption. His face was beautiful with excessive makeup and long eyelashes. His lips were red. “I can’t wait to be stacked between Rocky and Aisha!”



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