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Gekirangers, the three heroes! I haven’t used them much for my stories. I figured that they also deserve a spot in the collection albeit how much unfortunate it would be for them.

Not much I can say about this one other than watch your rear!

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons:

Shian Hi

Geoffrey Mccaw


Robert Terwillger


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




Don’t get stabbed!

His enemy turned into a deadly tornado against which he had no hope of defending himself. Rutsu, the angelic Beast-man of Rinjuken Akugata, was demonic at heart. The villain felt no remorse for killing people and tormenting heroes like Retsu Fukami.

GekiBlue tried to block the attack but his attempt was pathetic at best. His personal weapon was shattered and the assault hit him right in the chest. Inside his helmet, his breakfast splurted out as a disgusting sludge.

Tumbling back and rolling like a helpless log, the Gekiranger Sentai hero ended up squirming in unbearable agony. His spandex suit had clear burn marks just above his beautiful abs. His muscles ached and jerked due to the abuse.

“So much for a Fierce-Beast Jaguar-Fist boy!” mocked the domineering avian monster warrior as he stepped his sharp boot at the broken hero’s stomach. Such a simple pressure was enough to make Retsu writhe. “Do you still remember the enthusiasm you had when you first became a Gekiranger? I want you to memorialize that moment as you turn into my helot!”

Rutsu grabbed GekiBlue’s neck and threw him high. The spandex warrior couldn’t save himself as he tumbled back to the earth. He didn’t hit the ground though as his adversary caught him by the helmet.

Retsu heard crackling sounds from his spine as each of its rows was decompressed. It was a small moment of relief before things got much, much worse. The angelic monster gripped Gekiblue’s helmet with his powerful hands. The claws cut through the outer layer to create significant battle damage marks. “Surrender your fighting soul, GekiBlue!”

Retsu screamed. He pounded as hard as he could at the monster’s arms, but he was too feeble to fight back. A crack appeared on his helmet before the protector was completely severed in half.

GekiBlue finally dropped to the ground, this time with his face exposed. Wobbly, he tried to get back up despite the harrowing hurt. That only excited the mad monster.

Confrontation-Beast Crane Fist Rutsu slammed his right leg on the ground. Suddenly, a giant spike protruded out right beneath the Gekiranger. It stabbed GekiBlue right in the butt and even pushed him up until his feet couldn’t touch the dusty earth.

Needless to say, Retsu screamed at the top of his lungs. His spandex held on but the invading sharp rod was relentless in its push into the hero’s hole. Worse, mere contact with the strange spike sent a defiling sensation of carnal pleasure.

Despite him being tortured by penetration, Retsu couldn’t help himself from being aroused by it. His mind kept on denying it, but the bulge between his legs was growing longer. It jiggled following his jerky body movements. It was something that Rutsu was astonished about. “You call yourself a hero? Your meat is dangling for everyone to enjoy! Ahahaha!”

“No… Please, argh! No, I’m not…”

“You are, GekiBlue. You are nothing but a whore in denial. But don't you worry. I will help you accept your true identity! Hahaha!”

Retsu’s mind had erupted. There were only fragments of his memories as a Gekiranger. His moments of triumph against evil were incomplete. His moments of temporary setbacks were turned into permanent defeats. He was an abysmal hero with an abysmal journey. He didn’t even deserve the status of a Sentai warrior. This tight costume was more suited to be a kinky bondage party.

“Bondage! Latex!” screamed the subjugated Retsu. With that, his body also succumbed to corruption. Streams of pure energy flowed into the penetrating spike as he was drained of his Gekiranger power.

“Give me your beast soul!” shouted the maniacal Rutsu as he observed the slow demise of GekiBlue.

“Retsu!” called someone from the back. There was the familiar sound of running boots coming. Two figures of yellow and red appeared and immediately put out a fighting pose. “What have you done to him!”

Rutsu wasn’t impressed. He stomped the ground again. The spike released the distressed GekiBlue. The former hero slumped forward with his butt toward his comrades. “Well well well, two extra serfs for me.”

“You’re the one who’s gonna get served!” pointed Jan as GekiRed with his usual hot-headedness. He didn’t waste his time having more monologues on heroism will always triumph against evil. The warrior simply summoned his nunchaku weapon. Similarly, Ran summoned her tonfa.

“Oohh, a game? I want to play!” responded the unhinged Rutsu as he drew his own wing-like sword. He immediately charged at the Gekirangers while laughing.

The battle should have been easy. Jan and Ran got a clear aim at the villain. The duo swung their weapons at Rutsu.

But their enemy suddenly disappeared in a storm of sharp feathers that struck the Gekirangers. Sparks burst out of their spandex suits and the two warriors were thrown back.

That wasn’t enough to overthrow Jan and Ran. they got back on their feet with their weapons readied. Inside his helmet, the Red Sentai warrior scanned his surroundings.

His martial arts-honed reflex saved him from instant death. He blocked Rutsu’s sneaky attack from behind with his nunchaku. The two arsenals battled each other with a metallic sound.

“So fun!” squeaked Rutsu as he continued his attack.

Ran connected her tonfas to create a long baton and struck, but the monster teleported again with more showering sharp feathers. More damage on the Gekirangers and none of their attacks had succeeded in getting their enemy.

Jan Kandou roared. He had enough of this play. “Minna, let me borrow your powers!”

GekiRed reached out to the sky and the energy from both GekiYellow and the embarrassingly-slumped Blue began to coalesce in his grip. The process didn’t take long but the echoing laughter of Rutsu made it seem forever.

The villain reappeared as a hovering figure. “There’s no escape for you even with your toys!”

Rutsu spread his arms and began to spin. The air twisted as he gained momentum. Gekirangers’ view of the monster was increasingly obstructed by the rising dust. His laughter was also getting louder.

“Jan, good luck!” screamed the weakened GekiYellow. GekiRed nodded. His summoning was almost complete. There was only a split second between total victory and doom. “Gekibazooka!” called out GekiRed with fortitude.

The Gekiranger team captain aimed his weapon at the coming monster. The cannon’s nozzle gleamed with culminating energy. Rutsu would be utterly destroyed on impact.

Unfortunately, the avian villain’s boots already hit the Gekibazooka. There was a huge explosion that knocked everyone away, including GekiRed. All heroes and villains seemed to be engulfed in a massive fireball.

GekiRed writhed on the ground. His entire suit was scalding with steaming burns. His fingers ached as they jittered just like the rest of his muscles. His helmet was also broken with its visor gone. All around the crushed hero were the shattered remnants of his cannon.

Even before the smoke cleared, GekiRed could hear the ominous laughter. It was clear that his plan failed and his enemy was still alive and well. “Look, the boy destroyed his own plaything. What a shame!” Rutsu’s voice suddenly changed into a monstrous one. “I think we need to sacrifice him in the altars of hell!”

The plume split to reveal the charging villain. His singular wing expanded with more sharp feathers than it should have. The strange bodypart then wrapped itself around GekiRed and forced him to stand back up.

The spandex warrior screamed in extreme agony as countless sharp feathers stabbed his entire costume as they formed an impenetrable cocoon that squeezed him inside. Rutsu even played with the helpless hero by lifting him up so that his legs kicked out in despair. The ripping and tearing noises made the monster laughed even harder.

All that and Gekiyellow couldn’t do anything. She barely could keep herself from falling. The female warrior tried to reignite her cheetah spirit with the strength she had left.

Inside her helmet, Ran closed her eyes and focused. Her fists clenched and her concentration sent her mind dashing toward the source of light. GekiYellow could feel energy building inside her.

A figure past GekiYellow before going behind her. The figure wore a blue skintight spandex suit. To her surprise, her arms were forced back by him. “Retsu!”

“You should have a taste of a spike digging into your ass before claiming to be a hero, Ran!” mocked GekiBlue as he held his own teammate in his grip. The sight of his face made Ran’s heart sunk. He wasn’t the fellow paragon fo justice she once knew. For one, a shiny blue horn jut out of his head as Retsu’s soul surrendered to Rutsu.

“Let me go!” GekiYellow saw the coming monster. “No!”

“Well well well, what do we have here? It looks like the cubs are eating each other,” snickered the villain as he cupped the bound heroine’s helmet. He kissed her.

Using that moment of surprise, Retsu also slammed his baton on Ran’s rear. Whatever the monster gave to her, her gasping mouth voluntarily inhaled it. Her eyes widened in shock as the effect was immediate. She tried to scream, but all she could produce were incomprehensible gagging noises.

Rutsu released his cocoon prisoner. GekiRed was discarded like garbage. His pain was much more prominent now with his ripped spandex. The fabric tried to repair itself with some success but it was clear that he didn’t have vitality left.

“Why don’t you sit there like a good slut while I violate your friend? Blue already knows what it feels like to lick my balls for the rest of his life!”

“Blue, Retsu, don’t do it! Don’t betray our dream!” cried out Ran in desperation as she continued her struggle against the hold of her own friend. She didn’t realize the growing rumbling beneath her feet until it was too late.

“Damn you, leave her alone! Your fight is with me!” screamed GekiRed still with defiance.

The attitude only awarded him a smirk from the villain. “Your fight is done, GekiRed. Once GekiYellow’s mouth is full of my goop, your turn will be next. Don’t you worry!”

Rutsu slammed the ground with his right boot. The same thing happened all over again. From the dusty earth, a huge spike protruded out right below GekiYellow. The female warrior with bright yellow tights didn’t have a chance to escape. The sharp tip easily stabbed Ran Uzaki’s spandex-clad ass and dug deep.

She screamed. She screamed like there was no tomorrow. For her case, perhaps that’s the case. As she fruitlessly tried to free herself from the horrible torment, her own treacherous teammate kept her down in the agonizing position. She could feel her rear being violated with the most desecrating sensation between her cracks.

“Louder, I say louder!” shouted Rutsu sadistically as he used a feather-like sword to slash GekiYellow’s chest. Her modest breasts jiggled violently as their owner fought for her life. It was clear that it was a losing battle.

“Ran…” groaned GekiRed as he crawled furiously toward the scene of the heinous crime. Tears streamed from Jan’s eyes. He couldn’t believe how helpless he was to prevent Ran’s ruination. “Ran!” called the team captain again.

The villain didn’t even bother to look at him. Rutsu simply continued his abuse at GekiYellow. “Call her all you want, Red. She’s too busy right now!”

Rutsu spun the tip of his boots and the most horrible thing happened. Ran could feel the accumulating speed of the invading spike in her butt. The torture device was twisting!

As if her suffering wasn’t enough, Ran was forced to get a taste of a spiraling thing penetrating her. Again, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her eyes were almost completely white. Her mouth splurted out drool from the intense mental stress. The heroine was on her last legs.

That was metaphorical since her real legs couldn’t touch the ground anymore. The spike had lifted her up the only balance point is the point of penetration. “Please… No more… I surrender… I surrender….”

Rutsu let out a burst of victorious laughter. It was a good start for his domination. Once Ran declared her defeat, bright streams of energy got drained out of her sexy body. From her mature breasts, her abs, and even her thighs, all were taken into the diabolical spike to be enjoyed by the villain. “There you go, slut. Your life will be a lot easier once you accept who you are!”

The spike then jolted GekiYellow. The broken heroine jerked in intense pain. Her crazed screams filled the air with a heartbreaking message. “I am owned by Rutsu. All that I do and can do will be for him and only for him. I am nothing without him!”

Ran’s helmet was split by something growing inside. Just like Retsu, a blueish horn protruded out of her head. Her brain and the mind inside were useless now. “Rutsu! Rutsu! Rutsu!” cried out the subjugated female warrior with new clear blue eyes.

“Rutsu! Rutsu! Rutsu!” replied her equally-vanquished teammate with the same signs of domination. Two Gekirangers had fallen and they along with their new master circled around the impotent GekiRed. As much as the team captain tried to talk his way to snap his friends out of corruption, it was clearly a futile attempt when Blue and Yellow ripped his helmet apart.

His mouth quickly got clogged by the ravenous Gekiblue’s massive baton. As Jan slowly accepted the abuse, Rutsu relished the combined powers of his newfound slaves.



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