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The spooky month is here! Can the Rangers defend themselves against darkness or will they be swallowed whole?

I decided to use some of the interesting teams I found on the net. There was a post about Cyber Corps, a canceled concept of the Go-Buster adaptation before the eventual Beast Morphers. Set in Mirinoi instead of Earth, it provided a fresh setting for a team of youngsters.

But on Halloween, even a far-away planet is not safe from the haunting!

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons:

Shian Hi

Geoffrey Mccaw


Wallel Albet

Robert Terwillger


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




Full and spooked!

Johnny hated Halloween.

Well, he basically hated all manners of social interaction, so that didn’t matter much. “Oh, come on, Johnny. Light up a bit,” said Michelle in a slightly-begging tone.

“Yeah, who knows? You might gonna have the best time of the year with this one,” added Arjuna as he dropped the heavy box of pumpkins and other spooky decorations.

The red-haired Johnny crossed his arms at the back of his head as he sat in the Cyber Cops headquarters’ common space. He like the other two wore the official Mirinoi Defence Corps. More than official, they wore the elite black version. The difference from each other was their personalized Power Rangers color code. Needless to say, Johnny’s was red.

“Not interested,” replied Johnny without interest as he swung the seat haphazardly. “We’re going to have a monster attack anyway. God, I actually wish that a monster would attack today!”

Arjuna slapped the side of his team captain’s shoulder. “Don’t be such a party pooper, Red. Why don’t we just go out to view the city?”
“A tour of Eternity City? That’s awesome!” blurted the excited Michelle. Her long silver hair bobbed.

“Believe me, there’s nothing to see in this boring city,” complained Johnny. He fell right after.

Michelle giggled at the Red Ranger’s act. She put out a paper from her uniform pocket. It was a leaflet. “How about this then?”

Arjuna leaned to look closer. “A haunted house?”

“Yeah, don’t see that often around these parts, right?”

“Gimme that!” Johnny crawled and took the leaflet for himself. He attentively read the big goopy-styled writings. “The House of the Swollen Screams, coming to your town this Halloween. Tickets are free for the first 50 people. How long has this been here?”

“Just today. Some guy shared the paper at the intersection just before I came to HQ.” Michelle was quick to snatch Johnny’s silent fascination. “So, what do you say, Red Ranger? Ready to get scared?”

Johnny still looked at the paper before returning to the Yellow Ranger. “Not interested,” said the hero with a puff.

That made Arjuna snicker. “Red is probably scared of little old ghosts. Don’t you think-”

The Blue Ranger found the seat empty. He found Johnny King already at the door. “Suck on this, Rangers! The last one who arrives at the haunted house will pay for our tickets!”

He already dashed away. Arjuna and Michelle looked at each other. “He knows that the ticket is still free, right?”

Michelle awkwardly nodded. “We just discussed it a minute ago.”

Johnny was sure that he didn’t see any structures on the location yesterday. It was just another abandoned lot that a rundown construction company liked to leave behind. Today, it was different. Perhaps the people who ran the funhouse decided to just use the half-finished building as their place. Whatever the decision was, it worked.

The haunted house attraction was big and even the crowd around it was nothing compared to its size. Luckily, there were multiple entrances guarded by mascots. These were workers who wore whimsical yet scary costumes like a pink Bigfoot, a girl in a kinky latex bondage suit, and a familiar mouse man with Creepypasta eyes.

“We’re going to spend the whole week lining up!” complained Michelle.

“Yeah, we should’ve come earlier,” added Arjuna.

Johnny didn’t reply. His Asian eyes observed the end of each crowd line. He saw the mascots permitting boys and girls but not their parents. Some adults agreed while others went into an argument. Those who were persistent to stay with their teen children got pushed away by the big costume’s bulging bellies until they gave up and walked away. “I guess this is not a family-friendly attraction,” commented the Red Ranger.

That’s it! Johnny glanced at his dorky friends who were still complaining. He got a perfect idea. He grabbed Arjuna and Michelle’s hands and dragged them out of the line.

“Hey, what’re you doing?!” shouted Michelle.

“Yeah, you’re gonna make us miss our chance!” added Arjuna.

“Why do idiots want to use the hard way when there’s a shortcut?” groaned the Asian youngster as he stopped them at an empty corner behind the spooky houses. His words made the other MDC recruits tilt their heads in confusion. “Don’t you know that we’re heroes?” Cyber, ready? Go!”

Johnny’s catchphrase granted him access to the Morphing Grid. The interdimensional energy that was channeled to him solidified into a tight yet powerful red bodysuit. The last summoned part was the helmet that had the theme of a cheetah with its headlight lit up. The youngster struck a heroic pose to complete the metamorphosis. “Red Cyber!”

“You’re not suggesting us to use our privilege as Rangers, right?” asked the anxious Michelle. This went against protocols. Rangers shouldn’t abuse their special rights for petty things like attending a haunted house game on Halloween. Or…

Arjuna observed the spandex/leather-like supersuit of Johnny. He then spoke out his own catchphrase. Another stream of vigorous energy entered his body and form a blue bodysuit. Like his team captain before, the young Indian-American struck a pose. “It’s the only way, Michelle. We don’t want to miss this thing, right?”

Michelle frowned. This strategy was the opposite of everything she believed about herself. She was a Ranger and a Ranger’s duty is to protect the innocents, not to walk around and cut lines. She gulped and tightened her fists. “Cyber, ready? Go!”

Michelle joined the team as the Yellow Cyber Corps Ranger. The fully-transformed trio made their way back to the haunted house parking lot. Even there, the voices of the people who saw them were audible.

Without them knowing, the pamphlet that Michelle previously brought with her dropped on the ground. Picked up by the wind, the paper landed in a nearby park. An American football ball landed next to it. The owner, a youngster in a sleeveless shirt, came and got interested in the ad.

But as soon as he read the details about The House of the Swollen Screams, his eyes glowed. His mouth went agape and the ball that he also picked up fell again. Whatever his desire before, it was completely replaced by the urge to go to the house.

The line broke. People retreated at the first sight of the three Power Rangers. They were even excited to give their spot as they waved their hands at the heroes.

On contrary, the mascots were shocked. They looked at each other and even stopped their argument with one of the teen’s parents. They simply pushed all of them out of the way while other workers opened the double doors for the Rangers. Johnny and his teammates went in unopposed.

“This feels wrong, Johnny,” whispered Michelle even though she was using the secure Ranger communication.

“First time?” replied Johnny with a smug.

“Wait, this ISN’T the first time you used your powers for personal gains?” asked Arjuna.

“I like ice creams, you know.”

The Cyber Corps Rangers entered the haunted house with broad shoulders and puffed up chests. One by one, the scary demon lookalikes jumped out from the shadows before they got spooked themselves. It wasn’t everyday they got superheroes as guests.

The fake ghosts watched in awe as the Rangers passed the corridor unfazed. “It expect more fun,” mocked Johnny.

“Because you take away the fun, Johnny,” complained Arjuna.

“This is not fun!” declared Michelle. “What’s the point of going to a haunted house attraction if we can’t feel the threat?”

That might not be true as figures suddenly jumped out in front of them. The three Rangers went into their fighting pose reflex as a response. Michelle let out a short squeal.

“Wait, wait, wait! Don’t harm us!” cried out the fake vampire with his arms high.

The words made the Rangers relaxed. “Of course, we won’t hurt you guys. We know this is just an attraction.”

The fake vampire felt relief. “Oh, thank goodness. I thought I would have my ass handed by the city’s foremost superheroes. Speaking of superheroes, the three of you should’ve announced your visit. We would have made everything extra spooky!”

Michelle cleared her throat. “This is already great!”

“No, no, it’s our fault. We should be more attention to updates about you.” The fake Japanese cursed fortune cat figure pointed her finger up. “To make up for this, allow us to give you the proper welcome with a good meal.”

The two scary figures tore the fake wall to the side presenting another door that opened on its own. Inside, Johnny and his friends could see a medieval-styled long dinner table with some candles on it. “Well, this is more fun than the boring thing we just had,” said Cyber Red without caring to use internal communication.

The Rangers were brought to the three throne-like tall chairs. Before them, the spooky figures went in and out of the room with lavish meals. Piles of cooked meat, spaghetti, and even fruits were brought in.

Michelle noticed something strange about them. They were all blue. Even the steaks and chicken drumsticks were blue! “What’s going on here?”

“Perhaps that’s their Halloween-themed menu,” said Arjuna with a finger on his cheek while he continued his pondering.

“We will leave you now. There are no cameras or people who will bother you. Once done, you can tap on the door so that we can continue,” explained the fake vampire before he bowed with his partner. The two exited the dining room through the previous door. An echoing slam was heard, almost making Johnny of all people jump.

“I hate Halloween,” complained the Red Ranger. “So, do we want to eat these?”

“They are strange, but the people we encountered were nice,” said Cyber Blue. “Was there any threat to our powers?”

Michelle scanned the entire menu with her helmet vision. “Everything’s warm, but that’s probably because they are fresh.”

Cyber Yellow blinked in her helmet. While the computer scanned, she observed. She couldn’t help but feel hungry with all of these meals. The girl licked her own lips while saliva kept on dripping. She could imagine the juiciness of the strange steaks and piles of wagyu beef. She clenched her fists to helpless control herself.

Arjuna also looked at the dinner. There were too many of them. All of them would go to waste if the Rangers didn’t eat them. Like Cyber Yellow, Blue was also affected by the view. Worse than her, his mounting craving manifested into arousal. Inside his helmet, Arjuna gasped and moaned. His face was sweaty and his breaths were puffing. He needed to eat those meals!

The Blue Ranger gave up. As his crotch grew, his stomach growled. His hands grabbed his helmet.

Arjuna didn’t care about his secret identity. Those fellows looked nice. All his mind was focused on was to immediately eat. He threw his restricting Cyber Corps helmet away and reached for the strange blue food.

“Blue!” called out Red in anger. He pulled his teammate’s shoulder but that only made the crazed Cyber Blue smack grapes on his helmet visor. The fruits were slammed and smeared all over Johnny’s head protector as a sign of defiance. “Fuck! Get hold of yourself!”

“So hungry! Hungry!” cried out Arjuna as he continued his dig into the giant bowl of blue chowder. Like a pig, the aroused Cyber Corps Ranger gulped it down. He didn’t even care to use the provided spoon.

Johnny cursed again and heard a moan. To his disbelief, Michelle joined the party. She still had enough sanity to put her helmet on the table, but that was just about it. Gulping anxiously, her twitching eyes followed all shapes and sizes of the giant food in front of her. Without patience, she grabbed the thick and juicy blue pork leg and sink her teeth into it. Cyber Yellow tore the meat off and chewed hard. In the end, she squealed.

Johnny knew something was wrong. His teammates were different people here. They were voracious and nasty, unlike the heroes he knew. It was the meals. Somehow, the food put their animal instinct into overdrive. They looked like two hyenas on a fresh hunt.

He was still free. He might be the last free Ranger. He must act now.

Cyber Red tried to get up from the throne. He couldn’t. An invisible force was holding him down. He tried to lift his arms up. That failed too. In his mind, he knew it. The only forward was toward the table.

His fingers trembled. Johnny shook his head as his teammates continued their sloppy feast. There must be another way. Johnny knew that once he touched the meat and soup and all that stuff, he would end up like the rest of the Cyber Corps team. “There’s no slavery in my menu!” groaned the Red Ranger as he tried all he could to find the unseen bondage.

His muscles tensed. His arms tried to detach themselves from the throne-chair. The spandex costume squeaked as the hero fought on.

Johnny was too focused on his struggle that he failed to see his friends’ hideous transformation. Arjuna and Michelle moaned hard as their weakened minds failed them. Little by little, their comprehension of being a hero and a Ranger was buried under the weight of delicious corruption. The duo still recognized each other, even in their roles as justice warriors. But all of that slowly lost meaning in the face of the blue feast. Against their own will, their hands reached more and more of the strange meals and stuffed them down their mouths. Bulks of abnormal nutrition bulged out and the effects were progressing.

As they gasped and panted, their bodies changed. For the Yellow Ranger, her chest inflated. Her boobs weren’t the smallest before, but now they were definitely the biggest. Worse, they easily became disproportionately huge!

The transformation cost Michelle her sanity. Her mind developed a tunnel vision as less and less of the surrounding world was perceivable by her debased brain. In the end, all that mattered to her were the juggling breasts. The bigger they were, the less she was a hero. The bigger they were, the more she was a slut. “A plumped-up fat bitch! I live for my boobs as a fat bitch!” screamed the demented heroine.

For Arjuna, it was his baton and thigh. It was as if the Blue Ranger had three legs with that size. The youngster couldn’t fight the urge to stroke the length with one hand while the other kept on stuffing food into his sloppy mouth. The veins popped out against the tightening spandex that desperately tried to keep everything in.

Not only that, Cyber Corps Blue Ranger’s upper body was swelling up too like a lopsided bodybuilder. His shoulders and arms puffed up while the rest of his body stayed the same. The subjugated Arjuna even took some time to put out flexing poses while his mind was dominated by everlasting images of his own erect pork sword. He squealed as every touch he gave made him climax again and again. The spandex-coated crotch was already wet with the broken Ranger’s spooge.

Beside them, Johnny finally broke free from the throne. The seat itself broke into pieces and the hero took sharp breaths. “You’ll never break me, Freaks!”

As he heaved, Johnny noticed that was terribly wrong with his hand. It wasn’t the hand itself, but the thing he held in it. It was one of the blue grape bunches.

The shocked Red Ranger tried to remove it from his own grip, but it was useless. His body rejected his command and instead slapped the fruit onto his Cyber Corps helmet visor. Blue sludge smeared all over his head protector. “Fuck, stop!” shouted the team captain to his own arm.

The next thing was more dreadful. Johnny’s arms grabbed his helmet and tried to force it open. “No, no, stop! ARGH!”

Beside him, his crazed friends laughed at their leader’s futile attempt to keep his sanity. Their faces had turned blue just like the hellish food they had been consuming. Their tongues were wet with the disgusting juice.

It wasn’t the body that changed. Their odor changed too. Michelle and Arjuna had become a musky boy and girl with their armpits and crotches smelled reeking of thousands of hours of physical training. Once in a while, they farted with the same horrendous smell that filled the room.

Johnny screamed as the stench invaded his nose even with his helmet’s protection. That protection couldn’t help him much longer as his hands forcefully ripped it away. The young hero’s eyes went watery right away at the first exposure to the concoction of foul odor.

He didn’t have the strength to fight anymore. His out-of-control arms pushed him forward. The Red Ranger slumped into the towering cake. His entire face all the way to the chest sunk inside the blue delicacy. His incomprehensible grunts and cries were muffled by the deep pastry layers.

The Red Ranger jolted back at the end of his desperate attempt to free himself. He had successfully removed himself from the cake. His entire front side was sullied by blue, but he was free.

Or so he thought. As Johnny gulped with the last of the cake in his throat, he could feel it. It was dread and desperation. It was defeat. The Red Ranger had eaten his own demise.

His legs twitched and twisted. Johnny felt pain then uncontrolled arousal. His screams of agony turned into that of pleasure. “What’s… What’s happening to me!”

Like his comrades, Johnny King had a tunnel vision as his mind shrank. As he jutted his tongue out into the cold air, his brain was slowly corrupted by the bulk of cake he just ate. The Red Ranger could feel himself retreating back more and more.

Incidentally, his ass was growing bigger and bigger in the back. Following the growth, his thighs inflated too. “No… No, this is not me…!”

But it was him. It was the new Cyber Corps Red Ranger’s form as he succumbed to the corruption of the blue meal. His rear throbbed as his Ranger powers were sucked into it. They were perfect spheres made shiny by the spandex costume layer.

When his ass matured, Johnny’s mind exploded. He could remember all his past adventures and with them, the perspiration he produced. His suit slowly got drenched by the unusual amount of sweat that made the fabric almost transparent. Details of the now-useless muscles of the Red Ranger were there for everyone’s enjoyment. “I… Red… Red… I…”

Johnny couldn’t even form a complete sentence anymore. But he could pound the door. One, two, three. The debilitated former hero was in hopelessness.

That was the cue. The doors opened and from the other side, leashes shot out. The three Rangers were immediately shackled like pet dogs. Suffocated, the former heroes could only groan and moan.

The fake spooky figures were back, but now with oversized smiles on their mask faces. “Told you, they wouldn’t skip the show,” smirked the fake vampire. “Now, they are a part of the show. Let’s go!”

Like cattle, the three bloated former Cyber Corps Rangers were herded out of the dining room. Johnny, who was still aware of his condition but couldn’t do anything, shed a tear as he wobbly walked out into the haunted house’s hallway.

“Now, we can drink milk all day every day!” yelled the excited monsters.



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