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Hey yo! I’m back!

It’s been a while, but I just got new inspiration so I want to share it with y’all! Since the top contender of the poll winners is already used, I’m gonna use other teams that I think need some more love, starting with the Wild Force Rangers!

Although I’ve used a genderbent White Tiger Ranger before, that wasn’t the complete team, so I am gonna use them here!

Special thanks to my patrons:

Le MinhNam

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K


This takes place throughout the 35th and 36th episode, The Master’s Herald, but of course with a juicier ending!

Enjoy and stay safe!





“Onikage?!” yelped Alyssa who was as startled to see the ninja monster appearing in the secret temple of Animarium as her Wild Force teammates. It was devastating enough for them to lose Princess Shayla, now this?

The Rangers put on fighting poses, but Merrick calmed them down. “Don’t worry, it’s just another of his ninja tricks.”

The projection of Onikage crossed his arms while hovering above the sacred viewing pool. His presence made the water fluttered. “If you want your precious princess back, come to the rock quarry by the river now!”

Just like that, he disappeared and left the dumbfounded Rangers to glanced at each other in hesitation. Sweat flowed slowly on Alyssa’s temple. Max gulped at the dire situation they were in. Taylor clenched her fists. “Don’t let this Org intimidate us, Rangers. We are the chosen warriors and we will get Princess Shayla.” The former Air Force pilot offered her hand. “What do you say, Red?”

Cole nodded. He put his hand above hers. Their teammates followed as they gathered around. “I like our spirit. It’s as strong as mine.”

The Yellow Ranger snorted. “Doubt it. I am stronger than you.” She looked to Merrick who stood silently. “We can’t do this alone.”

Merrick blinked and maintained his cold look, but he took a step forward and extended his hand. “Wild Access!”

The six young individuals’ bodies glowed with beastly energy. Ghostly forms of shark, bison, eagle, tiger, lion, and wolf formed a multicolored tornado before each of them entered their chosen Rangers. Gone were the civilians, replaced by the Wild Force Rangers.

“You have set the perfect trap, Onikage!” said the impressed Mandilok. His monstrous tusk protruded out of the abnormal mouth on his chest.

“Only because we have the perfect bait,” replied the ninja monster as he held the shackled Princess Shayla.

“I know that removing that worthless Jindrax was the right move. There’s only I and you now, Onikage!”

The demon stabbed his fork-like weapon on the quarry ground. Even the biggest rock was no match against its deadly ends. Mandilok heard the coming rush. “Why don’t you handle them while I rest?” said the monster with indifference.

“Princess Shayla!” shouted the Wild Force Red Ranger as they arrived at the rocky site.

“Rangers, stay away!” begged the lady as she desperately tried to free herself from Onikage’s hold.

“Prepare to mee your dark side, Rangers!” declared the ninja as his fingers moved to create a spell.

The Wild Force Rangers were astounded by bolts of lightning and booming sounds of thunder that came out of nowhere. They prepared themselves for an incoming attack. “Get ready, Guys!”

But nothing happened. The sky was blue, the quarry ground around the Rangers was empty. The Blue Ranger was confused “Huh?”

So was the Black Ranger. “What’s he up to?”

Onikage let out horrifying laughter. “You will see, Rangers!”

The ground beneath the Wild Force Rangers shifted. No, it was their shadows that moved away even though it was bright noon. The darkness darted away before growing into figures.

Six figures of shadows, each resembling individual Ranger. The clones struck a familiar fighting pose that confused the heroes even more. “Who are they?” questioned the alarmed White Tiger Ranger.

“Meet your darkness: Shadow Rangers!” announced Onikage above the rocky hill.

“Shadow Rangers?!” But Cole didn’t have time to ponder about the idea, since the shadow clones had begun their hostility. Shadow Red wielded his own version of the Crystal Saber. Everything’s similar except a jet-black crystal at the handle.

The Wild Force Rangers faced their enemies. Each one of them went against their Shadow Ranger counterpart. The battle was fierce with each side trying to take down the other using techniques or sabers.

Sparks burst when the blades scuffled with each other. Cole rolled out just in time before his clone could strike him with the saber. He jumped just in time before the slashing attack could get him. But he was not immune to the closing punch.

Danny wrestled with Shadow Black, but he got the upper hand. He threw the clone down on the ground. Unfortunately, he got the bad end of his enemy’s boots.

Taylor launched a jumping kick at the yellow clone. Her evil twin did the same maneuver. Sparks flew from the chest of both.

Each Ranger had found their match. Max jabbed Shadow Blue and got hit by the same attack. Alyssa used her Tiger Baton and got countered by the same weapon. Merrick was in a tie as he jumped at his clone and the two rolled on the muddy field since one couldn’t defeat the other.

“The Rangers walked right into your trap. Excellent planning, Onikage!” exclaimed Mandilok before the kneeling ninja.

“I am but a servant of the one true master,” replied Onikage. His one-eyed face looked beyond Mandilok.

“Who are you looking-” Mandilok’s words were cut down as his own gigantic fork weapon pierced through his chest. “HRAGH!”

The dying Org could see the perpetrator. A figure who could send dread to Orgs and Rangers alike. It was Master Org.

“Mandilok, the most treacherous Org general of them all. Did you really think you can get rid of me?” said the main villain in a twisted, fatherly manner to the dying monster.

“I… I am the greatest Org…” That was before Mandilok exploded in a violent fireball.

The Rangers were in shock. Master Org has returned and moreover, he easily defeated the org general that Cole and his teammates desperately tried for a while now. “That… That can’t be…” cried out the usually tough Taylor.

“Master Org is back for revenge…,” added Cole the Red Ranger with the underlying truth.

“It was quite a show but my work here is not done,” said the Org lord as he set his eyes - including the third one on his forehead - to Princess Shayla. He grabbed the Rangers’ mentor on the sides before opening his mouth.

The jaws split further and further even beyond humanly possible. It was clear that Master Org was no longer human but a complete monster. Like a cobra, he struck at Princess Shayla and gulped her in.

“NO!” cried out Cole but he was not in a position to fight him. The shadow clones kept the Rangers busy and exhausted. A double slashing attack sent the Red Ranger tumbling on the ground. His teammates were no better. Alyssa was defeated, Max was bruised, Danny was writhing on the dusty quarry ground.

The Silver Ranger jumped to help Princess Shayla. He wasn’t going to let her down the second time. But the Shadow Rangers already knew his intention. The shadow clone of the Red Ranger brought out the Lion Blaster and knocked Merrick mid-air.

The Wild Force Silver Ranger’s landing was hard. Merrick hit some heavy rocks before stopping face-first on a pool of mud.

“Princess!” called out Cole again, this time with a begging tone as he was helpless to stop Master Org from devouring her.

Her feet stuck out the humanoid monster’s mouth before those two slowly slurped in. His bloated-out neck began to contract as Princess Shayla went down the esophagus and into his stomach. Throughout the process, Master Org laughed and make sure that the Rangers could witness the whole process. “As expected, delicious meat!”

“You’re gonna pay for this!” shouted Alyssa defiantly even though her neck was being strangled by her evil counterpart’s Tiger Baton.

Master Org ignored her, or other Rangers’ heroic protests. He simply approached Onikage and laid his hand on the ninja monster’s face. His elongated horn glowed brightly before some of the glimmers traveled down to the end of his fingers.

Onikage screamed in pain, but he obeyed. In the end, he was rewarded. Master Org removed his hand and another horn appeared on Onikage’s forehead. “Begin the next step for our Org domination, Onikage.”

“I live to obey, Master,” replied Onikage humbly. He then looked at the struggling Ranger. His hand was raised again to form another spell.

Cole’s helmet visor reflected the striking bolts of lightning that appeared out of nowhere. Like before, everything ended as soon as it began. The Red Ranger was kicked right on the back to force him to the ground.

“What is he doing now?” yawped the Blue Ranger.

“Nothing that you will enjoy, Ranger,” sneered the ninja as Max saw the first signs of something was wrong with him. He felt a strong gush of wind seemingly coming from random places. It dragged him closer and closer toward the waiting shadow clone. Then, the unthinkable happened. “I can’t feel my legs!”

“Max!” called out Taylor as her neck was stepped on by her shadowy counterpart. She was forced to witness Blue’s gradual absorption from the legs, then the waist and chest, until what was left were two of his arms that desperately trying to reach anything that could stop the devour.

“NO!” cried out Alyssa. Just then, she was shocked to see what became of Max. Behind the Shadow Ranger, the former Wild Force Blue was turned into an exacting shadow. His struggles were visible, but his entire form was locked to obey whatever the clone was doing. “MAX!”

“Like your miserable Blue Ranger, all of the Ill-Fated Powerless Rangers would be nothing but shadows of the true warriors,” proclaimed Master Org triumphantly.

“We’ll see about that-ARGH!” Cole tried to get up, but the effects had already taken hold. His legs slowly merged with Shadow Red. “Let me go!”

“Cole, I can’t break free!” called out the White Tiger Ranger.

“It’s pulling me in!” exclaimed the panicking Yellow Ranger.

“Gah!” The Black Ranger’s arms were the last to be seen before he was entirely devoured. Behind Shadow Black, Danny appeared as a new shadow. He still attained his original form, but none of the freedom. He couldn’t move without the permission of his shadow clone.

The last one to be transformed into a living shadow was the Red Ranger. Cole suffocated in his tight two-dimensional prison. His voice was muffled, barely audible even for Master Org who was already close.

Shadow Ranger Red lead his team to strike a fighting pose. They will be obedient to Master Org’s grand plan to expand the Org’s domination. Helpless behind their feet were the former Wild Force Rangers. Not even the Silver Ranger could escape the eternal hold.

“At the end of the day, shadows must surrender to the darkness,” said Master Org as dusk turned the sun into a sphere of blood behind him. “Sweet dreams, Ranger. You will another day as shadows of your former selves tomorrow and you can bear witness the destruction that I can lay upon the world thanks to your defeat, hahaha!”

“I… I can’t feel myself. I’m disappearing,” the muffled Cole protested, trying all he could to get out of the asphyxiating flatland curse. All he found was his Ranger form with its red spandex slowly fading with twilight.

Soon, the Wild Force Rangers were no more. The Shadow Rangers brandished their weapons to pledge allegiance to Master Org. Like the others, Shadow Red’s saber was now equipped with a bright red crystal of his former counterpart.



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