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The grind never stops as muscle goes against muscle! Special thanks to Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13 for giving my ideas with the Mighty Minotaur!

As you will find out, I had some fun tweaking the MMPR. In this story, Zordon didn’t give them prehistoric animal powers but went with the Dairanger powers instead. Thus, Jason is the Red Dragon Ranger, not the Tyrannoranger. In the end, it wouldn’t matter as the heroes’ spirit would be replaced by something kinkier anyway!

Furthermore, I made the Minotaur more intelligent than the one in canon. Don’t worry, his bestial side will still infect the Rangers.

Thanks to all my patrons:

Matt Thomas

Le MinhNam

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K




Let’s go and stay safe!





A light beam shot out of Rita’s lunar palace. A crimson and purple ray of teleportation sent an evil creature crashing down on a hill adjacent to Angel Grove. From the thick cloud of dust, a monster appeared.

Walking on his two legs, he roughly looked like a human. But the creature was covered in thick fur and had the head of a bull complete with a pair of curving horns. A gleaming ring decorated its puffy nose. On one hand, he held a spiky mace while on the other, a shield with matching intimidating adornment.

“Rangers, the girls are in trouble. There’s no time to waste,” said Zordon with a booming sound from his extradimensional tube at the Ranger Command Center. Jason, Billy, and Zack were ready with their Power Buckles. But then, Zordon added, “Wait, we’ve got another of Rita’s monsters coming in.”

The boys turned around to see the viewing globe’s projection. It was the bull monster who now explored the surrounding empty ground. His path would take him to a nearby school. “That’s one menacing minotaur,” commented Zack.

“Better to deal with him first. I’ll monitor the girls from here,” said Zordon. “Good luck, Rangers.”

Jason nodded with understanding. He looked at his teammates. “It’s morphin’ time!”




Morphing Grid energy enveloped the youngsters in pure power that solidified into spandex-like suits. The formidable helmets formed later, each with the theme of their individual ancient animal spirits. The three Rangers teleported out and leaped into the battlefield. “HEE-YAH!”

“Power Rangers!” Jason and his teammates struck a short pose before immediately attacking Mighty Minotaur. The Blue and Green Rangers launched a jumping attack head-on.

The monster easily deflected them with his shield. Worse, Billy and Zack were thrown back by the momentum. They narrowly missed Jason at the rough landing.

“Don’t worry, Guys. I’ll get him with my Blade Blaster!” The Red Dragon Ranger took out his handheld weapon. The laser pistol fired and the same thing happened as Minotaur’s shield reflected the dangerous energy as multiple beams back at the shooter. Jason was thrown back in pain as his chest was charred with burn marks. Billy and Zack also got the damage.

The three male Rangers writhed on the ground. Pain stung them all over, but Jason forced himself and others to get back up. “Guys, this is bad!”

His fast thinking saved them from certain doom as Minotaur showed no mercy. The Red Ranger almost got trampled by his bull charge, but still got struck by the spiky mace. Sparks flew at the tumbling hero.

The Blue and Green Rangers tried to ambush the monster, but they instead got the nasty side of his shield. The horn shapes on it were more than just decorations. Zack got serious damage and got thrown back again at a huge rock, while Billy got pounded by the melee weapon.

The boys gathered with each other while trying to come up with a new strategy. Before even Billy’s genius thinking could make a solution, Minotaur stomped his powerful feet. The ground around him began to form an intricate pattern. “Woah, what’s that?!” blurted the confused Zack.

“That’s the labyrinth!” Billy concluded. “In Greek mythology, minotaurs were monsters who lived in a maze where they would hunt lost souls and eat them.”

“Enterrrrr…” gnarled the monster.

“That’s one history fun fact I don’t want to hear now!” exclaimed Jason as he put on a makeshift fighting pose. “You don’t need to waste your bull breath, Minotaur. There’s no way we’re gonna enter that voluntarily!”

The team leader thought he would be prepared to counter whatever the monster threw at them, but he was wrong. Just as the Ranger boys were alarmed by the opening of an underground tunnel entrance at the end of the expansive labyrinth, they heard a rumble from behind. The trailing rocky hill began to avalanche with massive boulders rolling down directly in the Rangers’ direction.

“Guys, use the blasters! Quick!” ordered Jason as he shot some of the heavy rocks that threatened his life. One burst of energy fire was enough to destroy some of them. Billy and Zack complied and the two also swept the coming landslide with ease.

Mighty Minotaur was at their blind spot behind their backs. The monster gave off a deep, almost growl-like chuckle before his horns glowed. A strange beam of light split to strike the three male Rangers at once. Jason shrieked in pain as his muscle felt electrocuted. Billy felt like his head was being crushed from all sides. Zack felt like a hundred people brutally beaten him down. Needless to say, the Ranger boys fell to their knees and their only defense against the incoming avalanche was gone.

Their blaster slipped from their petrified fingers. Massive boulders easily destroyed them with their weight. The boulders also hit the Rangers head-on and caused them to tumble.

Jason heard a shriek to the right. Billy was hit on the head by a big stone. The Blue Ranger’s disorientation made him a sitting duck target for other heavy stones. He was struck on the shoulders, chest, stomach, even legs, until collapsed.

The Green Lion Ranger tried a desperate strategy of catching the rock that hurled toward him. He didn’t count another big rock behind it and another behind that. The triple hit was too much for Zack.

“Guys, hang on!” cried out Jason even though his helmet visor was already cracked. He helped his teammates got back up, but he knew they wouldn’t survive under the deluge of boulders. He then saw the tunnel entrance. It was their only chance. “That way, let’s go!”

Jason and his team almost got crushed by a massive stone slab as they escaped. The battered male Rangers ran as fast as they could into the tunnel. Above ground, Minotaur stomped his foot again and the heavy doors slammed shut. The monster laughed as his prey had entered his trap. “It’s Ranger feast time!” roared Mighty Minotaur.

Billy, Zack, and Jason were finally free from the landslide danger. They stopped their rush as the rumble dissipated behind them. Billy saw the grand corridor that stretched as far as his eyes could see. “This is not good,” mumbled the Blue Pegasus Ranger.

Zack on the other hand looked at the engraved map on the wall. It was the schematics of the labyrinth. The Green Ranger swore that the path lines moved and twisted.

“Zordon, come in. Trini, Kim, come in. Is anyone there?” Jason got nothing on the communicator. The Red Dragon Ranger went back to try to open the enormous door with engravings of the Minotaur’s face on it. He pushed the door panel as hard as his martial arts-trained muscle could go, but the entrance was shut for them. “What’s not good?”

The Red Ranger pushed the door again before realizing that his teammate was not responding. He turned around. “Billy?”

Jason was startled. Billy wasn’t there. He’s gone just like Zack. He was left alone in the dark corridor. “Guys?” called out the Red Ranger again to no avail.

“Welcome to my maze, Ranger,” resounded the Minotaur’s voice. It came from the door ornament. “This is where you will meet your end!”

“You can try your worst, Minotaur. But we’re gonna get out of here and kick your ass!”

Jason needed to cover the sides of his helmet as the monster’s inhuman laughter was so loud in response to his heroic stance. “You are correct, Ranger. This labyrinth is my worst. It is the place where even the most determined heroes would lose their way. Not even your Ranger spirit would have any power here once you’re trapped long enough that you lose the track of time.”

“Jason!” called out a quietened voice somewhere beyond the walls. It was Billy’s.

“Billy! Billy, hang on!”

“Jason! Jason, where are you?!” cried out another voice. That was Zack.

“Guys, hang on and stay put. I’m gonna get to where you are!”

“There will be no rest for you in the maze, Ranger,” rejected the Minotaur. As if confirming his ominous statement, the other Ranger shrieked.

“No, it’s coming!”

“Gotta run! No, I can’t lose it!”

“GUYS!” Jason realized that something similar would befall him. The brick floor before him fall apart before a massive round boulder was raise. “This is not happening.”

Like an ancient trap, the boulder began to roll toward Jason. The disarmed Red Ranger didn’t have any choice but to run away. “Run, Ranger. But your only escape is through me!” roared the egotistical voice of Minotaur.

The Red Dragon Ranger took a sharp turn at the bend. The boulder hit the wall that temporarily stopped it before turning. It was controlled by an intention to crush the hero. “Gotta find a way to lose this thing!” said Jason to himself.

But escaping the massive rolling stone was hard. The monstrous boulder filled the whole corridor with no chance of slipping through. He surely couldn’t slow down even as sweat poured down his tired face.

At every turn, at every corner, the rock would simply slow down a bit before continuing its pursuit of the Red Ranger. Perhaps Minotaur was correct, there’s no rest for him in this hellish place. Jason groaned but had no option except keep on running. Worse, the hero could hear the monster’s mocking laughter like an evil god.

But he heard something else. Jason was sure of it. It was Billy. He must be just beyond the walls on the left. The Red Ranger something quite far in front of him and it gave him an idea. “Billy, don’t stop. Keep on running!”

“Huh, what?!” replied the muffled sound of the Blue Ranger.

“Just trust me! Keep on running and brace yourself!” panted Jason as he increase his pace.

The corridors converged. Jason met Billy, so did their murderous boulders. The difference was while the heroes were glad to meet each other, the rocks’ crossing was disastrous.

There was a loud boom as the boulders slammed on each other like two belligerent planets. Their structures broke as their momentum turned each boulder into merely half of their original shape. The chase was done.

Jason as Billy panted with relief on the floor. He patted his teammate. “How’s that for strategic brilliance?”

Billy chuckled with short breaths. “Not bad, not bad at all.”

The Red Dragon Ranger helped Blue got back up. “Now, let’s get out of here.”


The two Rangers began their exploration of the nearby corridors. Beyond the passageways were other passageways. Beyond the curves were other curves. Beyond the intersections were other intersections. “It looks like it goes on forever,” commented Jason.

“We gotta have a point of reference to understand our location better,” said Billy.

“Like what?”

The Blue Pegasus Ranger pointed at the corridor’s ceiling. More precisely, the lack thereof. It was tall but reachable.

“Got it, up you go!” exclaimed Jason as he prepared his hands as a stepping stone for his teammate.

“Huh, me?”

The Red Ranger nodded. “Yeah, you’ll peek up there and find out our location. Simple.”

The Blue Ranger shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why’s that?”

“I… I don’t like heights,” answered Billy sheepishly.

“It’s just a short climb, Billy. This is not like hiking a mountain!”

Billy took a step back. It was clear that the Blue Ranger wasn’t having it. “I’m not sure…”

Jason sighed. “Okay, fine. I’ll go up. You just make sure to hold me long enough, got it?”

The solution was preferable for the Blue Pegasus Ranger. He put his back on the wall and closed in his fingers as a stepping stone for the Red Ranger. Jason used the momentum to climb at the solid wall. His two arms took over to help him got up.

Struggling, Jason was finally able to reach the top. There, he got the best view of the labyrinth. It was truly a view to behold of as corridors after corridors extended as far as he could see.

He thought that it was pointless as there was no beginning nor end of the maze. But Jason saw something to his right. One hallway was lit in a golden hue as if by torchlight. Whatever that was, it was better than the other locations.

The Red Ranger tried something else. He inhaled and let out the loudest call. “GREEN RANGER!”

His voice resonated in the eerie air above the endless maze. There was no reply. There was only shuffling wind.

But then, he got a response. “Jason, help!”

The sound was faint, but it was definitely Zack. Better yet, it came from somewhere close to the lit corridor. As the Green Lion Ranger’s voice was repetitive, he could map his movement. “Green Ranger, keep on going straight. We’ll meet you there-Huh?!”

The Red Dragon Ranger could feel his footing disappeared. Gravity was able to pull him down since Billy failed at his job. Luckily, Jason was able to hold on with both hands. “Billy, what are you doing?! Billy-”

He looked down and found no one. Billy was once again gone. Jason cursed before hearing fading plea for help. In the far-off end of the corridor, the Blue Ranger was being dragged away. “He’s taking me way, help!”

“Billy, hang on!” Jason abandoned his position and jumped down. He rushed as fast as he could toward the receding figures. Whoever took the Blue Ranger dragged to a corner on the right. The Red Ranger groaned as he increased his pace and turned.

Jason gasped. There was no one there. Only another corridor just like before. “No, no, no… BILLY!”

He called out, but no answer. He gulped at his situation. His fists clenched before punching the wall. That damn Minotaur will pay for this!

Jason removed his hand from the wall. He realized that his jab left a mark on it. He looked at his fingers, then his arms, then his entire body.

Something had happened to him. His form became bulkier than before. His biceps bulging out, his pecs were perfect, his thighs were massive. The Red Ranger was now as large as a bodybuilder.

That should alarm Jason, but he got something more important to think about. Whatever this place was doing to him, it just gave him an advantage. The beefy Red Ranger glanced at the solid wall in front of him and got an idea.

“IT’S MORPHIN TIME!” Jason let out a war cry before running straight at the wall. The bricks tried to hold him back at first, but the hero went back for a second time. The barrier burst and letting him escape to the corridor just beyond it.

Jason panted at his success, but his effort was still just the beginning. “Don’t worry, Zack. I’ll get to you in no time! HRAGH!”

The Red Dragon Ranger pounded his way to another hallway and the hallways after that. All walls became meaningless as the blocks were shattered by his bulky arms and shoulders’ unstoppable physical force. Jason easily approached the Green Ranger’s position.

“Any time now!” he blurted out to himself. The last wall collapsed and Jason got to the place he wanted.

He took the time to breathe back his strength. His eyes scanned his surrounding. Just around the corner to the right, the golden glow peeked in. Zack wasn’t there, but that must be where he went. “Hang on, Zack!”

Just he imagined, the next hallway was lit by two torches that guarded a room entrance. There were shadows inside. Jason carefully stepped in to see clearer.

But before he could peek, a massive hand pulled him back. It was a massive putty patroller with the Minotaur’s face on the chest. The monster wasn’t intending to play lightly. The Red Ranger was punched hard on the helmet until he got slammed at the wall. The hulking concrete footsoldier then kicked him in the back to further cause damage to the brick structure.

Before Jason could react, his helmet was grabbed from behind and he was thrown up. Screaming, the Red Ranger fell back down but was unable to reach the ground. The monster’s double fists hurled him away until rolling weakly on the cobble path. “I told you, Ranger. I will always find you in this maze of mine,” mocked the animated face of the bull monster on the putty’s chest.

“Stop talking and start fighting!” Jason suddenly blitzed the big putty patroller in the hopes of tackling him. It didn’t work, but at least the minion was pushed backward.

But Red Dragon Ranger’s struggle was not enough. The putty hit him with its mace-like fist, and before uppercutting him to finish him off. Air got blown out of Jason’s lungs and the hero eventually kneeled weakly. “One way or the other, you will submit to me,” groaned the monster’s face as he choked the Ranger to face him.

“Hands off, Big guy!” a voice came from behind Jason and knocked the monster away. Jason’s weak eyes caught a glimpse of two familiar figures that proceeded to fight the putty. The Blue and Green Rangers were back and they were full-equipped.

Jason was in awe at their new look. Their Ranger suits were augmented by additional shiny golden armor. Gauntlets, boots, even armored loincloths adorned Billy and Zack’s costume. Not to mention, the table had turned as the two Rangers were armed with a shield and sword.

With the weapons, they easily fought the monster as a two-way battle got him overwhelmed. The putty countered them ferociously using its massive arms, but each swing was dodged by Billy and Zack.

One wrong move by the minion and its hand was instead severed by the Blue Pegasus Ranger’s sword. The Green Lion Ranger slammed his shield to its face to knock the putty down. But the battle was not over yet as their enemy was able to change its density into cement-like consistency. Zack and Billy got their hands suddenly full by concrete tentacles that sprung from a greyish pool. “Gah, it’s taking me in!”

The slime-like putty material began to travel up the Blue and Green Ranger’s suit while solidifying in the process. It intended to turn the two heroes into solid statues. Jason witnessed that and acted quickly. “Guys, this is gonna hurt!” the Red Ranger declared as he pushed a nearby illumination cauldron.

The spilled oil mixed with the putty pool before being ignited by the accompanying torch. There was a shriek as the liquid putty patrol was burned, including the part that crept up the Rangers’ bodies. Billy and Zack immediately pulled themselves free and cut the remaining frozen parts with their weapons before escaping.

In the distance, the three Rangers savored the moment of the putty patroller’s dying moments. The minions eventually exploded into meaningless cement. Jason and his friends sighed with relief.

“Nice junks you have there, Guys!” exclaimed the team leader as he patted the Green Ranger’s shoulder.

Zack chuckled with masculine pride. His pecs already grew almost twice his usual size, along with his other muscle. “We just got lucky, Jason. Who knew that the Mighty Minotaur stashed a good amount of weapons at the heart of his maze?”

Billy cracked his knuckles. “You should try them too, Red Ranger. Then, we’re gonna dominate Minotaur from here!”

“Sounds good!”

Jason stepped down the stairs into a secret chamber. His friends weren’t lying. The room was filled with a plethora of ancient weapons that were free to be chosen. Swords and lances and melee weapons. Shields and body armors. Loincloths and chastity belts. Finders keepers and the Rangers were the finders.

One sword reminded the Red Dragon Ranger of his usual weapon. He picked it up and swung it. It felt so natural. It felt so… Manly. His oversized muscles welcomed it.

Now, he needed to meet the look. Jason took the armored boots and gauntlets. They literally fit like gloves. The last thing was the loincloth.

The Red Ranger glanced at the long fabric for a while. He then opened it so that the view of the beautiful solid gold groin protector was unobstructed. Jason moaned at what he saw. Inside his helmet, the hero licked his own lips. There was only one thing to do. Jason tried it on, and it was perfect. “It’s good to be a Ranger!” he shouted out as he picked a fighting pose with the sword.

“Not yet, Warrior,” replied the Green Lion Ranger. In his hand, he brought the final piece. It was a Spartan-styled helmet, akin to the one he and Billy wore themselves.

Jason gulped. The thought of being the ultimate macho warrior was beyond his pebble Ranger mind. It was pure destiny that he gladly accepted. The Red Ranger nodded and put on the helmet.

His mind was changed. His memories of being Zordon’s chosen youngster were still there but twisted with libido. In his new understanding, the space wizard chose him and the other male Rangers due to their divine bulkiness. He had defeated and dominated numerous monsters and would continue to do so. The three Rangers existed for one another and would not shy in proving that by giving pleasure to each other.

The huddle was short, but it was pure. Billy squeaked as Zack touched him from the front side with ravenousness. The Green Ranger’s hands explored his teammate’s body all over from the beautiful jutting delts, defined lats, as well as round biceps.

Jason couldn’t hold himself and jump in. He brushed their sensitive glutes before lustfully rubbed the growing lumps between their legs. The Green and Blue Rangers moaned with voices that echoed in the secret chamber. The room was filled with their musk. In the end, the three Rangers let out the loudest war cry as they unbuckled.

“I see that you have found my pleasure room,” said the coming voice that boomed in the room. Jason and the other Rangers who were basking in the afterglow realized that it was the Mighty Minotaur.

“Mi… Minotaur,” stuttered the Green Lion Ranger as his mind still tried to gain focus after his release.

“It seems that simple hormonal spike from my horns was enough to scramble your little Ranger brains. Soon, the three of you will be as smart as rampaging bison. Such is your new life as my pornai! The Red Dragon Ranger found it hard to compose sentences to reject the monster. “We will… We will never surrender to you!”

Hearing that, the monster instead expressed amusement with a burst of thunderous laughter. “You haven’t seen my manifesto yet!”

The monster removed his loincloth to reveal a massive member beneath. The throbbing member was decorated by strong veins and a lush forest. The view alone snapped what remained of the male Rangers’ heroic minds.  Gone were their hopes and dreams for a world free of monsters and Rita’s threat. They howled in uncontrolled ecstasy at the prospect of pleasuring themselves with that thing.

Jason and his teammates discarded their Spartan helmets. The fact that it also pulled the normal Ranger helmet from their heads was not noticed by any of the heroes. The member made a clean shadow before the Rangers’ awestruck faces. It was an object worthy of their unflinching worship. “Come and be my slaves, Rangers!” Mighty Minotaur proclaimed.

Jason the Red Dragon Ranger, Zack the Green Lion Ranger, and Billy the Blue Pegasus Ranger obediently approached him and began jutting out their thirsty tongues. Today’s downfall would be the start of a new life for the three male Rangers. As the monster’s triumphant laughter echoed in the musk-filled secret chamber, the exit door slowly closed in. Later on, even the discarded Red Ranger helmet was blotted by their debauchery. “Once we’re done here and Goldar’s done with his own indulgence, you will bring your female teammates here to join our eternal delight!”



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