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I have no regrets since I can’t get enough of football-themed torments and monsters.

No worries though, as the team that got the bad end of the stick is one of your choices based on the poll results: the Dino Thunder Rangers!

Special thanks to:

Le MinhNam

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunshuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K


“Did someone say Ninjor?” asked the blue alien ninja after teleporting behind Rocky all of the sudden in the Command Center.

“Ninjor! The other Rangers have been turned into footballs. We have to rescue them!” urged the Red Ranger.

Ninjor spread his arms. Two mystical buckets appeared on the floor. “Football’s my favorite sport! Home runs and baskets!”

“These devices will reverse Centiback’s energy field,” explained Alpha-5.

“Shouldn’t we get going?” asked the eager Ninjor.

Rocky nodded and stood beside him while holding his buckle with one hand and the Ranger helmet with the other. “Back to action!”

The two were teleported into the mountainside where the Centiback monster had brought his football victims. Ninjor and Rocky kept their guard up while exploring the increasingly cold outdoors. “Looks like the storm’s on its way. It’s gonna be cold enough here to snow,” commented the Red Ranger.

“Are you boys looking for me?” greeted the devilish voice of Centiback as the quarterback-themed monster boasted himself before his football collection. On one side were the Angel Grove residents, including Bulk and Skull. The other was the five Rangers, each with their signature color.

“We’re gonna force you to fumble and we’ll control the game!” threaten the Red Ranger.

In response, Centiback showed no fear. He instead did a run-in-the-spot exercise while condescending the heroes further. “Tough talk from a guy who’s holding a garbage bin. You sure have high ambitions, but I rather have you join your lonely friends instead!”

“I’m not afraid of you, Centiback. Now that I know how to reverse the spell!”

“Yeah, it’s fifth and down for you, buddy!” intimidated Ninjor while pointing at the monster.

“No, no,” corrected Rocky. “It’s fourth and long.”

Ninjor hesitated for a while. “Whatever he said!”

“You shrimps think you got everything in play, huh? Well, stick a pea in it!”

“Here it comes!” exclaimed the Red Ranger as he leaped to welcome the incoming spiky football. The item went in the bucket nicely without turning anyone into more footballs. “Oh, right!”

“Hey, give me back my football!” shouted the annoyed Centiback. “NOW!”

“Sure!” Rocky threw the ball back, but not at his enemy. It flew past Centiback and landed next to the footballs on the left row. Energy drained out from it and everyone there was free. Alan, his father, even Bulk and Skull in security uniforms were thrown out of their prisons, dazed but free.

“Success!” Rocky immediately used his communicator. “It works! Alpha, four of them are free!”

“I’m teleporting them now!” The four people were spirited out to the football field, leaving the Red Ranger, Ninjor, and Centiback to continue their battle.

“Well, they may be going, but you’re still here. There’s still time on the clock for me to execute one of my favorite plays! HAHAHA!” Centiback dropped his football on the ground and took a few steps back. He then punted the ball toward Ninjor.

The blue ninja was ready to catch it. He aimed the bucket at the flying football. It would be the same success as what Rocky did.

But then, the football split open. The startled Ninjor didn’t have time to escape the growing sheet of leather that enveloped him. The bucket was dropped as both of the robotic ninja’s arms were bind by the shrinking layer. It became thicker and thicker, resembling similar material to make real footballs.

“How you like that, Punk?”

“Ninjor!” called the Red Ranger. He was going to assist, but explosions struck him into oblivion. Rocky ended up writhing on the ground as his suit showed burn marks.

Centiback laughed as his antennas glowed. The merciless monster shot out another barrage of lasers to make sure the Red Ranger stayed on the ground. The tall grass around the team leader began to catch fire. “I’m saving you for the best game, Recruit. For now, I’m taking this blue trophy!”

Centiback grabbed Ninjor’s helmet. The ninja tried to struggle, but his body was paralyzed by the constricting leather. The monster lifted him high just before Ninjor’s limbs began to be crushed.

Rocky couldn’t forget the scream as Ninjor was reduced into a legless, armless warrior. Then, his body shrank too until leaving the helmet only. The victorious Centiback displayed his newest catch to the whole world, particularly the helpless Red Ranger. “Looks like we have a new champion in town!”

He then accomplished the vilest thing. Centiback’s fang-filled mouth opened wide enough to accommodate the football’s size. Ninjor’s pleas were muffled as he began to travel down the mouth and throat of the monster.

Centiback’s stomach glowed in the electric blue energy of Ninjor before his whole body glimmered with the same power. His insectoid features began to be upgraded with his former enemy’s ninja. Finally, a logo of stylized N wrapped around by a centipede appeared on his chest. “This is more like it!”

Rocky felt it. He felt Ninjor’s hope and positive energy got wiped out. He felt despair, unlike anything he had experienced before.

The Red Ranger reached for his Power Buckle to teleport out, but the demonic arm took a grip on his muscle. Rocky groaned as he fought the living mountain of football dominance. “Not this time, Red Ranger. Touchdown!”

Centiback easily propelled Rocky up before kicking him away to start another game. The weakened Ranger screamed as he fell into the crevice below, hitting dead trees and huge rocks on his way down.

Centiback stepped forward to approach his collection. Moans and grunts could be heard from the five colorful football on the ground. “Now that the lousy act is outta the way, it’s time to step up the game. Who’s gonna pick up where I leave off?”

The monster scanned the numerous footballs. He could choose the female Rangers. The Pink and Yellow Rangers looked delicious. How about the boys? Centiback glanced at the trapped Black and Blue Rangers.

He made his decision. He grabbed one of the footballs. It was the white one. “Zordon’s probably gonna whack me out after this, but I can ensure that the fun will never end with you, White Ranger. HAHAHA!”

“Don’t let him escape with that stone!” roared Mesogog to his henchmen. Around his lair in an island fortress, alarms blared to warn everyone about intruders who just got away.

The Blue, Yellow, and Red Rangers were already on their Raptorcycles. One person that they waited for had arrived. Dr. Tommy Oliver jumped out from a dimensional portal while holding a crystalline rock.

Conner the Dino Thunder Red Ranger shook his head. “Do we really need a souvenir?”

“This time, we do,” replied his teacher. “Huh?”

“There they are!” shouted Ilsa who led an army of minions with Zeltrax.

“Go, I’m right behind you!” ordered Tommy to his Rangers.

“Right!” replied Conner before pulling the throttle. The three armored vehicles dashed their way into another tear in reality and arrived in the community park next to the twin apartment complex.

“Where is he?” asked the concerned Ethan. But he didn’t need to worry. Another zap and Tommy were there.

Unlucky for them, Ilsa and the monsters didn’t waste time to catch up too. Zeltrax launched an energy beam from his sword. Tommy got just in time to use his crystal as a makeshift shield.

He was struggling to contain the directed energy. Cracks began to form and it would not long before the rock would break. When it did, it shattered.

“NO!” shouted Kyra. There was nothing she could do. What was left were crystal fragments on the concrete. Not even a body to mourn. The Yellow Ranger fell to her knees. “This can’t be happening!”

“Such negativity,” mocked Ilsa. “Haven’t you learned that anything’s possible in our world?”

“Even the destruction of the great Tommy Oliver,” added the boastful Zeltrax.

Then, literally out of thin air, Tommy Oliver was back! “Already missing me, Zeltrax?”


The Dino Thunder Rangers approached him. “Alright, Dr. O! Hey, what’s this?”

“A black Dino Gem with red and white accent on it,” Ethan gave it a genius thought. “Let me guess, the power of invisibility!”

“Looks like it. It goes real well with Dino Morphers,” replied Tommy as he brandished the Brachio Morpher on his wrist. He slammed the black gem into it and merged together.

“Aren’t you a little old for this, Tommy?” asked the ridiculing Ilsa.

“I may be old, but I could still pull it off. Dino Thunder, power up!” Tommy inserted the key into the morpher to start the transformation process. His body glowed and was enveloped by black spandex. Brachiosaurus-themed helmet formed to protect his head. The costume was dominated by shiny black color with an extra touch of crimson and ivory white. Even his helmet visor was red.

The Dino Thunder Black Ranger struck a pose. “Just like my first touchdown!”

“One more won’t make any difference. Attack!” ordered Zeltrax as he joined the battle with his monstrous army.

The Rangers were formidable in battle, but the Black Ranger was more. Even without any weapon, Tommy was able to kick and punch and throw and skate his way across numerous Tyrannodrones. When his enemies became too many, he simply dino charged himself through the crowd. The only thing that stopped him was a sneaky jab from Zeltrax.

Tommy was forced to take a few steps back, but he immediately went back into the game. He eventually summoned his signature weapon: Brachio… Football?

The Black Ranger showed the spiky football with an ornament of a Brachiosaurus head akin to that of an aircraft nose art. Tommy put it on the ground as he bend forward in a starting position.

“Let’s see what you’re made of,” intimidated Zeltrax as he swung his sword.

“Set, hut!”

It was an unfair fight. Tommy threw the ball like a missile at cyborg warrior. Zeltrax thought that his sword would be able to cut through. On contrary, the simplest touch made the item exploded with a force that hurled him to a concrete wall.

It wasn’t over. The miniature version of the explosive ball appeared and struck Zeltrax like a barrage. His armor chipped and cracked as the destructive force rained hell on him. Tommy’s bull charge attack truly finished his resistance off.

The half-paralyzed Zeltrax faced the Dino Thunder Black Ranger who confronted him. “Go ahead, finish me!” he said defiantly.

Tommy let out a villainous laugh. “I will, but I will also make sure that your boss will be finished too!”

The Black Ranger produced another football and rammed it against Zeltrax’s chest. The spikes easily pierced his chest and wrecked his circuitry inside. Tommy then gave him a tornado kick as a farewell present before his enemy was teleported out.

The Pollinator monster was dazed. His tentacles were cut off by the Dino Thunder team’s blasters. The three Rangers united with one another. “I think it’s time to call this one a day!” said Conner as the Red Ranger.

“Got it!” All Rangers combined their individual weapons into the fierce Z-Rex Blaster energy cannon. The Red Ranger aimed before pulling the trigger. “Say good night!”

“Don’t be a Pollinator hater!” the monster exclaimed just before he turned into a massive fireball.

“That’s done!” said the Red Ranger as he high-fived with Yellow.

“Not quite!” rejected a voice from behind. The team expected another monster but who they saw was Tommy.

“Uuh, Dr. O? I think there’s something wrong with your powers,” said the confused Ethan.

“Tommy Oliver is dead,” spoke the Black Ranger. His body had swollen up into an abnormal muscular form. His legs, arms, and shoulder puffed out. His boots turned into enormous cleats with dangerous spikes. His mouthguard now sport rows of huge fangs guarded by mandibles. All over the Ranger’s body, insectoid legs protruded out. “Meet your new master, King Centiback!”

“Not liking this, Guys!” said the Yellow Ranger as she took a fighting stance like her teammates. Something was definitely wrong here. “Dr. O, we know you’re in there somewhere. You gotta fight the gem’s influence!”

“Brain-dead new Rangers like you won’t get it. It’s not the Dino Gem that is corrupting Tommy Oliver. Instead, it gives me the power to break free from my self-imposed isolation within him!”

“Wait, Centiback? Isn’t that the monster that took down the Mighty Morphin team years ago?” asked the agitated Blue Ranger. He felt guilty to bring up the dark history of the American West Coast.

“That’s right, Blue. I took out the whole team and turned them into my football collection before Zordon got himself a new dirty trick to eliminate me. But I am a visionary athlete, and I had a backup plan. I implanted my larva into the one Ranger I found enticing and waited there. While my main body was destroyed along with the whole Mighty Morphin team, my legacy continued to prevail until I am ready to come out like today!”

“Yeah, whatever you have planned for today, we’re gonna cancel it and bring Dr. O back!”

“You mean you can try!” King Centiback raised his hands. Bolts of darkness struck him as if he was in an unnatural thunderstorm. A weapon appeared in his grip. A golden pitchfork with two prongs resembling the end zone goalpost. He struck the ground with it and statues ascended from beneath the concrete. Five of them that were familiar to Conner and his friends.

“Are those… That can be!”

“Meet your predecessors, Rangers! All this time, Tommy had kept them in a pocket dimension of his own courtesy of my corruption. Imagine that, your mentor imprisoned his own friends for years.” King Centiback clicked one of the statues. It was the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger. “All those years and these youngsters are fully aware of their surroundings even after they were being petrified. How’re ya doing there, Rocky? HAHAHA!”

In a sick twist, another statue rose up. It was the statue of the Dino Thunder Black Ranger. This time, without the corruption.

Conner clenched his fists when witnessing that horror. “More reason to take this guy down!”

The endzone pitchfork glowed again and magical football field layout lines spread out toward the underneath of each Dino Thunder Ranger. Once touched, Conner and his friends couldn’t move their feet.

“Hey, what gives?!” shouted the panicking Ethan.

“I’ve been watching the two of you from the beginning, Blue and Yellow Rangers. I’m not gonna lie. Your resourcefulness will be my downfall. That’s why you’re gonna be the first to be in my new collection. Catch!”

“No, Ethan, Kyra!” But the Red Ranger couldn’t save his friends. King Centiback produced two spiky footballs and threw them at the helpless Blue and Yellow. The moment the items touched the spandex suits, they unfurled into a thick blanket of leather. Their screams were muffled more and more as the demonic fabric crept up to their entire body while electrocuting them along the process.

Kyra’s nearly incomprehensible plea for help could be heard while she desperately tried to break free from the leathery confine. Beside her, Ethan did the same futile attempt and got the same futility. Then, their forms deflated.

The two Rangers were turned into footballs. Their colors matched the original suits in addition to having the imprints of their helmet visors. The feeble items wobbled with the last breaths of resistance inside.

Centiback opened his fists and the footballs flew to them like in the influence of a magnetic force. The Rangers were literally at the clutches of their enemy. Conner watched in horror as the battle badly turned against their favor. “No, guys!”

“You better stop wasting your time on the other pitiful pussies, Red Ranger. It’s your time to shine now!”

“I’ll pass! I rather die as a Ranger than to live as part of your depraved team!” replied Conner defiantly.

“You should be grateful to be scouted by me, Boy. I’m your mentor, remember?” Centiback removed his football helmet to reveal the twisted amalgamation of a centipede-themed monster and Tommy Oliver. His eyes were compound, his mouth guarded by mandibles, his humanity was nowhere to been. As if that wasn’t enough to sink the Dino Thunder Red Ranger’s heart, Centiback then flicked his insectoid fingers. “Perhaps you need some team encouragement!”

From behind him, two figures appeared. Not so long ago, they were warriors of justice and prehistoric spirit. Nothing of that was left now.

Ethan and Kyra appeared. They were still trapped inside Centiback’s footballs but their prisons’ shapes now followed their human form. The Blue and Yellow Rangers were turned into two leather slaves. The contours of their suits and helmets were clearly visible in all of their details, but none of them were free of the suffocating fabric. Conner felt like looking at two zentai figures from his nightmares. Today, his nightmare came true.

The two enslaved Rangers grabbed their former team leader. They twisted Conner’s arms slightly to prevent any meaningful defiance. No matter how strong the Red Ranger fought, he couldn’t free himself. “Guys, remember what you’re fighting for!”

As Conner tried every way to break whatever spell they were in, Centiback responded with a burst of laughter. “Do you really want to go down to their level, Ranger? Perhaps I’m making a mistake in choosing you to be my athlete. No matter, this will wake you up!”

“Huh, what’s that?! No!” Conner’s struggled became more violent as he witnessed Centiback rubbing his jockstrap. As if by dark magic, another, identical cup appeared in his hand.

The hybrid monster teasingly showed the jockstrap as he slowly approached his newest victim. “Open wide, Ranger!”

Just then, bolts of energy attack made Centiback dropped the burning cup. “Who dares?!”

It was Dino Thunder White with his Drago Sword. “Time to stop, Dr. O. If you can free me from Mesogog’s brainwashing, you can do the same from Centiback’s.”

“Not gonna happen, Kid! Tell you what, I’ll recruit two players today!” Centiback threw footballs at the Quetzalcoatlus-themed warrior. All of them missed their target and ended up exploded by the Drago Sword’s laser arrows.

“Ranged attacks are my thing!” exclaimed Trent.

“How about melee instead?” The White Ranger couldn’t avoid the bulky body of King Centiback came at him like a brute. He ended being trampled by his former mentor. But the monster stopped right away before slamming himself backward at the already weakened Ranger.

“Guess I need to break some rules to get you!” Centiback gave Trent a barrage of stomping at his stomach and chest. When the White Ranger tried to grab his weapon, the monster’s cleat came first and shattered it.


“You’ve been a bad boy, Trent! Time for some time out!” Centiback kicked him away down the concrete stairs.

White Ranger writhed in pain, but he forced himself back up. There must be a way to free Dr. Oliver. Trent saw the coming monster. His best strategy now was to avoid the attacks while coming up with a new plan.

But Dino Thunder White Ranger realized that he wouldn’t be able to avoid any future attacks. He couldn’t move both of his feet. They were glued on the pavement that strangely showed numbers and lines like on a football field. “Dammit!”

Centiback stomped his feet for the last time and from the pocket dimension, a beaten-up changing room locker emerged. He slammed the side and the metallic door opened. The stench was hellish. It was the smell of a sweat from a thousand football players.

“HURGK! What the hell is this?!” blurted Trent in disgust.

“That is the smell of conviction, White Ranger. Every time I trained my ass off, I wouldn’t wash my jockstraps and undergarments. I kept all of them here, nicely piled up and filling the space with their beautiful odor.” Centiback pointed at Trent. “Since you destroyed my fresh cup, perhaps you’ll learn humbleness from the used ones!”

Thongs of dirty cloth shot their way out of the locker to wrap around the White Ranger’s arms, legs, and even chest. “Argh, it’s smells… Smells so bad!”

“Trust me, White Ranger. It’ll only get worse from here!” King Centiback jolted the belts so that the Ranger could be easily pulled into the locker. Trent howled as he was hurled into the pile of soiled fabric.

Landing chest first, the Dino Thunder White tried his best to quickly removed himself from the small space inside. But no matter how hard he yanked himself away from these tendrils of clothes, he couldn’t reach the exit. The locker’s interior is a deceiving pocket dimension.

Worse yet, the restraining straps were increasingly harder to fight. Trent was being dragged deeper into the heap as the pulling became too strong. That, combined with the unbearable stench of sweat and musk. The odor actually formed a mist that lingered just above the surface, excluding that seemingly gathered around Trent.

He was being suffocated. He was being forcefully aroused. He was being corrupted slowly and agonizingly. The White Ranger began to lose hope of escaping as none of his attempts successfully freed him from this hell. He was instead being mummified by the loincloths.

“This is nothing… I can still fight this!” exclaimed Trent even though his strength was fading.

That’s just the warmups, Ranger. Now is the part where you will beg!”

The White Ranger felt pain unliked he had ever experienced before. He looked down and found the most horrible thing happening to himself. The soiled fabric from used jockstraps and undies were merging with his Dino Thunder suit. His costume was being assimilated as more and more of the disgusting stains began to spread all over the usually pristine white.

It’s not just on the outside. Inside his suit, Trent could smell the musty odor that pierced his nose and slowly mucked up his mind. He was defeated, he was trapped, he was lost.

In his panic, Trent called out to Conner somewhere outside. “Help! Help me, Conner!”

His pleas were met with resonating laughter of King Centiback. The monster knew that he had broken the White Ranger. His heroic spirit was gone, replaced by despair that would soon matter no more anyway. But the fun could still continue.

Trent could feel the locker shifted. The view outside changed as the closet was spun to the left. The vista of the Dino Thunder Red Ranger being seduced by his former teammates in leather was the last thing his conquered eyes could see before the jockstrap cocoon completely enveloped him.

The locker door was slammed shut. The metallic container slowly descended back down to the magical football field lines. The White Ranger was lost forever.

Outside, Conner asked forgiveness for his incompetence. “Trent, I’m sorry, I… I failed… I failed....”

His mouth continue to apologize, but his mind was drowned in ecstasy as the enslaved Blue and Yellow Rangers groped his toned body to entice him. The features of their leather prison were closer in resemblance with real footballs with a combination of leathery and rubbery texture and a long stitch pattern that ran down their chest. Before them, the endzone pitchfork glowed with corrupting energy.

King Centiback folded his arms in satisfaction. The Red Ranger’s suit already showed improvements. His belt was gone, enabling everyone to witness her glorious abs and bulge. His Dino Thunder symbol on the chest was now shackled by a centipede. His usually clean Tyrannosaurus helmet now sported twin antennas that connected to his master’s mental energy. Inside the helmet, Conner gave off an ahegao moaning face. His tongue stuck out in an uncontrolled libidinousness. The former team leader could no longer mutter even one comprehensible word as his mind being scrambled beyond saving.

More importantly, the Red Ranger’s muscles were buffing up, starting with the shoulders and thighs. Soon, he would reach the size of King Centiback. “Once that’s done, Captain Red Scolopendra can join King Centiback in the final game of domination! HAHAHA!”



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