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As chosen by your poll on which team got the bad end for our next work, here it is! Dino Fury got the top spot the last time I checked and got the unlucky privilege to got first.

This is based on Episode 14 where the sorcerer monster, Reghoul, revived Lord Zedd and was able to almost bring the Rangers to their doom with the cuffs. But we can do worse, right? As Ollie would now realize, this year’s Halloween would be forever!

Special thanks to my patrons, I can’t do this without your support!


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K


Again, thank you and I’m looking forward to more squeaky spandex hero peril ideas from you guys! :D

Let’s start some spooky stuff!





Ollie thought that he wouldn’t fear a thing in the world. But now, he felt dread.

It was Halloween Eve, that time of the year where the veil between our world and the underworld was supposedly becoming thinnest. People were out to trick each other in the most fun way and perhaps getting some candies along the way. It was no exception for the Dino Fury Power Rangers.

Ollie had told his teammates that he had a nerve of steel, so the Rangers were determined to scare him along the makeshift Haunted Trail around the Dinohenge Base. Unbeknownst to them, an evil plot had been made by their enemies.

“Last chance to turn around, Ollie,” taunted Zayto as the Blue Ranger observed the trail’s wooden plaque. Ollie snickered and walked it out.

Just when their teammate was out of sight, the Dino Fury Rangers got the surprise of their lives. Teleportation beams sent two monsters, Brineblast and Wolfgang, to ambush them. “What’s kraken?” said the sea monster-themed creature with an unnecessary pun.

“We got company,” responded Zayto as the team leader. “Link to Morphin Grid!”

Zayto, Amelia, Javi, and Izzy used their morphers to access the incredible power of the Morphin Grid. Neon-like lattices solidified into full-fledged Ranger suits before the helmets locked in. with swords at hand, the four warriors took a battle stance.

Wolfgang didn’t waste his time to burst the Rangers with his signature sonic boom. Zayto and his team were only able to hold on thanks to their blades. That being said, the monster was able to make their visibility near zero.

Brineblast was next to him. “Quick question: are you familiar with the concept of ‘compliance’?”

“Huh, what?” Amelia couldn’t understand, but another teleportation boom behind them was a clue that things would get bad to worse.

Another monster arrived. A tall, scary monster with a pointy head that looked like the head covering of an ancient Japanese priest. The five skeletons that adorned his chest indicated that this creature was not a nice one. In an accented voice, he told, “You are unlucky to have a live demonstration!”

The monster threw small metallic objects at the Rangers. Those were cuffs that immediately restrained the warriors’ wrist. Even Zayto couldn’t fight the stinging pain that emanated from the abominable items as both of his arms were forced to come together. “What’s… Happening to us?”

“It’s so strong!” complained Javi as he was facing the same ordeal. Then, as if that wasn’t bad enough, the cuffs electrocuted the Rangers until they screamed. Their helmet visors glowed as the unnatural energy flowed across their entire body.

Amelia began to find it hard to stand her ground. Her legs were limp and she would have been fallen if the sword wasn’t used as support. “I can’t control myself… It’s controlling me…”

“It would do more than just mind control, Ranger. Today would be the first day of all of you in becoming my human sacrifice for the great sorcerer, Reghoul!”

The Rangers were weak, but somehow they couldn’t drop down to their knees. As Reghoul described, they were under the spell of those cuffs. “My muscles… I can feel my powers leaving them… I am powerless....” moaned Izzy as her body was stuck.

The cuffs glowed as more and more of Rangers’ powers were drained. The restraints even slowly changed into matching their prisoners’ suit colors. It also became tighter before multiplying.

“ARGH!” Zayto gasped as other cuffs launched themselves from the original ones to strangle his neck and arrested his ankles. As all of them glimmered sickly in unison, the team could no longer hold their weapons. The Chromafury Sabers were dropped on the ground to be picked by the two monsters.

“You two… Haven’t we beat you already?” asked Javi as he tried to hold on.

“You have and I have brought them back. You have witnessed a glimpse into my power. Now, you will experience it yourselves!”

The skeletons around Reghoul’s chest and back opened their mouths. Their eye sockets smoldered just like their visible throats. The monster playfully used his fingers to influence the Rangers.

In a normal battle, it would be a humiliating strategy for the monster and the Rangers would just blast him with their slashing attacks. But this time, the Rangers were in a dire situation. Javi, Amelia, Javi, and even Zayto started to walk closer toward Reghoul no matter they tried to stop themselves.

“No, stop!” begged the Pink Ranger to herself. But her legs moved on their own. She instead got a mental zap that jolted her head and made her shrieked.

“Amelia!” exclaimed the concerned Izzy, but she got the same numbness. Even the most athletic girl on the team couldn’t break free from this hold.

“There must be a way to get out of this! We must contact Sol-”

Zayto couldn’t finish his words. He screamed along with the other four Dino Fury Rangers as the ectoplasmic mist grabbed their bodies and pulled them into the skeletons. The warriors tried to reach anything that could keep themselves from harm’s way, but the diabolical fog energized the cuffs to bind the arms behind the back. Like a scene from a horror movie, the warriors were devoured by the seemingly minuscule mouths. The skulls then closed their mouths, trapping the Rangers inside.

“Happy Halloween, Rangers! HAHAHA!” declared Reghoul with a burst of amused laughter. With that, the forehead of each skeleton glowed with an alien symbol. The Rangers’ screamed continued to leak out. “This is much better than risking my plan with Lord Zedd!”

“Wait, shouldn’t there be five of them?” asked Brineblast.

“Huh, why didn’t you tell me before?” asked the bitter Reghoul as he pointed at the two revived monsters.

“Well, sir. You look like you’re enjoying the moment, so… You know, we didn’t want to interrupt,” answered Wolfgang sheepishly.

“RARGH! No matter, his fight will be for nothing once I finalize my ritual with the other Rangers. The two of you, go get him and make him suffer for long enough!”

“Got it, Boss!” Brineblast and Wolfgang rushed along the Haunted Trail to find Ollie. Reghoul stayed to savor the moment. The trapped Rangers perpetually wailed about their extradimensional agony.

“Let’s follow up the progress!” said Reghoul as he summoned a thick spellbook from his chest. On the pages, the trapped Rangers were shown to struggle inside their tight magical prisons surrounded by glowing circles. They pounded and screamed, but no sound could escape their hell.

Zayto found himself in a strange world filled with mist. He looked around and called for his teammates, but there was no answer. A noise to the side made him turned.

The Red Ranger took a step back out of disbelief. Before Zayto was his former team, but they were not in a good shape. Each Rafkon Ranger was already beaten up and bruised, with tears and burn marks all over their suits. “Team…”

Something emerged between the five ancient warriors. It was a metallic cage. The bars were not shiny, but rusty. The Golden Rafkon Ranger held the heavy lock. “You’re a disgrace for all of us, Zayto. You bolted when we needed you. Now, you prefer them over us? Can’t you just honor a single thing in your life?!”

Zayto was hesitant. He was the team leader, but this was beyond his bravery. “No, I....”

“You even dare to argue with us now! That proves what we have suspected for so long.” Aiyon paused before continuing. “You deserve more to be in this cage than out there with the rest of proud warriors like us.”

Zayto gulped. His courage faded away. His heart was broken and his mind was disoriented. He began to acknowledge the “facts” the Rafkon Rangers described to him. He had failed them a long time ago. He should be punished. “I don’t deserve to be the team leader.”

As if responding to his relinquishing of power, the cage opened itself and a strong gust of wind blew the Red Ranger into it. He was slammed into the enclosure and Aiyon immediately locked him in with the heavy bolt.

The metals resonated and came to life. The jail didn’t even need to restrain Zayto anymore. But there was another fun thing it could do.

The upper bars cloned themselves into a series of protruding metals that enveloped the Red Ranger’s helmet. Like voracious serpents, they ripped the head protector apart and left broken pieces on the misty floor. They then converged and merged with each other to form a scold’s bridle restrainer. “URGH!” cried out the gagged Zayto once the ball clogged his mouth and made him unable to say recognizable words.

The effect was immediate. The head cage glowed with another unnatural glimmer. Whatever Ranger spirit power Zayto had before, the scold’s bridle was draining them dry. His teammates were correct. He should have been here since the beginning.

More and more of the metallic straps invade the broken Red Ranger’s body. They piled up with each other and merged with some until all became a solid human-shaped sarcophagus. Zayto was now a living statue.

Metalling clanging sounds intensified as the Red Ranger’s red aura was drained to adorn his cage. In turn, sickly rust began to spread all over his form-fitting coffin. Then, the magical sigils glowed to truly secure the former hero inside.

The mist slightly subsided. Other cages were there too. Each of them was occupied by the trapped Rangers. Javi, Amelia, and Izzy were no longer there as heroes. They too suffered the same ending as their team leader. In different poses, the Dino Fury Rangers were sealed inside immovable sarcophagi that followed their curves.

“I always think the Rangers are pathetic, but never thought that they would give up their heroic lives this easy! HAHAHA!” guffawed Reghoul as he observed the horrible transformation in his spellbook. Each page that showed struggling Rangers in their human form was now displaying their sealed forms. He then flipped the other page to continue the ritual.

“Guys! Oh, no!” exclaimed the shocked Dino Fury Blue Ranger. Reghoul was as shocked as he was. “You, let my friends go!”

“You, where did you kick my goons to?”

“You mean those two? I know some tricks to shut them up.” Ollie brandished his weapon at the monster. “Now, it’s just you and I!”

“Not quite, it’s us and your former friends!” The skeletons on Reghoul’s chest and back opened their mouths and ghostly gases escaped. They immediately attacked the Blue Ranger before turning back into four corrupted Rangers.

“Corrupted” is the best word to describe them as the warriors no longer exhibited their heroic colors. Zayto and his teammates were transformed into mindless rusty goons that grabbed the Blue Ranger.

“Hey, what gives?! Guys, wake up!” Ollie desperately tried to snap them back to reality, but it was to no avail.

“Sad little Blue Ranger is too late to save his friends. Now, their souls belong to me as the compliance spell has made them my loyal servants. Don’t worry, Blue Ranger. You will complete the team so I can lure more of the Dino Fury power holders out there!”

“No, this can’t be happening!” Ollie tried to break himself free from his friends’ grips, but it was like moving against a group of heavy machinery. It’s so uncanny to hear metallic creaking sounds from Zayto, Amelia, Javi, and Izzy like that.

“Oh, it’s happening now and you are a part of it!” Reghoul took a grip on the Blue Ranger’s helmet and Ollie screamed. He felt an unbearable sensation of burning on the forehead. It took a moment, but the monster had successfully planted one of his sigils on the poor warrior.

Reghoul released him, so were the other Rangers, but Ollie couldn’t fight any longer. He continued to shriek in pain as the symbol spread its corruption into his body. His forehead throbbed as poisonous thoughts seeped into his skin and penetrating his brain.

As the torment got worse, more and more symbols appeared on different parts of his costume. On the arm, on the stomach, even on one of his butt cheeks. All were draining and twisting Ollie’s Dino Fury Blue Ranger power.

Beyond the bushes, the scared Solon watched in horror as the hellish ritual unfolded. The once energetic Ollie was now being drain of his lifeforce and was in danger into turning into mindless rust slaves just like the rest of the Dino Fury team. She couldn’t believe that Javi, Amelia, Izzy, and even Zayto could fall into such corruption!

The cybernetic dinosaur decided that it was time to leave, to figure out new plans to counteract Reghoul’s unstoppable power. She took a step back and was prepared to run when she saw the scene that made her reptilian heart sunk.

There was a scream and the dying Ollie was forced to witness the dying Solon being thrown into the location just next to Reghoul himself. The dinosaur tried to fight the excruciating pain from two Dino Fury swords that stabbed her chest, but it was useless. “Ollie, don’t give up....”

“Is this the creature that mentors you? As pathetic as you are!” boasted Reghoul as he stepped on Solon’s head, making her groaned with her last breaths.

Ollie was also on his last legs. “Solon, no....”

“Just because you’re the last one to be captured, doesn’t mean you’re special, Blue Boy!”

One of Reghoul’s decorative skeletons opened its mouth. Unlike his friends, Ollie wouldn’t be corrupted inside it. Instead, a cumbersome rusty jail cage sprung out from the extradimensional world.

Izzy and Amelia grabbed Ollie’s arms. Zayto and Javi grabbed his neck and crotch. They forced the struggling Blue Ranger closer and closer to his final resting place. It even had his name and Ranger codename written on its identification plaque already.

The pain was overwhelming, but things would get worse. Ollie shrieked more as his helmet was ripped apart from his head. The pieces were pulled by the cage and forced to merge with it. His own power would be used to imprison him. The Ranger keys too. All of the possible armor configurations that should have been energizing the Blue Ranger were now part of his permanent cage too. Last but not least, Ollie himself was thrown into it.

The heavy padlock shut and the corruption began.

The four Rangers watched like metallic statues as their teammate was drowned in suffering. The metallic straps began to envelop Ollie’s body. It didn’t matter that he still wore the Blue Ranger suit. His power was depleted, making him as strong as an average youngster against this demonic ritual.

Ollie called his friends until his voice became inaudible as the scold’s bridle was forming around his head. His suffocated noises faded away too as the cage turned into an asphyxiating new helmet devoid of any distinct features. The clanks and clinks of the sarcophagus replaced it.

When the cage opened its door again, Ollie was no more. The former Dino Fury Blue Ranger joined the other rust slaves to be a part of Reghoul’s army.

They stood surrounding their master and a glowing pentagram was burned into the ground. “In our unbreakable metal coffins that bind our souls, we obey our forever Lord Reghoul. We surrender our pitiful powers to him and we will enjoy his wastes as our food! We are a part of him!” the five former heroes declared in a single robotic voice.

“It’s finally completed! While your Ranger powers will cancel each other out in a beautiful vicious cycle now, it will instead give me an unlimited power to do anything I want! Now, where should we spread the fun first?” Reghoul set his sights on the glimmering city lights just beyond the forest. It’s time to bring real Halloween to them! “Excellent! HAHAHA”



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