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This is the conclusion of the Forever (in) Red story. The Rangers would fail in stopping General Venjix and his rebuilt Machine Empire army in reactivating Serpentera, and the heroes would pay the ultimate price!

Special thanks to my patrons:

AK Studio

Matthew Peterson

Red Nineteen


Daniel K




Marc Gantha






They didn’t get far. Someone aimed the Zeo Blaster combined cannon and fired at the two Tyrannorangers. The gliders took damage with long jet trails condensing in a near-zero environment. The Rangers bailed just before the vehicles rammed onto a nearby hill and exploded.

The heroes rolled all the way down a lunar mount. Once in a while, they tried to catch a grip on something, but everything around them was too soft. Eventually, the four Rangers landed with a humiliating slap.

“Remind me to stay away from the roller coaster from now on,” mumbled Rocky as he wobbly tried to get up.

“Dammit, they got our transport.”

“Can we just teleport to the ship?”

Jason shook his helmet. “No, the place’s rigged with some kind of a jammer. I can’t get the system to lock on to anything.”

The Red Ranger saw the others groggily freed themselves from a heap of lunar soil. “Let’s help them up first.”

“Got it.” Rocky assisted Cole in getting up. “You okay, bro?”

Cole didn’t reply. He instead flexed his gloved fingers before grabbing the Tyrannoranger’s crotch. His sudden squeeze made Rocky yelped.

“Hey, what the heck, man?!” shouted Rocky as his face turned bright red. He felt more than just an aggressive caressing. He could feel the Wild Force Ranger stroking up and down the length of his rod. “Stop!”

“Rocky!” Jason didn’t have the chance to help as he was hugged from behind by the Lost Galaxy Red Ranger. Like Cole, Leo grabbed between Tyrannoranger’s legs and started groping it. The other hand rubbed the amazing abs all the way to the toned chest. Jason moaned in bewilderment. “What’s happening... to them?”

“We’re too late...AAH! The machines got them first.” Rocky tried to break free, but somehow he couldn’t. He tried to muscle up a fight against Cole, but his body refused. It was made worse by the constant threat of reaching climax. “I can’t....”

“Rangers are useless sluts, Rocky,” moaned Cole in halfwitted amorousness. He bumped his helmet against the Tyrannosaurus-styled one.

Jason felt the struggle too. There was something wrong with them. Venjix must be got into them somehow. But he didn’t want to focus on the problem. He needed a solution. “Power Sword!”

Concentrated energy materialized into the spellbinding weapon. The Tyrannoranger reached out to take it, but the sword fell with a clang. “No, it can’t be....”

“Bitches need no weapons, Jason....” said Leo with a mocking giggle.

Jason tried to get it, but every movement away from Leo’s fondling generated an uncontrollable sensation in his groin. If he breaks free, his member would surely spurt out. The Tyrannoranger gasped at the horrible possibility.

“If it isn’t the mighty Tyrannoranger,” said the evil voice that stopped Jason’s attempt. It was General Venjix with his gang. In his hand was the Zeo Blaster who knocked the Galaxy Gliders before.

“How dare you use that weapon! It belongs to Tommy and his team!” grunted Jason in rage. Leo responded by stroking him faster. The Tyrannoranger wailed in helplessness.

“Of course it is, and you will not be disappointed, Jason.” In a shocking twist, Venjix removed his robotic face to reveal his true self.

“That’s not possible...,” gasped Rocky in his desperation to hold his peak. Venjix’s face was that a familiar one. It was the same as the original Tyrannoranger. It was Jason.

“Hello, Jason. Nice to meet me,” said Venjix with a diabolical smirk. Before the startled Red Ranger, the other Machine Empire generals removed their faceplates. It turned out that they were none other than the missing Zeo Rangers.

It was uncanny for Rocky to see his own face as the former Blue Zeo Ranger. Moreover, it was harder to look at himself as one of the evil characters. Everyone showed no humanity in their expression, only smug looks.

“This is only one of our surprises, Rangers. You see, the beauty of Power Rangers’ teleportation system is that it is linked to everyone. Zordon saw the flaw but didn’t do anything about it. If one or some of us were captured, the enemy could use the teleporter to transport anything they like into the others.” Venjix-Jason flicked his robotic fingers. “In this case, a pair of Gasket Locks.”

“Huh, no!” Tyrannoranger-Jason looked down at the horror in his groin. Pushing out of his red costume was the dreaded jockstrap. It’s already inside, firmly installed without him knowing it. He glanced at Rocky who got the same fate.

The jockstraps assimilated their costume. The Mighty Morphin Power Buckles and belts melted into its black profile. The metallic handwheel sprung out just above Jason’s and Rocky solid buttocks.

“How can this be...,” mumbled Rocky as the stroking became more and more powerful. The stress of this revelation hit his mind like a truck. The Tyrannoranger burst out, wetting his spandex-covered groin. The jockstrap welcomed it, glowing as it sucked in the hero’s seed and power.

Venjix grabbed the Power Sword out of the ground. “You might be wondering, how could everything come to this moment? It’s easy, Jason. When the other Rangers rescued me from Gasket’s brainwashing, they were too late. The prince had his prototype strap already installed on my sack. It’s just a matter of time before I got their trust and lead them to their downfall. I faked King Mondo’s destruction while in truth, it was the complete capture of my Zeo teammates. With all the years the world thought they were dead, King Mondo could savor their agony as much as he wanted.

“But... You’re a Ranger! This is not who you are!” cried out Jason to his evil twin.

“The Rangers are nothing more than Zordon’s puppet in his little galactic war. Our fates are not important. Not before, not now. We are only cattle to be pushed around.” Venjix aimed the Power Sword against the anguished Tyrannoranger. “You will learn about it soon enough.”

Cole got his job done. Jason shouted out when he reached his peak. His legs felt limp but the jockstrap refused to let him rest. Not until the seed of the once-mighty Tyrannoranger was sucked as power.

Jason’s heroic past felt like a million years ago. In some days, he even hallucinated to be the ancient Power Ranger who failed Zordon the first time. On other days, he knew that he had failed.

The Machine Empire didn’t even bother making him demorphed. It was his humiliation in the sickest way. His tight spandex costume still hugged his toned body, even tighter now with the concoction of corruption being poured into his body system.

Jason despised the everyday routine of obligatory gulping of that thick fluid. It tasted like oil even though he had never drink oil before. He just knew it. A bulk of it kept on drenching his throat and filling his stomach. He could feel the tummy bloated out before the blood system ingested it. The slime nourished him as the replacement of food. Given enough time, the Red Ranger wouldn’t be able to eat anything else, completely tying him to his masters.

His masters weren’t there anymore. They wouldn’t care about him anymore. He was just one Ranger amongst many that now served the revived Machine Empire. What mattered was he would continue to work endlessly in these tunnels.

Jason found it hard to think otherwise. His heroic career was long gone. His memories about victories against various monsters were fuzzy, but those about his defeat and predicaments were more vivid than ever. He could still remember the day when the Terror Toad swallowed him whole as well as the hopeless feeling of being transformed into a living tattoo on the creature’s body. A horrifying experience that the Red Ranger could feel all over again. He squirmed the way he did inside the inescapable cocoon before.

Then another atrocious memory of losing control of the Megazords came to haunt him. He had failed as a team leader, he had failed as a Red Ranger. This torture might be the punishment he deserved. More and more of the mental agony came. The day he became a brainwashed slave of the Dramole who attacked Kimberly. The day the Megazord got destroyed. Every one of them barraged Jason’s mind to wear him down.

He knew the reason why these detrimental memories were coming back, but there was nothing he could do. “I have to... Keep my composure...,” he muttered to himself, but he knew the coming doom was here all along.

The Gasket Lock had been upgraded into an armored chastity belt. Jason could feel the Dragon Shield power running through it. At the front, his former Tyrannoranger helmet was assimilated to house the ballooning member.

It was also another ritual he was forced to participate in as a slave to the Machine Empire. Every day, they would milk him and the seed was used to create new and improved minions. The power that should have been used to fight evil was now helping evil itself spread.

But Jason didn’t know what kind of damage the foot soldiers had done to the world. He was thrown into this mining pit after the first few days of the Forever Red team’s failure. Serpentera had woken up and some of the Red Rangers were even used as its new power sources. “I must keep fighting...,” he mumbled more while closing his eyes. The tunnels were as hot as a sauna and as fetid as a gym locker after a full-day training. “Everyone’s counting on me....”

The whipping snapped him back into reality. On normal days, these Cogs footsoldiers would be an easy practice. But Jason could only feel feebleness before them now. As if he knew that none of his attacks would make any difference anymore.

The first whip was for warning, but the Cogs didn’t stop there. Another one hit Jason in the back. He felt it all tenfold. The stinging sensation spread out his entire body and made him shrieked like a girl. The footsoldiers laughed mechanically at the servant’s whining.

Jason continued his work. With the metallic bar and basket, he hauled massive rocks that were mined by his fellow defeated Rangers in the deeper chambers. His weak legs moved stiffly as he couldn’t stop without the danger of being whipped again. He forced himself to walk out the tunnel.

“Everyone’s gone, Jason....,” said the other sickly figure that stopped him. It was Rocky, the second Mighty Morphin Red Ranger and he was as miserable as him.

“Rocky, please move... I have to bring these rocks out....” Jason gasped as Rocky kneeled in front of him and began to massage his manhood. Just the slightest touch was enough to stir a peaking libido. The Red Ranger moaned at his fellow Red Ranger’s exploit. “You’ll mess up my quota....”

“This is a part of our quota, Jason,” replied Rocky in an almost mindless grin. His worn-out eyes betrayed the joy he tried to fake. “We are obligated to violate each other on daily basis.”

Jason’s heart sank. “This wasn’t part of the deal....”

“What deal, Jason? We’re slaves to them now. We have no saying on the depraved things that they want us to do. Our job is only to do it for the rest of our lives....” Rocky ended his words by puking the disgusting slime food courtesy of the Machine Empire. “I have to do this, Jason... My head hurts if I fail this. I already did this with Carter and Cole, but it wasn’t enough. Our masters want us to do more.”

“If you do this, if we do this, we would be too weak to fight it. We would be their servants forever!” denied Jason in desperation.

His face was pale like Rocky’s, signifying the saturation of the Venjix Virus inside. But his looks fared better than the second Red Ranger. Rocky’s skin had turned increasingly metallic and glimmering. “Don’t you get it, Jason?! We are here forever! Our powers have been ground to a pulp and turned into their drinks. They milk our seeds to expand their empire. They enjoy our misery as entertainment. Face it, Jason!”

“No, I―KYAAAH!” Jason squeaked femininely as Rocky began to lick his bulge. The Red Ranger’s tongue caressed the shape as intimate as a kid with a lollipop. Jason tried to fight it in hopelessness. “Rocky....No, Rocky! KYAAH!”

Then Rocky gobbled down the shape all the way to the back of his mouth. He even pushed it against both of his cheeks. The Tyrannoranger made pervasive thrusting movements to entice his counterpart even more.

Jason didn’t need that. He was already beyond the edge. He already unloaded himself. But Rocky didn’t enjoy it. No, his seed was exclusive for the Machine Empire. He could feel the mechanism inside the evil Gasket jockstrap milking him until the whole groin was almost numb. His legs became weak, his breath became short.

Rocky released his mouth from Jason’s member and moaned hard. The same thing happened to him too as his belt glowed for a while. Then the second Red Ranger slumped back in the afterglow. “I... I can’t continue... This is too much for me...,” muttered Rocky in defeat.

“You’re done when your master says you’re done,” spoked a voice before another whip cracked the air. The two former Mighty Morphin Red Rangers shrieked at the invasive sensation that flooded their brains. The Gasket jockstraps overwhelmed their nervous system with electrical signals both to torment and pleasure them.

Jason felt his costume tightened. His cherries jutting out for everyone to see. His memories of being a hero shattered.

Tears flowed down the Red Ranger’s face with this realization. It was responded with chuckling by whoever held the electrical whip. The figure moved to face Jason and appalled him.

It was not a Cog. It wasn’t even a monster. It was a Red Ranger just like him, but his theme was nothing familiar. “I see that the great Tyrannorangers like to whack off to each other,” said the evil warrior while tapping the whip.

Jason observed the details of his suit. It sported a futuristic vibe with an astronaut-like helmet. The arms and boots were white contrasting the dominant bright red color with a strong black border between them. “Luckily, my Prism team is as ravenous as you are!”

Jason and Rocky were shocked by their exhaustion. The youngster wore a similar Gasket jockstrap but as a mask that covered the mouth and nose. The metallic armor strapped the cursed item onto the head. From time to time, they could hear slushing noises while the Red Ranger’s golden eyes tilted up and rolled as the Red Ranger was forced to taste whatever was contained inside the cup. “No...,” stammered Jason at the horrifying view. He didn’t know him but felt an overpowering sense of defeat.

The most heart-wrenching feature of this Legendary Prism Ranger was the back of his head. Spark plug-like objects dug deep into the bright neon hair. Small bolts of lightning struck between them as the brain modification enslaved him.

The corrupted Red Prism Ranger put his boot on Rocky’s face. “The master has other plans for you today.”

The Tyrannoranger was hesitant at first but compelled. His tongue licked the dirty soles of his fellow ranger. There wasn’t any dirt or mud there, only strange-looking and smelling liquid. The taste was excruciating, but Rocky couldn’t deny the besetting ecstasy from it. His bulge in the jockstrap grew again.

The Prism Ranger discarded Jason’s heavy basket. The items fell with metallic sounds that reverberated across the tunnels. “Do you know what you’re doing here, Ranger?” barked the tormenter.

“To serve my master...,” answered Jason carefully while keeping his head down.

“Not even close! You’re here to be decimated and dismantled. Your powers will be consumed and your dreams will be used as fuel for our master’s expansion campaign. I have experienced the Machine Empire royalty’s mercy firsthand when they blew up my planet. The same downfall will happen to you. In the end, you will abandon the very concept of Rangers as heroes and protectors of your species in favor of accepting the truth that we exist only as playthings and mere challenges to entertain the mechanical overlords!” The Mystic Ranger suddenly stood upright. A new order had come. “The two of you are in luck. You can participate in the self-demolition program starting today!”

Rocky cowered. He didn’t know what it was, but he knew it was nothing good. “No, anything but that....”

“The masters have shown benevolence by offering you this opportunity. Would you dare to refuse it?” The evil Ranger whipped the air.

Jason and Rocky moaned as their Gasket jockstrap forced them to stand up again. The Prism Ranger coiled his whip around Jason’s neck and forced his face closer.

Jason could smell the disgusting fluid that filled the facial jockstrap. He felt repulsed by it. He responded by licking it up and down and sucking the middle part in a twisted mock-kissing.

The two Tyrannorangers were forced to bend forward. Their arms were spread to each side as wide as their legs. The large mechanical arms grabbed Jason’s and Rocky’s jockstrap. Suddenly, the floor below started to move.

Jason and Rocky started to pace faster and faster while the machinery began to milk. They squirmed and writhed about, but the Tyrannorangers were kept in place. “Like racing animals, your job is to prove your worthiness by running as fast you can,” explained the corrupted Mystic Ranger who himself was being violated by several Cogs minions. “If you survive this, you can be promoted from mining slaves to the position of Rangers of burden!”

There were more Rangers who got the same treatment. Mystic Force Red, Jungle Fury Red, Dino Thunder Red, and even Dino Charge Red Rangers were some that were visibly experiencing the ordeal.

The molestation was enough to break Jason’s spirit. He cried out, “Yes, Master, please free us from those tunnels! We will make great beasts of burden bring anything anywhere you want! You can use us for anything!”

The gasping Rocky supported him. “We were foolish to stand against the Machine Empire. We know that now. We will do anything to serve the mechanical royal line. We will be their instrument and idiot!”

Without them realizing, Jason’s and Rocky’s arms were already released. The two Tyrannorangers automatically used them to help them run like dogs or horses. Other mechanical arms grabbed their face and forced them to open their mouths wide.

The other Rangers were made to fold their arms around their body as their costume were twisted into straight jackets. Others had their boots turned into hoofs suitable for horses. All of them were attached with various mounted weapons using buttplugs that made each Ranger wriggled and flailed. The arsenals were also locked onto the armored jockstraps to strengthen their permanent position.

Jason abandoned all hope as the foul slime was poured into his throat. All he could think now was the pungent odor that reminded him of the days he was debauched by bodybuilders and football jocks. He also thought of his dream to be a good cattle as the buttplug dug deeper into his rear. It never penetrated the suit, but it didn’t need to. The former Red Ranger got the message.

Once the process was done, Jason’s jockstrap would be connected to a new energy cannon mounted on his lower back as he became a Machine Empire’s newest combat pet. The mechanism released him toward an opened door along with other converted Red Rangers.

The living King Mondo symbol on all Rangers laughed at this complete victory. The real one guffawed as he hovered the metallic throne to the machine palace’s grand balcony. It was a familiar place being the site of the old Ranger Command Center.

Before the machine emperor, his new army lined up in a perfect pattern to fill the desert plain between the new imperial superstructures. The Cogs were there, so were the rebuilt and refined soulless monsters. Above, the massive gear-shaped space battleships were swarmed by the patrolling Quadrafighters.

In front were the defeated and converted Rangers. Taylor, Alyssa, Trip, Katie, Dana, Chad, Maya, Karone, Carlos, Ashley, Tanya, Justin, Maddie, Chip, Theo, Lily, Cole, Conner, Carter, Rocky, Jason, and so on. Each one of them shouted out their human names for the last time before pledging allegiance with new titles. All of their faces gleamed metallic.

“Combat Unit III, primed for battle!” declared Alyssa the former White Wild Force Ranger in a robotic fashion.

“Combat Unit VII, primed for battle!” exclaimed Chip the former Yellow Mystic Force Ranger monotonously.

“Combat Unit I, primed for battle!”, announced Jason the former Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger machinelike.



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