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Special thanks to my Patreon patrons!


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K



Since many of you like the Forever in Red storyline, I am giving you a bonus spin-off! This takes place after Jason’s team failed to stop the revived Machine Empire from using Serpentera to take over the world. Many Rangers have been turned into mindless cyborgs or at least, they are trapped inside their own bodies to do evil’s bidding. The new Machine Empire is able to launch multiversal attacks against the Rangers using Lord Drakkon’s technology and now, the situation is direr than ever.

Our two heroes are Dominic the Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger and Alex, the gender-bended Wild Force White Tiger Ranger.


For a moment, Dominic was blinded. The Jungle Fury White Rhino Ranger was battered and disoriented from the recently forced teleportation. He was basically being plucked from the battlefield away from his teammates.

For a moment, his broken helmet visor adjusted the environmental brightness to a tolerable level. He was able to sense his arms, his shadows, and everything else about his form, yet still unable to identify clear boundaries of the strange chamber he was in. It was as if the whole world had ended and been replaced by endless shimmering whiteness.

“Hello?” called Dominic with a squawk. He coughed a few times. His headache subsided, but there’s still the uneasy feeling that lingered. It was the worst jet lag.

The Rhino Ranger got up from the kneeling position and hoped to make more sense of the world. He chose one direction and forced himself to run. There should be something that he could reach eventually.

Dominic slowed down once he realized that his situation was not improving. He then changed directions. The Ranger imagined running to the east before, so now it would be south.

His muscles ached, his lungs heaved, his hopes seemingly dashed. There was nothing out there. He was alone. The Rhino Ranger collapsed to the clean white floor due to fatigue.

In his despair, he turned to the next best thing. There must be a way to contact his teammates. Dominic summoned the fearsome Jungle Blade used its communicator function. “Jungle Fury team, come in! Jungle Fury team, come in! Guys, anyone’s there?”

There was no answer but static. No matter how many times he tried, Dominic was beyond the reach of his friends. In frustration, he used the Jungle Blade to stab the ground.

To his surprise, the weapon was able to pierce the white floor. Cracks spread with crunching noises before ceasing. The Ranger tried to pull the Jungle Blade back up but got stuck. “Come on, not this too!”

He suddenly heard a thump. He looked and found a weak figure laying on the floor a  distance from him. That was definitely a Ranger from the looks of his costume and he was in danger. The same danger as Dominic’s weapon as the floor began to crack and tried to pull the poor hero in. “No, let me go!”

The Rhino Ranger’s urge to help was conflicted by an invisible force that slowly pulling his Jungle Blade into the floor. If he tried to get one, he’ll lose the other. Cursing, he let go of the weapon and jumped to grab the fellow Ranger’s arm just before the floor opened up in a massive crevice. “Hold on!”

“Whah- Who are you?!” asked the other Ranger. His suit was familiar with a white tiger theme.

“Questions later, now you gotta live first!” replied Dominic. He heard the worst sound next to him. The cracks were spreading and would eventually take him down the endless void too.

“Hang on, I’ll try something.” The White Tiger Ranger then swung on Dominic’s arm and put more weight on it.


“Trust me and brace yourself!” After gaining enough momentum, the Tiger Ranger swung back and arching up, taking the Rhino Ranger with him just in time before their location shattered and swallowed by the darkness beneath.

Their landing was not the most heroic one, but at least the two Rangers were saved now. Dominic and his newfound friend moved away a bit before settling down. They were out of breath. “Thanks,” wheezed the Rhino Ranger.

“Likewise, thanks for saving me before. My name’s Alex, Alex Enrile. What’s yours?”

Dominic frowned as he realized the reason the Tiger Ranger’s suit was so familiar. “I’m Dominic from the Jungle Fury team. You’re with Wild Force?”

“Yeah,” chuckled Alex. “I guess Rangers know each other.”

Dominic was not sure to continue. “Uuh, did you take Alyssa’s place?”

Alex tilted his head in confusion. “Huh, Alyssa? Who’s Alyssa?”

“Your sister… Perhaps?”

The Tiger Ranger shook his head. “I’m not following you, Dominic. I don’t have a sister and I’m the only White Tiger Ranger appointed by Prince Cecillius of Animaria.”

Dominic swallowed. There must be something wrong here. “Right, right.”

Alex realized something. “Wait a minute. You’re Domee, right?”

Dominic’s eyebrows lifted. “Domee?”

Alex asked the ultimate question. “Are we getting gender bended?”

Dominic didn’t know what to say, but he agreed. “Seems like it. The Wild Force Rangers team that I know has Alyssa as the White Tiger Ranger, but she’s a girl. While you’re…. You know.”

“And the Jungle Fury team that I am familiar with has Dominique the White Rhino Ranger. What’s going on here?”

“The answer to that is both of you have been selected,” said the booming disembodied voice. The noise was so loud that the two Ranger needed to cover either side of their helmets.

“What was that?!”

“Welcome to the conversion center of the Purified Machine Empire. The two of you are here because you have the potentials to strengthen our army of conquest,” continued the monstrous voice. The air shimmered and displayed the most horrible projection. Machine Empire soldiers and mechanical monsters arranged themselves before the imperial palace that was once the Ranger Command Center. But there was also another type of warrior under King Mondo’s thrall. Dominic couldn’t believe his eyes when he realized that those were Power Rangers, albeit deformed and turned into half-human, half-machine monstrosities. Even the way they moved was robotic and lifeless. “We have conquered your worlds and we will do the same thing to countless more thanks to the Morphin Grid on our side!”

“Sounds evil, I’ll pass!” shouted Alex as he took a fighting stance.

He was supported by Dominic. “Yeah, Man. From what I know, there’s a pretty good reason the Machine Empire should stay dead!”

“The Machine Empire doesn’t negotiate terms with the inferior Power Rangers the same way you don’t negotiate terms with pests.” With those words, dark figures began to surround the two alert Rangers. Those were the Cogs foot soldiers and they were ready with electrified staffs for pacification.

The minions launched themselves at the Rangers. The two warriors dodged out and counterattacked with powerful kicks and punches. Alex was able to hit a Cog square on its metallic face and dented it. He put an extra spinning kick to send it back to its friends. He grabbed the electro-staff just like Dominic and the two went another round armed.

The robotic soldiers got zapped before being destroyed by the Rangers’ slashing attacks. More and more of them were taken down. Alex gave the final blow by piercing the chest of a Cog. Spark burst out from the open circuitry. It didn’t take long before scattered pieces of dead robots were around the Tiger and Rhino Rangers. “Is that all you got?!” shouted Dominic being cocky.

“It seems that you still have some worthiness,” said the formless voice. The air shimmered before showing the true form of the demonic announcer. It was another robot with an insect theme. “The second phase of containment is approved.”

The Rangers went on alert again. The clean white floor beneath their feet was tremored for a moment. Some circular openings widened not too far from where Dominic and Alex stood. From all, ominous figures emerged.

Alex was ready in his battle stance but hesitated once he realized the identity of those individuals. They were Rangers just like him. But there was something definitely wrong with them.

One of them he identified as the Lost Galaxy Red Ranger, although he was a male, unlike the girl that he knew. Both of his arms were bound behind his back, and two robotic tentacles that ended with claws extended themselves from the shoulders as the replacement. The other was a female Lightspeed Rescue Blue Ranger with an enormous spotlight-like device embedded on her helmet visor. The last one was a female Mighty Morphin Red Ranger who had been turned into a cyborg centaur with the lower half of her body augmented with a mechanical equine form. “This is bad,” muttered Alex.

The cyborg Rangers shouted out their war cry, ironically it was their individual roll calls. Alex and Dominic suddenly found themselves fighting for their very lives. The deadly tentacles shot out dangerously close to the Tiger Ranger’s helmet while the corrupted Lightspeed Blue was to temporarily blinded him with her bright beam. The tactic was enough to get Alex trampled by the centaur Red Ranger.

“Alex!” called the Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger. He saw a shifting shadow behind him and rolled away as a reflex. His decision was wise as another cyborg Ranger had his eyes on him. Dominic narrowly missed being sprayed by toxic goop from the deformed RPM Red Ranger. “Darn it!”

Dominic swing-kicked the RPM monster and immediately went back to his friend. It was his gravest mistake. The cyborg Ranger looked up and launch a ball of black sludge that arched its way before landing right at Dominic’s head. “HEARGGH!”

The Rhino Ranger suffocated. The dark goop was able to sneak through his broken helmet’s cracks and piled amassed itself inside. Dominic was essentially being drowned inside his own suit as the material also spread across his body. Apart from the horrible asphyxiation, he could also feel a strange warmth that enveloped his entire form.

The Ranger tried to claw his way out, but no matter how strong he pulled the goop mask from his face, they refused to tear. Around his neck, it instead tightened itself to weakened its victim. Just like Alex the White Tiger Ranger next to him, Dominic the Rhino Ranger was slowly being conquered. First, he went limp with weakened legs, then he knelt, then even that was not enough. Using his depleting strength, the warrior dragged himself toward the unconscious comrade.

Around him, the cyborg Rangers gave off the most cursed noises. They didn’t laugh like some victorious monsters. They instead let out sounds of defeat. They sobbed and cried inside their robotic prisons. They cursed themselves and told the whole world how pathetic they were. Even the once-mighty MMPR Red declared the absolute dominance of the Machine Empire over her.

It was the last thing Dominic saw before he passed out.

Alex the Wild Force White Tiger Ranger slowly opened his eyes. At that moment, the mechanical tentacle forced its way into his mouth. The surprised warrior gagged, but there’s nothing much he could do. He was being shackled in a spreading-eagle position on a metallic contraption.

Alex’s eyes went wide as he could feel the tendril getting deeper and deeper through his esophagus. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the machine origin of that tentacle, as well as bulks of something that traveled inside it into his mouth.

It was a deadly combination of unholy taste and smell. The sludge exploded inside the Tiger Ranger’s mouth that was kept open. He could feel the disgusting substance covering his tongue, teeth, and everything in between. It also slowly slid down his throat toward the tentacle’s end.

Alex cried. Not that he wanted to cry, but he could his body system being ravaged by this torture. His eyes uncontrollably poured tears down his cheeks. His eyes were being pulled upward by the agony and ecstasy.

Then, Alex got a brief sense of relief. The tentacle was still stuck inside his throat, but at least it stopped giving the repulsive goop. At that moment, he could see further of the place he was in.

It was a lab. More precisely, a medical operating room. The Tiger Ranger noticed another figure in the same predicament as him being placed on the opposite side. Surgery tables filled with sharp instruments were placed next to her. She was a Yellow Ranger and there was nothing wrong with her yet from the looks of it.

“Hey! Hey!” Alex tried to call her although his voice was more of a gurgle than actual words. The battered female warrior lifted her head slowly. Her toned muscles tensed a bit as the realization of her lockdown came in.

“Whuh… What’s going on here? Who’s tying me down like this?!” bemoaned the Yellow Ranger.

“Whurgh… Who are yuu.…” Some of the sludge pour out of Alex’s mouth.

“Oh, God, what happened to you? I’m Clip – short for Calliope – from the Mystic Force Ranger.” The Ranger hesitated before noticing something. “Hang on, I think I can break this restraint. I’ll get us outta here.”

The girl was strong. Her posture was that of a bodybuilder. It was not surprising that even the heavy handcuffs were slowly being pulled from their position. Clip grunted and shouted as the metals lost their integrity and pieces of them clung on the floor.

There was a short hum and the whole restraint mechanism seemed to be energized. Some sort of magnetism bound Clip’s body back to the holding slab. She struggled but it was clear that her chance had run out. “What the hell?! I can’t move!”

Alex’s hope was dashed. She was stronger than him, and even she couldn’t break free. But that was not the end as the operating room’s door opened and a group of robotic monsters marched in, guarded by their Cogs footsoldiers.

“Finally, we got the chance to process the fabled White Tiger Ranger,” said the excited main robot as he approached Alex. The villain was big but stubby like a fat boy. A matching iron crown adorned his neckless head. The Ranger writhed about to try avoiding the menacing talons. Each sharp end savored their moment to scratch Alex’s depowered spandex costume. “General Venjix wants all Rangers to be turned into a part of his Cyborg Army, but I can have some for my own personal toy collection, right?”

“Process this, you robot freak!” shouted the tough girl voice of the Mystic Force Yellow Ranger.

That made the chubby robot turned and approached her. “Ah, yes, the Mystic Force Ranger. We’re having some technical difficulties harvesting your power, Yellow Ranger. But we have already achieved a proper conclusion.”

“Behold, our brand-new sensory deprivation coffin! Personally designed by yours truly, Prince Sprocket!” The high ceiling of the operating room opened and a group of mechanical arms extended down. Some of them ended with needless and other dangerous items, while others were bringing different parts of a Cog. “While the previous models were effective in making the brains of the unworthy Rangers go null and perfect for reprogramming, it took too much space. This one will solve both problems and will give the best of both worlds. Even imagine yourself being trapped as a footsoldier working for the villain, Yellow Ranger? Now you don’t have to, you will become exactly that!”

“No, NEVER!” Clip’s struggle became more violent. She tried to pull the restraints and shackles that bind her body with all of Mystic Force powers. Her yellow suit glowed with golden shimmer.

But it was for nothing. The mechanical arms descended and started their work. Magnetism forced Clip’s arms and legs into the perfect position for assimilation. One by one of the Cog pieces began to envelop the poor Ranger. All that time, she still denied her inevitable fate.

More and more of the Yellow Mystic Ranger’s body began to disobey her mental order. She began to feel like living in someone else’s body. By the time the magnetic confinement was turned off, she stepped out no longer as a powerful warrior, but a powerless girl inside a humanoid coffin. The worst part of it all was the way the Cog prison was as form-fitting as her previous Mystic Force suit.

Steam gushed out from different parts of the Cog prison as it got activated. Clip’s helmetless face was blushing red. She gasped as something horrible was done to her inside the suit. “Nah… No, stop… Don’t touch me! Ranger, help me!”

Alex was there, feeling helpless to assist his fellow Ranger. The tentacle was still stuck in his throat. His arms and legs were bound by solid shackles. There was nothing he could do even as Sprocket brought out the last piece of the Cog prison that made Clip struggled more fiercely. It was the head of the robotic foot soldier, brought closer and closer to Clip.

Wires and circuitry sprang out from the prison’s neck as if welcoming it. Clip was fighting to move a mountain and that mountain wasn’t even flinching. She let out the loudest shrieked when Sprocket installed the Cog head over her. Her voice was soon muffled inside the walking jail before it was replaced by the nasty gagging sounds.

It didn’t take long before the new Cog foot soldier came to life with glowing eyes. None remained of the previous Mystic Force Yellow Ranger identity. The minion joined the rest of the platoon with indifference.

Sprocket guffawed like the twisted version of a rich kid in a candy store. More victim for his depraved personal collection. He suddenly turned toward the vulnerable Tiger Ranger. “Now, for the grand finale of today’s event.”

“Stay back, Dumbot!” But deep down, Alex knew he didn’t have anywhere to run. He clenched his fists, buckled his legs, but none worked. He was trapped by the unbreakable clevis.

“This one has fire in him. I knew I was right to choose you.” Sprocket then stopped. “But perhaps you are still concerned about your friend?”

“Huh, what have you done with the Rhino Ranger?!” demanded the Tiger Ranger as he kept on a tough look.

“You mean Dominic? See for yourself!” Sprocket grabbed Alex’s holding slab and turned it around. The Ranger gasped at the horror he saw. There he was, Dominic the Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger. Weakened and bruised with visible damage to his once-powerful white costume. He wasn’t in a spread-eagle position. Instead, his arms were wrapped around his chest and bound behind the back like an asylum patient. The slab held his body with an X-shaped metallic strap around the chest. His legs were spread out and locked.

“Let’s cut the bull about secret identity here, Alex. Dominic here told me everything.” Sprocket approached the Rhino Ranger and pulled a lever from behind the slab. From the ceiling opening, an object descended. It looked like a football helmet with a facemask grid but had embedded a thick headphone that covered the sides. It snugged right onto the Rhino Ranger and made him squirmed.

“No, stop!” demanded Alex, but he was not in the position of power. Sprocket maniacally laughed as Dominic’s agony became unbearable. The headphone sent out mental shockwaves that debilitated his brain. The Rhino Ranger was drooling and his eyes went white. First, he denied his defeat, then he begged for mercy, then none of his words were understandable by Alex.

Alex saw something else. Something that sunk his heart to the deepest end. Now, he knew where Dominic’s missing helmet had gone to. The Rhino Ranger was wearing a strange metallic jockstrap around his waist and in the middle, the helmet was placed to cover his private part. The longer Dominic experienced the mental torment, the bigger the bulge of his former mouthguard.

Alex gulped. He had never seen a hump of such size. He couldn’t help himself feeling thirsty. His mouth was watery.

The Tiger Ranger shook his head. No, he was a noble warrior. He couldn’t fall for that kind of enticement!

Sprocket was there to mess up Alex’s mind. “What’s wrong, Alex? Don’t you like how manly Dominic is? Don’t you want to worship that?”

Alex was blushing. He couldn’t help it. Sprocket pulled another lever. The football helmet was taken out and the Rhino Ranger was released from his prison. Dominic bent forward and opened his drooling mouth wide.

“Dominic…,” muttered Alex, not sure that he should call his friend. Then, something caught his eyes.

A black tentacle was springing out behind Dominic’s back. On its end was a powerful energy cannon. It fired at Alex’s chest.

The Tiger Ranger shrieked in unimaginable pain. His costume showed minimal burn damage, but the suffering was far-reaching. Alex felt like he was just being burned alive. He panted in the massacre.

Dominic let out animalistic noises. With his arms behind his back, the Rhino Ranger used his spinning kick to inflict more damage at his former friend. Alex vomited out his breakfast at the first impact. In the background, Sprocket was free to express his sick amusement.

“Pay attention well, Ranger. This is what I have in store for you,” said the mechanical prince while licking Alex’s face as humiliation.

The Tiger Ranger’s breaths were short. “No way… I will never surrender. You won’t turn me into something like… That….”

“Oh, dear Ranger, but you already surrendered yourself!” Sprocket moved Alex’s slab slightly to the left so that the reflective walls could show the Wild Force Tiger Ranger the ultimate tragedy: he was also wearing the jockstrap.

“No… No… NO!” Alex was in shock when he realized that his helmet, the one he wore so proudly before, was now nothing but a cup for his groin. Its broken visor was still there and its mouthguard was replaced by an elastic material to hold his member. He couldn’t imagine himself growing uncontrollable lust like the miserable Rhino Ranger.

He closed his eyes. He believed that there was still one way to get out of this hell. There must be more of his Wild Force power. He just needed to tap into them. Tap into the mighty Morphin Grid.

He could hear Sprocket’s glee fading away. He could feel himself in a dark tunnel. He could feel the light at the end of that tunnel. There were figures of energy, warriors that he adored and fought evil with. Spirits who discarded their dark past to bring about good within them. Heroes who defended-

The football helmet was on him. Alex immediately felt like his soul was being sucked by the infernal machine. He screamed on top of his lung as the psychedelic barrage of mental images bombarded his mind. The Tiger Ranger kept on trying to hold on. He desperately tried to keep his Ranger identity.

But in the end, it was all for nothing. The helmet let out a ting! like a microwave. Alex’s brain was fried. Like Dominic before him, the former Tiger Ranger drooled as an imbecile. “Two heads don’t always better than one! HAHAHA!” Sprocket’s insanity filled the air.

Another mechanical arm pulled off the last humiliation. A robotic serpentine was dropped and it immediately went out for Alex’s exposed rear. In his mindlessness, the former Tiger Ranger gasped and thrashed about violently as his opening became clogged. Once finished, the corrupted warrior had a living metallic tail with sharp claws at the end.

Alex was released. Unlike Dominic who maintained his upright stature, the former Wild Force warrior bent down and walked with both legs and hands like real animal. He even jutted out his tongue akin to a hungry dog.

“This is more like it!” said the excited Prince Sprocket. His hand shot out leashes that automatically bound Dominic and Alex’s necks. “Let’s meet the rest of my zoo, Pets! HAHAHA!”

The two former mighty Ranger warriors followed their new master out of the operating room. Their memories of teammates, their dreams of justice, their very identity as a hero were no longer. They were now mere parts of Prince Sprocket’s personal collection.
As he moved, Alex's member dangled about.



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