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This is a rework of my previous submission in DeviantArt, Drakkon Dominance. I figured that the story could be fairer in giving both the Rangers and Tommy the same downfall.




Thanks to my patrons!

Heikki Pakarinen




AK Studio

Matthew Peterson

Red Nineteen


Daniel K

Mike 020578




This takes place at the beginning of the World of the Coinless alternate universe of Boom! Comics’s Power Rangers. After Jason defeated him, the disoriented Tommy escape the other Rangers and returned to Rita’s embrace as the Green Ranger instead of being redeemed by Zordon.




The final battle was raging across the Californian desert. The enemy was converging on the Power Rangers Command Center building. The heroes could see the mass of monsters in various sizes and ferocity that were eager to tear them apart.

Allies had already confronted Rita’s diabolical creations. The Aquitar Rangers’ energy signature could be seen destroying many minions and monsters already. But more are coming.

“If only we could convince him...,” murmured Trini as the helmetless Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger.

Her best friend, Kimberly, put a hand on her shoulder to assure her. “We are still strong, Trini. The five of us have seen worse things.”

Behind them, Zack crossed his arms. No, they have never faced anything like this before. They were the last line of defense. He glanced at the glowing peak of the Command Center above. “Hope this works....”

The Command Center suddenly shattered. A white blitz of pure energy ripped apart the structure’s wall and made it half-collapsed. Trini’s, Kim’s, and Zack’s suits automatically formed their helmets to protect them. “What happened?” exclaimed Kim concerned.


“I’m fine,” replied a voice. A red fireball shot out the rubble and landed in front of the teenagers with attitude. It solidified into the Red Ranger. His costume was adorned with the Dragon Shield, albeit in the color of white instead of gold. “We have to move fast.”

“Jason! Did it work?”

Jason shook his head. “Tommy was there. I got out in time. The power transfer was incomplete. But we may still have a chance.”

“Just tell us what to do,” said Trini.

“I knew that I can count on all of you.” Jason nodded, but his costume began acting strange. Bolts of energy struck the ground from the Dragon Shield. The Red Ranger screamed in agony.

“Jason!” Kimberly tried to help, but her friend stopped her. “What― What is this?!”

“The White Light power... I got it all. It overwhelmed me. I won’t make it if I don’t share with other people.” Jason wobbly tried to keep himself standing. “You need to use the Power Buckles. It’s the only way.”

Zack didn’t comment. He trusted Jason. The Black Ranger immediately took out his Power Buckle from the belt. “It’s now or never, guys!”


One by one, they called their Ranger powers. “MASTODON!”



The immense energy surge welcomed the Power Buckles. Etherial white tentacles struck the power coins as they merged with the colorful ones. Shockwave winds blew the sand around the Rangers.

Kim’s eyes opened wide as she absorbed the intense vitality. Her sight was being drowned in blinding beams of whiteness as if a supernova was occurring right before her eyes. Her breaths were taken, short and sharp. Her heart pounded and audible with each beat.

The energy condensed into similar armors. Triangular chest protectors appeared with a sharp end on the shoulders. It was matched by equally astonishing metallic bands that reinforced the arms.

“I feel unbeatable already!” called out the Black Ranger as he flexed the biceps.

The Pink Ranger moved gracefully. “They wouldn’t know what hit them!”

The Yellow Ranger took a feline pose. “Nothing’s gonna stop us now!”

Kimberly got distracted by the slight discolorization at the end of her Dragon Shield shoulder. “Huh, hold on.”

As she touched it, the tint spread out. It was slow, but surely invading the rest of her armor. “Guys, I think there’s something wrong with mine. I―”

The Pink Ranger gasped when she realized that a similar thing was happening to her teammates. Zack struggled as the effects took hold of him. “I can feel crawling under my skin!”

“Let me out of this!” cried out the Yellow Ranger while scratching the entire suit. “It’s taking my power!”

“No....” voiced Kim under her breath. She turned to the one who can be trusted. “Jason, I think there’s something wrong with this new power....”

The Pink Ranger barely could speak when she witness the hideous transformation of her team leader. The pure white color of Jason’s Dragon Shield chipped and splintered into meaningless pieces. The true form was revealed beneath. The jagged armor was jade green in color, just like the one corrupting the three Rangers. “Rangers always believe in each other...,” mumbled Jason as his two eyes glowed inside the helmet visor.

“This can’t be....” Kimberly collapsed as her power was completely drained. She couldn’t feel the Pterodactyl spirit anymore. Her muscles ached and twitched as if dying. She looked up from her kneeling position.

Jason easily removed her helmet. Her mouth didn’t have time to protest because the Red Ranger’s lump was already forced its way in. Kim gagged, but her hands grabbed the sides of his waist instead. She could feel more energy surged from between his legs into her throat. She was lost the moment her teammates started the waist shake. “We are all Drakkon’s bitches,” spoke Jason as he looked up at the other Ranger teams in the distance.

“Well done, my whore. I knew that keeping you was the right choice.” A white pillar of light teleported a familiar figure to the Command Center’s yard.

“To... Tommy?” asked Zack as he writhed on the dusty ground.

“Come back, Tommy! This isn’t... you....” added Trini as she extended her arm in a futile attempt to reach him.

The Green Ranger was no more, although some traces of green could be found as decorations of his new white suit. He was still a dragon warrior as shown by the helmet’s shape and the flute dagger he carried. “You are right, this isn’t me. My old identity was a confused and weak teenager. This is much better. Submit to your Lord Drakkon.”

Trini felt something tried to escape her lips. Word by word was muttered in uncontrolled devotion to her new master. “Hail... Lord... Drakkon....”


The horror didn’t stop there. Lord Drakkon’s own Dragon Shield twisted in its heart before a hideous bulge appeared. It was the face of Rita Repulsa. “Welcome to hell, Rangers! HAHAHA!” she declared with a burst of maniacal laughter.


“I don’t like this one bit,” commented Jason as he stepped into the podium. Wisps of the White Light energy already welcomed him in a column.

“This is the only way, Jason. Rita Repulsa has grown too powerful with the world rallies behind her. Our chance of defeating the space witch is through the purity of the White Light,” replied Zordon in his tube.

“All systems nominal, Jason. I’ll keep it steady as your Tyranno power merges with it,” added the helmetless Billy at the command console.

Jason nodded and braced himself. In an instant, he could feel it. It was the greatest sensation he could immerse himself in. It’s like going back to the first time he defeated evil as the Red Ranger.

Jason looked down at the slightly lifted hands. His usual Ranger gloves were slowly enveloped by a growing mass of white glow. He clenched them, knowing that this power could bring down Rita once and for all.

But the reality was often disappointing. Jason heard a swooshing sound just before witnessing the spreading cracks on Zordon’s tube. The Dragon Dagger had pierced the column and caused it to collapse inward. The Rangers’ mentor shrieked in pain as he was sucked into the unstable extradimensional rift. “Zordon!” called Jason, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t move during the assimilation process.

“No!” screamed the Blue Ranger as he was caught in the miniature black hole’s power. His helmet already left him. He tried to hold on to the console, but his grip was getting slippery. Then the unthinkable happened.

The Green Ranger casually approached Billy and flicked his fingers out. The Blue Ranger was hurled into the rift. His body and face contorted along with his voice. He was gone in an instant.

Tears flowed down Jason’s cheeks. “You’re gonna pay for that!”

“We all have a debt to the space witch,” replied Tommy in a monotonous voice.

Before Jason could understand the meaning, the Dragon Dagger struck the machinery above him. Sparks flew before the whole thing exploded. The Red Ranger was thrown by the shockwave.

With ringing sounds still battering his ears, Jason glanced down at himself. The White Light power transfer was not complete, but at least it gave him a modified Dragon Shield. Instead of gold, it was shining white. Jason didn’t waste time. “Power Sword!”

“Battle me for the last time, Jason!” shouted Tommy as his reformed Sword of Darkness clashed with the Power Sword. Metallic resonance echoed in the half-destroyed Command Center. To the naked eye, there were only two blurry forms that did battle with each other. Flares bloated out from time to time.

Jason retreated after a heavy confrontation. His breaths were sharp and short. He swallowed. Tommy had really improved his fighting techniques. The Red Ranger had to act fast to win this battle.

Then, he saw what happened to his opponent. Some of the dispersed White Light power seeped into Tommy’s suit. It slowly changed into the worst of both worlds. Soon, the Green Ranger became the White Ranger.

The evil Ranger disappeared again. Jason did a backflip just in time before the floor of his location erupted. The Sword of Darkness dug itself deeply. “I got you exactly where I want it, Jason.”

“Bring it on. I’ll break the curse by defeating you just like last time!”

Tommy chuckled. “But some much has changed since last time, Jason. For example, I have surrendered my soul to Rita.”

“Huh?” Jason felt intimidated by the grotesque truth. But he got other problems. One was the unusual fatigue that invaded his body. The Red Ranger tightened his grip on the Power Sword, but somehow he couldn’t feel stronger.

“I let her devoured me, chew me into shreds with her fangs, and rolled me into her throat with her serpentine tongue. I could feel the journey, Jason. The choking tightness of her esophagus, the inescapable burning pit of her stomach. I reveled in all of them, knowing that I would be trapped in it for eternity.” Tommy swung his sword. “You and your friends will join me too.”

“Not... Gonna happen!” But Jason was already kneeling on one foot. He was forced to use the Power Sword as support. The shining whiteness of Dragon Shield retired into the usual gold. “Ugh....”

“As Rita took me in, it changed my powers to the heights unimaginable. I am now a part of her magic, a conduit to spread her wickedness. A Ranger to infect other Rangers.”

The White Dragon Ranger choked the Red Ranger and lifted him high. Jason’s gold armor was slowly invaded by a tint of jade green just like his adversary. He could feel as if his body was being twisted inside, his internal organ contorted. He tried to scream, but barely any air could enter his lungs.

“No...” Jason gasped in desperation. The helmet visor exploded, revealing the Red Ranger’s dying eyes. “Tommy.... Don’t do this....”

“Tommy Oliver is dead. You may call me Lord Drakkon for the rest of your life.”

When Lord Drakkon discarded Jason, the corruption was complete. The Red Ranger even got a hard-on from the torment.

The evil Ranger’s voice was a combination of Tommy’s and Rita’s. “Why don’t you be a good pet and go infect your teammates, Jason?”

Jason leaped out of the Command Center in obedience.


Rita’s face bulged out the heart of Lord Drakkon’s shield. She opened her own mouth and another form was barely visible in it. Trini cried looking at it. It was Jason’s helmet. “Hell is here... Hell is here... My Ranger power leads me to hell... Hell is here....”

Rita swallowed him again so she could taunt the powerless Rangers even more. “Don’t be so sad, I’ll put you in a more creative torture than this pitiful Red Ranger!”

“Tommy, you can fight... her....”

Rita licked her lips. “Oh, he tried, my dear. He thought that he could betray me to get the White Light power for himself. He stabbed me and left me to die. Little Tommy didn’t realize that no one could beat the space witch Rita Repulsa. Now, you will join him too!”

Lord Drakkon contorted in pain. His jade armor glowed with wicked spells. His screams overlapped with Rita’s lunatic laughter. His helmet visor glowed before shooting out hellfire at Zack. Meanwhile, Rita opened her mouth and the energy tongue lashed out Trini. “One for me and one for you!”

Zack screamed in pain as his body was being deformed. His muscles grew and his mind shrank. It didn’t take long before the former Black Ranger was turned into a horrible Mastodon monster on two legs. None of his former self remained. He existed only to serve Rita Repulsa.

Trini’s fate was no better than her teammate's. Rita’s tongue pulled the Yellow Ranger in. She squirmed and kicked her legs in useless defiance, but more and more of her body was being swallowed whole. Rita’s face chewed before opening her mouth again. This time, the sabertooth tiger warrior’s helmet was inside.

“So juicy! You’re gonna nourish me forever, Little Girl!” exclaimed Rita Repulsa in victory. She then vomited blobs of clay that evolved into several putties.

But these foot soldiers were no ordinary ones. Their bodies assimilated the Yellow Ranger’s power. Their arms ended with long dagger-like claws. Yellow tints decorated the vital parts. Their mouths got twin elongated fangs. “Go and rain hell on the world! HAHAHA!”

The putties leaped to battle against the Aquitar Rangers. With them, the new Mastodon monster followed and discharged the incredible powers from its tusks.

Observing how the battle had turned, Lord Drakkon finally reached his final form. His waist shrank, his chest ballooned out. His fingers became slender. Gone was Tommy as Rita Repulsa completely took over. “Say hello to Empress Drakkon,” said Rita Repulsa’s possessing ghost unchallenged.

Her face bulged out the Ranger suit chests of Kimberly and Jason. Their mouths opened and laughed, but the sounds that came out were cried of help from the Red and Pink Rangers.

“Zordon, you sealed me in that wretched space dumpster for thousands of years. Now, I will do the same to your warriors.”

Lady Drakkon snapped her fingers and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were summoned before her. They were forcefully merged into a new scepter. With it and the combined vitality of the fallen warriors, she tapped the ground under her feet.

The earth began to move. The top layer melted into a clay-like flood that slowly moved toward the Command Center. The deluge grew on the building, entirely covering it with a new brunette color.

There were screams in the distance. Colorful shooting stars darted across the Californian desert and struck the Rangers’ sanctuary. But Rita had transformed it into something else.

The popping out tortured forms of the Aquitar Rangers that wormed their way within its walls and pillars were a reminder of the demoniac fate that awaited all remaining heroes.



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