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“I don’t know much about spaceships or this ‘Machine Empire’. But I will go wherever I must to protect the Earth,” said Cole Evans, the Red Wild Force Ranger, with a conviction.

The NASADA spaceport hangar opened its roof. From it, the powerful Astro Megaship Mark 2 slowly ascended before firing its main thrusters in a glorious surge toward space. Within minutes, the sky around it turned from blue into a sea of stars as it left Earth’s atmosphere behind. Its destination: The Moon.

The group of veteran Red Rangers gathered at the Megaship’s meeting room. Andros entered with Alpha-5. “The Time Force Rangers are having emergency monster issues. Luckily, we have Rocky, Leo, and Aurico to replace the Time Force Rangers here. Thank you for coming,” reported the Space Red Ranger. “We need all the help we can get.”

“It’s all ready, Jason,” added the robot.

“Good, let’s get started,” Jason the original Red Ranger activated the hologram at the circular desk. It showed the recent alien invasion attempt. Huge cog-like starships descended on major cities of the world, including Angel Grove. “Several years ago, the Machine Empire emerged from deep space and tried to invade Earth. Tommy and the other Zeo Rangers sacrificed themselves to successfully stopped the invasion, albeit at a huge cost. By destroying their leader, King Mondo, most of the Empire withered.”

Everyone looked at the hologram with a grim expression. Earth was so close to being enslaved by these mechanical monstrosities. Jason continued, “But now, some surviving members of the Machine Empire have regrouped under the command of General Venjix. They are gathering here, in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon.”

The broadcast changed into showing Earth’s silvery natural satellite before zooming in on one of the expansive maria areas. There was obviously a laborious excavation process taking place with robotic minions digging and moving large piles of lunar rocks.

“What do they want on the Moon?” asked Leo the Lost Galaxy Red Ranger.

“Serpentera,” concluded Andros with a nod.

Jason gave the affirming look. “Years ago when Lord Zedd was defeated, his personal Zord remained hidden under the surface on the Moon.”

“Until now,” said Andros. “I have spent the last year trailing General Venjix. Just recently, he required the hidden location of Serpentera.”

Jason sighed and explained. “If the Machine Empire got their hands on Serpentara, they’re gonna have more than enough power to destroy Earth.”

It was a dangerous possibility. Cole responded, “We have to stop them here on the Moon. We’re the only chance Earth has.”

Everyone agreed.

General Venjix’s excavation base was as huge as a factory complex but not as colossal as the draconic Zord. The main building was erected next to the partially-buried Serpentera. Minions gathered around in patrols or tirelessly digging up.

“It’s huge!” exclaimed Cole who peeked at the hologram view of the panorama. “That’s even bigger than any Ultrazords!”

“Thus, it presents a greater threat to Earth and the whole galaxy,” responded Carter the Lightspeed Rescue Red Ranger while crossing his arms on the chest.

“I’ve scouted the place. They have a breathable atmosphere,” said Andros.

“Wait, they’re machines, right? Why would they need air to breathe?” asked Leo the Red Lost Galaxy Ranger.

“People need air,” concluded Marco the Red Alien Ranger with calmness. “They have slaves in there.”

“That changes everything,” said Rocky the second Mighty Morphin Red Ranger. “Our mission is no longer just a search and destroy one.”

“It’s a rescue mission,” said Cole with a nod. “How are we gonna do this?”

Jason pointed at the screen. “Two teams, one goes for the heart of their digging operation while the other finds those slaves.”

“If what we know about Serpentera is all true, they’re gonna need a massive power source. We can destroy that to stop them,” added Carter. “Jason, you can lead the first team while Cole can have the second one.”

“Me?” asked Cole doubtfully.

His senior nodded and place his hand on the Red Wild Force Ranger’s shoulder. “You’re one of the active Red Ranger around. Your last battle was yesterday. You have what it takes to be our leader.”

Cole’s spirit was lifted with such words. His eyes glimmered and his smile blossomed. “I won’t let you guys down!”

“General Venjix, we have replaced the Neo-Plutonium reactor in Serpentera as you have ordered,” reported the robotic Gerrok with a green tint and beetle-like crown as the new commanders of the exiled Machine Empire monitored the facility.

“Excellent, Gerrok. Finally, we shall avenge our untimely destruction, King Mondo.” The general glanced at the massive statue of their fallen leader that dominated the main atrium. “Let’s begin!”

There was an explosion as the nearby factory wall erupted. From it, some unmorphed Red Rangers invaded. “You know, if you miss King Mondo that much, I promise we can help you join him,” boasted Jason.

“We’re not gonna let you bring back Serpentera!” declared Cole.

The Red Rangers were confronted by numerous Cogs foot soldiers that suddenly appeared from the machinery around them. “Let’s do it!” said the warrior’s team leader as they put out a fighting pose.

“Cogs, attack!” ordered Venjix. The minions stormed at the Rangers in a big indoor battle. TJ punched and sweep kicked many of them while Leo threw his opponent to the nearby control panel to make an explosion. Jason did double kicks and somersaulted as if unaffected by gravity, taking five Cogs at once.

“Guys, let’s split up!” said Jason as he clasp-handshaked Cole. “Good luck!”

Cole stayed to fight more Cogs with his comrades, Leo, TJ, and Andros. No matter how robust or armored they are, the foot soldiers were no match for the four heroes. Amid the battle, the Red Wild Force Ranger noticed something. The Machine Empire generals didn’t go to Serpentera even though the hangar door was opened. It seemed that they are waiting for the Rangers’ defeat.

“Let’s disappoint them!” said Cole to himself as he slammed the Cog who attacked him until it broke apart into pieces. He swing-kicked another one, laughing proudly after. “Haha, we don’t even need to morph!”

Andros used his Astro Blaster on one hand to blow up many Cogs while swinging the Spiral Saber with the other He then combined the two to form the Spiral Saber Booster Mode. The melee weapons were now a long-range cannon. He aimed at the ongoing battle between Rangers and enemy minions.

TJ, Leo, and Cole all shrieked in pain as the Spiral Saber’s energy attack bombarded them. Wisps of smoke fumed from their civilian clothing. In his weakened state, the Red Wild Force Ranger tried to his Growl Phone, but the Cogs already got him.

Leo was barely able to speak up between his coughs. “Andros, there’s... something wrong....”

The minions forced the paralyzed Red Rangers to stand up. Their arms were forced to spread to prevent any resistance. The Cogs also grabbed their necks so that they could witness what came next in full glory.

TJ, Leo, and Cole were captured, but not Andros. He stood there with his Spiral Saber still spinning as intimidation. General Venjix approached the Space Red Ranger. To his teammates’ surprise, the two didn’t consider each other enemies. “Excellent work, Andros. I knew that choosing you was the right thing to do.”

“Andros?! What are you doing?” groaned Leo as he kept on trying to break free.

“There’s nothing wrong, Leo. I have answered my calling,” replied Andros with a monotonous voice. He stabbed the Spiral Saber on the installation floor before taking off his Astro Megaship uniform one by one. From the jacket to the red undershirt until he was bare-chested, but he didn’t stop there. Andros continued to remove his trousers and underwear. That’s when the other Rangers saw something wrong.

He was wearing an obsidian jockstrap. The triangular cup covered the private parts of the groin but didn’t even try to hide his stocked rear. There was a symbol mimicking King Mondo’s face at the front. “General Venjix fixed me after I failed to escape the first scout mission on the Serpentera. He then used me as his Trojan horse to lure you all here. He even devised the trick of using atmosphere so that you would come unmorphed.” A smirk grew on the corrupted Ranger’s lips. “Of course, it is more than just hot air or you wouldn’t be a bunch of horny little boys right now.”

“It’s poison?!” grumbled Cole. He could feel something was off with himself. His face felt burning. He could his blood flowing down his abs.

“It is more than poison, Wild Force Ranger. It’s a beautiful stimulation concoction that our masters have made after careful observation of mankind during their encounter with the Zeo Rangers. In fact, it is still being used on them.”

“Huh, you’re talking garbage. The Zeo team is no longer exists. Tommy was killed by Drakkon while the rest perished when stopping the Machine Empire’s invasion,” denied TJ.

“That’s the beauty of a shattered timeline, TJ. Have you forgotten that Rocky should be in the Zeo team, yet he’s with us as the second Tyrannoranger? Carlos should be in your team and yet, he’s in mine.” Andros gave off a slight moaning. “So many facts are forgotten, leaving so much space to hide skeletons. Or in this case, Rangers.”

“You will know it soon enough, Rangers. As your friend has.” Venjix approached Andros even closer. He turned the valve at the back of the jockstrap. The Red Ranger visibly recoiled as the cords loosened.

The almost-robotic demeanor of Andros was gone. Replacing it was his returned consciousness. “Huh, where... Rangers?!”


Andros tried to get them but was surprised that his body was paralyzed. Except for the involuntary squirming, he was basically frozen in place. “What... What is this?!”

“What... are you... doing to him?!” barked Cole in anger. He would not accept such torture of fellow Red Ranger.

“Let us introduce you to our Gasket Lock. Even though the other Rangers eventually freed their team leader, our prince gathered much data after his successful brainwashing of Zeo Gold. With this device, we can take control of any hero’s mind, forcing them to do our bidding. The belt is specifically designed to nail in the spinal nerves responsible for arousal. Once that sensation is already overwhelmed, even the once-powerful Space Red Ranger is nothing more than horny little slave now.”

“No... No! I’m not a slave!” shouted Andros in denial. All Venjix needed to do was to turn the valve in the opposite direction. The black cord pushed deeper into his butt crack while the rest of the cursed jockstrap also squeezed his groin. The KO-35 native hero wailed in uncontrolled ecstasy.

“I like this particular setting. It doesn’t actually wipe the Ranger’s heroic personality, but keep them in a permanent state of compliance.” The robotic general whispered his order to the helpless slave. “Transform yourself, Ranger.”

Andros’ body obeyed even though his mind still fighting a desperate battle to regain control. “Let’s Rocket!”

He pressed numbers on the wrist Morpher to activate the program. The crimson glow expanded and enveloped his entire body before transforming into the spandex battle suit complete with a helmet. But this is not Andros’ normal Space Ranger form. His belt was gone, replaced by the Gasket Lock. The entire costume seemed to be more skintight than usual with individual muscles clearly popping out.

“Welcome back, Space Red Slave!” proclaimed Venjix with a burst of triumphant laughter. He knew that the other Red Rangers weren’t in any shape to defy him. “Meet your future teammates!”

“No... Stop!” Cole struggled to fight, but he was too weak. The poisonous atmosphere had taken its toll on his body. He was sweating so bad. His trouser groin was ballooning. He was in desperation when one of the Cogs brought out a similar diabolical device as Andros’.

There was no escape. The Gasket Lock was installed on Leo, TJ, and Cole despite their resistance. In an instant, the Red Wild Force Ranger could feel his sanity slipping away and replaced by a flood of debauched sensations. The Cogs didn’t even hold them down anymore since the three Red Rangers couldn’t even walk few steps without the danger of reaching climax. “You think that... This is the end for the Red Rangers... Think again....!” stuttered Cole while still trying to sound defiant.

“The other team is being taken care of too. All of you will succumb and my new invasion force. Can you feel the Mondo virus taking over?”

“Mondo... Virus?” asked Leo while holding his urges.

“A special kind of bioweapon that I’ve designed. If I’m a human, I would’ve called it the ‘Venjix virus’. But my leader’s honor goes beyond my own. I only wish that my invention is worthy of King Mondo’s name.” Venjix began fondling Andros’ Red Ranger costume. His mechanical fingers explored every detail of his toned body. “It hijacks your metabolism to produce a programmed biofilm. Every time you perspire, you are sedimenting more and more of this substance on your entire body until it cocoons you. I have also designed to cover your body only up to the neck so your friends could see your miserable faces when the legendary Red Rangers declare their allegiance to the Machine Empire!”

Jet black goo began to spread. It dissolved their civilian clothing before hugging them from toe to throat. Everywhere they went, the latex-like biofilm clenched the three Rangers’ bodies with almost a suffocating tightness.

“I can feel it spreading. I... I can’t feel my powers anymore!” exclaimed the panicking TJ who couldn’t even look down at his own body. Leo kept his mouth shut, but his expression told everything. They were in a dire situation with no visible exit.

“This... Changes nothing. The other Rangers already know about how to destroy your precious Neo-Plutonium reactor. They will get the job done.”

Hearing that, Venjix guffawed. “Human minds are always obsolete. I don’t need the reactor now that I have you here. Take them to Serpentera!”

They were escorted like a gang of chains toward the massive robotic dragon. Serpentera’s head was lying half-buried under Moondust. Andros took the liberty of teasing Cole. “Wild means unchained by morality, right?”

“Andros, this is not... you,” groaned Cole as his ass was being groped and rubbed. “You can fight this.”

“You don’t even know me before our meeting today. I was a weak soldier. I let my friend and sister down in KO-35. I was a weak team leader. I often got my Space Rangers team in a perilous situation.”

“But you survived! You led them to victory against your enemy. There must be something good left in you!”

The groping stopped. Andros seemed to be hesitating. “I... I can’t....”

“Andros, fight it! You are a Red Ranger!”

This must be the turning point. Andros would regain his normal self and would free everyone to take the fight to Machine Empire. And―

The Space Red Ranger squealed. His hands went to the grotesque jockstrap. The King Mondo logo’s eyes glowed red and opened its mouth. A latex-encased member grew out of it.

Venjix laughed at Cole’s futile attempts to bring his friend back. “Do you really think that the bonds of the Machine Empire would be so easy to break?”

The latex protrusion touched Cole’s Gasket Lock. The Wild Force Red Ranger wailed at the intoxication. He squirmed and jolted before his own member grew in length.

Cole knelt before Andros, enabling the latter to force himself into the fellow Red Ranger’s mouth. The tongue welcomed it, licking it madly. It reached deep, choking the hero in the process.

“Each one of you will be a slut for others. As your heroic spirit drained, inner carnal desires will take over. You will not enjoy the bliss of brainwashing. You will instead remember every mistake you made that caused the fall of the Forever Red team,” taunted King Mondo as Cole’s eyes became white.

Cole felt disappointed when Andros retreated. It was Leo’s turn now. The Wild Force Ranger used the time to look at the mighty Serpentera. Around it were several digging Cogs. There were some familiar figures too.

Naked Carter the Lightspeed Rescue Red Ranger and Aurico the Alien Red Ranger were there too. Using their respective blaster and sword, the two former heroes removed the massive amount of Moondust and rock for their new masters. Their bodies twitched and thrashed about, trying to free themselves from the Gasket Lock’s bondage.

“Work faster, Slaves!” ordered Venjix as he used a mechanical whip to “motivate” the Rangers. Carter and Aurico whined. Tears flowed from their eyes and saliva drooled from their mouths. “No rest for you forever! Witness the true power of the Machine Empire here!”

Serpentera lifted its gigantic head and open its gaping mouth. Cole’s heart sunk when he saw what’s inside. More precisely, who’s inside.

Trapped inside the robotic dragon’s mouth and fused to the circuitry were two Time Force Rangers. Although they are transformed, Wes and Eric were helpless to resist as wires and nanopanels connected and assimilated their suits. Heavy mechanical gag covered their mouthpiece while a hose drained the seeds from their crotches. The two were forced to display themselves in a spread-eagle position on both sides of King Mondo’s face.

But this was not a symbol. This was the real King Mondo. All machine generals and their minions gave a salute. “All hail King Mondo!”

The Cogs threw TJ into the circuitry. The screaming Red Ranger tried to escape, but he got no chance once the diabolical cables and connections lay hold of his body. Patterns spread all over before TJ’s form was fused into the machine in a squatting position. The fat tube seized his pelvic girdle and started doing its job.

“It is all coming together, Venjix. Bring all the Red Rangers and we will be ready to turn Earth into the mainframe of our new Machine Empire!” boomed King Mondo’s voice as the Time Force Rangers shrieked at the mental pain. Data was being brutally dumped into their suits and brains, essentially turning them into additional computer memory. The tubes forced them into climax and sucked in their seeds over and over again until the heroes went limp.

“Not so fast!”

The Cogs were destroyed and killed by laser beams. Everyone looked up at the lunar sky. Two Tyrannorangers were riding Galaxy Gliders in a swooping fashion. Without hesitation, they grabbed Cole and Leo to safety. “Hold on, we’re getting you outta here!” exclaimed Rocky.

“Rocky, Jason, how did you....”

“There weren’t any slaves in the chamber. It was an ambush,” answered Jason grimly as the hoverboards sped out across the lunar landscape.

Rocky gave a thumbs up. “Luckily, we already got our hands on these Galaxy Gliders. We got out in time and just in time to rescue you.”

“You guys better morph now. We’re leaving the Serpentera area real soon,” added the original Tyrannoranger. “We have to go back to the Astro Megaship and rethink our strategy.”

“Perhaps calling our friends back on Earth?” asked Rocky. “Ready to raise the white flag, Jason?”

“Better than... Being enslaved by those machines,” replied Leo weakly.

Unknown to the Rangers, they were being targeted. Blasts of energy knocked out their Galaxy Gliders’ propulsion. Jason and Rocky lost control of their hoverslides. Yelling, they flew away to the backside of a nearby lunar hill before a silent explosion lit up the starry sky.



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