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Daniel K




Red Nineteen

The second part of the Ranger's football crisis!

The Red Ranger gracelessly fell flat to awaiting bottom. The fall wasn’t hard, but he still felt pain from the previous whistle noise. Disembodied voices started to flood his weakened mind, impossible to dislodge. They were in the background like whispers of vengeful ghosts.

The Ranger staggered to a standing position. He looked down at his own shivering fingers. Jason felt no power anymore.

“Feeling pathetic?” asked the booming voice before the entire pitch-dark world was enlightened with brightness.

Jason’s mouth went agape as he found out his new location: a football field. There were rows of seating tribune filled with roaring audience. The Ranger took a step back as he recognized that the crowd consisted of hundreds of putties. The grass below his boots was gray in color instead of healthy green.

The booming voice came again. It was Rhinoblaster’s. “Dear Putties, welcome to our initial Team Recruiting Day! On our beautiful golem field, we have our first candidate, Jason the Red Ranger!”

The gathering of putties hissed at the Ranger. Jason felt an overwhelming dread that ran all over his costume. His fists came together to prevent each other’s subtle shaking.

“Today, he’s going to prove whether Power Rangers have what it takes to be on the team. If he wins, he will get the chance to free all of his friends from our sports program. If he fails....” A magical lightning strike brought something to the end zone. It was a gymnastics leotard with long sleeves and colors and patterns similar to Jason’s Red Ranger suit. “Let’s just say, pants are for boys.”

The crowd guffawed at the condescending.

“Our guest of honor today would be the one and only: Captain Putty Quarterback!”

Another lightning teleported the familiar football putty next to the leotard. The golem took the time to sniff and lick the feminine costume. He then simulated groping Jason’s future boobs in that costume.

“Jason, please help us!” begged the teleported tackle dummies on the other sides of the field. Their tortured prisoners kept on trying to escape no matter how futile it was. Their fingers clawed and their helmets jut out against the indestructible latex skin.

“I’ll let our captain take over because he has more experience in handling pussies!” Another penetrating insult to Jason’s soul.

“Thanks, Coach! I agree with you about the britches thing for our training time but can’t guarantee when we’re having fun. Our recruitment will consist of three parts: speed, agility, and power. All recruits should succeed in all phases to pass. If they fail to complete or complete them in a decided time, they will be permanently trapped in the last phase they are doing. Word of advice for our little man here: you won’t want to be stuck as our midnight leotard entertainment!”

“Let ‘em have it, Cap. We think little Red here is eager to be dominated anyway!” The other putties high-fived each other again.

Jason gulped. He stretched his fingers out before clenching both fists with renewed fighting spirit. In his helmet, he remembered his Ranger training, and the first day he was selected to lead his friends by Zordon. He also remembered something else said by his mentor. Only use this as a last resort, you’d be in danger if you still have enemies once this power is depleted.

“Not gonna happen....”

“Say that again, Recruit! The crowd wants to hear―

“I said, not gonna HAPPEN!” Jason brought his fists together to combine his inner energy. His red costume glowed like a second sun and a shockwave spread out to hit the putty audience at the tribune. All foot soldiers ran in fear from their seats. It’s a different story with the football putties as they stood calmly while observing the new transformation.

Flames began shooting out from the spandex fabric and spread around the hero’s body. His pecs, his obliques, his quads, even his glutes were coiled by flames of Ranger power. The firestorm then concentrated on Jason’s chest where it formed the herculean golden Dragon Shield. Another blaze and his Tyrannosaurus helmet was back intact.

“Well, this is interesting. Looks like our rookie has something good in him after all,” said the monster quarterback from the VIP tribune.

“Give me everything you got, Mudface. I’m here to cancel your game and save my friends!” proclaimed the Red Ranger while pointing straight at the football putty leader.

“Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle,” muttered the football putty captain. He blew the whistle to start the event.

The ground shook like an earthquake. From beneath the grass, a heavy and a long chain launched out. On its end was a metallic chastity belt that immediately grabbed Jason’s crotch. The young hero could feel the strap pressing on his groin. He flinched a little as the unexpected stimulation stung.

“First event: speed!” announced football putty captain just as the chain rolled out a huge boulder from the grass on the other end. “The recruit gotta run to the field’s end with enough speed to open the boulder into resistance parachute, then continue running until he reaches a minimum speed of 100 miles per hour. Failure in either one gonna makes run for the rest of your miserable life. Start in three, two, one!”

The Red Ranger’s kneeling start position was rough, but he didn’t have much choice. As he ran as fast as he could, he felt the chastity belt thumbing down between his legs. He held the lust even as his meat began to grow.

The football field’s endzone was coming closer but the boulder still dragging him behind. Jason intensified his calf muscle’s movement for a faster dash. The crowd all over the stadium was chanting about his bleak future. The Red Ranger roared as his Dragon Shield began to glow.

The boulder cracked open and transformed itself into a massive resistance parachute. Jason gasped at the additional pressure on his crotch. He bit his lips and darted. Sweat began raining down his face inside the cramped Tyrannosaurus helmet.

The endzone passed and Jason had a hard time stopping himself. Panting, he looked at the primary football putty. Like a Roman emperor, it held his arms high before giving a thumbs up. The Red Ranger felt relief but the audience was booing him louder. Jason gave them his middle finger.

The chain broke but the chastity belt remained. He might be imagining this, but Jason felt it massaging his private area. He tried to maintain a walking gait even as his pubic muscles became more and more sensitive. “I should have known... This is just another trick for my downfall....” muttered the Red Ranger.

“Next stop: agility!” A small object was thrown at Jason. He easily caught it. It was a grey oval football with a putty face stamp on it. “The recruit gotta bring the ball all the way to the end zone while dodging tackles from players. Failing this would turn you into our special tackle dummy! Can’t wait to hear your whining when the big holding rod sticks up your asshole!”

The football field came to life. Two football players were raising like newly-formed golems. Just as Jason smirked, he noticed other forms appearing. In front of him were twenty large putties that were ready to hammer the Red Ranger.

Jason ducked, dived, and swerved to avoid the massive arms of his opponents. They were unrelenting, charging at him from every direction. These monsters were intending in playing football. They were intending to massacring the MMPR team leader.

Luckily, the Dragon Shield gave him extra enhancement. His body felt so light to slide, roll, and jump over the big brawny putties. The end zone was in sight.

Two football players rushed at him from the front. They were ready to stampede him. The damage from that strategy would be devastating based on his previous battle with Rhinoblaster’s team. Jason launched into the air over the two tank-like bodies.

A muscular arm managed to grab his ankle and yanked him down. The Red Ranger fell flat on the grass and was being pulled toward the awaiting monster. Jason fought hard. He wouldn’t fail his friends.

He crawled out to the end zone. Just a little more, just a little more, and...

The quarterback putty blew the whistle. The game was done. The audience was silent.

Jason failed to bring himself to the further part of the football field. The putty’s arms still holding on to his leg. But the hero’s jutting arm was able to make the football touched the end zone.

Another thumbs-up. Jason was saved. Only one more predicament before he could bring his team home. It was the test of strength.

Jason flinched again. There was something off, but he couldn’t identify what it was. He shrugged it off and continue. The whistle blew and another object was thrown from the air.

The Red Ranger caught the massive barbell with one hand, but it was clear that the weight was too much. It was a handful even for both of the Ranger’s arms. “Final stage: strength. Recruit gotta pump 500 overhead squat within 5 minutes to pass this one. We’ll have your butt open for business if you fail this one!”

Jason got into position when the putty flicked its concrete fingers. Two bolts of lightning struck the tribune close to it. The thunderbolt revealed the two captured female Rangers. “But I think you wanna check out our new babes first!”

“New... Babes...?”

“We are the cheerleaders!” announced Kimberly and Trini. Their expressions betrayed the fake enthusiasm. Tears flowed down from their wide eyes along the rose-colored cheeks. The two female Rangers occasionally twitched and jerked.

The girls’ hands were trapped inside strange-looking pompoms that were shaken all the time. They continued their twisted jubilation as the putties grabbed their apparent butt cheeks from behind. “Go, team! Go, team! Putty pride, putty pride! They’re stepping up, so spandex step aside! They’re riding high, they’re riding us!”

“Nice chant, sluts! Everyone word you say will boost up our muscles until nothing could stand in our way, haha!” said one of their football putties as its yank Kimberly’s wet hair. The poor Pink Ranger was drooling as she kept on repeating the singsong. Next to her, Trini got her share of being choked by the oversized monster tongue. She kept on trying to continue her words like it was the only thing she ever knew.

“Kim... Trini...,” murmured Jason. He looked away when the putties slap the female Rangers’ lats and butts. It was too much for him. It didn’t help that the whistle was blown right after.

The Red Ranger wasn’t ready. He pumped with all of his strength but he also could feel that vigor draining away after the first hundred. After the second hundred, Jason looked down and immediately felt rotten. After the dodging game, he forgot about the still-attached chastity belt. The metallic color had changed into a golden one just like his Dragon Shield. The young hero began to feel a shift of power from the shield to the magical strap.

Moans made Jason looked up again. He saw as the vague glow of Ranger energy was being drained all the time from Kim and Trini into the putties’ jockstraps. Their captured power coins gleamed as being used to swell up the monsters’ muscles. The girls squawked in uncontrolled arousal when the putties flexed their arms. Loads of sour sweat dripped onto the Rangers’ face and they instinctively licked each one of them like the last water on Earth. “Let’s get physical! Get down, get hard, get mean! Let’s get physical! Bring slavery to our team!”

“That’s more like it, hahaha! Forget about your human world drinks, girls. Our sweat will get you addicted!”

Jason gulped. There was a growing twinge urge to get a taste of the foul wetness. He shook his head to keep the fading focus on. He yelled in wildness. He needed the last chance to save everyone. Jason pumped more and more as his arm muscles thicken more than a normal human. Stretching sounds could be heard from the red spandex. Sweat and acrid smell flooded the interior of his helmet and fogged the visor.

“Just a little more! Five, six, seven, eight....” There was a gap as the Red Ranger took a sharp breath. “Nine... Ten!”

The stadium sirens blared. The crowd cheered. The football putties clapped their massive hands.

Jason calmed himself. He pushed the barbell away to put it down. But somehow, he couldn’t do it. The Red Ranger was frozen in place. “What... What is this? Let me go! I’ve done what you told me to do! I’ve done all the recruitment phases!”

His protest was met by the explosive snorty laughter by the football putties. “My expectations for you were low, but sugartit! Know we know why dinosaurs went extinct: they can’t count!”

The entire stadion guffawed, etching the last bit of confidence from the Red Ranger. “What...I... I did 500 pumps just like you told me to....”

“We told you 500, you did 450, Ranger. Not even close!”

Jason’s mouth hung for a moment. “No, that can’t be....”

“Deal with it, Ranger. You’re ours now!” Three lightning strikes teleported the brawny football putties next to Jason. The team leader was still struggling to free himself. He couldn’t even open his grip on the concrete barbell. “You’re never good enough as a team leader!”

The quarterback blew the whistle again and like a rigid mechanism, the leotard dummy darted until it faced the hapless Jason. He could see more details on it. Sparkles of feminine diamonds, tight holes where the thighs would go, white turtleneck to connect with the helmet. Then the corrupting leotard slammed itself onto Jason’s Red Ranger suit.

It was constricting like a huge anaconda wrapping itself around his body. Every muscle felt asphyxiated by the twisting fabric. His pride, the heroic Red Ranger suit was being warped into something else. Something embarrassing.

Jason’s thighs and legs were exposed save for the boots. His toned butt cheeks made a perfect imprint on the rear, the sides didn’t get fully covered due to tightness. His erect nipples were showing up just like the curves of his muscles. It was as if the suit became a bit smaller. His belt fell down to the grass, leaving only bare lower muscle where a vertical bulge didn’t match the new feminine form.

Jason felt in prison. He was wearing the prison itself and there would be no escape.

“This is what our team slut should look like!” laughed one of the football putties as it slapped Jason’s rear. The Red Ranger flinched when the monster pinched his butt cheek. His helmet hid his blushing rose-colored face. “Get used to it, Red Ranger. You’re gonna be like this for the rest of your sorry life! We even got a bonus!”

Just like that, Jason felt all of his powers being drained into the football putties. More of the monsters appeared to circle the conquered Red Ranger. Five, eight, and eleven to form a complete team. All of them flexed their growing muscle due to gaining the Dragon Shield’s essence. Golden color slowly added to their tight jersey uniform. “Thanks for the endorsement, Ranger. Better jocks than pussies!”

Jason almost couldn’t feel his legs anymore, but they somehow refused to collapse. What he could feel is the constant humiliation and unending stroking by the cursed chastity belt. With his body weakening, its effects were getting grabby. “No... I can’t let this happen....”

“Of course ya can, Powerless Hooker!” spoke the football quarterback as it grabbed the Ranger’s shiny helmet like a football. “All ya have to do is make the first surrender of your seed and everything will go by itself from there!”

“Perhaps he needs some help,” the other putty flicked its fingers, and flashes of lightning brought the enslaved female Rangers closer to Jason. “Perhaps some love from the little kitty and birdy.”

“Jason...,” whispered Kimberly in a seducing manner as the Pink Ranger began to fondle the Red Ranger’s apparent abs. “You’re never worthy to lead us....”

“There’s no way around this, Jason...,” added the Yellow Ranger as she massaged her team leader’s chest and sides. She didn’t forget to trace all of the bulky muscles that popped out from the tight uniform. “Your strength, your muscle, your toughness is all fake....”

Their mentally imbalanced face could be clearly seen. Their legs walked with a strange gait, in wide fashion as the Sabretooth Tiger and Pterodactyl helmets were made stuck between them. Their powerful costumes were deformed into similar leotard made of shiny latex-like material. Kimberly’s skirt was completely gone. “You’re not a complete boy anyway, Jason. Only this remains of your manliness,” added Kimberly while fingering the outline of Red Ranger’s erect baton. The corrupting chastity belt was parading the meat instead of covering it from the world.

Trini was exploring from the other side. “You’re wearing leotard just like us showgirls.”

Help us, Jason! They’re enslaving us! We can’t break free! Jason could hear their true thoughts inside. Actually, Kim’s and Trini’s still tearing eyes gave it away. Their faces were coated by dried monster liquid. Their hands stroked the hapless Ranger’s beef with unyielding fever. It’s the party for the Rangers’ end of the world.

But there was nothing he could do, both to help his teammates and to hold himself up. His mind was on the last straw. Pungent smell attacked him from his surroundings, including the abused costumes of Kimberly and Trini. The pumping was all it took to break him apart. “I failed Zordon... I FAILED ZORDON!”

The former Mighty Morphin Red Ranger buckled hard and released. His squirming body bent forward in an imperfect doggy-style position. He couldn’t even close his mouth for some time due to the lengthy afterglow. His chastity belt gleamed bright as it slurped in all of the ejaculated juice. Hope left Jason for good.

“We got them, Boys! Five new fetishes for our team!” announced the football putty captain.

The Mighty Morphin main team was over. Their colorful Ranger energy was snuffed out of their individual bodies. The dying screams of Zack and Billy could be heard from the tackle dummy cocoons, the shrieks of pink and yellow cheerleaders echoed with an uncontrollable lust in the main field along with their team leader’s beg for mercy. All of those orbs flew around the air of Rhinoblaster’s pocket dimension before shooting into the awaiting golden glimmer that awaited below the crevice right in the middle of the field.

Or is it?

“I think I’m gonna have some greens today,” said the football putty captain as the real Red Ranger was giving it a real oral activity.


“Tommy? You can stop messing around now,” said Aisha in doubt as she went through the dark and foggy tunnel with the others.

“Yeah, this is so not funny,” added Rocky next to her. Adam nodded in an anxious agreement.

“There are other optimal options for your football team recruitment celebration, Tommy,” voiced Marge as she held her brooch necklace.

“Tell me about it, Marge,” remarked the cynical Shawna who was hugging the geeky girl. “Better not be some nasty surprises behind this creepy special effects, Tommy!”

Tommy was still wearing his Angel Grove High football jersey and a bit further down the gloomy corridor. The ponytail-haired teen turned around, “Actually, this IS a surprise for all of you guys.”

The tunnel opened up into the massive room with a much higher ceiling. A ring of advanced computers adorned the center with beeping sounds and operating monitors. There were a pair of Tesla coil-like towers that safeguarded a tall glass cylinder. The floating head appeared to greet the youngsters. “Greetings, Rangers! I am the wise space wizard, Zordon. Welcome to the Command Center!”

Shawna blinked, then turned around while flinging her hands. “Okay, I’m outta here.”

“No, wait!” called Tommy as some of her friends followed suit. “Let us explain.”

“You really got a great way to get new friends, Tommy,” said Rocky sarcastically.

“We need you guys to save the world!” added Tommy.

Luckily, the viewing globe in the center awoken and showed what the teens needed to witness. Sounds of destruction and human screams stopped Marge and made Shawna hesitant to go. One by one, the youngsters came back to the chamber and looked into the large magical orb. Shawna was the last, but she couldn’t resist the urge to see what happened.

“What... What is this?” asked Adam.

“This is Angel Grove. What you are seeing is happening right now.”


Five bolts of lightning teleported the enslaved Rangers to the other end of the football field along with putty masters who were still penetrating them. Jason howled like a wild buffalo, while the other heroes let out similar animalistic caws and bellows. They looked like pets to the monsters. “Now that you’re here on an even ground, how about a friendly rematch?” asked the putty quarterback as it caressed Jason’s latex-covered back. Its servant moaned due to an unimaginable sensation from his end part.

“Our business is not with them, Clayface! We’re here to take your team down!” responded Tommy with vigor as he finger-threaten all of the putty football players.

His intimidation was met with the monsters’ cracking har-de-har. They went with glee and guffaw at the puny Ranger. “Look at this little boy with his team of color clowns! Guess what, Green Dicksickle, your friends are now under our new management. To get to us, you’re gonna have to get to them first!” mocked one of the putties as it moved further down Trini’s body to touch the girl’s brainwashing football helmet with its bulging jockstrap. The Yellow Ranger screamed in agony as more of her mind was fried.

“NO!” protested Aisha. But there was nothing she could do.

Perhaps, there was. “If this is what we need to do to free our friends, then so be it! It’s game on, Putties!” shouted Rocky with a challenging tone.

Tommy disagreed. “No, that’s what they want us to do. It could be a trap!”

“Maybe, but it’s the only card we got left, Tommy,” replied Adam.

Marge gulped. “Our success probability is less than 25 percent.”

“Don’t think about statistics, Marge,” said the Pink Ranger waving her hand to cast out her teammate's doubt. “I’ve won gymnastics competitions with fewer odds than that!”

“It’s settled then,” said the putty quarterback. It finally released himself from Jason, but not before presenting a repulsive object to his contenders. “Just making sure that this whore won’t bark the wrong tree, haha!”



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