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Daniel K




Red Nineteen

This one is titled Shower Room Training. The next part will be titled Locker Room Training. Hope that this is fun enough for you to stay indoors during the ongoing pandemic situations.

Stay safe, stay strong, and stay healthy!

The color-coded spandex heroes rolled into action. One by one, they somersaulted high in the air before arriving at a large green field. There were screams of civilians in the distance even before the Power Rangers encountered the hideous opponent. The monster turned its back just in time.

“If you think you’re gonna mess up our town!” announced the Red Ranger with his Tyrannosaurus fighting pose.

“Then you are way offside!” stated the Black Ranger with the Mastodon stance.

The Blue Ranger gave his fearsome Triceratops posture. “So pack up your ball and go home!”

The Yellow Ranger was as intimidating as a sabretooth tiger. “ ‘Coz we don’t want you on our field!”

The Pink Ranger was as graceful as a Pterodactyl. “So punch yourself outta here!”

The Red Ranger led his team as they put out a declaration of war against the Rhinoblaster. “Or you’ll face the Power Rangers!”

The armored monster shrugged their threats off. “You Power Brats are no match for my team!”

In a bright flash, five Putty Patrollers appeared around Rhinoblaster. But there was something wrong with them as Jason and his team had never met golem soldiers that wore American football outfits. Their shoulders big although it wasn’t clear due to the protective pad or Finster designed them with modification. Their jerseys were white with different player numbers and black jockstraps that matched the spiky cleats.

As if by command, the football putties took a stand with one foot in front. Their hands held out as if holding a shield. “Alright, Boys! Quarterback sack!”

The football putties charged the Rangers. The heroes were not deterred. Jason led his teammates to meet them head-on. “Ready, hut!”

It was a clash of titans. The Rangers tackled their foes through grappling. Their arms wrestled with the putties’ strong power. Their calf muscles peeked out the tight colorful spandex, including the female Rangers. All of their strength were used to block the enemies.

Jason and his friends tied their hands together to make a human barrier. Even when they were being pushed back, the heroes held on. Even the Red Ranger could feel his six-pack abs stiffened.

But the football putties had more tricks behind their jerseys than just brute force. Somehow, the foot soldiers were able to release themselves from the hold and launch a concussive blow to the Rangers’ chest. The heroes were thrown back onto the green grass of the city field.

Jason grunted just like his friends. The pain was tremendous, even suffocating. But he needed to get up. All of them needed to get up because the football putties were ready for a second offense.

The Power Rangers didn’t have a chance. They were trampled by the putties’ bull charge. The mighty warriors tumbled to the ground again. Their muscles were now felt aching and throbbing. Their body strength slowly draining.

The Red Ranger couldn’t even stand up when the football putties came for a finishing attack. Their arms changed form into large stone blades. The sharp edges glowed slightly under the morning sunlight. “We have to do something... Or else, they’ll have us for a touchdown!” groaned the Black Ranger as he kept on holding the overwhelming pain.

It was a curb stomp battle. Sparks flew from the Rangers’ chest as the blade struck them. They were bushwacked like some poor target practice.

But the Rhinoblaster wasn’t done yet. In fact, he was just started to have fun. He snapped his monster fingers and the football putties choked each one of their Ranger counterparts. Even Trini and Kimberly weren’t left out of the suffering. The foot soldiers changed their weapon again into a thick bludgeon. With it, they gave the heroes a critical gut-punching.

Trini and Billy vomited their breakfast all over the helmet interior. Not even Jason could handle the agony. He looked down and caught a glimpse of a glowing symbol on his abs. It was nothing normal. He could feel twinge spread across his lower body. The Red Ranger held on for as much as he could.

But it was never enough. The football putties held up their bludgeons and struck the Rangers right on their helmets. There was a shattering noise echoing across the green field as the former mighty heroes lay incapacitated.

Jason gasped as his eyes could see the blue sky without any obstruction. Half of his Tyrannoranger helmet visor was gone, broken by the tremendous force. The pain kept him from mounting any significant retaliation.

The football putties moved the captive Rangers into a kneeling position. Their necks choked by the strong fingers of the monster foot soldiers. They were forced to face the victorious Rhinoblaster.

“You’ve been sidelined, Power Rangers!” shouted the armored monster. “Hit the shower!”

Jason struggled to fight the bondage, but it was too late for him or his teammates. A blast of white mist hit the Power Rangers. They never felt something like that before. It was like the whole world around them was collapsing.

The truth may not be so far away. Flashes of dark energy with ferocious intensity. Energy spiral trapped the Power Rangers before a final glow sent the color-coded heroes into a pocket universe.

The Rangers were thrown onto a foggy floor like rag dolls. Billy tumbled and landed hard on his back before Kimberly landed on top of him in a similarly unceremonious manner.

Jason tried his best to take care of his friends although the Red Ranger wasn’t doing any better. He came to each of the Rangers and asked their condition. Zack could only nod while Kimberly waved him away. “Any guess on where were are?” asked the team leader as he glanced around the dark space around them.

“My best guess is this must be Rhinoblaster’s home dimension,” replied Billy as he tried to get up with Trini’s help. The dark fog around them subsided, giving a clearer view of the large circular chamber of a building they were in. There were doors all around, each had the Rangers’ individual helmet logo on them. “Okay, this is creepy.”

“How do we get out of this place?” asked Kimberly. She took an imperfect fighting pose to whatever waiting for them behind those doors.

But they didn’t expect the threat would come from a disembodied voice. “Rangers, welcome to your new place! You should try to adjust since you’re not going anywhere anytime soon!”

“Give it up, Rhinoblaster,” replied the Red Ranger still with esteem even though his entire body ached. “We’re ready to tip the score balance!”

“On the contrary, Rangers. The game has already over. This is the part where you face the consequences of being losers!”

The doors opened up and from each of them came the football putties. Unlike the ones with white jerseys before, these wore shiny black uniforms with a strange chest logo. It was as if their player numbers were now protected by the Rangers’ Power Buckle.

Jason realized the horror. He looked down and his heart sunk. On his own Power Buckle, there was no Tyrannosaurus power coin. Instead, there was the twisted version of it, one with a putty’s face who opened its mouth wide instead of the prehistoric reptile.

Above each door, there was a sculpture mimicking Rhinoblaster’s head. It spoke in a condescending tone, “It seems that the team leader finally got it. You must give credit to Lord Rito Revolto’s genius regarding this plan. He could just make monsters who attacked you, heroes, with brute force, but he knew better. Each contact you made with my mighty quarterbacks enabled them to sap into your feeble powers. Once you were weakened enough and transported to my pretty little locker room dimension far from the Morphing Grid, it was an easy score to take your Power Coins.”

“Whatever you’re planning with our power coins, it’s not gonna work. We―UNGH!” Jason collapsed to the foggy cold floor.

“Jason!” yelled the female Rangers as they tried to help him staying up.

“Your little Ranger brain couldn’t figure out the next step of my lord’s plan. We’re not just gonna take your power coins. We’re gonna use it. All I can say is congratulations on becoming the first sponsor of my team!”

“Sponsor? Wha―”

Billy felt the pain again on his abs. The magical symbols on his six-pack beef glowed even brighter. He grunted and moaned at the coming torment. “What is... happening?!”

“You have been marked by our contract. As long as the brand is burnt into your Ranger suit, you will always serve our team. The contract has no definite deadline.”

“We’re not gonna surrender... We’re not gonna be a part of your sick team!” grumbled Zack the Black Ranger.

The Rhinoblaster sculptures laughed with echoing sound. The football putties stepped out the doors and ever closer. Kimberly could see a faint glimmer on one of the foot soldiers’ jockstrap. It was her Pterodactyl power coin. “No....”

The monster’s voice boomed. “I don’t need my boy’s performance to plummet by having you pathetic heroes in the team! I said that you’ll serve the team, meaning you will be their servants between games. And we’re gonna have a lot of games especially when reaching the national, globals, and even intergalactic phase of dominance!”

“Jason...! We have to break away from this curse! We have to get out!”

Jason was barely able to verbally respond to Billy's desperate call. “Any ideas?!”

“We can unite our powers and break free. We have to hold on to each other.”

“Guys, let’s go!” Jason didn’t waste a second to start Billy’s plan. But he quickly realized there was something wrong.

“Jason, help!” The voice made Jason turned. He saw Trini captured by one of the football putties. The strong concrete arm gagged the helpless Yellow Ranger. The monster was now wearing a gridiron helmet with a black visor, leaving only the mouth with rows of fangs visibly smirking. A long tongue slithered out to get a taste of the Ranger’s helmet. It laughed when retreating into the cursed door. “Trini, no!”

Jason fell. Not by fatigue, but a strong yank from behind. He heard another laughter, this time from a different putty that held his legs together. The Red Ranger struggled, but it was like fighting against a mountain. Both of his arms were instead got grabbed by the monster. Before the young hero knew it, he was forced to kiss the putty’s jockstrap.

Good thing that Jason still wore his helmet, but a strange odor could still seep in from the broken visor. He gasped at the disgusting aroma. He gulped when looking at the Tyrannosaurus power coin that had become part of the monster’s cup.

It was impossible, but Jason swore that he could see the power coin coming closer. He realized that the monster’s bulge was growing and was teased against the team leader’s helmet. “Let see how your mighty power could handle team training!”

Rhinoblaster’s laughter masked Jason’s panic scream as he was dragged into a dimensional vortex inside the door. All of the former Red Ranger’s form was twisted before disappearing. The door closed behind him with the Tyrannoranger helmet logo. The foggy chamber was once again silent.

“Red meat is best meat, hahaha!” asserted the football putty in a patronizing tone. The monstrous golem stood dominating Red Ranger’s vision. He even needed to look up to catch a full view of his captor.

It was a sight to behold. Its gigantic arms showed concrete biceps and triceps at they were put on the hips. The football helmet gleamed under the shower room’s neon light. Its teeth were as large and sharp as rows of tusks. Serpent-like tongue sneaked out to taste the pungent moist air.

The putty presented itself so close to the weakened Red Ranger that its musk could be smelled invading from the hanging jockstrap. No bondage held the team leader, but he was as debilitated as a dying prehistoric reptile. Jason grunted and whined as his heroic consciousness burned out. “This is not over... The Power Rangers will keep on fighting....”

The football putty spoke as it observed Jason’s toned body. “You could have been a good football player. Your muscles are miserable, but there are potentials.”

But then, the monster put his colossal bare foot right on the Red Ranger’s helmet face. Jason gasped at the plundering stench. He couldn’t even close his mouth as if the odor was a physical thing that clogged the poor hero’s throat. The putty let out a booming statement, “But instead, you chose to be a tame freak in a colorful costume, playing the hero and do-gooder like someone you’re clearly not! Your fantasy time is over now, Ranger. Now, you are my bitch and you will submit!”

The monster flexed its arms and somehow, it brought anxiety to Jason’s soul. He gulped, swallowing more of the moist stench from the putty’s foot. He was trapped in a vicious cycle until he surrendered.

“First things first, you should be removed from the stink of your previous life. It’s shower time!” The hand replaced the foot as the one oppressing Jason. He struggled in vain while dragged across the slippery tiled floor. His helmet crackled against the tremendous force of the monster’s fingers.

The Red Ranger was discarded in another chamber where showerheads protruded from the walls. The scent was much more pungent there than in the previous room. Jason immediately got to know why.

From the showerheads, leaking liquid drops dripped with distinct sounds when hitting the floor. But these weren’t water. These droplets were yellowish in color rather than crystal clear. And the stench... “Smells like... my elbow pit after fighting...,” mumbled Jason deliriously.

“Close enough! That goop is made from the best sweat and musk my team could produce after a long game day. It will overwhelm your senses and your digestive system.” The putty saw Jason’s eyes widened a bit more. “We boys like to do two things at a time, so cleanup and free juice!”

“Not gonna happen...,” Red Ranger got up before gravity betrayed him. The slouching hero fell back as soon as he tried to leave. The floor was too slippery and his helmet struck the tiles with a ringing sound.

“Haha, we’re gonna clean you up real good!” The football putty didn’t care about the futile escape attempt and turned the knob on the wall. Jason shrieked like a girl when a burst of liquid rammed him from all sides. His heroic red costume slowly blanched into orange as more and more of the sickening liquid coated the Red Ranger. There was also rising poignant vapor in the air, something enjoyed by the monster’s tendril tongue. An evil smile expanded on its lips.

The once-mighty Tyrannoranger was jerking on the floor. The sludge did something to the poor hero. “I think that’s satisfying enough,” declared the football putty before turning off the shower and approach his captive.

Jason muddled with faltering strength. He was limping in a useless attempt to break free. A gagging sound could be heard from his helmet.

The putty forced him to sit. The choking sound could be heard even louder. The monster could see the reason. Through the Tyrannoranger’s broken visor, it was visible that the entire interior of the helmet was flooded with yellowish goop. Jason’s distressed eyes could be observed as the hero tried his best to stay alive while drowning. “Fighting for breath like a T-Rex in a tar pit!”

With both of his strong arms, the football putty grabbed the Red Ranger’s helmet and ripped it open. Some of the slimes dropped and smeared the hero’s tight-fitting costume, but most of them stayed to imprison Jason’s head. The young adult was exposed but it was the least of his worries. His mouth opened and closed in a desperate attempt to get fresh air. But his attempt was in vain.

The enclosed shower space made the football putty’s guffaw resounded even louder. The monster grabbed Jason’s shoulder before continuing, “But since I’m being generous today, I’ll give you extra nourishment!”

Without warning, the putty’s tongue swollen into almost as thick as an adult human hand. It easily popped the slimy cocoon and slithered right into Jason’s mouth. He choked and tried to disgorge the disgusting thing, but there was nothing the Red Ranger could do anymore. He could taste the nasty saliva smearing his entire oral cavity all the way to the throat like a huge snake. Yellow goo still stuck on the demoralized hero, making face and hair wet with inescapable filth and adding to the humiliation.

For a moment, Jason had a fleeting notion that this was his true destiny.

And then, the Red Ranger’s throat was released from the phallic giant tongue. He vomited at once while the football putty laughed even more. The hero’s corrupted coin glowed brightly on the monster’s jockstrap. The putty’s muscles grew slightly larger and decorated with visible veins. “Not bad for the first try. Now it is time for personal reflection. It might hard for your small brain to understand the word by now, but just try it.”

The football putty grabbed the hapless Red Ranger by the ankle and dragged him across the shower room. They stopped in front of rows of big mirrors, each of the four went from floor to ceiling. Water buildup made the surface foggy.

The putty ditched Jason before wiping the glass with its giant hands.

Jason heaved at what he saw. “It... It can’t be!”

Behind the murky glass, Jason found his friends, fellow Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. But there wasn’t anything

“mighty” about Billy, Zack, Trini, or Kimberly anymore. It was as if their souls were already devoured by the evil of this accursed place.

Jason could only see the writhing outlines of the Yellow and Pink Rangers. Additionally, his view of Blue and Black Rangers were partially obstructed by the massive jock forms of the football putties on each. But he could still see his male teammates’ folded legs that were pushed into the chest by the sheer weight of the monsters. They were being forced into mock intercourse with an open butterfly position. Both Billy and Zack screeched and howled as the massive bulging jockstraps were pressed to their abs and helmets. Jason could even see the boys’ tormented eyes. Almost no more color except the white of their eyeballs. Tears flowed freely down the former heroes’ cheeks. “Jason... Help us!”

“We are nothing against them! We... We are meat toilets!” squawked Zack. His arms with their robust biceps and triceps were in a desperate attempt to keep the monster away. Jason could imagine the sweating skin of his friend inside the form-fitting costume.

“I see that you’re beginning to accept your new role,” said his personal football putty. Jason was stripped of the short fantasy. His hands trembled as the Red Ranger looked down. Without his control, his right hand began to stroke his member.

Jason tried to protest, but the sad calls of his teammates distracted him. Billy’s puny meat was put against the immense jutting cup of the football putty. The Blue Ranger’s Power Buckle symbol now protected his captor’s gridiron energy. “Billy....”

“You used to call him the team genius, huh? Well, not anymore. I think his IQ just went down like a sinking ship. I bet Squatt is gonna be smarter than him once my teammate finished sucking all the brain goodness through this orgy!”

“Open wide, Blue Rent Boy!” declared the football putty on Billy with excitement as the monster approached climax.

The putty on Zack slapped the Black Ranger’s helmet. “You too, Pet! Haha!”

As if by command, Billy and Zack held their helmets and opened them. Their faces were visible and exposed. Their emotions were too much for Jason, but not even that was enough.

The football putties unbuckled. The splotch of their monster liquid burst at the Rangers’ faces. They were screeching like traumatized girls, yelping while their entire head being made wet by the defilement. Their hair flat, their mouth coughed by the excess, and their mind broken. Then the spasm began.

“Who’s the man now, Boys?!” exclaimed the football putty as it high-fived his teammate next door. Before them, the defeated Rangers twitched as jolts of energy corrupted them from the white goo.

“This is what we got paid for, and we did good!” declared the other putty as it removed itself from the paralyzed Black Ranger. “Who were their names by the way?”

“Pfft, who cares? Why should we remember the names of our practice targets?”

Jason couldn’t believe what he heard. “Practice... target?”

The putties kicked and slapped the alien “chair” where Blue and Black were trapped in. It slowly closed in on them, turning them into prisoners of large cocoons. Each cocoon maintained a roughly cylindrical shape. One of the putties flicked the top of the rubber-like cylinder and it wobbled slightly before going back to the original standing position. “It’s about time that we have something new in the field!”

“Jason... Help us... They got our tight ends....” The last words of Zack were muffled by the suffocating cocoon. Their helmets bulged out from the cylinder’s face to remind everyone about its defeated prisoners. Inside, the painful howls of the Rangers continued. No rest for the conquered.

“Don’t worry, Red Ranger. Soon, you will join them too.” Jason’s football putty made its and his helmets knocked each other as a show of force.

“Yo, Cap! Ya sure don’t wanna squeeze this sumbitch out first?” asked the other dominating putty as it ground itself against the squirming tackle dummy cocoon.

“Kinda wasted if we just sack him, right?” added the other monster.

Jason’s putty snorted at the feeble Red Ranger. “I guess my teammates got into my head. Let see how you amateur Ranger can handle our training regiment!”

The golem put out a whistle from behind and blew it hard. Jason felt like a hammer was struck against his head and screamed in agony. He felt like his helmet was about to explode inside out.

The blowing was over all of a sudden. The putty took a step back while giggling. The gasping Red Ranger quickly realized his abandonment and tried to move away. But alas, his legs were completely immobile!

“What... Is this?!” grunted Jason in protest as the floor tiles began to part and consumed his lower body. Slurping noise could be heard as both of his thighs were sucked into a tight space. He tried to keep his arms up, but the demonic ground materials shot up to cover and drag them too. It didn’t take long before the Ranger was despairing in front of the terrible fate that awaited him below. “AGH! Help... Help me!”

“Haha, the mighty Red Ranger is calling for help! Help, help! Haha, can’t wait to penetrate your end zone, little Ranger!” mocked the standing football putty with its arms crossed. The protrusion that was Jason was slowly disappeared and the tiles returned to their original form.




Hopefully our favorite ponytail boy (tommy) shows up on next part! And also beautiful artwork of jason!