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Daniel K




Love you all and I hope this won’t disappoint as a Christmas present!

PS: Since I have made the story quite long, it is split into two parts so you can enjoy detailed corruption in each phase of Dino Force Brave team’s downfall.

There was a huge explosion in space. Pteravolton broke through the walls of Neo-Deboth Army’s massive orbital base. The Dino Force Brave Rangers inside were targeted by numerous deadly laser cannons, but the winged prehistoric mecha swooped in acrobatic maneuvers that easily dodged each attack.

Juyong the Red Ranger and Juhyeok the Gold Ranger felt a sudden impact from behind. Something collided with their robot and it wasn’t an accident. “No way!” exclaimed Juyong when he saw Deizarus’ enlarged form threatening them with the sharps claws of his hands. The evil master’s gigantic evolution was so huge that it blocked the daytime sunlight.

“Did you really think I was going to let you go just like that?!” boomed Deizarus’ voice in all radiation frequency. The Red and Gold Rangers were in pain and tried to protect their ears when their helmet’ noise filter was clearly failing. Pteravolton continued its irregular flying pattern to prevent certain death.

Deizarus retreated and slowed down, not as a sign of giving up but of preparation. Out of everyone’s disbelief, the Neo-Deboth Army orbital base opened itself up and extended mechanical tendrils that punctured the evil master. He was not in pain. He even let out sinister laughter that further putting the Rangers in agony as his body united with the whole alien starship.

“Hyung, what is that?!” shouted Juyong to his lost brother as he fought the penetrating wicked voice that made his ears ringing.

“It’s... It’s huge! We’ve got to get away somehow!” replied Juhyeok in similar distress. One of the laser cannons struck Pteravolton’s wing.

The two heroes used an unusual strategy to escape. Pteravolton made an unexpected turn toward the massive monster and bolted out with maximum speed. Avoiding the laser strikes and subsequent missile barrage, they emerged on the other side relatively unscathed.

“We’ve still got it!” declared Juyong in excitement. Even Deizarus’ voice was no longer breaching.

But they were not out of the woods yet. Or rather, not out of the vacuum yet. Pteravolton dashed toward Earth’s atmosphere. Its entire colossal body glowed with glorious golden color due to friction with air particles. Behind it, the much larger form of Neo-Deboth base followed close.

Back on Earth, Torin contacted the rest of the Dino Force Brave team. “You guys ready?”

“You bet!” answered the Blue Ranger. His teammates gave thumbs-up as acknowledgment. They were in the cockpit chamber of the TyrannoKing humanoid mecha. The robot already looked glorious as the combination of Cannontyra, Stegotoup, and Forkcera with a color scheme of dominant black, white, red, and respective colors of the other Rangers.

But even the TyrannoKing seemed small compared to the Giga Bragigas machine. Standing on its head, the Rangers’ robot seemed puny like an athlete on the highest point of a massive diving board tower. The analogy wasn’t so outlandish since Bragigas started to sway his neck up and down before catapulting TyrannoKing to the atmosphere.

The mecha’s power kick was enough to stop the monstrous starship on its track with a shockwave that reverberated across the sky, even sweeping away nearby cloud cover. TyrannoKing backflipped to rendezvous with Pteravolton. There wasn’t any time for haste. “Let’s combine our Brave into one!” exclaimed Dino Force Black Ranger.

“Alright, let’s go!” responded the Red Ranger with the same excitement. Both teams let out their newest roll call and fighting pose. “BRAVE RAIDEN COMBINATION!”

It was a scene that would make all tech geeks wet their pants. Mechanisms of both mechas opened up and joined each other. Pistons and gears and ancient electronics make intricate connections. Pteravolton’s winged prehistoric reptile form unclosed its armor hinges to form a mightier amalgamation with the hardy humanoid one of the TyrannoKing. The result was the unbeatable Brave Raiden TyrannoKing. With a golden chainsaw on one hand, cobalt blue drill on the other, and the antigravity-capable heavily clad wings on its back, it was the Dino Force Brave team’s superweapon against the final alien aggressor.

Deizarus boasted himself as the ultimate ancient dominating powerhouse, to which the Brave Rangers replied with heroic spirit, “Don’t underestimate our Brave either, then!”

All heroes showed hold fist salute and flexing their toned muscles. They all turned to Juyong as the team leader. Juhyeok as the Gold Ranger put his hand on his brother’s shoulder as encouragement. “No matter what obstacle is in front of us....”

Juyong completed the sentence. “We’ll definitely win as long as we have our Brave! Let’s unite our Brave!”

“YEAH!” replied everyone. All Rangers let out their war cry as the sacred golden glow ooze from their costumed bodies. Every meat felt energized with blood pumping libidinousness. Hyeonjun, Sechang, Pureun, Dohee, Juhyeok, and Juyong felt like they were being reborn. They grunted and howled in a frenzy. Anything was possible! “This is the true power of the Dinosaur King! This is the true final Brave!”

The Brave Raiden Tyrannoking mecha launched across the atmosphere like a comet of power. The golden glow acted both as a force shield and booster. It didn’t even need to use any attacks against Deizarus. Ramming was all it needed to bring the alien starship down in a nuclear-like detonation. The Raiden Tyrannoking and the Giga Bragigas struck a pose while the ship remnants and rubble fell like a meteor shower around them.


Hyeonjun as the Black Dino Force Brave Ranger explored the smoldering ruins that once were Neo-Deboth Army’s orbital base. The superstructure was reduced to massive chunks that scattered across a huge area of Korean forest. Some fragments were still burning, others glowed with ember. Some others were soaked by green slime that vibrated weakly.

“So much for the foot soldiers...,” mumbled Hyeonjun while looking at the goop’s useless attempt in forming infantry bodies.

Swinging the GabuGabuCalibur with his strong arm, HyeonJun stepped on one of the leaning wing-like formations. He could sparks fly from various broken components of the ship. He also saw some movements. Hyeonjun readied his sword and leaped.

The Black Ranger aimed his weapon, but couldn’t believe his eyes. “You!... Deizarus?!”

The crippled monster tried to move, but it was obvious that most of his body was already broken. Even the armor layer that protected him was shattered in many places. “The Black Brave... Never thought that you’d find me here....”

“But you... You’re dead! We destroyed you!”

“A part of me. Most of me to be precise. It doesn’t matter now. What matters is that we have achieved what we came for.”

Hyeonjun’s grip tighten. He gulped at the ominous words. “What is it? What were you coming for?”

“You wouldn’t understand... A pathetic soul like yours wouldn’t understand. More pathetic than your Red Ranger.”

HyeonJun’s eyes sharpened. He threatened the dying monster with the sharp tip of GabuGabuCalibur. “Tell me now or I will end you!”

“What’s this, the Black Ranger doesn’t need his team leader's permission to kill me?” Deizarus coughed as he laid dying before the Black Ranger. “We have shown the universe that the Dino Force Brave Rangers are not as mighty as the legend says. We even captured and humiliated your team leader in our ship! For a moment, the Dragon King was in our grasp.”

Hyeonjun relaxed and rested the sword on his shoulder. “Ha, for a brief moment before you failed! Look around you, Deizarus! Neo-Deboth is no more! We Braves won!”

“A hard-won victory is not the same as a mythic battle. Now, everyone knows how easy it would be to break you in the next wave of invasion... especially....”

“Especially? Especially, what?!”

Deizarus’ hand reached the ship part behind him. The exoskeleton armor split to reveal an alien weapon. A shield-shaped biomechanical pod with something in its glass bubble heart. “Anytime now... Once our secret weapon is launched, you would be powerless to stop the resurrected Neo-Deboth Army!”

Hyeonjun covered the side of his helmet as Deizarus’ laughter still capable to split the hears. Out of the blue, the monster slapped Black Ranger’s sword out of his hand and grabbed him tightly. He pulled the hero ever closer. So close that Hyeonjun could see the beating heart of the Neo-Deboth Army leader. “I will detonate myself with you. You will die knowing that you have failed to prevent your friends’ future death.”

Hyeonjun struggled to break free from the hold. Even his toned bicep muscles could release himself from Deizarus’ grip. “Let me go!”

“You always rely on your friends to save you. That is how worthless you are. They are not here now, not even the Red Ranger. You will die with me!”

There was a pause, then the Black Ranger closed both of his fists. “No...,” he mumbled.

The monster could feel the hero’s arm muscle became tense around his grip. “What?”

“No more being a hero. Today, I am the leader!” Without warning, Hyeonjun smashed his helmet against Deizarus’ face. That was enough to release him from bondage, but he wasn’t done yet. Panting, he forced himself to grab the evil leader’s body and hold him up high.

“N... No, what are you doing?!”

“Nobody can limit me anymore!” The Black Ranger let out a war cry as he launched Deizarus against the alien pod. There was a massive explosion with shockwaves that flung Hyeonjun from ground zero. He yelped as his back impacted the Neo-Deboth ship hard. There was a dent following the hero’s body form.

Hyeonjun coughed as he tried to get back up. The unnatural fire still raging in front of him. Neither Deizarus nor the alien pod was nowhere to be seen. The Black Ranger limped forward across the barren sandy ground. He held the stinging ache on his bicep as he went.

He has won. “I have won....”

Hyeonjun has won by himself. “I won without my friends....”

He then let out a roar like a wild animal. Like a victorious gorilla, he lifted both of his fists high in the air before pounding the chest. “I am strong!”

Just then, a transparent object rolled to his boots. The glass bubble shattered, leaving whatever inside free for taking. Inside his helmet, Hyeonjun’s eyes widened looking at the strange item. The first thing that came into his mind was it was a belt. He picked it up and observed it closer. “What the hell....”

There was a crackle in the Black Ranger’s helmet as the team’s radio communication channel came to life. “Everyone, we saw an explosion. Please report!”

Deizarus’ words came back to haunt Hyeonjun. “You always rely on your friends to save you... That is how worthless you are....

Hyeonjun’s eyes twitched at the insulting notion. “No...,” he mumbled.

Hyeonjun closed his eyes for a moment before he lied. “It was me. There was an unstable reactor or something here. It just erupted. Everything’s fine.”

Deizarus’ memories taunted him again with words unheard of before. “The Red Ranger’s pet would need his permission to do anything. To fight, to live, to breathe. You are not so different from our foot soldiers....

The Black Ranger shook his head to get rid of the cursed voices. His attempt was in vain. “Shut up, you!”

Do you even need his permission to jerk off in the night?

“NO!” Hyeonjun’s eyes opened up with rage. His grip on the alien belt tightened before he lifted it high. “I’ll show you jerking off!”

Hyeonjun slammed the belt against his own, uniting both powers in an unholy fusion. He shrieked at the sensation. He felt a jolt of energy striking his entire shuddering and trembling body. The spandex-like shiny black layer of his power suit glowed all over the place by the excess energy. Then, the broad claws of the alien belt started to rip Hyeonjun’s Dino Force belt to shreds like it was nothing. The Dino Buckle with all cylinders inside were assimilated, giving off an additional shock that made the hero’s brawny form drown in brilliant ecstasy. Tentacles started to swarm out, intertwined with each other, and dig into Hyeonjun’s abs like parasitic tendrils they were. His helmet visor glared with blood-red color. “I’ll show you jerking off!” repeated the Dino Force Black Ranger.

Hyeonjun looked down at his new strap. No longer just a white band around his waist, it now came with an armored codpiece. The bulge seemed disproportionally-large for the hero, but it was not an illusion. As the Black Ranger got hold of the protruding phallic form, he could feel the overwhelming lust as if touching his own bare meat. He gasped at the unexpected sensation, then started to pump.

As his strokes went faster, Hyeonjun’s panting became louder and louder. At the back of his mind, he knew that this was wrong. But somehow, he also knew that this was the only way to be stronger. To be stronger than his team’s future enemies. To be stronger than his team. To be stronger than anyone in the universe. “I WILL BE THE DOMINANT SPECIES!”

The second explosion wiped everything around Hyeonjun. All ship parts were turned into small pieces of scrap metal. A chain reaction swept in all directions like a seismic wave. The other Rangers were caught in the energy surge and hurled away from the site. Not even the Red Ranger saw what was coming. What remained of the Neo-Deboth Army’s ship were reduced to indistinguishable rubbles.

In the center of it all was Hyeonjun as the Black Ranger. His grip on the alien codpiece loosened and both of his arms hung powerlessly. There was an apparent white blotch as the result of Hyeonjun’s buckling. He felt dirty, he was dirty.

Then the jizz started to smear on its own, spreading to the whole codpiece. Not only that, the entire alien belt changed color from Deizarus’ dark blue into milky white. It was not just a color change. Hyeonjun could feel more of his seeds were extracted by interior tentacle to paint his belt. He gasped, not even a single word could escape his stunned gaping mouth. He felt... “Complete... I feel complete....”

His hands were still shivering from the afterglow. He pressed the helmet’s side. “I think we’re done here. The ship is gone. Neo-Deboth is totally destroyed....”

The crackling radio sound came. “Understood, Dino Black. Team, let’s wrap this up and go home! Let’s celebrate our victory!”

Hyeonjun turned off his communication. He muttered, repeating the disgusting words of his team leader. “Our victory....”


Candelila and Luckyro welcomed the triumphant Dino Rangers back to the Spirit Base. Each of the heroes removed and folded their team jackets before putting them on the main table as a sign of power relinquishment.

“I learned so much from fighting with you guys,” said Pureun nervously. He licked the rainbow lollipop given by Luckyro to calm himself. “Thanks to you all, I had a great time.”

“See you all, I gotta go back to my babies,” added Sechang with a cool attitude like a celebrity he was. “I guess we go back to our normal lives.”

“Not gonna happen,” said Hyeonjun to everyone’s surprise. His arms crossed while holding the personal Gabugaburivolver. “I don’t it’s wise to abandon our powers completely. Neo-Deboth Army is gone, but there might be other enemies out there.”

Juyong smiled and snapped his fingers. “Hyeonjun got it right. I and my brother would continue our training as Dino Rangers and keep the world safe, but we will also need all of you if something goes wrong.”

“That’s a grim way to look at our future,” replied Pureun with a somewhat disappointed sigh. He posed with the personal revolver too. “But I guess it’s our duty to be vigilant as Rangers after all!”

Hyeonjun nodded. Everyone nodded and kept their power weapons.

“Juyong, you and your brother stay well, okay?” Dohee gave a one-eye wink to her team leader.

The former Dino Force Tyrannoranger gave a relaxed salute. His snuggly jacket was still red even as a civilian. His white compression shirt and black tight legging completed the color scheme of his heroic self. “Yeah, you guys stay well too.”

They fist-bumped each other. They hugged each other. Juyong yelped when Hyeonjun groped his conspicuous butt cheek under the black leggings. He thought that it was implied bromance fun time. He didn’t notice the hidden smug on the Black Ranger’s face.


Juyong’s face was still red when he walked down the dirt path of the bamboo forest. “Hold up!” as he found someone familiar.

“What took you so long?” retorted Juhyeok while crouching. He snorted while standing back up, showing his hand before his brother could respond. “Don’t tell me, you gotta say goodbye first.”

“Look at us, together again in an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere,” said Juyong with a somewhat sarcastic note. Behind both of them were ruins of a factory. He gave a sincere smile after that, though. “Training with you, Hyung. It’s a dream come true!”

“Yeah, well―” Gold Ranger’s words faded into uncertainty as both of them heard distant booms. There were minor tremors on the ground too. “What’s that?”

Before the two heroes knew what happened, a series of lightning strikes hammer them. The impact was enough to send them flying and came crashing back down. Their jackets gave off a burning smell from many burn marks.

Juyong and Juhyeok were whimpering on the grass as the enemy approached. “Who... Who is that?”

“Your journey with your brother is not a dream, Juyong. It is a nightmare and I’m the one who will make it come true.”

Juyong was in disbelief. This can’t be true. Something must had gone wrong. “Hyeonjun? What... What are you doing?”

“To stop us from getting destroyed by future enemies, we should become the enemies themselves. I realized the natural order of the universe today when taking something precious from Deizaru’s dying hands. An accomplishment that I did without help from any of you.”

“If Deizarus did something to you, we can help! We are a team of fellow Braves,” pleaded Juyong as he tried to get up. His brother wasn’t so persuasive. “Hyung!”

Juhyeok was already darting toward the Black Ranger. In a flash, he transformed himself into the Brave Dino Gold Ranger. His Zandar Thunder was brandished in a readied fighting pose. “Words wouldn’t do it, Juyong. We need to beat him to break the spell!”

“Perhaps, but you will never beat me!” The Black Ranger flexed his muscle. His double punches caught Juhyeok off guard that the sword attack failed. Making the most of Gold Ranger’s dazed moment, his former teammate launch a power kick right at his gut. His breath was blown out as the pain smashed his mental defenses.

Juyong transformed and prepared to catch his brother from the air, but he never got the chance. Menacing tentacles from Black Ranger’s alien belt launched themselves and ensnare the hapless hero. He was snagged back and sent tumbling down on the ground.

“I always knew that my teammates aren’t as powerful as we are told to be. Now that Torin is gone, I can finally prove my point!”

The limbering Gold Ranger was pulled toward his captor. He was forced onto a kneeling position just as the Black Ranger approached while showing off his unnaturally-immense arm muscles. Veins could be seen sneaking out from some parts accompanied by the distinct squeaking sound of the spandex-like layer that tried to hold massive pressure. Every muscle of his body was showing as if his costume was shrinking. Hyeonjun’s hands guided Juhyeok’s helmet toward his growing bulge between the legs. A pale glow could be seen drained from the weakened hero into the crotch. “A little intro to the new power that you’re going to serve, Gold Ranger!”

“Hyeonjun!” shouted the jumping Red Ranger as he launched a barrage of energy strikes from the Gabugaburivolver. The Black Ranger easily dodged each shot simply by tilting his body or even head with many problems. “What?”

“So easy!” Black moved faster than normal human―or normal Ranger. Red barely able to block his teammate’s sword attack with the revolver. He pushed himself away to give some distance before trying the volley strike again. This time, his shots were able to hit the black spandex costume with such force that Hyeonjun grunted.

Sensing a precious time gap, Juyong use the opportunity to take one of the batteries and inserted it into the revolver. A little dance to arouse the load inside and the Red Ranger aimed his gun at his own friend. “Sorry, Hyeonjun!”

A huge fireball bombarded the Black Ranger. Explosions trapped him in an inescapable ring of fire. The blitz sent Hyeonjun to the ground. His suit was damaged with shredded parts and bloody wounds.

“Is it working?” mumbled Juyong to himself. “This is not who you are, Hyeonjun! You’re a protector!” shouted the Red Ranger with the hope of returning his friend’s heroic spirit.

“Juyong... I am still a protector,” replied Hyeonjun weakly.

The Red Ranger lowered his gun.

Out of nowhere, the Black Ranger wielded both the Gabugabucalibur and the Zandar Thunder. “I am protecting my powers!”

It was a double onslaught that the Red Ranger could get away from. The combined energy formed a destructive tornado that hit Juyong head-on. Instant damage for him, including cracked helmet visor. His Brave glow was his only defense with a crossed arms, and that energy failed him.

Juyong kneeling on one leg as his powers depleted. He was panting with little strength left. Whatever plan he had, he must do it soon. Juyong clenched his fists before jumping high in the air. “So am I!” exclaimed the Red Ranger as he aimed his revolver once again. The sights track Black Ranger’s helmet visor. It would be a clean shot.

“As I said to Green, you will only useful as a distraction with that skill!”

Red wasn’t even on the ground yet when the colossal chainsaw of the Stegotoup struck him from behind. He felt as if his entire body was being massacred into small pieces of meat. The huge energy release made the empty factory exploded as a tactical nuke would do. Juyong fell like a corpse with his gun discarded next to him.

The Red Ranger spasmed uncontrollably as corrupted energy from the mecha still overwhelmed him. The Black Ranger gave out sinister laugh while watching his sad friend. The corrupted hero also collected Red’s Gabugaburivolver as loot. He then continued his plan with the stunned Gold. “I always believe that pep talk about having our powers connected. After all, it’s making my job easier when putting you in the proper place in the new hierarchy of might. What I’m gonna do to you wouldn’t be possible if you are defeated by Neo-Deboth monsters. But now, you kneel before your fellow Ranger as his slut!”

The Black Ranger thrust his alien jockstrap on Gold. Something happened to Juhyeok’s helmet as his mouthguard burned away into a gaping hole. He couldn’t voice a protest because the protruding shape of the cup gagged him right away. “Your Dino powers recognize my Dino powers, so it gives expose itself without any resistance. To your costume, my gagging is helping you win the battle,” said Hyeonjun as a dominator.

Juhyeok struggled with desperate slapping and punching. Hyeonjun quickly subjugated his arms and forced him to grab his panhandle. The mental shock ensured that Black and Gold Rangers stayed in that position.

“Juhyeok...,” begged the stupefied Red Ranger.

“Juyong, you should know better. This world doesn’t do well to losers and your brother is not an exception. My goal is not to kill you, simply to let you understand roles and status. Let me demonstrate.”

Juyong could hear louder moaning from his brother. Juhyeok was sucking Black Ranger’s form lustfully. There was another lump growing between his own kneeling legs.

Then, Brave Dino Black Ranger came. He discharged his load that gushed not only inside Juhyeok’s mouth but also all over his face. The Gold Ranger’s brain could no longer process the event. His eyes were almost white with ecstasy.

Then the burst continued like a deluge of white sludge until the whole body of Brave Dino Gold Ranger was coated. The goop slowly masked the hero’s shape, turning him into an unrecognizable blob that slowly levitated slightly of the ground. Then the jockstrap sucked him back into it.

“Brother, no!” screamed Juyong but he was hopeless in preventing the unbirthing of his brother. It was a scene not even the scariest horror films or Neo-Deboth commanders could imagine. The former Gold Ranger was vacuum into the gaping mouth of the alien cup of his own teammate. It didn’t take long before the whole heinous process to finish. The belt reverted back into the fake Dino Force Brave belt shape so that Juyong could see an obvious difference on Black Ranger’s stomach.

He could the faint outline of devoured Gold Ranger projecting out Hyeonjun’s abs. He was being dragged into the stomach where his form faded away. Juhyeok’s obscure helmet imprint kept on trying to free itself from inside his captor’s costume. The Black Ranger rubbed his full belly while laughing. Right away, a golden glow started to flow out. “Now, his powers could be put to better use, such as empowering me as your master!”

“You’re not a Brave, Hyeonjun!” shouted Juyong like he had some dignity left. “You’re a monster just like the Neo-Deboth and we will crush you!”

The Black Ranger was right in front of Red in an instant. “Keep talking, I like my meals hot.”

There was sudden darkness in the forest. Juyong couldn’t believe his eyes when he looked up at the rainy grey sky and found a Neo-Deboth alien ship hanging above them. “De... Deboth?!”

“Not quite, this ship is part of Deizarus’ backup plan. He hid it on the Moon and only respond to Neo-Deboth leaders. Well, it’s here now so what you said about my new identity maybe not something bad!”

Without warning, Hyeonjun stepped on Juyong’s abs. The Red Ranger was defenseless as his former teammate grabbed and ripped open his Brave Dino helmet while howling with amusement. Hyeonjun lifted the broken helmet like a victorious champion.

“The next one is for you, Juyong! Your training starts now!”

The Black Ranger took a step back so that the bright tractor beam from the alien ship could shine on the team leader and captured it. Juyong struggled in anguish to fight his inevitable fate. The searchlight disappeared and Hyeonjun was left alone as the dominant species in the area. “I’m... I’m going to miss this battle. It was a good one. Later fights with the impotent Blue, Green, and Pink Rangers would be nothing compared to this.” An idea flicked in the vile brain of the Black Ranger. “Unless...”

He knew what to do next after bringing about the downfall of his own team. He knew that he should aim for bigger fishes. Or more precisely, bigger Dino powers. Hyeonjun giggled, then chuckled, then the sound of his laughter could be heard roaring across the destroyed bamboo forest with the burned-out factory in the background.




What a great story, that was such a fun and hot read! Thanks for the early christmas present man! I really enjoy hyenjoun is the villain instead of a monster, i always like having an evil or corrupted ranger as the main villain! I can't wait to see what hyenjoun will do juyong next. Hopefully juyong enslavement process will involve a lot of delicious hypnosis, mind control and brainwashing scene! Also i wonder about juhyeok fate too, is he fully gone or hyeonjun will let him out to enslave him too. So many things to look forward to! Keep up the good work man, i'm so excited for the next part!


Stunning artwork! The coloring looks really good, i love how hyeonjun just casually stepped on juyong and taunting him while holding his helmet. Juyong looks so desperate too, gotta love unmasked ranger! Also i really love how you draw juyong's hair, it looks so nice! As for the story, it's every bit as enjoyable as i thought! I always love how you narrate each scene and words together. I like how hyeonjun (good pick!) is the one that got corrupted and become drunk with power and now acts as the villain. The whole scene when he was trying to dominate juyong and juhyeok is fantastic and damn sexy. Though i wish he could keep juhyeok instead of absorbing him so he can make him his slave. I like how hyeonjun is slowly becoming the evil overlord himself, and i can't wait what kind of method he will do to enslave his former teammates, those boys needs to be brainwashed and become hyeonjun's slave! Too bad we need to wait for the next part to see what will happens next (brainwashing/mc scene please!)! I seriously itching to read next part hahaha. Anyway great work sir! Thank you for fulfilling your fans desire again :D


Hahaha yes! I agree about the delicious hypno/mc/brainwash scene too! Those k ranger boys needs to undergo an intense brainwashing session, and maybe Hyeounjun now have the technology and means for brainwashing inside his new ship. Glad to see another brainwash fan :D


Thank you for your feedback! :D Don't worry, Juhyeok will see his own part later, would be vomited and made fun of like Rangers captured by the Terror Toad Stay tuned for the next part!


No prob sir! And sorry if i get too excited and rambling too much XD Nice, would be great to see juhyeok got vomited out! :D Of course, i'll be waiting for the next part! Is there any ETA about when you will post next story?


I like it when my readers ARE excited! :D I will upload the other story first (Shower Room Training) next week and will have the second part for this later on. Stay tuned! :D


That sounds hot! Love me some jason and my boy tommy. Allright then will do, i will give it a read in the mean time :D