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There are many ancient secrets hidden in the desert. Some are not meant to be resurrected.

Ramses Repulsa had failed again. His gigantic Queen Sphinx monster erupted into a massive fireball when defeated by Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ Megazord. Observing the battle from a nearby skyscraper, he shrieked in fury but the space wizard’s voice was muffled by the coming shockwave.

Ramses clenched his fist. His henchmen cowered in fear, but no torture came for them. “Not today, not this time, “mumbled Ramses Repulsa.

He teleported to ground zero. Scattered around him was the clear evidence of the recent explosion. Zordinna would soon brainwash the city people into forgetting this. What lies would she use this time? Chemical explosion, tanker accident, or perhaps terrorist bombing? None of that matter because that was not the reason Ramses came.

Ramses kneeled down. His moon staff helped his balance. With the other hand, he grabbed a scoop of the burned-out soil. He felt the texture and smiled. “Yes, she is finally ready.”

His sinister laughter grew into an echoing one.

Many years later, the Morphin Grid chose a new team to fight for all things good in the world: Dino Thunder Power Rangers. Reefside played host for these young heroes, from the tomboyish Chloe McKnight as the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger, the geeky Etta James as the Blue Triceratops Ranger, and the up-and-coming handsome singer Kieran Ford as the Yellow Pteranodon Ranger. They were joined later by Trisha Hernandez after she broke the mind control of Mesogra, the main villain. Not only that, the team would receive more firepower when Dr. Tammie Oliver continued her Ranger legacy as the Black Apatosaurus Ranger.

It was a few weeks after the graduation, Tammie was invited to the Reefside Museum for the opening of a new exhibition wing. As a representative of the education world, she dressed properly although still kept her style to a functional one. She still got the hibbie jibbies when going to the museum ever since the Tutanhawken monster got resurrected there.

The ceremony was not so ceremonious. Most of the people there were guests, from the museum leaders to other representatives of the antique world. Dr. Oliver sat at the further row, far beyond college students who attended the event. She didn’t even pay attention to most of the speech given by the museum director.

“...and by that, we are honored to receive this enigmatic artifact as our museum’s new crown jewel. Its real name has been lost to the sands of time, but we all can now call it the Globe of Badroulbadour. As the beautiful princess in the Aladdin story, this magical object is truly something to behold.”

It was true, the gigantic globe-like artifact that the museum staff dragged out was fascinating. Its entire surface was decorated with intricate ornament, all in glorious glossy crimson color. Jewels of multiple colors added allure around the dragon-shaped protrusions that encircled the globe.

Everyone clapped their hands. Tammie, still mesmerized by the exquisite relic, also clapped her hands. It was almost intoxicating. Impossible as it might be, the young teacher could see her reflection on the obsidian jewel.

She didn’t realize that there was a familiar figure who came out from the crowd. The good-looking male teenager flicked his leather jacket that partially hid the yellow T-shirt that he wore when walking onto the stage. He also brushed his messy red hair using five fingers before shaking hands with the museum leaders. He then struck a pose.

“Dino Thunder, power up! Ha!” shouted Kieran in public as he mimicked the posture of a flying prehistoric reptile. Huge energy surged unleashed from the teen as his body brighten up with a bright golden glow. In a flash, he was wearing the Yellow Dino Thunder suit before the oval helmet materialized to protect his head. “Ptera Power, Yellow Ranger!”

Everyone clapped their hand enthusiastically and cheered Kieran’s name. The Ranger himself waved his hand proud like just accomplishing a magic trick. In the back of her mind, Tammie screamed at how Kieran’s secret identity reveal would be a huge disaster would be for the Dino Thunder team. But outside, she clapped her hands and smiled blissfully. She even bit her lips when the Yellow Ranger summoned his twin Ptera Grip and combined them into one weapon. She clenched her hands when the hero used the items as some sort of a key into the ancient globe.

Tammie thought that she heard Kieran moaned when he inserted his weapons. The globe’s intricate texture displayed a spreading glow like a silent shockwave before a low humming sound could be heard. Tammie gasped as the vibration began to feel penetrating her skin. She shut her eyes for a long moment when it was becoming too much to bear.

“The globe could detect individuals who are worthy of its power. Those who call themselves heroes would be drawn to it, whether they like it or not,” announced the museum director as he approached the frozen yet trembling Kieran. He then caressed the Yellow Ranger’s crotch until the young hero bent forward in a desperate attempt to withheld all sensations. Kieran somehow was powerless to fight an ordinary man like him.

Tammie could hear her friend’s panting as she was powerless to help. Any movement she attempted would amplify the unnatural vibration within her. She swallowed and tried multiple times to rise, but the agitation she felt between her legs and on the peak of each breast was too much. She throbbed at the edge of her sanity.

“The Sphinx Empress has her own system to classify her servants. Those who are deemed worthy and happen to be male would be transformed into her loving guardians.” The museum leader said that just in time before another glow appeared around the ancient sphere. It concentrated on the Ptera Ranger’s locked weapons before shooting a golden beam of energy at the powerless Ranger. Kieran shrieked as his body became stiff. He stood there at the mercy of this unknown force. Ghostly ribbons of energy began to coalesce around him before getting tighter and enveloping like a mummy’s linen wrappings.

That energy cocoon faded, leaving only a bright part on Kieran’s waist. He groaned again while thrusting his hip outward. His body went limp, but it refused to collapse. It was as if the Yellow Ranger was trapped by an unseen force until the end.

A burst of colors exploded. Kieran’s shoulders dropped weakly, but he kept on standing. He turned to the audience like a defeated slave. Maybe that was true and the clearest evidence was the golden chastity belt that he was forced to wear. The intricate belt wrapped around his waist while his groin was entirely covered by a large scarab amulet with contrasting beautiful jade color.

“No...,” gulped Tammie in disbelieve. Deep down, she knew that the whole process was wrong and she needed to do something as a Ranger. But she was compelled to express something else, “Let his desires be owned by the Empress....”

“Let he be devoured by the desires of our Empress, “ replied the crowd.

“No... Dr. Oliver, help me....” mumbled Kieran in hopelessness. He grunted as the chastity belt was doing something to him. The power spandex around his crotch was tightening and relaxing in a slow rhythmic pattern. The chastity belt was sucking.

The smiling museum director approached the Ptera Ranger one more time to press the hidden button on the hero’s yellow helmet. At once, Kieran’s protective visor slid up and gave a full view of his aroused face. His cheeks were rosy pink, his skin moist with uncontrolled perspiration, his breaths short. His eyes looked tortured and almost entirely white. “I am... defeated....”

“One soul for the sarcophagus. One more” said the museum director.

“One more power for our Empress’ amulet,” replied the crowd in unison.

The museum director pointed his finger at the startled Tammie Oliver. She gulped but rose following his command. Her steps trembled and her lips shut even though she screamed for herself to stop. It was a trap and she was throwing herself into it.

But try as hard as she did, Tammie wasn’t even able to reach for the distress signal button on her morpher. She approached and walked onto the stage before the glowing eyes of everyone in that museum hall.

“Tammie Oliver, welcome,” greeted the museum director. “Or should I say, Black Dino Thunder Ranger?”

Tammie’s eyes went wide and she struck the fighting pose. For a moment, the hypnotic daze left her. “What... What have you done to my friend?”

“Him?” asked the museum director as he licked the side of the Ptera Ranger’s helmet. “Oh, I’m just preparing him so that you can start right away.”

Tammie frowned. “Start what?”

“Your devotion to the ecstasy,” answered the director as he stroke the scarab amulet on Kieran’s chastity belt. The more he caressed it, the more apparent change happened to the object. No longer it was a round jewel with intricate insect shell details.

“What... What are you doing?” Tammie maintained her pose, but her resolve was breaking. She chugged as her glasses reflected the growing form of the amulet. It didn’t take long before the cursed object change into an elongated form with a slightly curved one.

New people began to rise up from the audience. They approached the helpless Tammie. She noticed them before but didn’t take much attention to their strange attire. It came back to her now. They looked like Ancient Egyptian priestesses with overflowing thick black wig and long eyelashes. The sun disk symbol was not on their head, but the chest of the jet-black tight dominatrix costume matched by unusually-high heels and an intimidating whip. Each crack sent fear into Tammie’s heart. She began to doubt her power to get out of this situation.

“Feeling doubt, Tammie? It would be the beginning of our descend into our empress’ domination. Soon, you would realize that your true purpose as a Ranger is to lament for her eternal entertainment. Your duty would be to violate each other in a beautiful indulgence like never before seen. You will start with your little yellow friend.”

“No...” She defied, but her right leg was ready to take the first step. “This is not what we are!”

“Perhaps,” hissed the director as he pinched the Ptera Ranger’s thigh. Grunting sounds could be heard from Kieran’s desperation. “But this is what you will be....”

The whips cracked again, making Tammie released her fists. They didn’t need much force to compel her to kneel. “Why don’t say the words, Pretty Slave?” whispered one of the priestesses.

Tammie rose her trembling hands in obedience. The Dino Thunder Morpher and the accompanying key gleamed under the evil glow of the giant globe. Her mouth began to drool as she spoke the transformation phrase. In battles before, she said them with pride. Today, it wasn’t the case, “Dino Thunder, Power Up...,” Tammie with a discouraged tone.

The golden brightness engulfed the young scientist. The dinosaur claw symbol formed to protect her heart between the twin mature breasts. Her costume skirt was short and inviting. Every part of the tight fabric showed the Black Dino Thunder Ranger’s tone muscles. None of that matters anymore.

“Deep down, you know this is what you really crave for. The reason why you would come out of Ranger retirement and help the Dino Thunder team.”

“I... I don’t understand,” replied Tammie while shaking her head weakly.

“You want to be used. You long to be used. You want to be a part of something greater. You want to be a part of the team.”

“You got it wrong, I already got my team,” said Tammie with a slight smirk. A little victory for her.

“Not quite,” said the director as he forced the Ranger’s helmet to look up at his face. “Not quite, because you got something better in the previous deals. Be it Ramses Repulsa, Zordinna, or even the Dino Gems who gave you powers, it was something deeper that urged you to be a Ranger over and over again.”

“No, you―”

“Something closer and enveloping. Something tight and tightening like your Ranger suit.”

Tammie’s heart jumped. “I―”

Before she denied those words, the Black Dino Thunder Ranger’s helmet visor opened up and a similar view was revealed to everyone. Tammie had lost her conviction, her resolve, her hope. Her eyes showed the distinct ahegao expression mixed between bliss and despair. She cried but she giggled and squeaked like a happy girl. She even lost for words.

One of the priestesses squatted behind her and began to fondle her body. The poor heroine never experienced something as defiling as that. It was as if every surface of her skin was beyond sensitive. The dominatrix didn’t even need to target sexual parts like Tammie’s erect nipple. She only had to brush her fingers on the Black Ranger’s thigh and it was already enough to send her struggling in vain.

“But to continue, you need to open up more, Little Tammie,” said the director in a flirting manner.

Tammie summoned her Brachio Staff in an instant. She twisted the weapon a couple of times until dazzling traces of energy began to follow its movement. She then struck her own helmet with an explosive attack.

Tammie shrieked and moved back where the priestess already set to catch her. When the Black Ranger was put back into her kneeling position, her helmet mouthguard was shattered, revealing her red lips with some saliva drools.

The metallic sound marked Brachio Staff’s released onto the stage. Tammie didn’t even pay attention to it anymore. She seemed didn’t care that the weapon could be used against her by any of the evil characters around her.

Kieran’s jade codpiece was thrust unceremoniously into Tammie’s throat. She gagged for the first time with saliva bursting out and wet the cursed amulet. She tried to release herself using both hands but her attempt slowly devolved into following the dark rhythm. Tammie Oliver, the mighty Black Brachiosaurus Dino Thunder Ranger, submitted to the grinding swing of Kieran, the extraordinary Yellow Ptera Dino Thunder Ranger. Amplified sensation hit her as the long amulet could be felt against her teeth, tongue, and even the throat walls. It was digging deeper and left bulging form on her neck.

Her eyes came together with Kieran’s blank and tortured expression. They did this under the evil spell, but no spells could influence any heroes without taking advantage of their darkest desires. Today, Tammie Oliver gave up on those lusts.

The Dino Thunder Brachio Ranger moved away from her kneeling position. Her scrambled brain agitated her to do a squat just like her mistress behind. She spread her legs wide and open into a perfect split.

“Look at how pathetic you are, Black Ranger. Your friend hasn’t even abused you with his part and you already wet,” giggled the other priestess while looking down at Tammie’s pool on her shiny black spandex. “The younger they are, the more enticed you are.”

“No... I’m not...!” disgorged Tammie while her mouth still full with the prolonged amulet. The thing was now damp with her slobber as it was thrust back and forth in mock coitus.

“So vulgar, so depraved, so disgusting,” said the third priestess. Like the director to Kieran, she licked Tammie’s helmet side with a toying manner. The heroine somehow could feel the texture of her tongue running up her cheeks and it sent a shiver down her spine.

“Don’t worry, Ranger. There is only one more thing to do.” The first priestess revealed a long branding iron with a glowing strange symbol on its end. “Behold the mark of Apophis, Lord of the Carnal Darkness to which you will all be consumed. Once you are scarred by this, all Rangers would be a part of the Sphinx Empress.”

Tears ran down Tammie’s eyes. She couldn’t do anything as both of her hands seemed to fix to grope Kieran’s sickening amulet. Her legs were frozen in a spread out crouching position. She could only watch in horror as the searing brand came closer.

“I... I’m so worthless. I need my friends...,” gagged the Black Ranger as if it would be her final words.

There was a scream before the Dino Morpher released a shockwave that threw everyone away.

Tammie was no longer imprisoned to Kieran’s amulet or the priestesses. She was free. Her Ranger reflex put her back into a strong fighting pose. Her breaths short and raspy and she could feel the aftertaste of the horrible artifact in her mouth.

“Glad we can help,” said a familiar voice from Tammie’s Morpher.

“Etta, is that you?”

“You got it, Dr. Oliver! We tracked your signal to the museum where there are also multiple traces of monster energy there. Trisha said it was just a coincidence, but I know better.”

“Quick!” demanded Tammie while she tried to catch her breath. “Teleport me away from here! They are ambushing me!”

“Hang on, Dr. Oliver!”

Before the museum director or the priestesses could get her, Tammie’s body brightened before transformed into an obsidian-colored energy specter that shot out the glass hall ceiling into the sky. She escaped just in time before an unnatural dark cloud began to converge above the museum.

The teleportation energy struck down the earth at the center of the Dino Lab. Tammie arrived slumped on the renovated underground base. People gathered around her right away.

“Dr. Oliver!” called Chloe as she helped her mentor got up with Etta and Trisha. “What happened?”

“They...,” Tammie started with a cough. “They ambushed me. They somehow got to Kieran. I don’t know, but I think they have enslaved him or something.”

“Enslaved? He’s with them?” asked Trisha in disbelieve.

Tammie nodded. “He obeyed every command even though it violated his very identity as a Ranger.”

“If that’s the case, then we gotta act fast,” demanded Chloe with excitement.

“No, don’t, Chloe,” persuaded Tammie. She placed her hand on the Red Ranger’s chest to calm her down. “I don’t think that we’re strong enough to fight them head-on. You know how powerful Kieran is. That didn’t save him from their corruption.”

Chloe’s fists slowly opened up. “Okay, so what’s the plan?”

“We’re gonna wait first. We make sure that our powers will be strong enough against them. I’ll devise a way to combine our Dino Gem powers to give a boost when we strike them. It would be like the Megazord stomping them.”

Etta pounded her fist on the chest. “Count me in, Dr. Oliver. Just tell me what to do.”

“I’ll design the schematics, then we’ll make it together. How about that?” said Tammie before grunting.

“Are you okay, Dr. Oliver?” asked Chloe who still helping her walk.

“Yeah, just... The battle really wore me off. I need some rest.”

“Say no more, Dr. Oliver. We’ll get you to your room.” Chloe and Etta carried the broken Black Dino Thunder Ranger to her private room.

“Wait, Etta,” said Tammie weakly from her bed to prevent her Blue Ranger from exiting the room. “I wanna talk something to you first.”

Chloe nodded outside. “Just let me know if you need anything, okay?”

Etta gave a thumbs-up before the door closed. “What do you need, Dr. Oliver?”

“I gotta thank you for rescuing me back there. I don’t know what would happen if they get to me.”

Etta chuckled. The girl genius replied, “Don’t mention it, Dr. Oliver. It’s nothing compared to what you have done for our team. Without you, I and Chloe and Kieran wouldn’t have been Rangers.”

“Nice, nice,” said Tammie before letting out a soft whine. She then pointed below her bed. “There’s something down there that I want to show you. Can you get it?”

“Sure, Doctor,” said Etta while kneeling and peeking below the mattress. “What is it?”

“You’d know it once you see it.”

Etta fixed her glasses position and kept on looking around. There was nothing there. Just empty dark space below the bed support beams. “Are you sure it’s here?”

Unbeknownst to her, Tammie already stood before her. Etta was caught off guard when saw that. “Doctor, what are you doing?”

Tammie panted. Her opened helmet visor showed her enticed emotions. She clawed her own Ranger suit right before the navel. With her skin now exposed, Etta now could see the burned mark of Apophis on the Black Dino Thunder Ranger.

“What the―” Etta never finished her sentence since Tammie had forced her to kiss the mark. Even the slightest touch could influence a Ranger’s mind. The genius’s body shivered before letting out the same animalistic expressions as her mentor.The coolness of Etta’s drool soon enveloped all of Tammie’s lower abs as the girl wiped it with her long tongue.



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