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Daniel K




Red Nineteen

Sorry for the short hiatus last two weeks since I got ill for a moment. But now, I am back!

As a new year present, I’ve made this special short story of winter wonderland starring the Go-Ongers!


The Go-Ongers were flung into a mountainous pile of snow. Renn the Go-On Blue laid flat on the thick sleet, while Saki the Go-On Yellow and Hanto the Go-On Green had only their feet sticking out.

Go-On Black easily picked them up. “Where are we?” asked the upside-down Saki while shivering.

“We’re not on the Human World anymore, that’s for sure,” concluded Hanto.

It was dark and cold. It was as if the Go-Ongers were in the middle of a snowstorm. The heroes looked around for any landmarks but visibility was no more than few meters beyond. “This is not good. Are we sure that this is where Sosuke went?” Gunpei grunted.

“Positive, his last signal was traced across the Braneworld layers to this dimension,” nodded Renn. “Any luck, Engine Buson?”

There was no response from his holographic machine animal partner. “Buson?”

“Let me try,” said Gunpei. “Gunpherd?”


“BearRV?” Saki didn’t get any answer too. “So strange....”

“I don’t like this. Do we even still have our powers?” asked Renn concerned.

Hanto hugged him. “No worries! We can still go-go-go without our power partners. Besides, Sosuke is out there somewhere and he needs our help!”

Saki struck a thinking pose. “Green is correct. Not only Sosuke.”

“That guy...,” added Gunpei the Go-On Black.

“Who was he?” asked Renn.

Everyone shook their heads in doubt. “Don’t know, but I guess Sosuke is close to him. You saw how excited and trusting he was when talking to him, right?”

“He even took him on a tour of our base. I’m not sure it was wise.”

“It’s Sosuke we’re talking, when is he ever being wise?” Saki crossed her arms. “Anyway, I didn’t sense anything suspicious from Sosuke’s new friend. I saw him delivering Christmas gifts to children at the park.”

“Me too, I saw him helping people at the mall,” said Hanto with thrill.

Hesitantly, Gunpei also added his own detail. “Yeah, me too. I saw him helping the swimming school students after their Winter Tournament team bus got broken.”

“I guess that takes out one of our many problems,” replied Hanto. Everyone else nodded. “What’s the plan?”

“We need to know where we are first and―Hey, look!” exclaimed Renn while pointing at the dim lights across the snowy field. “Is that....”

“A house! We’re saved!” cried out Hanto, seemingly forgetting that he should be the one saving people.

“Hold your engines, Guys,” denied Renn with a gesture. “We don’t know who’s gonna be in those houses. We don’t even know what Braneworld this is.”

“Oh, I won’t worry about that. We all know what Braneworld this is!”

“We do?” Gunpei crossed his arms with fake excitement.

Doki doki, isn’t it obvious? Thick snow, silent night, it’s the eve of the most wonderful day of the year. This must be the Christmas Braneworld!”

Renn brushed his chin. “I’ve heard of Christmas Braneworld before....”

“See, that’s where we are!” said Saki while holding his green teammate’s hand and lift it in a Mexican wave. “We can expect cookies, presents, and Santa!”

“Hmm, and you’re assuming that those structures are home of the elves or toy factories?” inquired Go-On Blue.

Hanto shrugged. “Could be. Only one way to find out!”

Saki and Hanto led the awkward walk across the thick snowfield toward the houses. “Shouldn’t we prepare our weapons just in case?” Gunpei suggested.

“Agreed, it’s never too paranoid if we’re facing the Gaiarks,” replied Renn. “Engine Soul, set!”

The team prepared their individual Self-Charging Mantan Gun. Saki realized something. “Hmm, our engine souls are still working...”

“So our partners should still be connected to us,” concluded Gunpei. “Is there any way to contact them?”

Hanto shook his helmet. “I can’t get any signal. It seems our location in this Braneworld is too far for our friends.”

“Hope that our way home can be found in those houses,” said Renn. They stopped at the door of the closest home. It looked like a normal Japanese home, with a small front yard and a second level completed with a short balcony. Brown rooftops were made white by the piling snow. There was a small stained glass window on the door that gave out the warmth and glow. There was definitely someone living inside.

“Get ready,” voiced Renn the Go-On Blue as the team gathered around the door. “Hopefully, we won’t be barging on someone’s Christmas dinner. Three, two, one!”

The door was opened hard. The Go-Ongers immediately explored the adjacent tatami rooms. There was no one to be seen yet. Then, they went to the kitchen/family room at the end of the long corridor. The Sentai team’s each footstep was heard on the creaking wooden floor.

Renn frowned when they reached the room. There were still no people there, but there’s an odd thing to be found. Sitting on each chair were human-shaped and human-sized gigantic pink bubblegums. They were as big as the Rangers. “What the heck are these?”

“Strawberry,” said Hanto while smelling and licking the pink figure. “Definitely strawberry.”

“This is creepy,” muttered Saki while clinging to the wall away from them. “This is not the Christmas spirit I wanted....”

“Hey, look! Look over there!” said Gunpei while observing the view from the back window. There was a circular structure with bright lights above the houses. It looked like a large Ferris wheel. Some commotions could be heard there. “Maybe that’s where everyone is going.”

Renn could hear the busy tone too. “Seems like it. I guess we’re done breaking into people’s homes, guys. Let’s get there!”

The Go-Ongers went away to the corridor and out of the empty house. Not long after, there was a slight squirm on the human-shaped bubblegum blob.

The hoo-has were heard even clearer when they reached the intersection and the reason was soon made clear. The Go-Ongers arrived at a large concrete field like a parking lot under the decorated Ferris wheel. There were people there who were celebrating and singing. Fireworks shot up onto the gloomy sky while the snow kept on falling.

“Well, this is a celebration!” blurted out Hanto while punching the cold air above him.

“Seems fun,” said Saki next to him while rubbing her hands in anticipation.

“Hello, Friends! Welcome to our holiday festival!” greeted one of the good samaritans while bringing a big cheesecake on a golden plate. He gave a head gesture toward the long table. “Care to join us?”

“Sure!” Hanto darted, but his arms got tugged by Gunpei.

“Hey, focus, we’re not here for fun. Remember our mission,” grunted the Black Ranger.

That didn’t cut through the Green Ranger’s overt positive spirit. “No worries, got it right here!” replied Hanto while pointing to his forehead before rushing along.

“Can you believe that? I won’t be too surprised if he can stuff half of the table-worth of food in the next hour!” said Gunpei being grumpy.

“Well, the atmosphere is supporting his joy.” Renn put his hand o Gunpei’s shoulder. “I think we can relax a bit for now, but keep your eyes open. If this is a trap, we’ll make sure that Go-Ongers would be a force to reckon with.”

“You got that right, Blue. Better never open this helmet,” said Gunpei pushing his teammate’s shoulder with a fist.

“GUYS!” shouted a familiar voice in the distance. It was Sosuke the Go-On Red!

“Sosuke! You’re here?” cried out Saki before hugging his team leader tight.

“Nice, Bro!” said Hanto with a fist bump.

“Yeah, Kazuo helped me navigate this Braneworld. Got me surprised at the beginning when found out he’s a native! Welcome to Christmas World, Go-Ongers!” Go-On Red spread out his arms like presenting the winter magical land. “These guys already prepared a feast for today, so I should force all of you to join. Let’s go on!”

While everyone else’s already seated, Renn approached Sosuke. His glossy black helmet visor reflected the shape of his Go-On Blue one. “Yo, Boss, any idea how to get back to our base? I can’t get our partners on comms.”

“Yeah, I have figured that one. Kazuo’s gonna help us use our power to solve the problem. He even said gonna accompany us along to make sure we get home!” Sosuke’s explanation received a slight nod. “Don’t worry, these guys are so nice, you’ll feel at home in no time.”

The Go-Ongers opened their helmets and left in on the table. They were laughing at the people’s jokes while eating the abundant feast that was presented. The Rangers’ seating arrangement separated from each other with a townfolk sitting between them. Hanto got his fifth drink of alcoholic beverage and Saki was hiccuping on his left.

Gunpei forgot his mission. He dug deep into the bulk of juicy steak with his gloved hands. He didn’t even care to cut it neatly with a knife and instead just used a fork to stab it and ate it around like a wild animal.

The intoxicated heroes didn’t even realize when their main course was magically transformed into delicious fruits. A rich bunch of grapes, oranges split to show its juicy inside, meaty bananas were put on golden bowls. One by one, the Go-Ongers gave in to their new appetite.

Saki bit and chew each of the seedless grape with her head up like Cleopatra. Her tongue was constantly eager to get the taste of the next. Hanto dug into the watery watermelon slices. Gunpei licked the entire split oranges and savor the heavenly sour flavor.

Renn on the other hand chose the banana. He didn’t even peel the jumbo-sized fruit and just tongue his way over and under the arching shape before swallowing its end. Go-On Blue didn’t bite it though. He just drove the thick fruit in and out of his mouth even when it gagged him a little. His saliva slowly drooling over the yellow surface as the Blue Ranger gave out a slight idiotic smile.

The Go-Ongers removed their helmets, except their own team leader. Hanto’s Go-On Green helmet was on his right. So close that the faint warning signal could pierce the unnatural spell that clouded his mind. “Huh... what....”

He dropped the muffin once he realized that it was made of moving alien slime. He looked around in horror as the rows of townfolks were observing the Go-Ongers’ mental demise in their food. Then, they turned to look at him.

“No, guys!” Hanto immediately shook Renn’s shoulder. But it was no use, Go-On Blue was too far drowned in the hypnotic effects of the alien slime. He gagged himself with the candy cane until vomited lunch, then continued his depraved actions.

Hanto’s reflex sent him grabbing the Go-On Green helmet. He caught a glimpse of the standing Go-On Red and grabbed his team leader away. “We gotta get away from here!” cried out Hanto as they darted from the festival ground.

With their absence, the townfolks began to converge on the befuddle Go-Onger team. Not just Renn’s, but Gunpei’s and even Saki’s mouth were being clogged by different evil sweets. Go-On Blue’s normal-looking candy cane was replaced by a phallic-shaped one. Go-On Black was forced to have a gigantic truffle ball complete with a strap across his head. Go-On Yellow got a lollipop placed inside a colorful bondage muzzle gag so that the girl could lick it brainlessly. Their eyes shone with unintelligence.

The three Go-Onger didn’t struggle when the townfolks―who slowly turned into dark elves with black eyes and pointy ears―dragged them to different gingerbread houses on either side of the festival ground. Each hero was followed by three lustful elves.

Go-On Green had to catch his breath as he already successfully escaped the evil plot of team enslavement. Usually, he could run faster and further with the costume. Here, his power felt weaker somehow. “We gotta get out of here.”

“What about our teammates?” asked Sosuke concerned.

“Can’t you feel it? Your power is depleting here. I could definitely feel it and I just arrived here,” voiced Hanto still gasping.

“Kazuo might help,” suggested Sosuke while stretching. His helmet visor reflected the glimmer of the Ferris wheel.

“You said it yourself, Kazuo is a native from here. He can be a part of all of this evil trap!”

“And I said that this world is the Christmas Braneworld, not Evil-Winter-Trap Braneworld. Whatever happened to our friends, it is not the natural part of this place.”

Hanto gulped, then shook his head. “You’re probably right, but―”

“There’s no but! What other plans do we have? We can’t contact our base. Our friends are down there and need our help before something bad happens to them. Trust me, Kazuo is the only hope we got!”

“Where did you find this guy anyway?”

Sosuke put his hands on the waist. “Let’s just say, I have found the real spirit of Christmas. He’s the nicest person. He’ll help us figure out what to do, moreover with what’s left of our powers.”

Hanto sighed. He couldn’t fight the argument. He gave the gesture. “Show me the way.”

“It’s right there.”

The two Go-Ongers did an awkward exploration of the snowy forest before finding a factory with tall exhaust towers. “Welcome to Kazuo’s Quality Toy Factory!” introduced Sosuke to his teammate.

“Looks menacing”, grunted Hanto. But he followed his team leader inside.

The heavy door was opened and closed shut. There was warmth in what apparently some kind of a mudroom inside. The two heroes shrugged the excess snow away. “Before we go in, I need to tell you that Kazuo doesn’t actually as outsiders come to his place.”

Hanto already knew where this was going. “Do we need some kind of a special introduction?”

“Something like that. First thing first, he doesn’t like helmeted heroes. He got one bad session with me. I don’t want him to have the same with you.”

Hanto grabbed his helmet, but hesitation got into his mind. No wonder, his teammates just got captured due to them being exposed without the helmet. “Is there any other way? I really like my helmet.”

Sosuke clicked his tongue. “Only if you want to be stranded in this braneworld without any powers or any way to escape.”

“Fine,” murmured Hanto while opening his Go-On Green helmet. His young babyface was gleaming with sweat under the old-style lamp. His black hair was damp. His skin pale with reddish lips.

“My turn,” said Sosuke as he removed his Go-On Red helmet.

Hanto jounced at the disturbing revelation. He knew Sosuke as the fervent young team leader with a sunny personality and a striking spiky haircut as bright as flames. Go-On Green didn’t find that when looking at the person in front of him. Everything about this version of Sosuke was covered by a cocoon of pink bubblegum.

His eyes were just indentation in the shiny layer. His mouth moved beneath the constriction. His hair was flattened almost like a store mannequin.

Hanto took a step back as a reflex of self-preservation. Something was definitely wrong. “What... What happened to you?”

“He made me a holiday miracle, Hanto,” replied Sosuke bubblegum figure while discarding his eagle-themed helmet on the floor. Before Go-On Green could protest, Go-on Red kissed him. Their lips pressed hard against each other in a lewd French kiss.

Hanto gasped, but his mouth was full. He could feel Sosuke’s tongue snaking to meet his. His balmy saliva also flowed into his throat, before something else followed. Go-On Green struggled but his team leader forced him to stay put. His arms were pinned by the sides, unable to resist.

Soon, it didn’t matter anymore. Sosuke released his kiss and Hanto stood motionless in shock. His stare was blank, his face was drenched in sweat, his mouth still gaping. Then his stomach began to curl up. The green Ranger writhe in agony as the pain started to snake in his abs. His hands tried to contain the vile contortion inside his spandex costume.

Hanto vomited, but what was disgorged was not his previous meal. It was a pink slime, similar to the one cocooning Sosuke before him. He vomited and vomited and vomited like a waterfall flowing from his mouth. His grip on the Go-On Green helmet loosened, making the protector fell on the floor. “What... What is happening....”

“Kazuo gained my trust and lured me into this world. I first thought that I had stumbled into the famed Christmas Braneworld like that the Engine Souls talked about before, but I was wrong. There were two sides of each folklore and Christmas was no exception. This is not a place of joy and warmth, but frigidness and bondage. This is the place where thousands of children and teenagers went to vanish each year in the holiday season, never to be found again. He used them for his slave, from this toy factory to the mines below, and even to be a part of his chariot.” The corrupted Go-On Red held Green’s hand for a twisted reassurance. His teammate desperately tried to contain the flood of pink goop that slowly covered his Sentai suit and more. Some drizzled its way onto Hanto’s neck and INTO the suit itself. “After he found and remolded me, Kazuo realized his problem. Children and teenagers are pure, but their energy was too low to support the industry. Using Sentai warriors was a better option. Hanto, he will keep all of us here to work forever. This is what our defeat looks like.”

As the pink cocoon slowly built upon his naked form inside the suit, Hanto’s body was no longer his. Go-On Red easily led the paralyzed Green toward the room next door. It was the main floor of the toy factory with a tall ceiling decorated with stained glass and a long winding network of assembly lines.

Hanto’s eyes went wide when he noticed the figures around the toy-carrying belts. They were kids, teenagers, and youngsters. Some even still in their school or gym uniforms. Their hands worked around the clock to assemble the small parts into dolls and trinkets with glowing eyes.

They weren’t happy. They looked tired and tormented. But they couldn’t even move their legs. Ball-and-chain bondage restrained their movement.

Go-On Green could see the changing expression on the kids’ faces when they noticed his arrival. It was of anguish and heartbreak. “These kids know us well. They know about our fights against the Gaiarks. They cheered when we won against those monsters. They thought that they would be rescued when I arrived. They should’ve known that Kazuo’s powers were beyond anything Go-Ongers could have....”

Some of the dark elves were also here, whipping the air to move the chain gang teenagers faster with a huge load on their back or tied on a minecart behind. In the corner, Hanto saw one of them fell and the wicked observers immediately surrounded him.

“No... Please... I’m just tired... I can’t continue....”

“If you can’t continue to make toys in this factory, you might be doing better as a part of this factory!” The dark elves whipped him up and a magical spell came into effect. The boy’s body moved against his will. The vile creatures guided him to an opening in the large machinery. He suddenly begged for his life.

Hanto could see why. Inside, there were other children just like him. They moved in constant pace with the mechanism as their bodies became parts of it. Some moved up and down like pistons, some were squatting between gears, some just plain molded onto the mechanical wall. The tired boy was thrown onto it and slowly twisted into additional spare parts.

“The toy factory has a schedule to maintain. That leaves no room for weaknesses, not even for us.

“Please... Red... You can still... Fight it...!” begged Hanto while the flood still going. Some of the goop now overflowing from the neck of his Go-On Green suit.

“I tried and I failed. You will too, Bro. You already know his real name, right?”

Without his consent, Hanto’s head nodded. “Kazuo... Is... Krampus!”

“The Evil Black Spirit of Antichristmas. He is our master now.”

“He... Master!” the bubblegum went up Hanto’s face and covered it. In fact, it slowly enveloped his entire head and tightened. Partially free from restraints, his hands promptly tried to rip the pink cocoon away. Fingers desperately tried to free the Sentai warrior from the suffocation inside. All attempts were made and all failed.

Hanto’s muffled protesting voice slowly being replaced entirely with a gagging noise. His resistance waned. Tearing motions became simple scratching ones. It soon ended and Go-On Green’s arms dropped. He stood still as another slave to the Black Santa. All remained was his screaming face strangled inside the inescapable membrane.

“Excellent work, My Servant,” boomed the sinister voice. A huge horned shadow slowly dominated the captured Rangers, but what appeared was a normal-looking handsome young adult in a neat tuxedo. Even Sosuke seemed older than him.

Go-On Red made his own teammate kneel. Kazuo immediately opened his zipper and thrust. Hanto’s bubblegum form thrashed about and writhed, holding the panhandle of the evil man. The green glow was slowly being drained into the crotch of his master.

Kazuo released him after a long session. Hanto twitched on the floor as if just being struck by lightning. His master approached Go-On Red who was standing the whole time there like a statue.

Kazuo’s abnormally long tongue licked the pink cocoon from bottom to top, savoring every flavor of the once-heroic warrior. “I should thank you, Sosuke. I never thought that I would be so addicted to the powers of Sentai warriors before meeting you. Now that I’ve tasted your beautiful soul, I know that so much more could be achieved if heroes like you are completely in my thrall.” He took a glimpse back to Go-On Green. “I still sense some fighting inside him. He needs some... disciplinary exercise.”

“Antichristmas Miracle Red lives to serve you, My Dark Master,” bowed Sosuke with mindless obedience. His cocoon caved into his mouth like an enormous gag. The slime’s texture moved constantly to give a freakish bliss and arousal.

The enslaved Go-On Red extended both of his hands. As if by a magical magnet, the helmets of Go-On Red and Green darted across the factory floor and were caught by him. The bubblegum prison reacted when he put the helmet closer to Hanto’s head, eager to complete the assimilation process. Go-On Green’s costume was whole again. Red was also complete when Sosuke put on his eagle helmet. “I can break your spirit faster by telling our master’s plan,” said the team leader gleefully.

Go-on Red pinned Go-On Green from behind as both of them stood in the middle of the factory. Human-formed Krampus observed them from afar with an erotic look and serpentine tongue. The dark elves deliberately rang their metal rods and whips so that all prisoner children could see the depravity of their heroes first-hand. Some of the kids already shed tears at the horrible view. “You and I are just for starters, Hanto. Go-On Red and Go-On Green violating each other without any moral constraints. Then, he’ll have Go-On Blue, Black, Yellow. The Silver-Gold duo would also be a part of the debauchery that we’ll bring to each other. He is generous, will never brainwash us into forgetting who we are as heroes. He will make us remember every single moment of our heroic effort and be reminded that all of that is meaningless in the face of our true fate in this toy factory. Can you see it, Hanto? How girly Renn’s screams could be if he’s pushed beyond his limit? How stretchy Saki’s body could be if the right treatment is given? How savage Gunpei could be if he lets his inner animalistic nature out? He remakes us in his image, Hanto.”

“Once he’s done enjoying us betraying each other, he’ll make us share our precious Go-On powers to these kids so that they could struggle more without any chance of escaping. Hopeless youngsters turned into Sentai warriors then made to fight an eternal losing battle while their idols continue the degenerate rituals for all eyes to see. He’d give them a false hope too. They’ll follow Go-On Red and Green who somehow could flee from this living hell before realizing the destination was just another of Krampus’s creative winter nightmare dungeons. It’s all fun and giggles for our dark master.”

Sosuke grabbed, rubbed, and groped his own teammate from behind. His gloved fingers traced every muscle of Hanto, from bicep, tricep, abs, all the way to the exploration of the lump between his legs. One hand continued to the thighs, while the other stayed there. All of Go-On Green’s voice was deadened except his moans and wails.

“Once all humanity has left this place, he’ll use the Go-Ongers to lure other Sentai teams. Not just Shinkingers, but ALL of the teams that exist out there. He knows about the other Human Braneworlds. Dino Earth, Zyu Earth, all of that. We’ll send both the false distress signal and the brainwashing one to ensure that our fellow heroes would be disoriented enough to be snatched up the first moment they arrive here.”

The team leader pumped from behind. His own bulge was eager to penetrate his best friend’s rear. Their suits would prevent that, but it didn’t matter. The logic would never register on Go-On Red’s scrambled brain anymore. All he was thinking was to get his expanding baton between Hanto’s smooth cheeks. The pink cocoon made it grew even larger than humanly possible.

“Little things first, one or two teams. Once more and more Sentai warriors are done for, Krampus would have enough power to just pluck the rest. I can imagine him having dozens, hundreds, thousands of debilitated Sentai warriors to tend the assembly lines, the endless mine shafts, the armada of gift-bringing chariots to the whole world!”

There were screens on the factory floor and all of them were showing twisted puppet show about the future downfall of the Super Sentai force. All of the marionette screamed, lamented, moaned, and whine in endless agony. Amongst them were the Go-Ongers.

Sosuke yelped as he released. His Go-Onger suit was stained by his load that touched Hanto’s rear. His teammate did too as his mind got devastated. Kazuo laughed as it happened, giving his own lips some moisture from the serpentine tongue. “Yes, yes, yes, I can taste his delicious hopes and dreams. It is so beautiful!”

Ghosts of Hanto’s Sentai spirit burst out of the young hero’s helmet and into the fang-filled mouth of the Krampus in disguise. The monster’s body gleamed with green and red energy as both Rangers were turned into his obedient servants. Kazuo flicked his fingers and some dark elves approached the gasping power slaves. Using smoldering branding iron staffs, they marked Go-On Red and Green with the evil symbol of Krampus. It constantly glowed as long as the two remained under his domination.

“I am... Antichristmas Miracle Green...,” mumbled Hanto in defeat. His sanity had been replaced by unbroken loyalty to his new master.

“You may continue, Red. Give these kids the show of their lives,” said Kazuo while retreating away into the darkness.

Sosuke continued his defilement of his own teammate. This time though, the dominated Go-On Green responded by rubbing his hands against Red’s rear and explored more of his team leader’s body from the helmet above to the strong thighs and all the way to the boots. He nudged his helmet against the lump on Sosuke’s crotch as Go-On Red ground against him. This had become the two young heroes’ new life mission.

“We are the Miracle Duo... We are the Miracle Duo....” sounded the two broken souls over and over again as they drag each other in the gang bang.

Renn’s mouth was being stuffed with demonic fruit slices as his restrained body was being desecrated by three dark elves. His costume was tightening like had shrunk slightly. All of the features of his body were apparent as he was laid down in a spread-eagle pose. From time to time again, he twitched as if his inner consciousness tried to fight the mind-breaking process, but what he could express was aroused howls and moans.

“I must... fight back...,” mumbled the disoriented Go-On Blue as he was forced to chew and swallow more of the festivity meals. “Hanto... Saki... Gunpei... Sosuke...”

As much as Renn tried to maintain his focus, it was getting harder to remember his heroic days fighting with his friends. The days when he worked together to form the team cannon, tag teams with teammates who usually were his rivals, making dinner as the team mom. All of that felt like the distant past. In contrast, his defeats, his moments when monsters kicked his ass and wipe him clear of the battlefield all felt like it just happened. Go-On Blue sobbed at how he looked like a total failure.

“This is how you will live from now on, Go-On Blue,” whispered the evil voices of one of the dark elves next to his ear as it pinched his nipple and rubbed the sides. Renn flinched at the sensation as his entire body had become sensitive. “You failed as a hero, perhaps you’ll do better as a slave....”

“Better... I can do better....” More food, the less high level of thinking.

The dark elves showed a Christmas ball before Renn. His eyes glowed as the round crystal was shaking to bring out the otherworldly miniature blizzard. In it, he could see his friends as they toil away their lives in the crystalline mine corridors while their midget supervisors encouraged the form of whipping. One groped the crying Saki by the buttocks as they laughed with a condescending tone. All the Go-On Yellow could do was continue breaking crystal boulders with a pickaxe that was chained on her hands. Her ankle was anchored by a large weight ball just like all other miners there.

There weren’t just Go-Ongers there. Renn’s glassy eyes could see Shinken Blue and Pink doing the same menial work and being violated similarly. The crystal ball then was shaken again to show the toy factory floor where more of the colorful warriors lined up next to the twisting belts. Some were delivered in tight cage-like captive animals. No need to know where they would be shipped to.

Then, the crystal ball changed the view again. This time, showing Krampus’s chariot. It looked like the evil version of Santa’s sleigh. Spikes protruded along the sides, lava-like glows gave off pulsating glimmer, and a horned skull decorated its face. “All you need is to say the words....”

The whisper jabbed Renn’s mind. It sounded like a command. The pathetic hero’s lips began moving but no words could come through. He didn’t know what to say or even think. He was lost.

His eyes could be blinked at the Krampus’ chariot. His mouth went agape. “I... I....”

The wicked smiles of Krampus’ helpers widened. They knew that it wouldn’t be long now. One of them traced Renn’s face with its long fingers. The other lifted the antler-shaped headband above Go-On Blue’s head.

“I... I’m... a reindeer... I’m a reindeer....”

At the words, the headband was put onto Renn’s head. The effect was immediate. Its double ends melted their way into the young hero’s ear canal and filling it. He couldn’t hear anything around him anymore, only the demonic whispers that were slowly invading his brain.

There were lights on each branch of the antler. Each time the lights flickered, they sent a barrage of a numbing mental message into Go-On Blue’s brain. The longer he was exposed, the harder it got to remember how great he was as a hero. He screamed, groaned, then yowled as his mental defenses broke down.

The dark elves brought out Go-On Blue helmet now function as a small cauldron filled with the same pink substance as before. Each of them caressed Renn’s groin to spread the vile goop around and all over his belt. As it hardened, the slime coagulated into a thong-like piece of elastic fabric and crossed harness around the waist to the butt. As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough, one of the devious demons stabbed a small golden bell right at the middle bulge. Every time its victim moved and struggled, it rung with a chime that echoed inside Go-On Blue’s stupefied mind. “I’m a reindeer... I’m a good reindeer slave....”

The bell dangled uncontrollably as it destroyed what’s left of Renn’s resistance. By now, the young hero no longer writhed to break free. He did that to be able to hear the addicting jingle that was the ultimate drug.

The elves brought up the Go-On Blue helmet just above its former owner. They tipped the item enough to let the rest of the pink goop flow into his gaping mouth. The other monsters held his face to keep him opening up even as he gagged. As they accomplish the crime, all elves giggled and grinning happily.

The gingerbread house door opened. Renn walked clumsily out onto the snowy walkway and down to the festival lot. His arms were now shackled to the sides of his degrading pink thong, unable to give resistance. Leather straps were also tied to his thighs as a bondage decoration. But whatever his little spark of rationality tried to do, it would be already too late.

On the concrete field, more figures waited for him. Those were Saki the Go-On Yellow and Gunpei the Go-On Black. Both of them were too enslaved by the antlers. The only difference was Saki got her share of the humiliating pink bikini. The back of their harnesses were strapped to Krampus’s chariot with each pull making them squirmed in mindless bliss. The whipping forced Renn to join them.

Kazuo exited the toy factory with his new pets. All Go-Ongers could no longer recognize each other anymore as they were turned into arts of the Anti-Santa’s collection. Like obedient dogs, Sosuke and Hanto hopped onto the sled. “I love the holidays!” as he whipped the handle straps to control Gunpei, Saki, and Renn like pulling reindeers. Sparkles burst out from the captives as they magically started to gallop onto the cloudy sky.

Kazuo took out a small icy globe from his tuxedo pocket and shook it. The object showed the Shinkengers getting ready for their own festival, completely unsuspecting of the evil that would soon visit them. Then it changed into Hiroto and Miu from the Go-On Wings team. “But the holiday season shouldn’t limit our fun. First things first, let’s visit your dear silver and gold friends!”

The evil monster in disguise’s laughter echoed across the frigid dimension’s atmosphere. It was accompanied by the Go-Ongers’ pleas for help.




Wow, everything about this is so good, I love this story so much! :D I really didn't expect sosuke to be already under control from the start, so does his teammates. But actually it suits him, the fiery and energetic leader is the easiest one to be brainwashed, and it suits him well to be a slave for his new evil master! And hanjo brainwashing scene is my favorite, it's so hot that it's actually sosuke that brainwashes him under krampus command! And i like that you make krampus take a form of a handsome dapper young man instead of a monster (with the creepy shadow), it's just makes it better since afterall human is the scariest monster out there! :D Also i like that the rangers ate not wearing helmets in this story, so we can enjoy their face, and without their helmet it just makes them much more vulnurable. I hope next sosuke and hanjo will brainwashes the shinkengers for their dark master, shinkengers has a lot of good boys ready to be enslaved ^^ Overall such a good read, + point too for the creepypasta feel of the artwork, such a cool drawings! Thanks so much for the story + pic!


I really love this story, i'm enjoying myself reading through it! I have soft spot for goongers and hanjo and sosuke was my fav, and i enjoy that you make krampus wash their brain and enslave them! Also the bubble gum like cocoon is pretty cool concept, mostly in my mind cocoon is like disgusting pulsating alien eggs XD. And of course, i love that you also incorporate the story with them being helmetless most of the time so i can imagine their handsome face while being subjected to all the corruption while reading it! It's definitely a really cool concept of the story and captured the dark feels of christmas. And that artwork is really awesome as usual! Thanks for taking your time to write sir! :D