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As one Ranger story come to a brutal end, another starts. In a chilling tale of heroism turned tragedy, two Rangers find themselves ensnared in the clutches of darkness. As they confront their greatest foe, they are forced to reckon with their own mortality. Their journey takes them to the edge of despair, where hope flickers like a dying flame.

In the end, they are left to wander the shadows, forever haunted by their descent into darkness.

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!

Eddie Hauck



Ruu K



Wyatt S

Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


The stone door is closing!

As the Glittery Rangers struggled against the heartless grip of the searing quicksand, each moment felt like an eternity of torment. The suffocating heat pressed down upon them, enveloping them in a fiery embrace that seemed to sear their very souls.

With each sinking step, Zack and Kimberly felt themselves being slowly consumed by the constant golden sand, and their bodies dragged deeper into its infernal depths. The crushing weight of the quicksand pressed down upon them, squeezing the air from their lungs and leaving them gasping for breath in the suffocating heat.

Zack's muscles strained as he fought against the unyielding force of the sand, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to stay afloat. "Kim, we can't... we can't give up," he gasped, his voice hoarse with exertion. "We have to keep fighting... for as long as we can."

Kimberly's fingers clawed at the shifting sand, her nails digging into the scorching surface as she desperately tried to gain purchase. "I'm trying, Zack," she cried, her voice filled with desperation. "But it's like... like trying to hold back a tidal wave."

With each sinking step, Zack and Kimberly felt themselves being slowly consumed by the merciless sand, their bodies dragged deeper into its infernal depths. The crushing weight of the quicksand pressed down upon them, squeezing the air from their lungs and leaving them gasping for breath in the suffocating heat.

"It's... it's too much," Zack groaned, his voice tinged with despair as he felt the sand closing in around him. "I can't... I can't breathe..."

Kimberly's eyes widened in panic as she felt herself being pulled under, the searing heat of the golden sand burning her skin. "Zack, help me!" she screamed, her voice echoing across the desolate landscape. "I can't... I can't..."

Their skin burned with agony as they were submerged in the scorching sand, every inch of their bodies wracked with pain. The brutal assault of the heat seemed to intensify with each passing moment, driving them to the brink of madness as they fought against the inevitable pull of the quicksand.

And then, as if their ordeal couldn't get any worse, their helmet visors finally cracked under the heartless pressure, allowing the diabolical hot sand to pour into their suits. With each crack, searing pain shot through their bodies, their skin blistering and burning as the sand filled every crevice of their armor.

"It's in my eyes! I can't see!" The Black Ranger shrieked, his words barely comprehensible over the deafening roar of the sand pouring into his suit. "Get it out, get it out!"

Kimberly's breath came in ragged gasps as she frantically clawed at her helmet, trying in vain to free herself from the suffocating embrace of the sand. "I can't breathe! It's choking me!" she cried out, her voice hoarse with desperation and fear. "We're going to die here!"

"It's like... like being cooked alive!" Zack's words were a frenzied babble of incomprehensible terror as the searing sand poured into his suit. "I can feel it... I can feel my skin... like... like human meat on a grill!"

Pink Ranger's shrieks were a primal symphony of agony, her voice tearing through the air like a banshee's wail. "I'm burning! I'm burning alive!" she cried, her hands clawing desperately at her helmet in a futile attempt to escape the suffocating embrace of the sand. "I can feel it eating through me, consuming me from the inside out!"

As their helmet visors shattered under the unrelenting pressure, the two Power Rangers erupted in a cacophony of panicked screams, their voices devolving into gurgling, incomprehensible screams of agony amidst the crushing heat and suffocating sand.

"It's... I can't... help..." Zack's words were a twisted, garbled mess as the searing sand poured into his suit, his voice drowned out by the overwhelming pain and terror.

Kimberly's cries were a primal, guttural roar of anguish, her words lost in a sea of frenzied madness. "Burning... can't... escape..." she gasped, her voice choked with despair as she struggled against the suffocating embrace of the sand.

With each passing moment, the unbroken assault of the searing sand intensified, leaving the Black and Pink Rangers writhing in agony as they fought against the overwhelming tide of despair. Their minds fractured under the weight of their torment, their voices reduced to primal screams of pain and terror as they screamed for mercy in the face of their impending doom.

As the suffocating sand continued to engulf them, the Black and Pink Rangers's gurgling screams echoed off the walls of their sandy tomb, their voices a twisted cacophony of agony and madness.

Zack desperately gasped amidst the unrelenting assault of the searing sand, his words punctuated by frenzied exclamation marks. "It's... like... I can feel it... my skin! My humanity! Being seared alive!" he gasped, his voice choked with despair as he struggled against the crushing weight of the quicksand.

Kimberly's cries were a primal, guttural roar of anguish, her words lost in a haze of frenzied madness. "Flesh! Burning! Can't stop it! Losing... ourselves!" she rasped, her voice trembling with desperation as she fought against the suffocating embrace of the sand.

With each passing moment, the heartless assault of the searing sand intensified, leaving the Mighty Morphin heroic duo writhing in agony as they battled against the overwhelming tide of despair. Their minds fractured under the weight of their torment, their voices reduced to primal screams of pain and terror as they screamed for mercy in the face of their impending doom.

But as the sands of time slipped away, they knew that there would be no reprieve from the unbroken grip of the quicksand. Trapped in the unforgiving depths of the desert, with no hope of escape and the unrelenting heat pressing down upon them, they could only scream in terror as they faced their final moments in the fiery inferno that had become their tomb.

Zack's screams pierced the air, a cacophony of madness and agony. "GOLD! EVERYWHERE! CAN'T... CAN'T... BREATHE!" he choked out, his voice ragged and frantic as the molten metal engulfed him.

Kimberly's cries were a primal, guttural roar of despair, her words a frenzied plea for escape. "NO! NO, PLEASE! IT'S BURNING! DROWNING... DROWNING IN GOLD!" she shrieked, her voice rising to a fevered pitch as she struggled against the suffocating embrace of the molten metal.

With each passing moment, the relentless assault of the searing heat intensified, leaving the Mighty Morphin warriors writhing in agony as they battled against the overwhelming tide of despair. Their minds fractured under the weight of their torment, their voices a symphony of madness and terror as they screamed for mercy in the face of their impending doom.

But as the molten gold continued to envelop them, their screams devolved into gurgled pleas for release, their voices distorted by the searing agony of their golden prison. Trapped in the unforgiving depths of the desert, with no hope of escape and the relentless heat pressing down upon them, they could only writhe and thrash in their golden tomb, their screams echoing off the walls of their metallic hell.

In the heart of the blistering desert, the two Power Rangers found themselves ensnared in a torment beyond comprehension. The searing sand, once their adversary, now transformed into liquid gold that seeped into every pore, encasing them in a cocoon of molten agony.

Zack's cries echoed through the desolate landscape, a symphony of anguish. "MY FLESH... TURNING TO GOLD! IT... IT BURNS!" he howled, his voice twisted with unimaginable pain as the molten metal consumed him from within.

Pink Ranger's screams joined his, a haunting echo of despair. "NO! PLEASE... MAKE IT STOP! THE GOLD... IT'S EATING ME ALIVE!" she shrieked, her words a desperate plea for mercy in the face of unrelenting torment.

As the liquid gold seeped into their flesh, Zack and Kimberly felt consumed by the merciless heat. Their skin blistered and bubbled, the molten metal devouring them from the inside out.

Their dialogue descended into madness, disjointed and frantic. "I'M... MELTING!" Zack blurted in the inferno’s roar. "GOLD... EVERYWHERE... IT'S KILLING US!" Kimberly's words were a desperate cry for help, lost in the endless expanse of the desert.

The suffocating heat pressed down upon them, crushing their spirits as surely as it consumed their bodies. In the heart of the desert, beneath the relentless sun, the Rangers were trapped in a hell of their own making, their screams of agony lost to the merciless winds.

Their voices rose to a fevered pitch as the nightmare unfolded, a chorus of madness and despair. "GOD... PLEASE... MAKE IT STOP!" Zack's words were a primal plea for release, torn from the depths of his tortured soul. "NO... ESCAPE... ONLY PAIN!" Kimberly's cries echoed his sentiment, lamenting their shattered dreams.

As the molten gold continued to pour over them, the Mighty Morphin heroic duo's screams merged into a symphony of agony, echoing across the desolate landscape. Their voices were primal, raw with the searing pain of their flesh being transmuted into solid gold. Each scream was a desperate plea for release from the unrelenting torment that engulfed them.

Their bodies convulsed with agony as the molten metal seeped into every pore, encasing their organs and internal structures in a suffocating cocoon of gold. The transformation was slow and excruciating, every second feeling like an eternity of unbearable suffering.

Zack's guttural screams echoed through the air with the indescribable pain he endured. Each cry tore through the fabric of reality, a primal expression of anguish that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the desert. Zack's guttural screams resounded through the air, a testament to the indescribable pain he endured. "ARRGHH!" he cried, his voice raw with anguish.

Kimberly's shrieks were equally agonizing, her voice a haunting melody of despair and terror. The overwhelming agony of her transformation now consumed her once vibrant spirit, her cries blending with Zack's in a chorus of unending torment. "WE FAILED... WE FAILED AS RANGERS!" she wailed, her cries blending with Zack's in a chorus of unending torment.

As the molten gold continued to flow over them, the two Rangers's bodies began to take on a surreal, otherworldly appearance. Their skin shimmered with a golden hue, their features frozen in eternal agony as the metal encased them completely.

Above, King Sphinx watched with twisted satisfaction, his eyes gleaming with brutal delight. "With each scream, your value increases," King Sphinx mused, his voice dripping with anticipation as he watched the transformation unfold. "You will make exquisite additions to my collection of treasures."

With a triumphant laugh, King Sphinx raised his scepter high, the golden light reflecting off its surface in a dazzling display of power. "Yes, yes," he hissed, his voice dripping with malice. "Become one with the desert, my precious treasures. Your torment shall be my greatest treasure of all."

And as King Sphinx's words echoed through the desert, Zack and Kimberly's golden forms began to stir. With a burst of unearthly energy, they emerged from the sand, their bodies transformed into pure gold statues beneath their shattered Ranger costumes.

Their faces contorted in eternal agony, frozen in a grotesque parody of their former selves. And as the desert sands reclaimed their silent forms, the Black and Pink Rangers became nothing more than relics of a bygone era, forever trapped in their golden prison, their screams lost to the winds of time.

"You are mine now, forever," he whispered, his voice filled with triumph. "And you shall serve as a monument to my greatness for all eternity."

As the golden light enveloped the Rangers' transformed forms, their color-coded spandex suits took on a radiant glow, barely able to contain the golden brilliance of the statues within. The Black Ranger's dark attire and the Pink Ranger's vibrant hues melded seamlessly with the shimmering gold, creating an ethereal fusion of colors that seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy.

King Sphinx gazed upon the transformed Rangers with undisguised delight, his eyes glittering with malice as he surveyed their golden forms. "Such exquisite specimens," he remarked, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "A memorial to my magic’s power, forever immortalized in their moment of defeat."

With the two Rangers's golden statues stood silent vigil amidst the shifting sands, King Sphinx reveled in the sight of his new acquisitions, their once-heroic forms now bound to serve him for all eternity. "Your fate is sealed in gold, your souls forever entwined with the pyramid duty looming over you."

Powered by King Sphinx's cobra-eyed scepter, which crackled with dark energy, the golden statues of the Mighty Morphin warriors began to stir. Their movements were awkward and stiff, as if they were puppets controlled by unseen strings. With each zap of the wand's gaze, they came back to life, their once-heroic forms now twisted and obedient to the will of their new master.

Zack's voice echoed hollowly in the desert air. "Must... serve... Sphinx," he muttered, his words disjointed and devoid of emotion.

Kimberly's voice, once bright and full of hope, now sounded as empty as an echo in a vast empty quarters. "No choice... but to obey..." she murmured, her gaze fixed on King Sphinx with a lifeless stare.

"Rise, my precious treasures," King Sphinx commanded, his voice resonating with dark power. "Your eternal duty awaits you."

The former Rangers obeyed without question, their once-bold personalities now replaced by hollow obedience as they limped forward with heavy, mechanical steps. Their golden bodies glimmered in the desert sun, the vibrant hues of their spandex suits now muted by the radiant glow of their transformed forms.

With each laborious step across the scorching sand, Zack's voice grew weaker and was consumed by the oppressive heat. "Must... obey... King Sphinx..." he grunted, his muscles straining against the weight of his golden form. "Guard... tomb... forever..."

Kimberly's movements were equally slow and deliberate, her voice a mere whisper in the desert wind. "No escape..." she murmured, her eyes glazed with resignation. "Must serve... eternally..."

King Sphinx watched with undisguised glee as Zack and Kimberly approached the pyramid entrance, their movements slow and deliberate as if compelled by some unseen force. With a flick of his scepter, he gestured for the massive stone slab to slide open, revealing the darkened interior of the ancient tomb beyond.

"Enter, my loyal guardians," King Sphinx intoned, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Your eternal duty awaits you within."

Once filled with willpower and courage, Zack's voice now echoed hollowly in the desert air. "Failed... as Rangers... but... maybe... purpose..." he muttered, his words disjointed and devoid of emotion.

Kimberly's voice, once bright and full of hope, now sounded as empty as an echo in a vast chamber. "No more... fighting..." she murmured, her gaze fixed on King Sphinx with a lifeless stare. "Only... his pyramid..."

The former Rangers complied without hesitation, their footsteps echoing hollowly against the stone floor as they entered the shadowy depths of the pyramid. Once inside, they stood silent and motionless, their golden forms casting eerie shadows upon the ancient walls.

As King Sphinx surveyed his new tomb guardians with a sense of triumph, a wicked smile played across his lips. "Welcome home, my precious treasures," he murmured, his voice hiss of satisfaction. "May you serve me well for all eternity."

With heavy hearts and weary souls, Zack and Kimberly, once the mighty defenders of justice, have transformed into silent sentinels of a long-forgotten past. As they approached the towering entrance of the ancient pyramid, Zack's voice carried a weight of resignation. "We've failed," he muttered, his words heavy with regret. But perhaps... this is our new purpose... to watch over these ancient secrets... forever..."

Kimberly's soft and somber voice echoed Zack's sentiments. "Our time as Rangers is over," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the looming structure before them. But maybe—just maybe—this is where we were always meant to be—as guardians of the past."

With a sigh of resignation, Zack and Kimberly accepted their new role as guardians of the ancient secrets, their hearts heavy with the weight of their failure as Rangers. As they crossed the threshold of the pyramid's entrance, Zack's voice held a sense of finality. "This is our destiny now..." he murmured, words carrying across the desolate landscape. "To watch over these ancient mysteries... for eternity..."

Kimberly nodded solemnly, her golden defeated eyes fixed on the closed door behind them. "We may have failed as Rangers," she conceded, her voice tinged with sadness. "But perhaps... in this new role... we can find redemption..."

As the heavy stone door slammed shut behind them, sealing them within the depths of the pyramid, the former Mighty Morphin warrior duo stood side by side, their duty awaited them for eternity. "For better or worse," Zack whispered, his voice echoing in the darkness. "We are the guardians now..."

Pink Ranger nodded, her hand reaching out to grasp Zack's. "Together..." she replied, her voice steady despite the uncertainty of their fate. "Forever..."


As Billy and Trini materialized within the theater, now transformed into a foreboding Egyptian palace, their eyes widened in shock at the sight before them. The once familiar surroundings were now twisted and warped, adorned with ancient symbols and statues of sphinxes and pharaohs. Above them, the ceiling had been shattered, replaced by the imposing structure of a pyramid that seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky.

Their attention was quickly drawn to the figure seated upon a golden throne at the center of the chamber. It was King Sphinx, his form radiating power and malevolence as he surveyed them with a predatory gleam in his eyes. Beside him stood the Red Ranger, but something was off. The usually valiant Jason appeared blank and vacant, his movements mechanical as he swayed a giant ostrich feather fan in King Sphinx's service.

"Billy, this isn't right," Trini murmured, her voice tinged with concern as she took in the scene before them.

"I know, Trini," Billy replied, his gaze unwavering as he assessed their surroundings. "But we have to focus. Jason needs our help."

King Sphinx's voice echoed through the chamber as they cautiously approached the throne, smooth and mocking. "Welcome, Blue Triceratops Ranger and Yellow Sabretooth Tiger Ranger. How delightful of you to join us."

Billy clenched his fists, his determination steeling his resolve. "We're here to rescue Jason. Release him, Sphinx!"

King Sphinx's laughter reverberated through the room, sending shivers down their spines. "Ah, but you misunderstand, Rangers. Your friend is exactly where he belongs now, serving me as my loyal slave."

Trini's eyes blazed with defiance as she stepped forward. "Jason would never willingly serve you. Whatever curse you've placed upon him, we'll break it!"

But King Sphinx merely smirked, his gaze flickering to the blank-faced Red Ranger by his side. "I'm afraid it's not that simple, my dear Yellow Ranger. Jason's spirit belongs to me now, trapped within this golden coin." He gestured to the emblem on the Red Ranger's helmet, where the cursed coin glimmered malevolently.

Billy's heart sank at the sight, his mind racing with thoughts of how they could possibly free their friend from such a dark fate. But before he could voice his concerns, King Sphinx raised his scepter high, the crystal eyes gleaming with ancient power.

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order," the villain mused, his voice dripping with malice. "Let's see how well you fare against my riddles, Rangers. Fail, and you'll suffer the same fate as your friend."

With a wave of his scepter, King Sphinx unleashed a barrage of impossible riddles, each one more confounding than the last. Billy and Trini exchanged determined glances, knowing that their friend's fate—and perhaps their own—hung in the balance.

As the cobra-shaped energy bolts hurtled toward them, Billy and Trini sprang into action, their Ranger instincts kicking into overdrive. With lightning-fast reflexes, they somersaulted and cartwheeled out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectiles. Each bolt crackled with malevolent energy, leaving scorch marks on the ancient stone floors where they struck.

"We need to get closer!" Trini shouted over the din, her voice urgent as she assessed their situation. "Those energy blasts are too dangerous from a distance!"

Billy nodded in agreement, his mind racing as he calculated their next move. Summoning their power weapons seemed to be their best chance at deflecting the scepter's energy bolts. With a swift motion, they reached for their Morphers and called upon the power of their respective weapons.

In a flash of light, the Blue Triceratops Axe materialized in Billy's hand, its gleaming blade poised and ready for battle. Trini's Yellow Sabretooth Tiger Dagger appeared next, its razor-sharp edges glinting in the dim light of the palace.

With their weapons in hand, Billy and Trini advanced toward King Sphinx, their movements fluid and coordinated. The villain watched them with amusement, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he prepared to unleash another volley of energy bolts.

But Billy and Trini were ready this time. With practiced precision, they deflected the incoming blasts with their power weapons, the energy bolts rebounding harmlessly off the polished surfaces of the Axe and Dagger. Sparks flew as the projectiles ricocheted off the walls, filling the chamber with chaotic bursts of light and sound.

"Now's our chance!" Billy called out, his voice determined as he and Trini closed the distance between themselves and their foe. King Sphinx's laughter echoed through the chamber, but the Rangers paid it no mind as they focused on their target.

With a mighty leap, Trini launched herself at King Sphinx, her Sabretooth Tiger Dagger held aloft. Billy followed close behind, his Blue Triceratops Axe poised to strike. Together, they unleashed a flurry of attacks upon the villain, their power weapons glinting in the dim light as they clashed with King Sphinx's scepter.

In the heart of the battle-scarred theater turned palace, Billy and Trini launched themselves towards King Sphinx, their Power Weapons gleaming with determination. Their minds focused on the task at hand, they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. But as they soared through the air, a sudden burst of energy erupted from the villain's scepter, catching them off guard.

The bolt struck them with devastating force, enveloping them in a searing wave of corrupting power. Agonizing spasms wracked their bodies, contorting their muscles in ways they never thought possible. The pain was unbearable, like a thousand fiery needles piercing their flesh.

"Argh! What... what's happening?" Trini cried out, her voice strained with agony as she struggled to maintain her composure.

Billy gritted his teeth against the searing pain, his muscles twitching uncontrollably. "I-I don't know, but we have to fight through it!" he replied, his voice determined despite the torment wracking his body.

But the corrupting energy had other plans, causing violent spasms that rendered them helpless. Their bodies betrayed them in the most humiliating way possible, as they felt themselves losing control over their bodily functions. Wetness spread beneath them, staining their suits as the corrupting energy surged through their veins.

The impact with the ground was like a final blow, sending shockwaves of pain reverberating through their bodies. They lay sprawled on the floor, their spirits shattered by the villain's merciless assault. King Sphinx's laughter echoed through the chamber, a cruel reminder of their failure to defy him.

"We... we can't give up," Trini gasped, her voice barely audible above the din of battle. "We have to... keep fighting."

Billy nodded, his determination flickering like a dying flame. "Y-yeah... we can't let him win," he muttered, his words tinged with desperation.

But as they struggled to rise to their feet, the weight of their injuries and humiliation bore down on them like a heavy burden. King Sphinx's presence loomed over them, his malevolent laughter ringing in their ears as they lay defeated on the cold, unforgiving floor of the palace.

Billy and Trini were caught off guard by a sudden ambush from an unexpected foe. Their friend, the Red Ranger, Jason, appeared before them, his form seemingly unchanged from their last encounter. But as Billy and Trini looked closer, they could see the truth hidden beneath the facade of heroism.

Through the interior camera feed of Jason's helmet, they could see the horrifying reality of his condition. Jason was mummified, bound and suffocated beneath his own skintight Red Ranger suit, his movements labored and wheezing echoing from within his helmet. The cursed golden coin on his face served as a cruel reminder of his enslavement to King Sphinx's dark powers.

Before Billy and Trini could react, the corrupted Red Ranger reached out, his hand snaking towards their Power Buckles with malicious intent. With a swift motion, he grabbed hold of the Buckles, unleashing a shockwave of corrupting energy that surged through their bodies like a tidal wave.

Agonizing spasms wracked their bodies as the corrupting energy coursed through their veins. Their muscles stiffened, rendering them immobile as their minds were flooded with confusion and terror.

"Wha... what's happening?" Trini gasped, her voice choked with fear as she struggled against the debilitating effects of the attack.

Billy gritted his teeth against the pain, his thoughts racing as he tried to make sense of their dire situation. "It's Jason... he's under King Sphinx's control," he managed to say, his words strained with effort.

But even as they tried to fight back, the corrupting energy overwhelmed them, leaving them helpless against their former friend's onslaught. With each passing moment, their strength waned, their minds clouded by fear and uncertainty.

As they lay immobilized on the ground, Billy and Trini knew that they were no match for the dark power that now controlled their friend. Their only hope lay in finding a way to break free from King Sphinx's grip and restore Jason to his true self.

As the corrupting energy surged through their bodies, Billy and Trini felt their minds slipping further into darkness, consumed by an overwhelming sense of lust and desire. The once noble ideals of heroism were stripped away, replaced by a primal urge that consumed their thoughts and desires.

Their bodies writhed uncontrollably as the corrupting energy took hold, their muscles tensing and spasming with each wave of pleasure that washed over them. They could feel their powers fading, their connection to the Morphing Grid severed by the dark influence of King Sphinx's curse.

"Wha... what's happening to us?" Trini gasped, her voice trembling with fear and confusion as the corrupting energy consumed her from within.

Billy's mind was clouded with ecstasy, his thoughts overrun by a primal urge that he could not control. "I... I can't... resist..." he stammered, his words barely comprehensible as the corruption tightened its grip on his mind.

The two Rangers felt their minds unraveling, consumed by the corrupting influence of Jason's twisted power. "No! Get out of my head!" Billy screamed, his voice echoing off the walls of the chamber as he writhed in agony.

Trini's cries joined Billy's, a chorus of terror and despair that reverberated through the room. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" she pleaded, her words distorted by the overwhelming onslaught of corrupting energy.

But there was no escape from the relentless assault on their minds. With each passing moment, the corruption tightened its grip, twisting their thoughts into a grotesque parody of their former selves. "Jason, please!" Billy begged, his voice breaking as he struggled against the waves of agony crashing over him.

In the grip of the corrupting power, Billy and Trini were engulfed in a whirlwind of frenzied ecstasy and terror. "YES! YES!" Billy roared, his voice rising to a fevered pitch as the corrupting energy surged through him.

Trini's cries echoed Billy's, her words drowned out by the overwhelming onslaught of sensation. "HARDER! FASTER!" she screamed, her voice a primal symphony of desire and despair.

But even as their bodies writhed in pleasure, a sense of horror crept in, a sickening realization of what they had become. "NO! THIS ISN'T ME!" Billy cried out, his words a desperate plea for salvation.

Trini's protests merged with Billy's, a chorus of anguish and denial that reverberated through the chamber. "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" she shrieked, her voice cracking with fear and desperation.

But there was no escape from the relentless grip of the corrupting power. With each passing moment, Billy and Trini were consumed by a maelstrom of lust and agony, their minds torn asunder by forces beyond their control.

As the corruption tightened its grip, Billy's pleas grew more frantic, his voice raw with desperation. "JASON, PLEASE! HELP US!" he begged, his words a desperate cry for mercy.

Trini's screams reached a crescendo, her voice breaking as she struggled against the overwhelming tide of corruption. "I CAN'T... I CAN'T..." she gasped, her words choked with tears and despair.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the onslaught ceased, leaving Billy and Trini gasping for breath as they lay sprawled on the floor. But the damage had been done, their minds shattered beyond repair by the merciless assault of Jason's twisted power.

In the aftermath of the brutal attack, Billy and Trini could only stare in horror at their corrupted friend, their voices reduced to feeble whispers as they struggled to comprehend the extent of the devastation wrought by Jason's twisted power.


In a swift and calculated move, King Sphinx unleashed his dark magic, summoning forth two sinister golden sarcophagi that bore an eerie resemblance to the heroic forms of Billy and Trini. With a flick of his scepter, the coffins opened, revealing their ominous interiors.

Billy and Trini's eyes widened in terror as they beheld the looming sarcophagi, their minds clouded by the corrupting influence of Jason's power. With a desperate instinct, they each assumed a crossed arms pose like ancient Egyptian mummies, Trini crossing her double daggers in front of her chest while Billy held his lance weapon defiantly before him.

"NO! PLEASE, NO!" Billy cried out, his voice filled with desperation as he struggled against the invisible force pulling him toward his doom. Trini's screams echoed Billy's, her words a haunting melody of fear and despair. "WE CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!" she shrieked, her voice cracking with panic as she fought against the relentless pull of the sarcophagus.

But their efforts were in vain as the powerful force of the sarcophagi grew stronger, dragging them closer with each passing moment. With a sickening lurch, Billy and Trini were yanked into the waiting coffins, their bodies contorted in agony as they vanished from sight.

As the sarcophagi closed with a final, ominous thud, Billy and Trini's weapons remained clutched tightly in their crossed arms, now useless artifacts of their former heroism. Inside the coffins, their voices continued to echo, their cries of torment and despair reverberating endlessly against the cold, stone walls of the tomb.

As the sarcophagi closed with a final, ominous thud, Billy and Trini found themselves engulfed in darkness, their bodies pressed tightly against the unforgiving walls of their tomb. The air grew thick with the stench of decay, and the sound of their own labored breaths filled their ears.

With a jolt of terror, they realized the true nature of their confinement. Spikes lined the walls of the sarcophagi, their sharp points gleaming in the dim light like teeth in the mouth of a predator. Billy's heart raced as he felt the cold metal pressing against his skin, each spike a cruel reminder of the agony to come.

Inside the sarcophagi, Billy and Trini were ensnared by the piercing embrace of the iron maiden, their bodies contorted in agony as the cruel spikes pressed against their flesh. With each passing moment, the torment intensified, driving them to the brink of madness.

Meanwhile, Jason the Red Ranger reveled in their suffering, his corrupted mind finding perverse pleasure in their pain. With a twisted grin, he taunted his friends, mocking their futile struggles against the iron maiden's grasp.

"Enjoying your new accommodations, Blue and Yellow?" Jason jeered, his voice dripping with malice. "I must say, you look positively radiant in your metallic embrace."

Billy's words echoed her sentiment, his voice filled with urgency. "Remember who you are, Jason! You're a leader, a hero!"

But Jason's response was a bitter laugh, tinged with madness. "There's no escape," he spat, his voice tinged with resignation. "I'm beyond redemption now. And soon, you'll join me in eternal servitude."

As Trini's screams pierced the air, Jason's resolve only hardened, his mind consumed by the power of darkness. "You can beg all you want," he taunted, his voice laced with cruelty. "But it's too late. This tomb will be your final resting place."

"Indeed," King Sphinx boomed, his voice echoing with satisfaction. "The Red Ranger is mine now, bound to serve me for all eternity." He turned his gaze toward Billy and Trini, his eyes alight with malice. "And soon, you will join him in eternal servitude, my loyal tomb guardians."

Jason's once-bold heart now beat to the rhythm of King Sphinx's sinister machinations. His hands moved mechanically, guided by a force beyond his control, as he placed Billy and Trini's morphers onto the waiting sarcophagi. The air crackled with dark energy, a palpable tension hanging thick in the chamber.

Billy and Trini's cries of desperation echoed off the walls, pleading with their friend to resist the darkness that threatened to consume him. "Jason, please! Fight it!" Trini's voice wavered with fear, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

But Jason's gaze remained fixed ahead, empty and devoid of the spark that once defined him. "There is no escape," he murmured, his voice a hollow echo in the cavernous chamber. "We are all slaves to King Sphinx now."

With a sickening lurch, the sarcophagi began to tremble, tendrils of dark energy snaking out to ensnare Billy and Trini in their grasp. The spikes of the iron maiden erupted from within, tearing through their spandex suits and sinking deep into their flesh.

Agonized screams pierced the air as Billy and Trini were consumed by searing pain, their bodies contorting in a grotesque dance of torment. "Jason, please! You have to fight it!" Billy's voice cracked with desperation, his pleas falling on deaf ears.

But Jason's expression remained impassive, his mind a prisoner to the darkness that now held sway over him. "It's too late," he intoned, his voice a monotone drone. "We belong to King Sphinx now."

As the darkness closed in around them, Billy and Trini's cries grew fainter, their bodies wracked with unspeakable agony. The chamber seemed to pulse with malevolent energy, a sinister aura enveloping them in its suffocating embrace.

In the suffocating darkness of the tomb, Billy and Trini found themselves trapped and immobilized within their sarcophagi. Their desperate cries for water echoed off the ancient walls, each word a piercing scream of agony. "WATER! PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP US!" Billy's voice cracked with desperation, his throat raw from the relentless torment of thirst.

Trini's screams joined his, her voice a frenzied cacophony of pain as she clawed at the air in search of relief. "I CAN'T... I CAN'T BREATHE!" she gasped, her words choked with desperation, each syllable a plea for salvation from the cruel fate that awaited them.

"WE NEED WATER! PLEASE, GOD, ANYTHING!" Billy's eyes widened in horror as the sensation gripped him, his hands clawing at the air as if searching for respite from the relentless torment. "WATER... PLEASE..." he gasped, his voice raw with agony, each word a desperate plea for relief.

But there was no relief to be found in the unforgiving depths of the tomb. Trini's screams echoed off the walls, her body wracked with the same insatiable thirst that consumed her friend. "I CAN'T... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" she cried, her voice cracking with desperation, each syllable a testament to the unbearable agony she endured.

But there was no escape from the relentless thirst that gripped them, no reprieve from the unyielding torment of the tomb. With each passing moment, their bodies grew weaker, their minds clouded by the maddening thirst that consumed their every thought.

Suddenly, King Sphinx's laughter filled the chamber, cutting through the darkness like a knife. "Thirsty, are we?" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Perhaps a taste of the darkness will quench your craving."

As if in response to his words, two golden goblets materialized before Billy and Trini, hovering just out of reach above their sarcophagi. Without hesitation, they strained against their bonds, their fingers grasping desperately for the promise of relief.

But their efforts were in vain. The goblets remained just beyond their grasp, taunting them with the illusion of salvation. And as they watched helplessly, the liquid within the goblets began to pour, cascading down in a shimmering cascade of molten gold.

The golden liquid flowed like molten lava, pouring from the gaps in their sarcophagi's Blue and Yellow Ranger helmet-shaped visors and flooding the interior of their tombs with its blistering heat. Billy and Trini's frantic screams reached a fever pitch as the searing gold met their spandex-clad flesh and helmets.

"IT BURNS! IT BURNS!" Billy's voice echoed off the walls of the tomb, his words a guttural roar of pain as the molten metal seared his skin.

Trini's cries were equally agonized, her words a jumbled mess of anguish as the heat threatened to consume her. "MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE, MAKE IT STOP!"

But there was no mercy to be found in the depths of the tomb. As the last echoes of their screams faded into the darkness, Billy and Trini's bodies were consumed by the molten gold, their forms encased forever in a gilded prison of agony.

In the theater turned ancient palace of King Sphinx, the atmosphere was heavy with the weight of impending doom. The trapped Rangers of Blue and Yellow found themselves ensnared within their sarcophagi, their bodies lifeless husks while their souls remained trapped within their morphers. Despite their agonized screams, there was no escape from their eternal torment.

Trini's voice reverberated through the chamber, a desperate plea echoing off the walls. "Billy, we can't give up! We have to keep fighting!"

Billy's response was filled with resignation, his words punctuated by the anguish of their situation. "I'm sorry, Trini... There's nothing we can do. We're trapped."

Their voices rang out, distorted by the madness that gripped their souls. As King Sphinx's dark magic enveloped the sarcophagi, they shimmered and vanished, transported to his desert dimension before his imposing pyramid.

"Behold, my newest treasures," he declared, his voice carrying across the sands like a sinister whisper. "The souls of the Blue and Yellow Rangers, forever imprisoned within their morphers. They shall serve as a warning to all who dare to defy me."

In the desolate expanse of the desert, the former Black and Pink Rangers, now transformed into golden tomb guardians, awaited the arrival of the sarcophagi with blank expressions.

"What... what is this place?" Zack's voice boomed with confusion, reverberating across the empty expanse.

"I don't know, Zack..." Kimberly's voice trailed off, her words heavy with uncertainty. "I feel so... empty."

Their voices resonated with the emptiness of their souls, distorted by the relentless torment of their new existence. With mechanical movements, they approached the sarcophagi, their golden forms shimmering in the harsh desert sunlight.

With a surge of unseen power, the sarcophagi slid effortlessly into the yawning darkness of the pyramid's entrance. Within, Billy and Trini's trapped souls cried out in despair from within their morphers, their voices echoing into the abyss.

"Please! Someone, help us!" Trini's voice thundered with desperation, reverberating with frenzied intensity.

But Billy's voice was a mere whisper against the oppressive darkness, his hope extinguished. "There's... no one left to help us now."



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