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As the nightmare of Vypra's zentai influence spreads, Kelsey, Chad, and Carter find themselves trapped in a relentless cycle of terror. Their once unbreakable courage shattered, they tremble in fear, haunted by visions of their impending doom. Separation only deepens their despair, and they realize that they must confront their fears together.

Will they emerge from this nightmare, or will its tightness consume them?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!

Eddie Hauck



Ruu K



Wyatt S

Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


The fire, Vypra’s fire!

The heroes were scattered and alone in the infernal corridor of hell, where the torment went on in an endless loop. Their majestic figures twisted in excruciating pain. As Chad the Lightspeed Blue and Lightspeed Red Carter's spandex-clad butts swelled to ridiculous proportions, Lightspeed Yellow Kelsey's breasts bloated out, making a hideous spectacle of her femininity. Their bodies contorted into hideous caricatures of themselves as the shame of their transgressions showed through.

As Chad witnessed the hideous metamorphosis, his cries boomed across the fire. "What... what is happening to us?!" He let out a scream, his voice strained from shock and astonishment. "This... this can't be possible!"

As Carter's body betrayed him, the absurdity of his enlarged form intensified his mental anguish. "We're... we're monsters," he exclaimed, his voice quivering with anguish. "This... this is punishment for our sins..."

As Kelsey's own body betrayed her in the most humiliating way, her cries mixed with theirs. As she beheld her hideous figure, her voice broke and she cried, "I can't... I can't bear this!" "We... we deserve this... for defying Bansheera..."

However, the inferno showed no mercy as it consumed them mercilessly, even as they shouted in anguish and despair. Their interminable anguish was on full display in every scream, and every second seemed like an eternity.

As a result of their rebellion, they were subjected to intense heat, their mangled and hideous bodies making them look even more horrific as their cries drowned in the bottomless pit. Their impending damnation was unavoidable even in the fiery pits of Hades.

With their spandex-clad groins and inflated breasts serving as a continual reminder of their transgression and shame, they could sense every stride as an agony. More sinister, though, was the fact that they were being propelled forward by an invisible force, as if they were being controlled by the savage forces of hell itself, rather than by their own free will.

"This... this cannot be real," Gazing down at his horrifyingly enlarged groin, Chad exclaimed, his voice quivering with shock. "We have to wake up... this has to be a nightmare..."

But even as they cried out in agony, the flames showed no mercy, their relentless fury consuming everything in their path. The heat was unbearable, searing through their spandex suits and melting their blasters into gooey puddles of molten metal.

"Our weapons..." Chad gasped, his eyes wide with horror as he beheld the melted remnants of their blasters. "They're... they're useless..."

Carter's heart sank as he realized the full extent of their plight, the realization hitting him like a punch to the gut. "We're... we're helpless," he forced out, his voice tinged with desperation. "We... we can't fight back..."

As the relentless flames licked at their spandex-clad bodies, the Rangers felt their suits betray them, tightening and constricting with each passing moment. The suffocating heat and infernal influence of hell warped their once-heroic attire, transforming them into instruments of their own torment. Their muscles buckled and tensed against the pressure, their very breath becoming labored and strained as they struggled to move forward.

"I... I can't breathe," Chad gasped, his voice strained with effort as he fought against the constricting grip of his suit. "The... the heat, it's suffocating..."

Carter's movements became increasingly awkward as his suit tightened around him, every step a struggle against the unbearable pressure. "We're... we're trapped," he forced out, his voice choked with desperation. "Our... our suits are killing us..."

Kelsey's cries of pain mingled with theirs as she felt the suffocating grip of her suit tighten around her, every movement sending waves of agony coursing through her body. "We're... we're drowning," she sobbed, her voice barely audible over the roar of the flames. "Trapped in our own costumes..."

And then, as if their torment couldn't be any worse, they felt an uncontrollable surge of arousal, their bodies betraying them in the most humiliating of ways. Wetness pooled between their legs, the result of their bodies' involuntary response to the intense agony and despair.

"We... we can't control it," Chad stammered, his cheeks flushed with shame as he felt his body react beyond his control. "It's... it's humiliating..."

Carter's face burned with embarrassment as he struggled to maintain his composure, his body wracked with spasms of pleasure amidst the torment. "We're... we're being punished," he forced out, his voice trembling with shame. "For... for our sins..."

Kelsey's cries grew louder as she felt the waves of pleasure wash over her, her body trembling with the intensity of the sensation. "We're... we're cursed," she sobbed, her voice breaking as she struggled to maintain her dignity. "Doomed to suffer for all eternity..."

With every ounce of courage drained from their broken spirits, they pressed on, their screams echoing through the inferno as they faced the consequences of their defiance. For even in the depths of hell, there was no hope, no salvation, only the eternal torment that awaited them.

A twisted sensation began to stir within them, a perverse pleasure that grew with each agonizing step. The flames that licked at their bodies now seemed to caress them with a sickening warmth, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through their tortured forms.

Chad's mind reeled as he felt the pleasure mingle with the pain, his thoughts becoming increasingly muddled and confused. "What... what is this?" he gasped, his voice trembling with confusion. "It... it feels... good..."

Carter's movements grew more erratic as the pleasure intensified, his grip on reality slipping with each passing moment. "We're... we're losing our minds," he forced out, his voice tinged with madness. "The... the fire, it's driving us insane..."

Carter's eyes darted wildly as he struggled to make sense of the swirling chaos around him. "This... this place is driving us mad," he muttered, his words barely audible over the screams and whispers. "We need to find a way out..."

Kelsey's laughter echoed through the inferno as she spun in circles, her arms outstretched as if embracing the flames. "There is no way out," she giggled, her voice tinged with hysteria. "We're trapped here forever..."

With each step, the flames seemed to draw closer, licking hungrily at their heels as if eager to consume them whole. The air grew thick with the scent of burning flesh and sulfur, choking their lungs and clouding their thoughts.

"We... we have to keep moving," Chad forced out, his voice hoarse with desperation as he stumbled forward. "We can't let this place break us..."

Carter's breath came in ragged gasps as he fought against the suffocating heat, his body drenched in sweat as if boiling from the inside out. "We're... we're stronger than this," he muttered, his voice wavering with doubt. "We have to believe..."

Kelsey's laughter grew louder, bordering on hysteria, as she danced through the flames recklessly. "There is no strength here," she cried out, her voice rising above the din of screams. "Only madness... and death..."

As the Rangers trudged onward through the oppressive heat of the hellish corridor, their minds twisted by the weight of their sins, a perverse urge began to stir within them. No longer heroes, they were now prisoners of their own desires, trapped in a vicious cycle of self-inflicted torment.

"We... we brought this upon ourselves," Chad muttered, his voice choked with shame as he surrendered himself to the masochistic urges. "Our sins... they haunt us..."

Carter's eyes gleamed with a manic enthusiasm as he embraced the perverse ecstasy that consumed him, his once-heroic spirit now twisted beyond recognition. "We thought we were above reproach," he forced out, his voice tinged with madness. "But now... now we revel in our own suffering..."

Kelsey's laughter echoed through the inferno as she danced through the flames with reckless abandon, her body trembling with the intensity of the sensation. "We thought we were heroes," she cried out, her voice filled with delirium. "But now... now we're just masochistic victims of our own sins..."

With each step they took, the flames seemed to grow brighter, licking hungrily at their skin as if eager to consume them whole. But instead of fear, they felt only a perverse pleasure, a twisted satisfaction in their own agony.

"We... we crave more," Chad gasped, his voice hoarse with desperation as he stumbled forward. "More pain... more suffering..."

Carter's breath came in ragged gasps as he fought against the suffocating heat, his body trembling with anticipation. "We're... we're addicted," he muttered, his voice wavering with desire. "To the flames... to the torment..."

Kelsey's laughter grew louder, bordering on hysteria, as she spun in circles, her arms outstretched as if embracing the inferno itself. "We are the sinners," she cried out, her voice rising above the din of screams. "The masochistic inmates of this hellish asylum..."

Chad's voice echoed through the corridor, a frenzied mantra of agony and ecstasy. "More... MORE!" he screamed, his words a twisted hymn to the flames that consumed him. "Crush us, suffocate us! We revel in our torment!"

Carter's laughter mingled with the screams, a cacophony of madness reverberating off the infernal hallway's walls. "Pain is pleasure, agony is ecstasy!" he cried out, his voice rising to a fevered pitch. "We are masochists, slaves to our own desires!"

The Lightspeed Rescue Rangers’ corrupted suits slowly constricting and twisting them like vices, crushing their bodies and stealing their breath. Every step was a battle against the relentless pressure, their minds slipping further into madness with each agonizing moment.

"We... we can't... can't breathe," Chad gasped, his voice a strangled whisper as he fought against the suffocating grip of his suit. "It's... it's consuming us!"

Carter's movements grew more frenzied as he struggled against the crushing weight of his costume, his sanity fraying at the edges. "We're... we're drowning," he forced out, his words choked with desperation. "In our own... our own torment!"

The deafening roar of the flames drowned out Kelsey's cries of anguish as she felt her suit tighten around her, every fiber of her being screaming for release. "We're... we're slaves," she sobbed, her voice barely audible over the infernal cacophony. "To our own... our own suffering!"

But the torment didn't end there. As if sensing their agony, the flames licked hungrily at their once proud helmets, melting them away until they resembled nothing more than deflated, elastic masks.

Chad's eyes widened in horror as the molten heat seared through his helmet, the once sturdy material crumbling like ash against his skin. "What... what's happening?" he gasped, his voice tinged with panic. "Our helmets..."

Carter's screams pierced the air, a frenzied cacophony of agony and ecstasy that reverberated through the infernal corridor. "More... MORE!" he howled, his voice distorted by madness. "We crave the pain, the suffering! It's... it's our salvation!"

Kelsey's sobs turned to frenzied shrieks, her words a desperate plea for release from the suffocating grip of their torment. "Tighter... TIGHTER!" she shrieked, her voice cracking with hysteria. "We're... we're masochists, slaves to our own desires! And we revel in it!"


As the Rangers stumbled out of the infernal corridor, their bodies clad in the twisted mockery of their heroic attire, a perverse sense of satisfaction washed over them. The zentai slave suits hugged their forms tightly, the missing belts and assimilated boots serving as memorials of their descent into depravity.

Before them stood a vast chamber, its walls pulsating with a sickly crimson glow. In the center of the chamber stood a figure cloaked in darkness, its presence exuding an aura of malice.

"WE'VE REACHED THE HEART OF THE ABYSS," Chad croaked, his voice barely above a whisper.

With each faltering movement, they stumbled forward like marionettes, their minds fractured by the torment that engulfed them. Fragmented thoughts of masochistic desire consumed their sanity, drowning them in a perverse ecstasy of suffering.

"WE... WE WELCOMED THIS!" Chad's voice thundered, a hollow echo of his former strength. "THE AGONY... THE TORTURE... IT'S... IT'S OUR FATE..."

Carter's laughter sliced through the air like a razor, a cacophony of madness that fed on their despair. "WE'RE... WE'RE ENSLAVED BY OUR OWN DESIRES," he howled, his eyes ablaze with lunacy. "AND WE EMBRACE IT..."

The infernal roar swallowed Kelsey's anguished cries, her words a desperate plea for release from the abyss that consumed them. "WE'RE... WE'RE DAMNED," she screamed, her voice a haunting lament. "FOREVER TRAPPED IN OUR OWN... OUR OWN MISERY..."

And so they pressed on, their bodies scorched by the searing heat of the brimstone floor, their souls ensnared by the intoxicating allure of their suffering. In the depths of damnation, there was no escape from the torment that awaited them, only the relentless embrace of their own madness.

Kelsey's eyes darted around the chamber, searching for any sign of escape. But there was none. They were trapped, at the mercy of whatever sinister force lurked in the shadows.

"THIS... THIS IS OUR DESTINY," Chad's voice echoed through the chamber, a twisted grin spreading across his lips as he surveyed their surroundings.

Carter's laughter reverberated off the walls, a manic symphony of madness. "AND WE... WE EMBRACE IT," he howled, his eyes gleaming with masochistic fervor.

The infernal cacophony drowned out Kelsey's cries of agony. "WE... WE WELCOME THE PAIN," she screamed, her voice a haunting melody of twisted pleasure.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, a twisted visage of darkness and malice. It was Vypra, mistress of this hellish domain, and her eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure as she beheld the Rangers' masochistic revelry before her.


The Rangers recoiled in ecstasy as Vypra unleashed a wave of dark energy, enveloping them in its intoxicating embrace. Their screams of pleasure mingled with the twisted laughter of their tormentor, each sensation a symphony of masochistic delight.

"EMBRACE YOUR DESIRES," Vypra taunted, her voice a seductive whisper in their minds. "FOR THEY ARE YOURS TO INDULGE FOR ALL ETERNITY."

And as the darkness closed in around them, the Rangers knew that their ordeal was far from over. They were slaves to their own desires, condemned to revel in their masochistic ecstasy for all eternity.

As the reunited Zentai Rangers stood in the hellish chamber, their twisted forms clad in the mocking parody of their heroic attire, a sense of dread hung heavy in the air. The pulsating walls seemed to leer at them maliciously, and the faint echoes of sinister laughter reverberated through the chamber.

Suddenly, a horde of Batling demonic minions emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with brutal hunger. With unearthly shrieks, they descended upon the Rangers, their grotesque forms defiling and violating them in a horrifying frenzy.

The Rangers' screams of agony mingled with the guttural growls of the Batlings as they forced themselves upon their helpless victims. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and despair as the orgy of horror unfolded before Vypra's delighted eyes.

"YES! YES!" Vypra's voice echoed through the chamber, a symphony of sadistic delight. "FEED UPON THEIR SUFFERING! SHOW THEM THE TRUE MEANING OF PAIN!"

The Rangers writhed in agony as the Batlings continued their relentless assault, their masochistic desires twisted and perverted by the unending torment. With each violation, their sanity slipped further into the abyss, consumed by a primal urge for gratification amidst the hellish chaos.

"MORE! MORE!" Vypra's laughter rang out like a demonic chorus, her eyes ablaze with manic glee. "LET THEM DROWN IN THEIR OWN DESPAIR! THEY ARE MINE NOW, FOREVER!"

Amidst the chaos, the Rangers' voices rose in a cacophony of madness, their words a twisted chorus of despair and agony.

"I... I CRAVE IT!" Chad's voice echoed through the chamber, his words a haunting lament of broken sanity. "THE PAIN... IT'S... IT'S EXHILARATING!"

Amidst the chaos, the Rangers' voices rose in a cacophony of madness, their words a twisted chorus of acceptance and surrender.

"I... I WELCOME IT!" Chad's voice echoed through the chamber, his words a haunting proclamation of twisted desire. "THE AGONY... IT'S... IT'S INTOXICATING!"

Carter's laughter mingled with the screams of the Batlings, a chilling symphony of madness. "WE'RE... WE'RE NOTHING BUT SLAVES," he howled, his eyes vacant and hollow. "SERVANTS TO OUR OWN PLEASURE!"

Kelsey's anguished cries were lost amidst the infernal cacophony, her words a desperate plea for more of the torment that engulfed them. "YES... YES, MORE!" she sobbed, her voice a haunting melody of depravity.

And as the orgy of horror reached its climax, the Rangers found themselves consumed by a darkness deeper than they had ever known. In the depths of Vypra's domain, there was no escape, no salvation. Only an eternity of suffering and debauchery awaited them, a fate sealed by their own masochistic desires.

Vypra's triumphant laughter echoed through the chamber, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure as she beheld the Rangers' twisted submission.

"YOU ARE MINE NOW," she declared, her voice a sibilant whisper that sent shivers down their spines. "MINE TO COMMAND, MINE TO CONTROL."

The Rangers, their minds lost in a haze of masochistic ecstasy, could only moan in twisted delight as the orgy of horror intensified around them. The Batlings, emboldened by their victory, redoubled their assault, their grotesque forms writhing in perverse pleasure as they violated their helpless victims.

Chad's voice rose in a frenzied chorus of depravity, his words a testament to his newfound liberation. "YES... YES, MORE!" he cried, his body contorting in ecstasy as the pain washed over him like a tidal wave.

Carter's laughter rang out like a peal of thunder, his eyes alight with mad fervor. "WE ARE YOURS, VYPRA," he howled, his voice a twisted hymn to their shared debauchery. "YOURS TO BREAK, TO BEND, TO TWIST TO YOUR WHIM!"

Kelsey's cries of ecstasy were lost amidst the infernal cacophony, her words a haunting melody of surrender. "TAKE US," she sobbed, her voice a desperate plea for more of the torment that engulfed them. "WE ARE YOURS TO DO WITH AS YOU PLEASE!"

As Chad, Kelsey, and Carter stumbled out of their bedrooms, their hearts pounding with terror, they collided with each other in the main corridor of the Aquabase. Their bodies trembled with the aftershocks of the nightmare that had gripped them, their minds still reeling from the horrors they had just experienced.

"Chad! Carter!" While desperately trying to steady herself against the wall, Kelsey let out a gasp, her voice trembling with terror. "Did you... did you have the same nightmare?"

As Chad faltered for words, his face paled and he nodded feebly. "Y-Yes," he stammered, his hands shaking uncontrollably. "It was... it was awful."

Gasps for air escaped Carter's lips as he struggled to maintain his balance. "Vypra," he whispered hoarsely, his eyes wide with terror. "She... she's winning."

They were frightened and anxious and the thought of Vypra's victorious laughing made them shiver. The relentless barrage of misery and nightmares had broken their brave spirit, and they had lost all courage.

“We... we hoped separating would help," Kelsey whispered with a sense of hopelessness. "But it only made things worse."

As Chad looked around at his teammates, his eyes revealing his sadness, his shoulders bowed in defeat. With an almost hissing voice, he said, "We need to find Joel." "He should have... answers."

As they braced themselves to confront the dark pit that loomed over them, they joined hands with shaky hands and shook with horror. Their danger was far from complete, but they knew they would never be truly alone if they stood together as they ventured into the unknown.

After much thought and mental fogginess, Chad, Kelsey, and Carter finally decided to face their fantasies head-on, hoping without hope that they would summon the will to overcome their fears and come out on top.


Kelsey, Chad, and Carter entered Joel's chamber with equal parts fear and willpower. Although they knew confronting Joel would be challenging, they were ready to confront whatever realities lay ahead.

"Joel," Kelsey began, her voice wavering slightly due to her intense afterglow as she addressed their former teammate. "We need to talk."

Joel glanced up from his work, his expression unreadable as he regarded the trio before him. "What is it?" he asked, his tone guarded.

"We're concerned about your recent behavior," Chad said, his voice tinged with unease. "You've been acting strangely; we want to know why."

Joel's eyes narrowed, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied curtly, his tone defensive. Joel tried to maintain his facade, but the tension in the room was palpable. "It was just a glitch," he insisted, his eyes shifting nervously. "I was trying to fix it, but something went wrong."

But Kelsey wasn't deterred. "Don't play dumb, Joel," she pressed, her voice gaining strength. "We know something's not right. And we want answers."

A sense of unease spread across the room as Joel's armor crumbled. "Fine," he snapped, his frustration boiling over. "You want answers? I'll give you answers. I tampered with Dana's morpher," he admitted, his voice laced with malice. "I corrupted it with dark energy from Vypra."

Kelsey, Chad, and Carter exchanged horrified glances, their worst fears confirmed. "But why?" Chad demanded, his voice trembling with disbelief.

The chamber resounded with Joel's laughter, a terrifying sound that made them shudder. "Why?" he repeated, his eyes gleaming with madness. "Because I wanted to. Because I could."

The trio recoiled at Joel's callousness, their minds reeling with the implications of his actions. "You're... you're a monster," Kelsey trembled in fear.

On the other hand, Joel could only muster a grin, his expression betraying his twisted fulfillment. "And you're all already halfway there," he taunted, gesturing to their flushed faces and trembling bodies. "You've already succumbed to the allure of the zentai. You're just like Dana now."

The realization hit them like a physical blow, their minds spinning with disbelief. "No," Chad protested, his voice tinged with desperation. "That's not true. We can fight this. We can-"

But Joel cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "There's no fighting it," he declared, his voice cold and final while activating his corrupted Rescue Morpher. "You're all slaves to Vypra now. And there's nothing you can do to change that."

As Joel's morpher emitted a sickly green glow, Kelsey, Chad, and Carter watched in horror as their former teammate underwent a grotesque transformation. The once-heroic Green Ranger suit contorted and twisted into a suffocating zentai mockery, overwhelming the trio with fear and arousal.

Their stammering voices faltered as Joel's true form was revealed before them. They had suspected his corruption, but witnessing it firsthand was a horrifying realization. Yet, despite their horror, there was an undeniable allure to Joel's twisted transformation, a primal desire that stirred within them.

"Joel, what have you done?" Kelsey's voice trembled as she struggled to comprehend the sight before her. "This... this can't be real."

But the Green Zentai Ranger Joel only laughed, his voice echoing through the chamber with a chilling sense of satisfaction. "Oh, but it is real," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with madness. "And soon, you'll all join me in the wrap of darkness."

As Joel's transformation played out before their eyes, Kelsey, Chad, and Carter were captivated, their expressions ranging from shock to excitement. Their cries resounded around the room as his heroic Green Ranger costume was contorted farther and further.

"Oh... oh god," Kelsey gasped, her voice trembling with desire. "He's... he's so..."

"Sexy," Chad interjected, his words barely a whisper as he struggled to contain his arousal.

Carter's breathing grew ragged as he watched Joel's transformation with wide-eyed fascination. "I can't... I can't control myself," he admitted, his voice thick with lust.

Their words tumbled out in a jumbled mess, mingling with the primal sounds of their moans. "We... we shouldn't... can't resist..." Kelsey stammered, her thoughts fragmented by desire.

Chad's laughter bubbled up from deep within him, a manic sound that filled the chamber with its intensity. "Why resist?" he cried, his voice bordering on hysteria. "We're... we're already lost..."

Carter's eyes glazed over as he watched Joel's zentai form, his mind consumed by fantasies of submission and surrender. "Yes... yes, let's... let's embrace it," he mumbled, his words barely coherent as the darkness closed around them.

Every word they said testified to the corruption's dominating influence as their voices blended into a symphony of insanity. More than that, they recognized they were in danger and that the same evil had befallen them and their buddy Dana as Joel's metamorphosis peaked.

The three Rangers looked at each other in disbelief as an instant of clarity cut through the fog of yearning. By revealing themselves to Joel in their civilian forms, they exposed themselves to the full force of his zentai charm corrupting, but they soon understood their catastrophic mistake.

"We... we shouldn't have come here like this," Kelsey whispered, her voice laced with regret. "We've played right into his hands."

Even though he was fighting an impossible wave of yearning, Chad's gaze was haunted as he agreed. "It's too late now," he remarked, his voice expressing his anguish. "We're already under his control."

With his mind racing with mixed feelings, Carter felt his breath catch in his throat as he watched Joel's zentai form approach. "We... we need to find a way out," he pleaded, his voice revealing his despair.

But as they drew on what little mental energy they had left, a voice from behind Zentai Joel cut them off. It was Dana, the Pink Zentai Ranger, and her words were sweetly misleading, leading people into her trap.

"Why don't you transform into your heroic Lightspeed Rescue Rangers form?" she suggested with honeyed brutality. "Perhaps that will help you fight the corruption."

But Kelsey's instincts screamed at her to resist, to find another way out of this nightmare. "No," she said, her voice firm despite trembling limbs. "It's a trap. We can't trust them. That’s no longer Dana we knew before!"

Chad's brow furrowed in confusion as he grappled with conflicting emotions. "But... but what choice do we have?" he asked, his voice tinged with desperation. "We have to do something."

Carter's hands shook as he reached for his Rescue Morpher, his mind clouded by fear and uncertainty. "We... we have to try," he said, his voice barely a whisper as he activated the device.

The atmosphere was electric with suspense as Chad, Carter, and Kelsey turned on their Lightspeed Rescue Morphers. Their ignorance was their downfall as they prepared to enter a labyrinth from which there would be no escape.

"THIS ISN'T RIGHT!" In utter dread, Kelsey glanced at her morpher and let out a high-pitched cry of shock. Fear gripped Chad as he realized the gravity of the situation. He yelled, "WE'RE IN TROUBLE," his voice betraying his dread.

Carter's heart pounded as he watched the surreal scene unfold before him. "WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE," he yelled, his voice trembling with fear.

But it was too late. The black side release button was pressed, triggering a sequence of events that would seal their fate. Instead of the familiar sight of the antenna panel opening and the helmet visor-shaped shield emerging, a twisted version unfolded before them.

"WE'RE BEING CONSUMED!" Kelsey's voice trembled with terror as she felt the latex wrap around her like a suffocating cocoon.

Their cries of protest grew fainter as the sickening squelch of the latex drowned out their voices, squeezing them tighter with each passing moment. Panic set in as they realized they were trapped, unable to break free from the insidious grip of the Morphing Grid.

"WE CAN'T BREATHE!" Chad's voice was barely a whisper as he gasped for air, his lungs constricted by the relentless pressure of the latex.

Carter's mind raced as he searched for a way out of the nightmare that had engulfed them. "THERE MUST BE A WAY TO REVERSE THIS!" he shouted, his voice tinged with hysteria.

Unfortunately, their protests went unanswered as the metamorphosis was about to be finished. The colorful, mocking rubbery trap encircled them even more tightly, smothering them. Coerced into their altered selves, imprisoned by their own identities, the visor-shaped barrier slammed shut.

The corrupted Rangers now stood as distorted incarnations of themselves - zentai slaves, shams of courage engulfed in evil. Their metamorphosis was complete. They had transformed from light-loving protectors into shadow-servants, prepared to corrupt anyone who dared to stand in their way.

Throughout the terrifying transformation, their cries of anguish resounded, but the merciless smothering of the elastic material muffled their cry for help. The gradual and irreversible corruption transformed their once-heroic bodies into something dark and hideous, and every second seemed to go on forever.

As the process neared its peak, the corrupted Rangers could do nothing except sit in zentai suit confinement, their souls eaten by the Morphing Grid's evil energy and their minds muddled by darkness. They realized that nothing would ever be the same while standing there, engulfed by their transformed selves.

Kelsey's scream of terror echoed through the chamber as she realized the truth. "No... no, it can't be," she cried, her voice choked with anguish. "We've... we've become like them!"

Chad's eyes widened in horror as he beheld his corrupted form, his mind reeling with disbelief. "This... this wasn't supposed to happen!" he gasped loudly, his voice hollow with despair.

As Carter looked at his zentai-clad body, a profound sense of loss gripped his mind. "I... I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the chaos. "I didn't mean for this to happen!"

There was no time to feel guilty or regretful as they concluded their shift. Their depravity had taken hold of them, and they were now souls lost in Vypra's inferno.

Kelsey, Chad, and Carter's cries echoed around the room as they battled the stifling hold of their zentai suits. A new kind of fear washed over them as they realized their fate.

"This can't be happening!" Kelsey cried out, her voice trembling with fear as she watched Dana and Joel's transformation unfold. "We trusted them, and now... now they're monsters!"

Chad's hands shook uncontrollably as he tried to break free from the confines of his suit. "We're doomed!" he exclaimed, his words choked with panic. "We're all going to end up like them – mindless slaves to Vypra's darkness!"

Carter's breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to comprehend the horror of their situation. "No way… No way…."

But their pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as Dana and Joel reveled in their newfound power.

"This is our destiny," Green Batling Joel groaned, his voice thick with desire as he caressed his demonic wings. "And with each passing moment, our power grows stronger!"

"There's no escaping your fate, Guys!" Dana cackled with a message of doom. "You're all destined to serve Vypra – just like us!"

With their hearts heavy with grief, Kelsey, Chad, and Carter could only watch in horror as Dana and Joel rejoiced in their newfound dedication to Vypra. They were destined to serve Vypra eternally, helpless against the darkness that had engulfed them.

 "Oh, yes," Pink Batling Dana moaned, her words barely coherent as she relished the sensation of her transformed body. "I've never felt so alive! Vypra's power courses through me – I am her loyal servant, ready to do her bidding!"



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