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Ultraman Cosmos sets out to save Ultrawoman Justice from a looming threat of darkness, only to encounter the formidable vampire lord, Kyuranos. In a desperate battle against overwhelming odds, Cosmos is tragically transformed into a twisted abomination. His heroic spirit is corrupted, and he becomes a harbinger of chaos and destruction under Kyuranos' command.

Will Ultraman Cosmos ever escape the dark clutches of his new bloodthirsty existence?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

Eddie Hauck


Tim Blackwell


Ricky Hartono






Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


Bitey, bitey!

As he loomed over the city, Musashi as Ultraman Cosmos's form cut through the night sky, creating a shadow of impending calamity. Ultrawoman Justice's distress signal awoke him from his cosmic duties, and he hastened to her aid. Under the immense pressure of the situation, Cosmos accelerated himself.

As Cosmos approached the city center, his radar detected an ominous, pervasive atmosphere. The darkness dome, a cruel barrier that the evil Kyuranos conjured, stood before him like an impregnable fortress. As Cosmos prepared to breach the barrier and confront the evil that lay beyond, he hardened his heart.

"I must reach her," Cosmos whispered to himself, forcing himself to soar even higher. "Justice needs me."

With the core of the darkness drawing near, Cosmos's senses sharpened, attuned to the sinister energy emanating from the formidable barrier in front of him. The dark dome was a huge, intimidating barrier that cast a shadow over the city below.

"I will overcome this obstacle with all my might," Cosmos whispered to himself, his voice firm in the face of the crushing uncertainty that tore at his thoughts. "Please, wait a moment. I will pursue you!

Cosmos pounded the dark dome with a torrent of fists and energy blasts, his resolute intent apparent with every blow. But the barrier stood firm, belying his fruitless endeavors to breach its powerful defenses.

"You think you can stop me, Kyuranos?" When confronted with the stifling quiet, Cosmos let out a yell. "You may have darkness on your side, but I have the power of light!"

With a surge of energy, Cosmos unleashed his devastating trademark beam assault. A dazzling avalanche of light, crackling and surging within him, was prepared to burst forth into the night. But a terrifying conclusion hit him as he unleashed the catastrophic bomb on the barrier.

As he watched, the black dome twisted and moved, eventually taking on the distorted appearance of Kyuranos. As a wicked sneer spread across the hideous visage, it mocked Cosmos's fruitless efforts to foil his schemes.

"Ah, Ultraman Cosmos," Kyuranos's voice hungrily boomed through the barrier. "What brings you to my domain? Have you come to join your dear Justice in eternal damnation and fiery hell?"

Cosmos's resolve remained unwavering in the face of impossible odds. "I have come to bring Justice back to the light." The gigantic hero declared it in a voice that resounded with steadfast resolve. "No darkness can extinguish the flame of hope that burns within her."

Kyuranos's laughter echoed through the darkness, a brutal monument of the perilous battle ahead.

"Foolish Ultraman," Kyuranos said with a sneer and filth. "You cannot save her. She belongs to me now, a willing servant to my insatiable hunger."

Cosmos's fists clenched at the thought of Justice succumbing to darkness, his willpower burning brighter than ever.

"Justice may have lost her way, but I will guide her back," Cosmos proclaimed, his Musashi voice resolute. "Even in the darkest depths, the light of justice will prevail."

In a split second, the shadows rushed forward, engulfing Ultraman Cosmos completely. His heroic screams went unheard as he was caught in the maw of the enormous Kyuranos darkness dome. The colossal jaws crushed Cosmos ruthlessly with a horrible crunch and a succession of bone-rattling munches.

Cosmos' spirit remained unaffected even as the darkness engulfed him. With defiance burning brightly in his heart, he refused to surrender to the overwhelming force that threatened to crush him. "You'll never break me, Kyuranos!" As night fell, his cries resounded through the air. "My spirit will endure, even in the depths of your darkness!"

As he was crunched and munched within the jaws of Kyuranos's darkness, pain seared through every fiber of his being. Yet, amidst the chaos, Cosmos's resolve remained steadfast. "I won't let you win! No matter how much you crush me, I'll keep fighting! Aaargh!"

Cosmos endured the excruciating pressure for agonizing moments, feeling the essence of his being squeezed and contorted within the jaws of the relentless darkness. Then, with a violent expulsion, he was spat out from the darkness dome, hurtling towards the unforgiving earth below.

Upon impact, agony coursed through his entire body as the ground sped up to meet him. Amidst the city's rubble, Cosmos plummeted to the ground, sending shockwaves reverberating through the streets.

He writhed in pain as he clawed his way out of the debris. His limbs were heavy and sluggish, and every movement caused waves of burning anguish to course through his damaged body. With his heart heavy with sadness, he stared up at the growing black dome through confused eyes.

Despite all that happened, Cosmos's spirit remained unbroken. Despite hearing Kyuranos's mocking laughter, he refused to give up and acknowledged defeat. Despite the stark showcase of the enormous distance between him and his friend, he realized he couldn't afford to give up.

Cosmos lay broken and defeated in the city's rubble, yet a fire burned within him. Each gasp for air was a solemn promise to himself to get back up and keep fighting the evil that was threatening to engulf them. He knew the fight would continue even after the battle had been lost.

"Your darkness will not silence me," he gasped defiantly, his voice strained but resolute. "Even in agony, I'll defy you, Kyuranos! My purity burns brighter than your darkness! Uuurgh!"

The city lay in ruins, evidence of the devastation the night had caused. Amidst the debris, Ultraman Cosmos stood, his Musashi soul burdened by grief at what he saw. Kyuranos had corrupted Ultrawoman Justice, turning her into a hideous vampire with twisted features. She had been a symbol of hope before.

Cosmos's glowing eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of his friend's depravity. "Justice... what have they done to you?" He whispered with a voice full of grief.

Justice turned to face him, her blood-red eyes gleaming with malice. "I lured you here, Cosmos," she hissed lewdly. "I wanted you to join me in embracing the darkness."

Cosmos was astounded by what she said, and when he realized she had betrayed him, his heart broke. "No... Justice, there must be some good in you," he cried, his voice stiffening with agony. "I refuse to believe that you're lost to darkness."

A cruel sound screamed through the barren landscape as Justice merely grinned. "There is no goodness left in me, Cosmos," she said with a voice free of regret. I am Kyuranos's servant now, bound to do his bidding for all eternity."

Kyuranos emerged from the shadows, his towering form casting a menacing shadow over the broken city. "You should listen to Justice's advice, Ultraman Cosmos," he said with an evil grin, his voice carrying a low rumble that made Cosmos shudder. "Join us, or face destruction."

The threat from Kyuranos caused Cosmos to tighten his grip on his fists, as his drive grew stronger. "I will never bow to you, Kyuranos," he declared, his voice ringing with defiance. "I will fight until my last breath to free Justice from your grasp."

But before he could react, Justice stepped forward, her movements fluid and seductive. "Oh, Cosmos," she cooed, her voice laced with perverse desire. "You have no idea how much I enjoy serving Kyuranos. The pleasure, the arousal—it's constant, overwhelming. You could join us, experience it for yourself."

As Cosmos's silvery stomach twisted at her lewd statements, his frightened anxiety intensified. He fought the darkness as if it were an enemy, refusing to give up hope. Even at the lowest point of despair, there was a glimmer of hope, an unextinguishable flame. The fight for light would continue for as long as Ultraman Cosmos was physically able to do so.

Ultraman Cosmos faced off against Ultrawoman Justice, whose once-virtuous form had been twisted and deformed by Kyuranos' corrupting influence. The tension in the air was tremendous. Cosmos felt a surge of shockwaves envelop her fatigued body with every deadly hit. His movements were precise and quick as he battled valiantly, but the shadows appeared to be drawing nearer and nearer.

Justice unleashed lightning-fast and fatal attacks, driven by the corrupting power of her new master. Her every move was a flurry of activity, and she hit every target precisely. Despite Cosmos's best efforts, he felt his strength dwindling and his sense of purpose slipping away as he battled back against almost impossible obstacles.

Kyuranos watched with twisted amusement as Justice unleashed a storm of darkness, tearing buildings asunder and further weakening Cosmos. "Yes, my servant," he said in a voice full of vengeance. "Finish him."

Cosmos tried to endure the pain and fought to maintain his position, his muscles aching from the effort. However much he tried, he was no match for Justice's unrelenting brutality. The truth hit him with a thud—he was completely outmatched.

"Justice, please," he pleaded, his voice straining with emotion. "This isn't you. You don't have to do this."

But Justice's response was a mocking laugh, her eyes blazing with a dark hunger. "Oh, but it is me," she taunted with an air of vulgarism. "Thanks to Kyuranos, I am stronger than ever before. And now, I will crush you like the insignificant insect you are."

Cosmos felt his heart sink as he saw Justice spiral downward into wickedness. The transformation exposed a once-virtuous soul that had been distorted and degraded. He had hoped he might connect with her on a human level, but it was clear she was hopeless.

The passage of time made Cosmos's motions more sluggish and arduous, yet he continued to battle despite his heavy heart. He knew he had to stop short of injuring Justice as he watched her succumb to evil. He was determined to conclude her, regardless of the cost.

A primitive desire for devastation drove Justice's increasingly vicious and unrelenting assaults as the fight continued. As she took pleasure in Cosmos's pain, she made obscene remarks about him, her language betraying her animosity.

"Is that all you've got, Cosmos?" She grumbled in a voice full of ominous delight. "I expected more from the great hero of light. But I suppose that the darkness can bring even the strongest warriors to their knees.

Justice's true intentions became clear. Her taunts turned to twisted lustful desires, her eyes gleaming with anticipation at the thought of violating Cosmos once she had him under her control.

"Oh, Cosmos," the giant heroine purred. "I can't wait to make you mine. To break you, to abuse you, to revel in your suffering. You will be my toy, my plaything, to use and discard as I see fit."

As Cosmos felt his heart sink at the enormity of her wickedness, he retreated in despair at her remarks. He was determined to stop her in her tracks and defeat her before she could fulfill her darkest dreams. He knew the chances were against him as the night drew in and began to smother him.

"Come now, Cosmos," Justice sang in a voice full of gloomy glee, "I can practically taste your fear. How delightful it will be to break you, to bend you to my will. I can't wait to see the look of desperation in your eyes as you beg for mercy."

The unwelcome coldness of her words penetrated Cosmos's very being, causing him to contract his spine. "You're... "You're sick," thundered the giant hero, his voice shaking with fear and disgust. "You won't get away with this. I'll stop you, no matter what it takes."

Ultrawoman Justice's dark ambitions were on full display as the conflict between Ultraman Cosmos and herself grew fiercer. She assaulted with wickedness and a sick delight at the thought of joining Cosmos in Kyuranos's dreadful realm.

"You fool," she said with a sadistic gleam as she unleashed yet another vicious attack. "Don't you see? This is where we belong. In the depths of Kyuranos's darkness, where pain and pleasure intertwine."

With a heavy heart, Cosmos recoiled in fear at her words. He failed to grasp Justice's motivations for relishing the idea of such torture and her embrace of the gloom that loomed over them both.

"You're insane," he spat, his voice tinged with disgust. "Kyuranos has twisted your mind, filled you with darkness. But I won't let him win. I'll fight you until my last breath, no matter what horrors await us."

With a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, Justice could only giggle. Her voice was tinged with malice as she cooed, "Oh, Cosmos. My dear, you still have no idea, have you? Whether you win or lose is irrelevant. Embracing our genuine selves is giving up to the shadow side that runs through us."

Cosmos shook her head in rejection of her erroneous logic. Never again would he give in to despair or let Justice and Kyuranos win. He squared his shoulders and faced her head-on, determined to meet whatever darkness lurked ahead.

Every glimmer of hope would propel him on in his relentless pursuit of reclaiming his rightful place as a cosmic hero. In spite of her evil ambitions, he would never stop believing in Justice because he knew she possessed redeeming traits that were dormant.

As Justice's black talons slashed through the air, Cosmos felt a rush of anguish as waves of corruptive force rang through his body. He struggled to maintain his composure while his limbs trembled and he moaned in pain.

"I-I will not allow you to triumph over me," Musashi as Cosmos said purposefully, his voice showing signs of strain. "I'll... I'll find a way to stop you, no matter what it takes."

He said the words, yet confusion lingered in his mind. Under such heavy shadows, he felt his drive and fortitude dwindling.

The corruptive power shot through Cosmos, causing anguish. He gasped in pain, his limbs trembling, trying to stay calm.

"I-I can't... This... This power, it's... It's too much," Cosmos gasped with hopelessness. "I'm... I'm just one hero... How am I supposed to fight against... against this?"

Even as he spoke, though, doubt lingered on the edge of his consciousness. His once unwavering courage and will were beginning to crumble under the weight of the looming darkness.

The growing intensity of the inside, throbbing pain was too much to bear. Concern and apprehension obstructed Cosmos's thinking, so he halted. "It feels like... like I'm fighting against hell itself," Cosmos painfully acknowledged. "I never thought it would turn out this way. I don't know how much longer I can keep going..."

 With every passing second, the idea of running away, of escaping this horror, seemed more appealing. Cosmos carefully evaluated the potential benefits and drawbacks. "I am unworthy of doing this... Not at all..." As Cosmos backed away from Kyuranos and Justice's relentless attack, he shook with fear. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

At that moment, Cosmos's bravery crumbled like glass, and he bolted in a fit of pure terror. His pulse racing, he bolted from the terrifying spectacle and rushed towards the safety of the city's outskirts.

A part of him understood that no matter how far he ran, the darkness that had swallowed him would always be there. It would torment him indefinitely as a constant showcase of his inadequacy and fearlessness in the presence of abhorrent evil.

Desperation clawed at Cosmos's heart as he gazed upon the impenetrable barrier of darkness, his hope dwindling with each passing moment. "N-no... I can't... I can't face this," he whimpered, his voice trembling with fear. "I'm... I'm not ready to die!"

Justice unleashed a devastating strike at this window of opportunity, sending Cosmos tumbling to the ground. The insurmountable obstacles crushed his bravery as he attempted to stand, and agony consumed him. Cosmos pushed himself again to soar toward the darkened skies of doom.

With trembling hands, Cosmos reached the elastic darkness barrier, his desperation driving him to seek escape. "Please... please just let me through!Anguish splintered his voice as he pleaded.

The clamor of mayhem all around them, meanwhile, muffled his rebellious statement. Justice's laughter sounded like a dark sonata, a terrible foreshadowing of his impending doom. "Embrace it, Cosmos," she said in a cruel tone. You are ours now, forever."

Cosmos felt himself falling farther into the chasm as time went on, his drive eroding due to Kyuranos's influence. He uttered a feeble "I won't…" in an attempt to quell the mayhem. But he knew in his heart that fighting was pointless.

As Justice's grip tightened, Cosmos let out a primal scream of anguish, his soul writhing in torment as she sank her fangs into his flesh. "No!" he cried out, his voice echoing through the darkness as Kyuranos claimed him as his own. "I won't be your servant!"

Cosmos could sense Kyuranos' evil magic twisting and corrupting his essence even as he fought against the inevitable. "I won't let you... I won't," he muttered, his words trailing off into a tortured whimper as his transformation neared completion.

As another soul gave in to the evil that lurked in the shadows of the city, Kyuranos grinned mischievously. "Congratulations, Cosmos," he said with an evil smirk. "You are now nothing more than a lowly demon, a pitiful denizen of this hellish realm."

As Cosmos gave in to the evil he had sworn to fight, his hopeless resistance faded into the darkness, leaving behind only the sound of his anguished cries. In the face of utter despair, he cried out in a piercing "NO!" as he surrendered to the infinite blackness.

Cosmos saw his memories warping and twisting as the evil forces that were attempting to take his soul consumed him. Pictures of his brave acts were distorted into hideous caricatures, and his virtuous acts were now portrayed as villainous.

"I remember... I defended Japan," Cosmos blurted out, empty and faraway. Even as he talked, the recollections changed into distorted truths. "No... it wasn't like that. I was... I was destroying everything."

His mind recoiled at the realization, but the darkness pressed on, driving the false memories deeper into his consciousness. Scenes of destruction and chaos played out before him, each one more horrifying than the last. "I fought for freedom," he said with sadness in his voice. "I fought for the people..."

But the darkness would not be denied. It twisted his memories further, warping them into a nightmarish tableau of violence and despair. "No... it's not real at all," Cosmos made a feeble attempt at protest, but no one paid attention. As he was pulled deeper into the depths of despair, the memories engulfed him.

"I was a hero," he muttered, his distressing thoughts drowning out his voice. Despite speaking, uncertainty crept in. "Was I... was I really?"

The darkness laughed in response, mocking his feeble attempts to cling to his former identity. "You were never a hero," it whispered, its voice like a serpent's hiss. "You were always a demon, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike."

Cosmos recoiled at the revelation, his mind reeling from the implications. "No... no, that can't be true," he protested, but the darkness only tightened its grip, suffocating him with its harrowing presence.

"You have always been one of us," the shadows whispered, their voice gloomy and hidden in his thoughts. "And now, you will embrace your true nature."

Cosmos felt a crushing sense of loss as he acknowledged the veracity of the words said by the shadows. His every move had been orchestrated to further its sinister goals; he had been a mere piece in its contorted game. "I... I can't," he finally said in a voice that conveyed his pain. "I won't..."

A deluge of horrific memories rushed back, one after another. His once-noble deeds had devolved into depraved brutality, and Cosmos stared in horror as he witnessed images of devastation. In his mind, he was standing tall above the city, wreaking havoc on its naive residents with his thunderous laughter.

"No... no, this isn't me," Cosmos whispered, but the darkness only tightened its grip, dragging him deeper into the abyss of his own mind. He watched helplessly as the memories unfolded, each one eroding his sense of self a little more.

"I fought to protect them," he protested weakly, but the darkness laughed in response, its mocking voice ringing in his ears. "You fought to destroy them," it whispered, its words like daggers in his heart. "You reveled in their suffering, relished in their pain."

Cosmos recoiled at the accusation, his Musashi mind reeling from the implications. "No... I couldn't have," he pleaded, but the darkness would not be denied. It twisted his memories further, warping them into a nightmarish tapestry of horror and despair.

His image in his mind was of himself ripping through the city streets, destroying everything in his route while laughing like a chorus of demons. He watched in awe as buildings fell and terrified people fled.

"It's not true," Cosmos insisted, but the darkness only laughed harder, its cruel amusement echoing in the recesses of his mind. "You know it's true," it whispered, its voice like a serpent's hiss. "You've always known."

Cosmos saw the events unfold with sadness in his glowing eyes. The weight of guilt seemed to be suffocating him. He finally said, "I never wanted this," and his voice caught with sadness. "I never wanted to hurt anyone."

Despite his best efforts, the night would not budge. They further warped his recollections, turning them into hideous distortions of truth. His hitherto admirable goals had been completely distorted, and he was smiling and enjoying the mayhem.

A part of Cosmos started to crumble as the memories kept coming back to him. As all traces of his former self vanished, a hollow emptiness engulfed him.

Despite Cosmos's weak efforts, the barrier stayed rigid, bending and stretching like rubber. It lurched backwards, sending him tumbling into the floor below, and it was disgusting.

As Cosmos fell, the impact shook his senses and hurt his body badly. "I can't..." He let out a loud gasp. "I can't do this anymore!"


As he writhed in pain, Cosmos lay amidst the debris, his will crushed and his optimism gone. He beheld Justice standing over him in his hazy vision, her icy gaze betraying her malicious intent.

"Cosmos, this is your downfall," she hissed with an air of disdain. "You were foolish to challenge us."

Because the shadows had crushed his will to fight, all Cosmos could do was whimper in reaction. "Please, just release me.”

But Cosmos felt shivers go down his back at the viciousness of Justice's laughter. "You are weak, Cosmos," she mockingly replied. "Weakness deserves to be punished."

Justice struck Cosmos so hard that he was nearly knocked out in her devastating final blow. He experienced a crushing sense of loss as the night descended around him. Despite his best efforts, he ultimately succumbed to the evil that engulfed his companion and the entire universe.

When Cosmos's consciousness began to fade, he knew he had failed. He was unable to save Justice or stop the end of the world.

A burst of harrowing energy surged across the town as Kyuranos examined his new minions. As a token of her eternal devotion, Justice, the vampire Ultrawoman, promised her help. However, Kyuranos consumed her with a deluge of evil, warped energy before she could speak a word.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" As the sinister force engulfed Justice, her frantic cries resounded through the shadowy metropolis.

Cosmos watched in horror as Justice changed forms, his mind racing with the inhumanity of the situation. "Please, spare me!" he implored, his voice displaying a mix of fear and anger.

Then the energy rushed over him, engulfing him like a smothering cloak. "Please, I don't want this!" In a fit of pure terror, the giant hero let out a scream as the evil force dared to combine them.

With each passing moment, the agony intensified, driving both Cosmos and Justice to the brink of madness. "STOP THIS MADNESS!" Their cries of anguish became a symphony as Justice's and Cosmos' merged.

Cosmos found himself overwhelmed by a torrent of self-loathing and despair as the fusion process began. "NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" he screamed, his voice cracking with anguish. "I WON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!"

But nobody took heed to his fears, and the changeover went on as planned. Cosmos could sense Justice's essence blending with his own as they fought for survival, their identities fusing into a hideous hybrid. Their screams echoed off the walls of the room as their primal need for power and devastation grew. Unfortunately, his previous ideals were overwhelmed by the increasing thirst for chaos inside Ultraman Cosmos, pushed by the cancerous influence of Kyuranos.

Their twisted form was a horrific embodiment of the rot that had engulfed them. They became an enormous monster with several heads and arms, and they were ravenous to obey their lord. With each passing second, they twisted and transformed into an even more frightening creature, and their transformation was drawing to a close. Cosmos's voice sounded like a whispered confession in the middle of all the weeping as a wave of self-loathing washed over him.

"I'M SORRY," he choked out, his words barely audible over the din. "I NEVER WANTED THIS. PLEASE, MAKE IT STOP!"

But fate has already decided their fates. Kyuranos had wielded the dark powers over Cosmos and Justice, turning them into instruments.

"We are no longer heroes," Cosmos muttered bitterly, his voice tinged with regret. "We have become monsters, slaves to our own darkness."

The once-separate voices of Cosmos and Justice fused into one horrific hymn of destruction and mayhem as their bodies distorted and fused.

"DESTROY THEM ALL!" The amalgamation bellowed, its voice a twisted cacophony of the former heroes' screams. "CRUSH THEIR PITIFUL RESISTANCE!"

The twisted union of Ultraman and vampire was on full display in the horror's numerous writhing and flexing arms. They have degenerated into hideous caricatures of their former, more honorable selves.

A scream escaped Cosmos' mind as the vampire lust of Justice tore at his very essence. "NO! THIS IS WRONG!" he cried out, his words lost amidst the echoing madness.

But Justice's thirst for power and dominance drowned out his protests. "EMBRACE THE DARKNESS, COSMOS!" her voice echoed with lust. "TOGETHER, WE WILL CRUSH OUR ENEMIES AND CLAIM VICTORY FOR KYURANOS!"

Cosmos sensed the shadows distorting his thoughts, stealing his identity, and supplanting it with a base desire for violence and devastation. There was no going backward from that point on.

Cosmos's voice pierced the air like a dagger, choked with self-loathing. "I'm nothing but a failure," he bellowed bitterly. "A pathetic excuse for a hero."

However, the deafening roar of the transformation soon drowned out his cries. As Cosmos and Justice were forcibly melded together, their screams blended into a symphony of agony and despair.

Amidst the chaos, their combined voices screamed with a thirst for power and destruction. "We will be the agents of chaos," they proclaimed, their voices echoing with malicious intent.

With each passing moment, their resolve solidified, and their hunger for dominance became insatiable. "We will annihilate the Ultraman warriors," they snarled diabolically.

Their cries merged, and a sinister need overcame them as they became obsessed with serving Kyuranos and wreaking havoc on the cosmos. Their once-virtuous voices now resounded with a chilling willpower.

Cosmos and Justice appeared as a warped version of themselves as the fusion drew near its peak. They had transformed from heroes into monsters, consumed by hate and enslaved by the night, intent on wreaking unimaginable havoc.

They were Kyuranos's angry manifestations, his warped will's enforcers, and they would do whatever it took to fulfill his evil dreams.

In an instant, the metamorphosis was finalized. Their thoughts had melded into a twisted union of misery and darkness, and Justice and Cosmos had become one.

A whirlwind of sinister thoughts and wants consumed Ultra-Buta as they bowed down before Kyuranos. At last, they had come to terms with their destiny as an acolyte of the shadows, a lowly demon assigned to sow mayhem and devastation according to their master's bidding. They prepared for the upcoming mission with a sad heart and a feeling of resignation.

"Master," they whispered, their voices tinged with fear and reverence. I am ready to carry out your will."

Kyuranos regarded them with a cold, calculating gaze, his void-filled eyes glowing with evil power. "Good," he rumbled, his voice echoing through the chamber. "You will serve me well, Ultra-Buta. Together, we shall unleash untold suffering upon the Land of Light."

At that moment, Ultra-Buta was getting ready for what was to come as Justice's figure twisted around them, turning them into a monstrous beast with two heads. The evil energy became stronger as they moved forward, and they could feel it with every stride. Cosmos has evolved into a twisted combination due to evil magics and an endless desire for destruction.

With a voice that echoed with an otherworldly force, Kyuranos gazed pleasedly at his creation. He said, "Go forth, my minion," and the room resounded with his voice. "Despair and anarchy will be your companions wherever you go. Fear your might so much that it shakes the Land of Light.

After that, Ultra-Buta shifted his attention to the gateway that would take them to their next destination. They had merged into one, a living weapon shaped in the horrors of Kyuranos, prepared to do their master's will.

As the newborn beast faced the entrance, a sense of dread descended over Cosmos. He was aware that he couldn't stop the unspeakable horrors that were waiting for them at their next stop. His lord had ordered him to become an avenger of evil, and he had no option but to comply. At that very moment, Cosmos witnessed his final remnant of cosmic kindness erode, and a voracious appetite for destruction supplanted it. For Kyuranos, he had gone from being a hero to a victim in the face of evil. As he stared down into the abyss, he knew there was no turning back. The shackling of his own shadows, heart, and physique rendered him abruptly powerless.



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