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“The girls finally made it to the party. Friends for years they had decided to go to the party together and dressed in the same costume. None of the friends would have been surprised at all by this, as they did nearly everything together. They had even dated some of the same men…once or twice even at the same time. They were inseparable, and tonight was no different.

Arriving at the party they noticed there was a…lightly different vibe than they had been expecting. People weren’t really engaging, they couldn’t seem to get a conversation started with anyone, even one particularly good looking guy who should have been thrilled to have two Playboy bunnies fawning over him.

Shrugging it off as just being early in the night, the girls decided swing by the punch bowl, figuring getting a buzz going would make everything easier.”


“Filling their cups and digging in, both girls found the punch disgusting. After starting off sweet, a sour, cloying aftertaste caused them to regret sampling the beverage. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with this party, one of them preferred. Hearing no response from her friend, the girl turned and was greeted by an unexpected sight. Her friend was steadying herself on the punch bowl, her body rigid, and a soundless gasp fixed on her face. As the girl watched she saw her friend’s breasts swell outward, first filling, then stretching, the already tight bunny costume she was wearing. The girls had always been beautiful, but never particularly curvy or certainly ‘busty’. Now, however, as the girl continued to stare at her friend, there was no denying that her friend qualified as busty by any measure.

Too stunned to speak, the girl could only stare at her friend’s transformation, entranced by the swelling flesh of her friend’s breasts as they gently, but firmly strained the fabric. Suddenly, a pressure in her own chest drew her attention, tightness gripping her body as she felt her own breasts swelling outward as well. As stunned as she was by her friend’s changing appearance, she was fearful as the same change began to envelop her as well. She looked down at the growing cleavage beneath her, watching as the stretchy fabric of her leotard swelled outward, buoyed by the warm flesh of her growing breasts.”


“Both girls stepped back from the table, their discarded punch glasses abandoned. They glanced at one another, but both were lost in their own changes. They felt their breasts continuing to grow and swell, and the growth was soon joined by their hips, filling out and widening, a perfect counterbalance to the growing proportion of the breasts. Though both girls were alarmed, they felt the blush of early arousal rising on their cheeks. Their growing bodies filled them with new and intense sensations, but they found they could not tear their eyes away from each other. Their own changes were miraculous, but…HERS…her changes were truly something to behold. As she watched, one girl noticed the changes in her friend’s face, her nose drawing up into a cute button, as the first bits of fine, white fur, spread over her body. She began to wonder if her friend’s tail was part of the costume, or…”


“Feeling the fur growing over her body, she couldn’t take it any longer. Her arousal, her need, had grown too strong to be ignored any more. As she changed, she couldn’t tear her eyes from her friend’s changes. Her breasts looked so luscious, so full…and she just had to know what was under that leotard, that tiny sliver of thing fabric standing between her and her desire.

She leapt on her friend, pulling her toward her roughly, dipping her fingers underneath the hem of her costume leotard and pulling it roughly up and out of the way. Her friend yelled at the sudden motion…but made no effort to resist - her own arousal was aching within her and she had been watching her friend with the same intent; she was merely the second to act on it. The rough embrace suddenly felt electric between them, the anticipation of action coupled with the overwhelming image of their friend’s swelling, growing, and changing body…neither girl was interested in holding out any longer.”


“After her friend showed her intent, roughly pulling her costume aside and exposing her arousal, the girl took further matters into her own hands. She spun her friend around now, roughly yanking the girl’s top down and spilling her now enormous tits out into the cold air. Their tiny costume leotards were tearing through as their growing bodies continued to stretch them past their limits. Both girls now stood exposed, their intentions clear, unable to take their eyes, or hands, off of one another. The girl cradled her friend’s massive breast in her hands, feeling her fingers sink into the warm, yielding flesh, seeing the look of lust on her friend’s changing face. She could see her own snout pushing forward from her face, the ears on her head no longer a costume. What was happening to her didn’t matter nearly as much, however, as how her friend looked right now. Her beckoning hips, firm ass, and those enormous breasts…

As she gripped her friend, her friend’s tail brushed agains her stomach, sending a quiver to her loins at the soft and sensual touch. Both women were nearing their limits, pressing against one another and practically grinding their bodies together as they were overcome with intense lust.”


“Flipping her friend around again, reversing their embrace once more, the girl pressed her friend against a door jamb, pinning her there and pressing their bodies together. Their sweaty breasts, soft, yet firm, slid against one another, their perfect curves welling up in ways that neither girl could have ever dreamed of before this. Years of friendship melted away as breathed together, the heat of their breath somehow cool against the sweaty expanse of their enormous breasts. Somehow, it had always been her, they both thought. All those years, all those moments but wasn’t a friendship; it was love. It was courtship. It was her soulmate. The lives they had shared had always been about one another. This was love. Their minds comforted by this realization, the girls fell upon one another, consummating the relationship they had been nurturing for years.”




Great work! Loving this Halloween party themed stories! :)


Thanks! This one was a real challenge with having two characters in it, even though they have the same hair and costumes. Fun, though! I have a few more Halloween sequences to put up, but they may be delayed a bit. Hopefully not so far as to be not worth it, though!